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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by walker6153

  1. I had the same thing. I was constantly throwing up due to the hernia. My surgeon just corrected the hernia and made the diaphragm hole smaller without a bypass revision. . My problem now is that I’m struggling with that stuck feeling and feeling a bit nauseous. My surgery was just 2 weeks ago, so still figuring it all out

  2. So I was sleeved on April 3 and am finally getting back to normal. However, a lot my tastes have changed. And even one that I didn't think of. A few days ago, my wife and I were fooling around a bit and I took a little "diving trip". But things tasted very different. Anyone else have that? Or am I just readjusting to flavors?

  3. 13 minutes ago, mylighthouse said:

    First, congratulations on your surgery.

    I know it can be hard to get your liquids and Protein in. Right now, I wouldn't worry too much about the calories.

    If you are unable to get Protein Shakes down, I want to offer you a suggestion. Try an unflavored good Protein Powder such as unjury or Isopure and you will be able to mix it in broth, Soup, yogurt, etc. Or maybe even better in your case, you can also mix it into drinks such as Crystal Light, Powerade Zero, or my favorite, Decaf unsweet iced tea. Maybe a Protein powder in one of those drinks will help, as it does not thicken like a regular Protein Shake.

    Really concentrate on getting those liquids in, you might want to set goals for yourself every half hour or so... like "I will drink this many ounces every 30 minutes." You certainly don't want to get dehydrated, and it can happen very easily. It happened to me twice and I had to stay at the ER and get IV liquids for half a day.

    Liquids and protein... very important. Calories at the moment, I wouldn't fret over that.

    I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Any ideas on drinks that don't get stuck in your throat? Water, crystal light and milk all get stuck right before the stomach.

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