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Posts posted by kimaly

  1. This may sound crazy but I had to put my scale in the trunk of my car because I was a terrible scale whore. I would weigh every time I walked into the bathroom. It would frustrate me so much. Now I pull it out once a week on the same day and only weigh in the morning because everyone weighs more in the evening. It gives me a more accurate reading. It also keeps me from obsessing over every little ounce. I got the advice from another bandster and it works for me.

  2. It can take awhile to get to your sweet spot. I don't think at 5mo. out you should be even considering removing your band. It's a tool and will not do the work for you, the learning process can be long and hard sometimes but if your willing to give it your all it will pay off. I agree you might need some counseling to figure out what got you where you are in the first place so you can deal with that and conquer it. Then your tool will make the losing process so much easier. Just stick with it and give it a fair shake. I also think your Doctor should have never have banded you a week after meeting you. He should have made sure you were mentally ready for such a Hugh lifestyle change. Have you considered getting a new Doctor? Are you going to any support groups? These are just some things you might want to think about. And with the band at 5mo. you should be anywhere between 20 and 40 lbs down, That's 1-2 lbs per week so your not as far off as you seem to think. And lying in bed won't help anything it could just be your problem, Get up and get moving even if it's just walking. You have to exercise and follow all the bandster rules if you want to succeed. That's the only way it will work. Just start out slow, anytime you feel like getting in the bed and pulling the covers over your head make yourself walk instead weather it be on a treadmill or outside or just back and fourth in the house what ever your comfortable with just get moving!!!!

  3. Not all carbs are bad, I was told to stay away from white carbs and watch the net carbs in stuff. They are the bad ones. Check with your Doctor because the net carbs might have been what he meant because veg's are good for you and on most of our list from the Doctors as long as you don't over do it. There are alot of vegetarian bandsters and it seems to work for them. Good luck and you'll make it through bandster hell even if it doesn't seem like it sometimes. It does get better as a matter of fact it gets way better.

  4. 1 Day,

    I hope this finds you doing better today. Stress is a terrible thing. As hard as it is try not to let it get to you. I think Charlene is right, going to your Doctor will help. So will the OA. I really think support groups can help get us through the tough times. That's one of the reasons I'm on LBT so much. I can't find any groups in my area. I also think trying to find another outlet for the stress might be a good idea, different things work for different people. I myself write my thoughts and feelings down now(for my eyes only) I'm sure if anybody ever read it they would think I'm insane. But it helps me. I still have the days where I give in and try to eat things away just not as often. let us know if your Doctor gives you any good ideas.

  5. I must say even fat I was never invisible that's just me and the way I've always been, But I do understand where your coming from because I was talking with my PCP a couple of weeks ago and he told me that I still have fat mentality when I inquired about this he went on to explain that when talking about myself I still talk about myself as an overweight person and he didn't think I see myself as average. Of coarse I just made a joke out of it and told him I just don't like the sound of average I'll settle for extraordinary. But truth be told when I got home I thought a lot about that and decided it takes a long time to change your mind set. I mean it took me a long time to really except that I was really obese so I'm hoping one day soon I see myself through others eyes and stop defining myself by my weight.

  6. I would have to say #2 it wasn't my first choice of weight loss but after I failed on all other diets and didn't stick to the so called lifestyle change that I tried many times I did my research and made the best decision ever and got my band. With the assistants of the band it has made it possible for me to stick with it. I wish I had done it sooner.

  7. I can only tell you where I went. Dr. Rodriquez in Juarez, Mexico it cost me $7500 and he and his staff were fantastic. I went through beliteweight and Jessica was my coordinator. But before you go to anyone in Mexico make sure you have an after care facility near you that takes Mexico patients. Sometimes it can be tough. I was lucky and have a fillcenter USA about an hour away. There are alot of good Doctors in Mexico just do your research. Good luck!!

  8. I'm all for a good shaper, and don't mind paying for one if it really works. I buy them all the time, some I like and some I don't. With me it wouldn't really be for weightloss it would be more for shaping the loose skin(hate it) because I am almost at goal weight and just don't like looking bigger then I am because of it. I do wear mine all the time and would like to know if it's comfy enough to wear all day? I was gonna buy one not to long ago offline but one of the reveiws said it was good for about 4 hours a day, Is this true? because I need one to wear 12hrs a day as I don't know anyone that has a 4hr day. So what do you think?

  9. How do you know it's the suit and not the band that has caused the loss in inches and weight? I wear shapers all the time due to loose skin and did conceder Ardyss but it just looked to complicated to get into. (I could be wrong) I read somewhere that the first couple of times you wear it you need someone to help you get into it. Well at 46 I don't want anyone helping me to get dressed. I think if I can't put it on myself I probably shouldn't be wearing it. But good luck with yours and I hope it works.

  10. I suggest to all of you that are struggling to journal your food and don't forget those liquid calories. I can't phantom gaining 30lbs with a band if you are exercising and following all the bandster rules. For the ones that said your only getting 1500 calories a day I would have to ask what type of calories are you getting? Is it calories from Protein? or maybe the wrong types of food. You might want to do the 5 day pouch test to see if your band is working. You can google it. It really works and can help jumpstart you. The band will work if your willing to make the lifestyle change and to say I'm eating less then I did does not by any means mean you are eating right. Please, before you say the band is not working take a look at your lifestyle it might surprise you when you see it in print. Try fitday.com or whatever calorie counting site you prefer. It might just help and I think it's worth the try before you give up on your band. Good luck to all of you. I am wishing you all the best of luck.

  11. I had the same doubts I am also self pay. I will admit I have said many times that if I could do it again I would get the sleeve for the reasons mentioned above but the bottom line is I love my band and 98lbs lighter I have no regrets. I think all of us have the "should I really do this thoughts" The closer it gets to surgery. If your really commited you'll do great. The band is no magic pill it takes alot of work but it is well worth it. Good luck on your journey and welcome to our world. Don't let those nerves get the best of you, Just make sure your going in well informed. Well I might have one regret and that would be that I didn't do it sooner!!!

  12. Tuesday weigh in: You were right Charlene, I shouldn't have changed my ticker because the 2lbs I gained last week are gone again. Maybe it was Water gain or something. Next time I'll wait a couple of weeks to see if it's gonna stay before I add weight back to it.

    I ordered 1 of the davinchi syrups yesterday and paid 7.95 each and then later after reading over this thread I checked lollicup.com and they were on sell for 3.95 each. I'm a shopper so I really hate when I miss a good deal. I'll know next time.

  13. Oooo! I guess i'm on the other side of the fence. don't get me wrong I love the weightloss and can do so much more but i'm more of a spring or fall kinda girl when it comes to dressing because of all the loose skin on my inner thighs I have been trying to figure out ways to enjoy all the boating we do plus all the time I spend in the pool without showing them off. I don't so much care what everyone else thinks but I do care how it makes me feel. They look like mud flaps on a semi. (NOT GOOD) so I really love how I look in clothes but not to big on showing skin. Doing alot of wraps this year. one to match every swimsuit.

  14. I am truly sorry your Mom is having such a hard time. Hope all is better soon.

    With the 1lb up and down thing, That is why I try to weigh the same time on the same day of the week. I count my morning weight, Most of the time you'll weigh a little more in the evenings. You most likely have lost the 2lbs your right it was probably Water gain. Changing the subject, I really would like to have Robert Davis as my Doc, he seems so nice. I wish there show still came on. Well if it does it doesn't around here. I know that just came out of the blue I guess my mind is just wandering today.

  15. I do eat the Atkins Protein Bars as a meal subsitute from time to time when I just can't stop to eat. I always keep one in my purse for emergencies. They have up to 15grams of Protein and 2 to 3 grams net carbs and most are around 160 calories depending what type you buy. After my healing stage when I was first banded they were a stapple for breakfist. Oh and make sure you get the protein bars and not the endulge bars. Which are great but not much value to them. Every bluemoon when I think I really need something sweet I will get the endulge Peanut Butter cups. Not so great but way better then a reeses calorie wise.

  16. I have my date May 18 for the lift and June 8th for the silicone implants( silicone is as safe as saline)the skin on my brest is so thin that with the saline the ripples would be visiable and silicone does not ripple plus it is a more natural look ( I'm almost 50 ) and natural is what I want. I'm not wanting to look like a 25 years old just want the old girls to look like they are alive and well not sleeping on the job. hahaha!! I will try and keep you all posted and I will take pictures (clothed ofcourse ) wish me luck...
    I wish you all of the luck in the world and am very happy for you. I did get the saline but mine are under the muscle so there is no rippling and they do look natural. I'm sure you are gonna love them. Just don't spend to much time looking at them as soon as you get them because it can really frightin you. I thought for sure I had Frankinboobs. It took mine 3mo. to drop into place but everyone is different, Some drop right away. Anyway I love love love them now. If you would like to read about others that have or getting this done you might want to check out makemeheal.com you can also see alot of pics from real people and not just the ones the Doctors want you to see.

  17. I have a DH and also 3 grandbabies I take care of a couple times a week and I keep snack cakes and I also bake alot for them I make my DH a big full country dinner every night, The way I handle it is I have my worst fat picture I could find hanging on the fridge. It helps remind me of where I don't want to be. I will say I have the advantage of already having a band but it really helped me with my 2wk pre op also. Then there are days where I just let myself have a little something but I always count it in my calorie count for the day. It might help ir you start journaling your food now. Try fitday.com. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Lots of luck.

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