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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by pinkdots410

  1. pinkdots410

    3rd week post op diet and feeling weak

    Hi! We were banded on the same day! My energy has diminished as well...I had to let my surgeon know that I NEEDED my iced tea in the morning and afternoon for energy! That has helped. I also try to stay moving to keep the blood flowing. When I was at home, I would just lay around and would be tired all day - being back at work has helped alot. Congrats on your weight loss, you are doing really well!! Hang in there...we'll be on regular foods soon!:cursing:
  2. pinkdots410

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Thanks ladies!! :cursing: The only bad thing is - my surgeon said that since I am doing so well, I may not need a fill on the 3rd of July...she said, we'll see. BUT she may be right, I do still have a good amount of restriction from being filled during surgery. I just hope I continue on this pace and I do want to start exercising! Good luck to everyone else..I hope we continue to do really well!
  3. pinkdots410

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Went to my appointment this morning - down 17 pounds since surgery!!!!!!!!! Seriously, will someone please pinch me? :cursing:
  4. pinkdots410

    Is this a measure of our problem with food?

    Very good point. Just because we CAN eat something doesn't mean eat it...or try it! :smile2: I have made the decision to get the band and follow the rules. No more over-indulging - I've had 10+ years of pigging out and testing my limit with food - IT STOPS HERE. I am determined to be successful! No more starting diets on "Monday" for me. It will not kill me to stay on liquids for 3 weeks, mushies for 2 weeks and then eating healthy - Protein first, then veggies then carbs. It will not kill me to give up caffeine and sodas for 6 months - I've over-indulged on soda for far too long. It will not kill me to avoid alcohol for 6 months - I will have the rest of my life to enjoy the occasional glass of wine or beer. Now is when I LEARN self-control and for once in my life be successful at weight loss. Now who will join me?
  5. pinkdots410

    Time off work?

    Today is my first day back. I took 2 weeks off, and I think it was the perfect amount of time. I like to keep busy and I missed my team (I am an executive assistant). I enjoyed 2 weeks of cleaning my house, running errands, watching movies, reading, working on my wedding planning business... it was nice. But I was ready to go back to work! My job offers 12 weeks of paid leave - I was so tempted to take the full 12 weeks (my doctor would have written the not for whatever I said I needed)...glad I just took the 2 weeks.
  6. pinkdots410

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    WOW! Everyone is doing really well!!!! My Post Op appt is on Wednesday...I'll report in my weight then...Hoping for at least 15. fingers crossed!
  7. pinkdots410

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Hang in there Shannon! I felt awful at first, the pain was worst than I expected. My port incision hurt like hell. I couldn't laugh, bend, cough, or stand up straight, without being in pain. BUT about a week out, I felt back to my normal self, pretty much pain free. Time will heal your wounds and before long, you will forget what the pain feels like! I am still in shock that I got this done. I get so proud of myself, I could cry at times! I am so happy I did this for me. The best part for me is that I can finally say that I will lose weight AND MEAN IT! Not hoping and wishing and starting every Monday on some new diet, that never works. This is the best decision I ever made!
  8. pinkdots410

    Anyone else eating normal?

    I can't wait to start eating "normally"... good quality, fresh food in smaller portions, feeling satisfied. I have 1 more week of liquids, then on to mushies. Then soft regular foods, then normal foods for 2 days and then a fill. I am looking forward to a nice salad from the Whole Foods salad bar! Head hunger is so funny. I have heard people talk about it, but couldn't grasp the concept of what it was. I now know what it is - I had a hard time this weekend. I wanted a bite of a bacon cheeseburger sooooo bad. My mouth even watered looking at one. LOL! But I am happy to have the band and am willing to put the work in for results!
  9. pinkdots410

    Shoes shoes shoes!!! :)

    Oh I am a shoe-aholic! he-he. I have always been able to wear heels (but never more than 3 inches). I was banded the 19th and even losing about 10 pounds (all water weight, I know) - my feet are looking slender. I can see the veins in them, lol. AND I don't have the "muffin top" I had in all of my pumps, you know that fat that bubbles over near the opening of the shoe. I am looking forward to a night out on the town in a cute pair of 4-inch stilettos!
  10. pinkdots410

    Urinary Catheters

    No catheter for me, THANK GOD! I had to give a urine sample before surgery, so my bladder was empty anyway.
  11. I am on FULL liquids (creamy Soups, yogurt, pudding, etc) until June 6th. AND I am supposed to have 54 grams of Protein a day (yeah right)...boy is it hard! I am looking for new ideas...I think I am hungry, but it may just be gas. :cool2: I have been drinking alot of apple juice and Water. And decaf ice tea. I had half of a protien drink yesterdy - it was delish...banana Peanut Butter. I have the vanilla soy protein from GNC, but have yet to try it. I am also going to start making the slim fast shakes soon...I'll need them for work for sure. I have also tried some cream of wheat and was only able to get down a few spoonfuls. That's about it...I am not getting in enough calories for sure. What are you guys having? I can't wait to progress to mushies, I want some tuna or some refried Beans and cheese! :thumbdown:
  12. This is why I am afraid of having a scale in the house. I was banded on May 19th. Though I can clearly see a difference in my face, hands, and jeans - having lost some Water weight, I have yet to step on a scale. Right now, I have no desire to. I know the minute I go out and buy a scale, I will become obsessed. BUT, I will need to track my progress though...I think I will buy one this weekend, weigh in on Mondays and have my husband hide the scale from me until the next weigh in day. That is the only weigh I won't become obsessed, weighing myself everyday. :wink2:
  13. pinkdots410

    Ello lovies!

    Hi Tabby! Welcome to the boards! This is a great place to be while starting your journey. Congrats on the approval - the hard part is done...now you just have to go through the information sessions and get ready to be banded! :wink2: I was banded on May 19th. Like you, I have tried every diet known to man, miserably failing and gaining even more weight. I decided to get banded and it was the best decision I have ever made!! I feel great knowing that I can and will finally lose the weight. I wish you the best of luck! :thumbup:
  14. pinkdots410

    1st fill today for this May flower!!

    Congratulations ladies!! I don't go until July 3rd :scared2: Was the fill covered by insurance? That is the one thing I forgot ask...
  15. I am now almost 7 days post-op and am having terrible gassy, crampy diarreah-like pains. I sometimes pass the gas and I am having really soft bowel movements, but for the most part, it's just the pain. I am on full liquids until June 6th. Today, I mashed some white navy Beans and mixed it with the broth and a little rice from chicken and rice Soup. It was yummy but soon after, I got the pains again and my stomach still hurts 7 hours later. :sad: The same thing happened yesterday when I pureed vegatable beef soup for dinner. Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be concerned? I read that Immodium AD would help or yogurt. Any advice is appreciated!
  16. pinkdots410

    Banded yesterday

    Hey May Bandsters! I was banded yesterday morning. My husband and I arrived at the hospital at 5:45 am...I was a nervous wreck. I got admitted, signed more paperwork and went into pre-op to prep. The nurse there was really nice, we chatted to take my mind off the surgery, I guess she could tell I was nervous. I met with the surgeon, who was so sweet. She gave me a hug and had me sign the release forms. She assured me that I was in good hands, made me feel really comfortable! The anesthesiologist then came in and met with me. Had me sign release forms and explained that I was only going to be out for an hour and a half and that he would administer the medicine through my IV and oxygen mask. They wheeled me off to the OR. It was about 8:30. On the way, he gave me a nice relaxing IV shot - which made me smile ear to ear, LOL! The last thing I remembered was the nurse saying, "you are going to smell something sweet through your oxygen mask, it's going to put you to sleep"....and I woke up in the recovery room, at about 10:30. I remember the room being a blur since they made me take my contacts out before surgery. That freaked me out a little when I woke up. I also remember my left side of my stomach being on fire in pain! They gave me morphine through the IV, which made things better - but not good. I was wheeled into my room. I was greeted by my husband which made me cry - I guess it all hit me what I had done. He came over and asked how I was, holding my hand, which was comforting. Then the work began. I immediately had to begin my breathing exercised and coughs which was soooo painful! The medicine had worn off (the morphine) so they gave me another dose. It helped, but again, I wasn't pain-free which for some reason I thought I would be. :cursing: At 1 pm, I had to go down and get an x-ray of the band. They tried to make me walk, but as soon as I stood up, I got faint and nauseous - which made me cry again - I DID NOT want to throw up! The nurse got a wheelchair and wheeled me down to get the x-ray - thank god! After swallowing the barium (YUCK) and having to stand up for the x-ray, I got nauseous again!! :cryin: They were done and had me go back up to my room. When I got up to my room, they gave me something to take the nausea away - which helped. They also started me on the liquid pain meds Lortab, which was a little better and I finally began to be comfortable. I did not get to rest at all, I was either walking, do breathing excerises or getting poked, and having my vitals taken. This continued all night! Up until I was relased today at noon. All in all, it was a much painful experience than I had imagined. I was in more pain than when I had my C-Section, I guess because I was not given a morphine pump this time...I dunno. I am just happy to be home. My surgeon gave me a Lortab prescription, which I started and am still very soooooooore!!! And GASSY beyond belief :sad: I am sipping and walking and breathing and repeating the cycle...not fun...but hey - I will do it - I WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL! Wishing us all continued recovery and success! sorry for the typos.
  17. pinkdots410

    finally banded

    Hi! Congrats on being banded! I was banded on May 19th and I was (and still am) in pain - my somach was really sore espeicially where the port site is...and the gas was terrible. BUT it gets better. I feel normal again and the pain is very mild. I think moving around and walking helps alot. Good Luck! :rolleyes2:
  18. Hey Terri! Congrats on being banded!!! I will have to give that drink a try! 40g of protien in one drink sounds like a great way to get it in!! Is it really expensive?
  19. pinkdots410

    Outfits as goals

    Go Kate with your skinny little legs!!! :cool2: You carry the weight really well - looking very slender! My goal is to get into a pair of size 14 designer straight-leg jeans (with some spanx of course) and feel fab!! Now if I can just muscle up the courage to buy them! I was carrying a pair around a store last weekend and decided to leave them behind! That is one thing that we still need to do together, Kate - GO SHOPPING! :biggrin2:
  20. pinkdots410

    Drum Roll Please...... May 19th Surgery!

    Hi Dorothy, I am doing well..still sore and very exhausted. BUT I have been trying to rest and walk at the same time - so it gets a little crazy. I am having a hard time keeping liquids down - I can only take 1 sip at a time, which is a welcomed change!! I am NOT hungry at all, I hope this lasts!! I tried a Protein shake for the first time today - it was really good (the 2 sips that I had of it, LOL). It was CHIKE brand banana Protein powder - my surgeon's office gave me a ton of samples - half cup of 1% milk, half of a banana, 1 tbs of Peanut Butter and ice, blended until smooth...it was yummy - if only I can finish it! I really don't see how I am going to be able to get 54 grams of protein in a day on just liquids...I can barely get in 32 ounces of tea, Water and apple juice... Hopefully it gets better... OK, off to move around a little more. May 19th-ers please post and let us know how you are doing and what you are drinking.. cheers!:tongue:
  21. pinkdots410

    Post-Surgery Check-In

    Hey everyone - just thought I'd check in. I am doing a little better, still really sore near the port site and a l ittle nauseous and gassy. This time it's the burping though. It's like I have to burp and it's stuck but it won't come up. Having some black cherry Jello for Breakfast with apple juice. I will try a bit of protien shake later today, even though I tried to have pureed chicken noodle soup for dinner and could only take 2 spoonfuls before I felt like I was going to explode! LOL! OK - off to take my Lortab elixer and do my breathing... hope everyone is doing well!
  22. pinkdots410

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    Doing great girls!! Was just banded yesterday - can't wait to start losing with ya!! It may be a good idea to buy a scale, LOL! I threw mine out years ago and never replaced it. :cursing:
  23. pinkdots410

    Why Lap-Band?

    One word = LEAKS! I was seriously considering going with the Bypass - until I started reading about the complications. The Lap Band is far less invasive, no re-routing of any intestine. I also like the fact of losing slowly, but steady. It's a more natural pace, which I like. No radical weight loss which can come with that droopy "once-obese-now-skinny" look. All in all, I think the Lap Band is a fabulous tool for those of us who are tired of trying every diet on the market and is ready to lose weight and get healthy without a radical procedure.:welldoneclap:
  24. How can it be done? I have plans for lunch and a movie with a grlfreinds and clients - when I will be on full liquids. I don't care to disclose why I can't eat and I don't want it to be awkward with me just drinking as everyone else digs into thier meals! How did you do it? Any advice on how to handle this situation would be appreicated! Thanks!!
  25. pinkdots410

    Less Than 24 hours Post Op (My Lap Band Surgery)

    Thank you for sharing your story! I had butterflies reading it...hope mine will go as smoothly as yours. The anesthesia is the part that worries me...coming to in pain. Hope you are getting rest and taking it easy...cheers to a speedy recovery! :thumbup:

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