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Posts posted by kimaly

  1. Sounds to me like your lucky and might just get to skip bandster hell. Wait until you talk to your surgeon, I'm sure he has a good reason for the fill. Don't get mad and worry yourself before you have the right answers. You just got banded and should be on a liquid diet so be thankful your not starving because I know I was for a good 6 weeks.

  2. Thank you so much, I feel really great about it. It's really important to me to hit goal just so I know for myself I accomplished what I set out to do, After failing at it so many times before you start to think there's no way you can do it but I'm learning you can do so much more then you ever thought you could if you just get into the right mind set and except help when it's offered to you and don't be afraid to lean on those that support you when you need too. All of ya'll have encouraged me in one way or another when I've needed it. Can't tell ya'll how much it has means to me.:unsure:

  3. 1lb this week but WOO HOO!!!:thumbup: Puts me at exactly 100lbs down since the start of this journey. I'm excited and proud of myself. Not trying to toot my own horn or anything but I'm just feeling pretty fantastic this morning. I'm really glad I have ya'll to share it with. I don't think most people that haven't gone through this band journey don't understand the work and the effort we have to put into this, they just think oh, she had weightloss surgery that's why. But as we all know the band can be a struggle. Although I am very much in love with it this morning.:unsure:

  4. I'm about 2lbs from goal right now and I have no intention on getting an unfill, I just plan on upping my calorie count a bit and see if that works. I'm thinking it will as I have struggled with the last few pounds. Anyway that's the advice I got from another veteran on a different thread. I'll have to let you know how it goes.

  5. Well, I lost 120% of my excess weight - 100% will only take you to the top of the healthy BMI range.

    The 60% figure is only a statistical average. People get banded, some are compliant, some are not, some get sick with complications and lose their bands, some go on to have further surgeries because the band wasnt a great choice with them, some people exercise, some dont, some people become obese purely through lifestyle habits that can be changed, some are fighting much more challenging health conditions, some have real mental dependence on food. All those things combine to mean some people lose lots of weight easily, some struggle, some lose it all, some dont and it all boils down to an average of 60% of weight lost.

    The main factor determining how much you lose is YOU.

    Well said!!!!

  6. I think they are just going on the average loss in the combined bandsters. You have to remember that will also include the ones that don't follow the rules and that alone will bring the percentage down. I am 3 lbs from my goal and have already lost what is to be considered my excess weight and although I follow the eating rules 99% of the time unfortunately I'm not that great on the exercise but I am a busy person so I don't spend alot of time just sitting on the couch so I think that helps. I really think you will get out of the band what you are willing to put into it. Everyone is different

  7. That's fantastic:smile2: I agree, your our hero. So many people would have given up and blamed the band. I'm really proud of you and am glad your a fellow Butterfly.

    Now a question for you, I really want to drop this last couple pounds so I can get to goal and I thought I would do your shake and Jello for maybe a week or two if I can survive, I was wondering if you can have SF jello pudding or does it have to be just the SF regular jello? How many shakes a day when adding the jello? I do the EAS but they are only 110 calories so I don't want to drop my calorie count to low.

    Thanks for the info on the chicken, I think I'm dropping it from my food list and just stick with the fish.

  8. I do have a card, but I have yet to use it. As one of the prior post sugested I order an appitizer or a regular meal and take home the leftovers. I really like buffets better now that I'm banded because I can get a bite of this and a bite of that instead of just 1/2 cup of the samething. I don't mind paying full price but I stick to the cheaper buffets like Golden coral and things like that. I don't think I would want to pay $25.00 or more for one. That would just be a waste.

  9. I really wish I could help but I have never had that happen. It could be the change in your diet, sometimes it takes our bodies time to adjust or maybe you have a bit of a stomach virus. But if it doesn't hurt to call the Doctor if it persist. You don't want to become dehydrated. Make sure to get plenty of liquids. Hope you feel better soon.

  10. Well I go back to the Doctors today. Hopefully we well find out why I am still in so much pain. My breast are fine it is underneath and to the side. I think it might be more from the Lipo. It is a constant burning feeling that hurts alot. Two vicodine every 4 hours helps but still does not take the pain away.
    I had lipo on the sides and underneath my arms and that was the sorest part of it all. I think that's most likely what your Dr. will tell you. Hope you feel better soon.

  11. Sorry, I didn't mean to put a scare into anyone. I'm just speaking from my own experience and it has made me look older. But everyone is different and it depends on how much elasticity you have in your skin. I think the thing that drives me nuts is my jowels are sagging like a basset hound and I've lost 2 of the 3 chins I had so the skin is saggy under my neck. You know it could just be the age coming on combined with the weight loss I don't know or it could just be my ex bestie that felt the need to point out my saggy face so that's what I notice when I look in the mirror. But want to express that it doesn't mean it will happen to you. My DH says I'm just nit pickin cause I spend to much time critiquing every little thing. I think he might be right.

  12. A lot of people get implants with a lift. The top of the breast have a tendency to remain flat, it just depends on how much of it is breast tissue and how much is fat. I had very little breast tissue. Some women are just pleased having them lifted back into place and some women like the cleavage and rounded breast. For myself, I'm a cleavage kinda gal. I really think it's a personal choice. I breast fed 3 babies and it took one hell of a toll on my boobs. The thought of having tube sock boobs with a tenis ball in the bottom just wasn't doing it for me. The total weight of the implants are just under 2lbs(Well mine anyway) With all the other changes my body has gone through and new issues to deal with like my inner thighs look like the mudd flaps on the back of a semi, I feel like my face has aged 10yrs with the loss so at least my breast keep me feeling femine. If I hadn't had them done it would just be another thing I pick apart in the mirror. I'm happy with my choices.

  13. If you join and don't disclose it I think it's dishonest. Think about the people that are doing it without the advantage of the band. Speaking for myself I know I wouldn't have lost this weight without it. If I could have I wouldn't have gotten it. If you were not the one banded would you think it was fair to be competing with someone that was? Maybe you could just do it with them and not officially be in the contest. I just think it's an unfair advantage. As banders we do struggle and work very hard but in the end we still get the extra help from the band.If I won I just wouldn't feel like I won it fairly and if I couldn't win it fairly there would be nothing to be proud of. Just my opinion. And I also think if you have to ask the question deep down you already know the answer.

  14. Tuesday morning weigh in and finely 1 more pound gone. And Charlene, You will be surprised at what size you are gonna end up. When I first got banded My secret goal was a size 10. I was so excited when I got there it made me really want to just get into a 9 just so I could say I was in single digits, and the other day when I went shopping my shorts and Capri's were a size 6. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be buying a size 6.:unsure: Of coarse my shirts were med. large and ex large just depended on the type of shirts I bought. Anything that buttons has to be an ex lg because of these boobs(TMI). Anyway I'll bet you surprise yourself at what size you end up.

  15. No spandex for me, I gave them up in the 80's. I found 4 shirts a pair of capris they're dressy so I can work in them and a pair of shorts(to the knees) also dressy so I can work in them also. I will have to grab a couple more pants. But at least I have something to cover my bootie with for now. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.

  16. Going shopping for new clothes, I love buying smaller clothes but I can't weight until I can go into the maintenance stage. because this nothing ever fitting is getting expensive. I was giving my clothes to friends but now everyone I know is either larger or smaller then I am so the goodwill is loving me. Oh well I think I'll be able to get through the summer with what ever I buy today. I'm having a bit of a hard time knowing what types of things to buy, When I was big I knew how to dress stylish but age appropriate. Now most of the things that fit go from one extreme to another either too young or to old lady(I'm older but not ready to look like an old lady yet). I got dressed the other day and my DD said I looked like my Mom when I said I thought my sister looked more like her she said no Mom I mean the way your dressed. OK I love my Mom but she was in her 70's when she passed away. I'm only 46. So what are you ladies wearing these days? Any ideas on age appropriate clothing would be helpful.

  17. I checked into Mexico as I had my band there and it was a great experience, But the Surgeon that did my lift gave me a discount for being a return client and it only came to $4100.00 including her services the cost of the implants the O R and the Anesthesiologist so I got them done by her. It would have came out about the same or a little less because I didn't have flight and hotel to pay for and didn't have to travel. I was glad I went that route because I ended up having to have revision on the lift after the implants settled (which took 3mo.) And she charged me nothing for that but I did have to pay $400.00 to the Anesthesiologist. I would have hated to have to pay for another trip to Mexico.

  18. I was in that boat, I had a lift 2mo. before banding. The Doc took me down to a B cup and I was wanting a full C. I was devastated and thought for sure I was going to have Frankinboobs forever. 6 mo. after banding I was still upset because they looked so small and the top was kinda flat so I insisted on implants wanting to be a full C or small D But I came out with 38DD's Now that I'm almost to goal they look hugh, Perky but hugh. So my advice is to wait until you get to goal weight before you decide you don't like them. I want to add I love my new boobs now but wish I had waited until I was at goal so they were sized to fit my new body more. But live and learn.

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