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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Carmencita!981

  1. This is my first post on this site. I had the sleeve on April 3rd. At 5 weeks out I still cannot eat more than a couple of tablespoons of food. I am struggling to get my fluids in because it hurts when I drink more than sips. I was in the ER last week and had to get 2 L of fluids. Is anyone else having these issues? I am having "buyers remorse!"

    I'm also from April 3rd and experiencing the same problems and even buyers remorse. I'm even stuck on the same weight and have been for a couple of weeks so this is a bit depressing.

    All we can do is keep moving forward and focus on our ultimate goal which ever it is for you, stay and keep healthy no matter what.

    Water: try drinking one glass when you wake up and at least 3 by midday. Each glass of 400ml if possible. Try to achieve the same after 1pm until you go to bed.

    Food: since it's quality not quantity, try sticking to chicken breast, scrambled egg whites, turkey ham, Protein Shakes and Soups until you feel better when eating solids. Also green Beans or cauliflower with butter and garlic should be soft.

    Good luck and try posting and letting us know how you are getting by.

  2. Hi all! I am still struggling with identifying the "full" feeling. I start to get what feels like gas to be and/or I have to burp and I stop. I am 4 weeks post op and I was just bumped from 2oz of Protein to 3oz and I am stopping before the 3 which I know is ok. I have a big fear of stretching my stomach. Was hoping others can share how they know they are full. Thanks

    I will be 4 weeks on Monday. I have to admit I don't weigh what I eat but definitely use common sense.

    I get that same pressure or gas feeling when having food and after I burp it goes away.

    I know I'm full when that harmless gas in the form of a burp seems to carry the taste or the food I'm having. That's definitely an indicator that you've reached your limit.

    It's better to avoid this but every now and then it happens to me.

  3. I eat the same thing every day. (I am the kind of person that can do that, but I understand that everyone is not wired like that.) I eat 7 times per day, about 2 hours apart. I drink 32 oz of Water after Meal 1, another 32 oz after Meal 2, and 16 oz after Meal 3. I also have 16 oz of Powerade Zero after Meal 6, and 8 oz of water mixed with 8 oz of PowerAde Zero after Meal 7.
    The meals look like this:
    Meal 1: 1 scrambled egg with 2 oz grilled chicken breast
    Meal 2: 4 oz cottage cheese with 1 T of sugar-free strawberry preserves
    Meal 3: 1 string cheese, 5 ParmCrisps, and 2 oz grilled chicken breast
    Meal 4: 3 oz salmon with 1 oz green beans
    Meal 5: 2 oz hamburger steak (90% lean) with 1 oz green beans
    Meal 6: 3 oz grilled chicken breast with 1 oz green beans
    Meal 7: 4 oz cottage cheese with 1 T of sugar-free strawberry preserves
    I've been eating this way since I finished working through my food stages at about 2 months post-op. But, I kept my carbs below 20 grams even during the food stages. I stayed on liquids an extra week because I wouldn't eat the next stage's foods (ripe banana, cream of wheat, etc.), and I just avoided anything on my NUT's list that had carbs. It was tough, but it was the only way I knew that I could be successful.
    I hope this helps.

    Thank you so much for all the info!

    I will try this for sure when I'm allowed to have chicken and green Beans. Your regime sounds really tasty and not boring at all. It's got everything and specially something sweet between meals!! I love it. I also don't have a problem sticking to the same food for long periods of time, specially if it's as tasty as that menu.

    I do love exercising, mainly doing cardio so now I'll focus on keeping Carbs at 40g but will keep exercising. When time comes I'll see how this meal plan works out but I know it would be perfect!

  4. For me, purging carbs from my life was a necessity to be successful. I restrict myself to 20 carbs per day, and have been that way for over a year now. Once you get used to it, it is just a way of life. I have a passing thought about something carby every now and then, but it passes. Losing almost 190 pounds is worth a lot more to me than any food, drink, or carbohydrate!

    How do you manage 20g carbs a day? Can you tell me what you eat? I've been looking at my stats in the App and I'm around 40g! [emoji33]

  5. I was addicted to carbs, sugar, processed foods, fat and diet cokes before surgery. My cravings started coming back at the end of week 2 post-op. My advice to you, which everyone has some, and everyone's will be different, is to not eat the carbs, especially in your second week. I was told I could have a dry piece of toast at the end of my soft food stage. Yuck-who wants dry toast!!! I am now 2 months post-op and I can walk by donuts, free soda machine, M&Ms, all without a second thought. (Our coffee bar at work as at least 5 different sweets in it at any give time). Do I want them - um yeah! But it is my head craving it now, not my body, so it is much easier to ignore. I know it is hard - heck we've been eating all those bad things for years and they were really, really yummy. Protein needs to be your primary focus and for the first four months that is pretty much all you will be able to fit in to hit your Protein levels. You want to hit your protein levels as this is what helps your stomach heal, largely contributes to the weight loss (without eating away at your muscle), and keeps your hair from falling out.

    Thanks so much for that great piece of advice! I will be strong [emoji1377]!

    What's the regular protein goal per day? I'm using the BARITASTIC app and it says 65g by default. Is this everyone's goal?

  6. Hi guys, I'm in day 11 after surgery, still on Soups or creamier fluids. But I was just wondering if any of you introduced whole wheat toast or crackers, bearing in mind that if you chew it properly it will be pulverize by the time it hits your stomach?

    In which week did you try a healthy pancake (the oats-egg-milk kind)?

    I know I have to keep my carb intake as low as possible but I can't help crave for these things. I'm sure some of you are in the same boat as me. I'm just wondering how can I manage or cope with this.

  7. My doctor joked about making me walk home from the hospital until we told him we live almost 40 miles away. Then, he dialed it back to walking the last block.
    He's a real comedian.
    Ive been walking probably a cumulative 30 min a day on better days but some days I'm so exhausted, I fall asleep for the night before my evening walk.
    So how much did you all manage to walk that first week? When did the surgical fatigue start to lift?

    You are doing amazingly! I've tried to walk but get light headed if I do it for 30 mins. I should be able to manage that but it seems impossible right now. My surgery was on April 3rd so I guess my issue is not getting enough food to sustain too much exercise.

  8. My surgery date is April 25(2days before my birthday). I was wondering how long did you wait before driving?

    I started driving on day 7 after my surgery. It's not that you can't drive but you must take in account that your reflexes are slow and that you are weak and lightheaded. You could get into an accident if you can't react on time. Try getting an UBER and you will be safer.

  9. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. My husband and I were literally just talking about this and whether or not I should call the doctor tomorrow.

    Don't feel discouraged, it makes sense that with a Clear Liquids based diet it's impossible to discard anything from you body but pee. Well, today was the day! I finally pooped! It sounds silly but it was such an event for me, physically Ana mentally! But it was just like the doctor said on Monday: "Once you start with Protein Shakes and creamier meals in Week 2, you will go to the loo" ... and so it happened!

  10. Hi guys! Today I complete my first week after surgery. It's been a pretty smooth ride thanks to forums like theses and so much info out there. I'm just worried I can't tell if it's normal to not have gone to the bathroom for the entire week! I mean, I know my liquid diet has been broth, apple juice and Jello (yesterday started with Protein shakes) and I've read that Constipation is normal, but it says that it's for 3 or 4 days. Did anyone go through this?

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