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Posts posted by kimaly

  1. Thanks ladies

    Shrinknme, Yes I had a best friend that is overweight and I now refer to her as my ex best friend. I just recently had to cut her off. She was always negitive and I am trying to lead a positve life and have no room for negitivity no matter where it's comming from. I beleave a true friend would be happy for you and not show their negitivity just because they are jealous. And if they think you took the easy way out you know that they have no idea what it's like to be a bandster. It's hard work on both the mind and body. The band has a way of weeding out the not as good a friend as you thought they were people. I say out with the bad and in with the good. OH! and almost everyone in my life knows I have a band. I am not ashamed. I was more ashamed of being so over weight and out of control. Now I am proud of all I have acomplished and that I have taken my life back and those who truely love me are also proud. My DH tells me all the time, He is aware of how hard I work at this and knows it hasn't been easy. He always tells people he's proud of me because he doesn't think he could do it. I've learned just how strong I am this past year and a half and if it took the band to help me then so be it.

  2. WOO HOO! Went to buy a pair of jeans yesterday, I was in a size 10 and thought it was time to move to a 9(single didgits) They didn't have a size 9 in a style I liked so I thought to myself what the heck I'll try an 8 and to my surprise they fit and I had to get a new belt to go with them. The last one I bought was an extra large and I had put extra holes in it recently to wear it. The new one is a medium, I don't know what size medium is but I'll take it. It's nice to have something that doesn't have an x behind or in front of it. Feeling good this morning.

  3. I never heard of someones port being there, how odd. I wonder why he put it there. With that being said, I will tell you I had port pain for a while after surgery. I was starting to think something was wrong, It finely passed and doesn't bother me a bit now and as far as cold things I can't do them I also drink everything at room temp. and in the mornings I have to have something hot like coffee or tea to loosen me up before something else will go down.

    P.S. I want to be a pear! I hate being an apple so wide up top and no bum or hips to speak of. My DD is only 5lbs lighter then me and looks way smaller, She's a pear and has a great figure. She sure didn't get it from my side of the family LOL

  4. Dr. Roberto Rumbaut is my doc, and I am way nervous. My fear is that going to Mexico wouldn't be as safe as going somewhere here in the US. HOWEVER everyone I've spoken with at Dr Rumbaut's office has seemed very professional, not to mention the Dr's glowing resume. Has anyone else been to Mexico for this surgery, or has anyone else scheduled a surgery with this doctor?

    Any general words of advice for me, as a pre-op patient?

    Thanks yall!

    -Jessica :thumbup:

    I had my surgery in Juarez, Mexico by Dr.Rod. It was a great. The people were really nice, like they were glad you were there unlike some US hospitals where they act more like your a bother or just another number. The Hospital was very clean and nicer (almost spa like) then the hospitals here where I live. 5 other people from the US were getting banded the same day I was. We've all stayed in touch and try to encourage one another with our journey. Overall I am quite pleased with the care I received. Just make sure you have aftercare set up ahead of time. It's pretty hard to find a Dr. in the states that will take a Mexico patient. I am lucky enough to have a Fill Center USA about an hour from my home. Good luck and Congrats:thumbup:

  5. I will tell you I had a lift pre banding and went in a DD, When I woke up I was a B cup and very depressed. At the time I weighed 252lbs and looked crazy with them that small. So I went back in and got implants it brought me back up to a D, Now that I have lost most of the weight they look hugh. I wish I had waited until I got to my finale weight to have them done but oh well I'm use to having large breast so I'll be fine. And will tell you that they are about the only thing I truely love when I take my clothes off. I have the breast of an 18yr old at the age of 46. A great place to go to find people dealing with the samething as you is makemeheal.com You can see before and afters from real people and not just the photos the PS wants you to see.

  6. No white carbs for me, but beleave it or not you get use to it. I'm a southern girl and we grew up on carbs and starches. I could give you a mile long list of good ole southern comfort foods that are now off the menu but don't want to cause any drooling:drool: I no longer miss them and I still cook them almost every night for my DH, They just don't appeal to me anymore. You'll be just fine once you come to except that it's just not part of your life now and remember the old saying: Nothing taste as good as skinny feels!!! I must admit I still endulge on a little chocolate every now and again. But beleave it's ok to treat yourself sometimes as long as you follow the rules 99% of the time that 1% won"t hurt you.

  7. I am nearing my finale goal in my journey, I'm not really in your boat because I was a fatty with 100lbs to lose. But I will tell you that the band not only helps you get to goal but to maintain which is the problem I always had. I would lose weight and then gain that plus more back. I was self pay and also think it was worth every penny. I have a new lease on life and have grown so much as a person. Negitivity is no longer in my world i just don't allow it around me. Just make sure the band is right for you, Do your research be well informed and please know that the band is NOT a quick fix. It is alot of HARD work and takes dedication, You'll do great if your really ready for a lifestyle change because that is what it is. Good luck on whatever you decide.

  8. Just checking in. I had a tiny fill this morning and I'm down another 2 lbs, so 20 to go til goal. My doctor asked me not to lose anymore weight, but I feel horrible and fat, so I will continue until I feel happy with my weight and comfortable in my own body.
    I say that you know your body better then anyone and you know how you want to feel and look. Congrats on the 2lbs:thumbup:

  9. first off, Crzy: What a beautiful family. 1 Day: cocholate craving fix: 2 pks of diet swiss miss 1 pk splender and 1 tsp ff carmel topping. Mix well, Top with cool whip free drizzle another 1/2 tsp ff carmel over whip cream= 125 calories. You can reward yourself for walking with this one, and if you want an extra kick sub 1tsp ff carmel with 1tsp chocolate whey Protein.< /p>

    TUESDAY WEIGH IN: Down 1 more lb. I am getting very excited about nearing my goal.:thumbup:

  10. Sorry you had a hard day. I know what you mean about the grandbabies. I had 3 of them for spring break 3yrs,, 4yrs, and 6yrs. I also had a sinus infection, it was a hard week and I love them but was very glad to have my house back. I used the Bariatric Advantage for my 2wk pre op. I found them quite hard to take. I thought they tasted bad. Maybe they are better with the fruit. I kinda stick with the Atkins and the EAS advantage now oh and once a month I do order the pro joe. It is kinda costly with the shipping and handling but I like them so I work them in. I'll check back in the morning with my weekly weigh in.

  11. It's funny I came across this thread because I have been pouting:sad: for a couple of weeks because I lost my wedding rings. I went to the spa and when I got home and went to take my jewlery off I noticed my wedding rings were gone. I only wore them when I went out because I knew they were loose(lot of good that did). Anyway, no one turned them in. I'm heart broke. No other ring will ever be the same. So just a warning if they are loose please get a sizer put on them until you get to goal and can have them sized.

  12. Bypass and the sleeve are to different surguries. I was a Mexico lap bander and if you go that route you need to be prepared to handle the money involved. Most insurance will not cover anything to do with surgery in another Country and it's very hard to find a follow up doctor to take you. I use fill center USA but if the Doctor that works with them here where I lived quit for what ever reason I would be lost. I've tried every lap band doctor on my area and they will not touch a Mexico patient. I only recomend that route to people whos insurance will not cover weightloss surgery. And I don't know why they would tell you that you will only lose 10% of your weight because that is untrue. Next time you see them go prepared, Print the info with the stats and take it with you. If you feel they are not giving you the correct info call them out on it.

  13. I can't speak for everyone but I will tell you alot of us do that from time to time just don't let it get out of control. I myself have done it and felt like crap and then had to deal with the guilt. My fill Doctor says not to beat myself up for it because if you follow the rules 99% of the time that 1% shouldn't hurt you. It's really hard to train the brain to go for what you need and not what you want. It's all a learning process and if it's bothering you your learning. I had a candy bar yesterday so I'll behave for the rest of the month. I do treat myself from time to time but in moderation.

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