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Just Banded

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Just Banded

  1. I wish someone had told me that if you get stuck really bad you have to get more fill than you wanted taken out and you might go back to old habits...and it's really hard relying on willpower and having everyone tell you that willpower is all you have because the band "is just a tool"...and my tool right now is a screwdriver because I am totally screwed unless I get my fill put back in because I am a total food addict that obiously has issues

  2. this really makes me upset to it here and admit that I have gone from 155 to 172. I didn't even realize it got this bad. Most of the weight came on in the last 4 weeks. It is shocking how fast the weight came on. When I got the fill removed and went from 155-160 I thought that was bad and now i'd do anything to be back there. I have struggled with weight my entire life... I didn't have anything like diabetes or hypertension- just knew I had to have this lap band to get some control in my life, as we see not having it work full force has been bad for me. Of course gaining weight with pregnancy is allowed... but now it's like I have to take 2 steps back before I can take 1 forward...

    the only other issue is my thyroid in which I have been having bloodwork done every month. it was off kilter in june and I got put on the right dosage first week in july.

    how bad is my weight situation and how much should I be losing... do I have to lose at all? is losing 10 better?

  3. Please don't pay attention to my stats, because I have been in bandster hell ever since I got fill removed about 3 months ago and have gained 15 lbs.

    I went to my OBGYN today and she is urging me to drop the weight before pregancy (wasn't specific on exactly how much)

    I am really depressed about this because I really don't want to wait, I want to try to see if I have any issues gettin pregnant and don't want to delay the process.

    I am supposed to go in for a fill next week- do you think I should give it all I got for a month and try to drop 10 lbs- like low carb and excercise? I am not quite sure how much weight is considered "unsafe" - my BMI is probably 30 for my height. Or if I'm ok...and she just wants to be safe than sorry. I read somewhere on the internet about hypertension and preclamsia and how the ultrasounds can't see through all the layers of fat...but what weight were they refering too? I really think I have a lot of muscle...because the number on the scale doesn't look like it's me...I always look 10 lbs less.

    Or can I go ahead and start trying and cancel my fill and start trying?

    I hope someone out there can help

  4. well you can always enjoy pizza without the bread!

    The thing about not being in control of selecting your own food is really hard with the band. You can try educating your parents that you must eat a certain way or else you could posibly damage the band. If you get stuck often it could cause the band to slip and everything backfires after that.

    For instance, if all they brought home was soda- for sure you couldn't drink that- so you would have to tell them you couldn't have that.

    I can't imagine they don't want to support you by purchasing things you request on a list.

  5. thank you for all your good responses.

    I think what bothers me most is that she thinks I am lazy or weak. I know its been talked about a million times before and it is the farthest thing from the truth!!

    I wish more was being done to educate the public about the band so they can get off their high horses. Of course someone who has never struggled probably will never understand. Just like I have never know what it is like to be skinny.

    If she tries saying anything more to me I'm just going to say- people pay thousands of dollars for this device- that was invented for a reason- I doubt that millions of people in this world would be shelling out that kind of money if it wasn't needed!

  6. did you watch the video at all?

    it talks about eating certain foods and not snacking and eating at certain times because it affects leptin and our biological survival mechanisms to hold onto fat rather than release it.

    its very informative.

    the reason why obesity has not been "treated" effectively with a leptin drug is because it doesn't exist- and can't exist also, doctors prefer pushing drug companies that wine and dine them.

    I personally have f'ed up my body by over eating and snacking too much my entire life so it is a very hard thing to reverse. I am aware that I may be leptin resistant, because it seems to be the exact culprit in my weight loss hinderance. Even with the band it is hard for me to not desire a snack.< /p>

  7. I know what you are saying, because there are a lot of emotions that get stuffed down with the food.< /p>

    Eating is a very satisfying endeavor.

    I am always excited to eat- even if it's my Protein shake! Gee- my food addiction didn't dissapear after 21 days!

    So, yes I can relate to the fantasies about going to town on certain foods.

    We have to ask ourselves WHY. Probably because we get some sort of good feeling response in the brain. Like a drug addict or alcholic, it calms us, it's our "fix"

    BUT- when I am reallllly restricted and not hungry at all things change: I do not care about food- I do not think about eating.

    This is why I need my band. It is doing something right for me. It's like I am a dog on a short leash...yanking me away from making bad choices.

    For example, pre band if some warm fresh baked bread was placed on the table at a restaurant- I would get so excited and would immediately be shoving it into my mouth in 2 seconds flat. All the while eyeing the other pieces and obsessing over which piece I would devour next. Each bite was heavenly. Then I would order my meal and practically lick the plate clean. Of course an hour or 2 later I would be hungry again.

    Now, bread comes to the table and I don't even give it a second thought. It' an automatic "no".

  8. I am invited to a fundraiser and it's an "all you can eat" deal at this restaurant. Tickets are $25 and all my friends are going.

    I am still on liquids until my swelling goes down and will not be able to particpate in any of the eating. Even so, I STILL would not get to engage in "all you can eat" at any time with the band!

    I can either:

    a. go, make the donation, and be the only one not eating at the table and have everyone ask me why I'm not eating

    b.not go

    It's so awkward! Anyone have any advice?

  9. -you will be sore so make sure you bring a comfortable pillow for the traveling to protect your incisions

    -bring your breathing excercise thing they give you in the hospital

    -be careful what you pack- as you cannot do any heavy lifting

    -keep hydrated by sipping water- bring a special cup

    -as said above, make sure you bring your own liquids since you will not be able to eat anything else for the first few

    -bring your gas x strips and pain medication- liquid tylenol

    -bring some saran wrap to cover your incisions because you don't want to get them wet while showering and you cannot take a bath

    everyone's recovery time is different. I had my surgery on a wednesday and was back at work on monday and hating myself. Sitting down a lot helps. To me, it just felt like someone sucker punched me reallllly hard. Your food intake will be minimal, so keep that in mind to your daily activities and make sure take it easy.

  10. I wish I would have kept my big mouth shut before telling my mother in law what I went thru this week not being able to eat for almost 3 days.

    She said: why don't you just get that thing taken out?

    Then proceeded to lecture me on all I ever needed was diet and excercise. Of course she is a size 2 or 0 and has been her entire life.

    All I could say was that I love my band and it was the best thing that has helped me control my weight all my life and that obesity is on the same level as being an alcoholic or dug addict. A few days of not eating was not going to kill me.

    Still...she is verrrrry opinionated and I feel like she is shaking her head at me.

    It's not like I need her approval for what I have done- but I don't like the feeling that she thinks she knows more than me on the subject. This band was invented for a reason. It angers me that she doesn't get it.

  11. I have managed to sip my way through 50 oz. of liquid plus popsicles today (not sure what they add up to) over the past 12 hrs.

    I have peed 5-6 times today and it's like crystal light lemonade, so I hope that doesn't mean I'm dehydrated!

    It feel almost like a fist that keeps closing tight if that makes any sense. I cannot take in the next sip unless I burp.

    I'm misrable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ironically I will be the same misrable if they take my Fluid out! But I know I need to do what is best for my health and before things get worse.

    Thank G-d my melatonin is sublingual so I can go to sleep tonight!!

  12. I posted before about my double pb on Monday

    Tuesday and Today I have been on a clear liquid diet of plain tea, sugar free popsicles and broth

    I am sipping extremely slow- it is taking me an hour and a half to consume a cup of tea or the broth and it doesn't feel good at all.

    Has anyone felt this way? If it doesn't resolve by tomorrow I am definately calling the dr...

    if anyone has any experience with these issues- let me know to get me thru the night!

  13. I have irriatated my band after a double pb the other day.

    This is day 2 of liquids for me.

    Yesterday was tea, broth and a popsicle

    Today is tea, and 2 popsicles so far

    I am slowwwwly sipping to keep hydated because the liquids came up yesterday.

    I am gurgling less...burping more...

    do not feel 1 bit of hunger, just feel like I need to proceed with caution... kinda swollen, bruised like I scraped my insides feeling.

  14. wow- this became a popular post!

    I really wish this "reality show" would show the real people at home. I want to see what THEY are doing- because this show is pretty much telling us that you have to be quarantined and work out the entire day to achieve results.

    I'd just like to know how I can excercise at all right now when I'm on liquids and have no energy! I am barely taking in any calories on Clear Liquids.

  15. Could I have aggrevated my esophogas and stomach from my pbing yesterday?

    I cannot tell if I actually have post nasal drip or am just feeling this way from the pb.

    Anyhow, managed to drink 18 oz. of tea this morning sipping from 7:30 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.

    wasn't hungry until about 12:00 p.m. and tried one spoonful of yogurt that caused major gurgling, so I waited until 2:00 p.m. to have the broth from wonton Soup and just the broth, which I could only take in 1/2 cup without feeling intense gurgling. I have tried sipping on some green ice tea over the past hour and recently it just all came up. Just pure liquid...

    I am worried about dehydration even though I feel fine now.

    I am also worried about what to do since the dr. office is closed.

    Anyone have any advice to get me thru the night??????

    This has never happened to me. I heard that slips would cause major pain and I don't feel anything but gurglly bubbles moving in my esophagus.

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