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Posts posted by kimaly

  1. I was not saying that at all. What i'm saying is if your having problems and people are trying to help don't shoot everything they suggest down with I can't because if you do you will never know if you could. If others keep babying someone that's in that mode they'll just keep it going. since when did honesty become the problem. most of the time it only hurts when it's true. If you read my first post it wasn't cruel just to the point. you can read in to it what you want.

  2. Okay. I just need a little common sense confirmation. Originally, I was going to have my surgery in June, but last year in June my father died due to complications from heart bypass surgery. So, I opted for July. I wasn't really thinking anything about it until my mother gasped at having it in June.

    Now, I just realized that the date of my surgery--July 16--is the same date that one of my close friends from high school died. I'm not really that superstitious, but it did take me back for a minute. I know everything will be fine, but since my father's death, I know that things you never would have imagined to ask about can happen.

    I have been preparing for the surgery--practicing my chewing, trying out Protein Shakes, reminding myself of the changes I will need to make, etc. But, I am not really focusing on the surgery at all so I don't get too excited or nervous.

    On a more sane note, I would really like some information on the conference in October if anyone has that.


    Theres a thread on it (Lap Band convention) by coachcher. It's in oct. if you go to her blog you can register hope this helps

  3. Kat817 pretty well explains it. she's just a little more elegant then i am. maybe you will understand it better if you read her post. not everything is a personal attack, I'm speaking from life experance. theres always that one person everyone knows them: the I can't people and they are the ones that never do because they're to busy comming up with the negitives in things instead of trying or working hard enough to get what they really want. I will try to pull someone out of it but I WILL NOT buy into it. sorry if my opinions bother some people in that case just skip my post

  4. kimaly, not to question your honesty and sincerity, but if you are a woman who is really happy with herself and cares about herself (no pity parties for you, huh?) why are you so fat that you need a Lap Band?

    Just wondering.....

    I'm happy with the type of person I am you know the important part(what's on the inside) Little info 4 u not all people are fat because we're unhappy some of us have just enjoyed our lives a little to much And I said happy with who I am not with who I was It took me a long time to get to where i'm at and now my body just needs to catch up. hope.

  5. I hope no one takes this as being mean but I've been reading your post, Maybe you could go back and read over your own post and you'll see what others are seeing.I think you have issues that run way deeper then the band. I've never seen such a self pitty party. You don't leave any room for anyone to feel your pain as you are so into poor me. in an earleir post you mentioned going to see a shrink(no offence intended) about why you can't lose weight maybe it would be better to talk to them about why you can't love yourself or why it's poor me so much. I'm a large women, wouldn't be here if I wasn't. But I really like the person I am if I wasn't me I would want to be my friend LoL point being work on that self esteem and maybe you'll gain a better insight. wishing you all the best my thoughts and prayers are with you.

  6. speaking as a tatooed woman(10 times over)if your not into them deffently go with the ring. PS I love mine, they all tell the story of my life. sometimes good sometimes bad lol. I'm really proud & Happy & excited ect. ect. ect. But don't think i'm adding it to my tats. Lots of luck !!!

  7. I'm flying into EL Paso and being driven to Juarez. I'm seeing Dr. Jose Rodrigues. I've had no problem talking to who ever I need to. I've gone through Beliteweight. Jessica is walking me through it. she gives me answers to whatever my concerns are. I'm not promoting my DR. or anything I'm just saying there is other DR. in Mexico near EL Paso. Maybe you could check some of them out and find someone your more comfortable with. I also had no problem getting info on him off the net and the people on this forum are a wealth of information. good luck! :redface:

  8. Joiful, no, I'm not sure I've heard of your place. my DR. is Dr. Rod in Juarez I do think you should find out who your DR. is. I did a lot of research on mine. pros & cons his stats, ed. and so forth.cost was 7000.00 all inclusive except air I live in va. round trip was 539.00. I was wondering how you chose your DR.

  9. Hun, i hope you don't think I'm trying to be mean because i'm not but I don't think you did enough homework on bypass, you may just be going by what your friends telling you. I am a stylest and an instructor and i have many clients with Hair loss after bypass. maybe your down right now and when you get everything taken care of you'll feel differant I hope so, I'll be praying for you. and remember if you did it once you can do it again. That's the good thing about the band if there is a problem you can take it out, you can't take out a bypass. lots of luck in your journey.

  10. Well ladies I have one for you, I had a breast lift 3 mo. ago and a Tummy Tuck 2 years ago. I don't get banded until 7-22-08 what was I thinking? I'll tell you, first I thought It wouldn't be bad if my tummy was flat then that wasn't it then I thought it must be my breast, all along it's been my weight but who wanted to admit that. Tummy tuck (love it) they made my breast to small don't know if I'll correct that later or not. doubtful. I just want to breath, move, and do things with my family without worrying if I'll fit or if the horse can hold me. yes, had that problem a couple of weeks ago. anyway a little backwards but i'll get there. :cursing:

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