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Sweet as peaches

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Replies posted by Sweet as peaches

  1. Do I have the WORLD'S FASTEST APPROVAL or what? Paperwork was submitted yesterday, and I received my approval today before 11am.  You're saying WHAT!? :D

    I go in for my pre-op paperwork on Monday, May 1st.  Surgery is May 15th.

    Sooo excited!


  2. So let's talk something personal. I have been literally shunned by two women that I thought were friends. 

          A friend from college (I barely speak with. We were cool but not really close) called me after one of my best friends told her about my surgery and how I inspired her to make a change in her life. Lets call her "M". Now "M" looks like me. 

         "M" called me while I was heading home. She began asking me about the surgery and how was my recovery. She then started talking about how I would eat nothing but junk in college and I would stuff my face and she could never imagine me giving up milkshakes. Ooookkkayyy whatever. She then starts listing foods and I would say, "No I cannot eat that. Yes, I can eat that. I will have to modify the recipe for a healthier version but I can eat it." She then asked how much had I lost so far. I told her 25lbs but I weigh in Friday so hopefully I lost more. At that point, she goes off on me, "What you think that I am supposed to change my eating habits to make you feel better. I am not getting the surgery because it is the easy way out. I refused to put myself through that." Again, oooookkkkayyy. She precedes to tell me how I have changed and I am stuck up wanna-be-healthy B-word and how I will be loose and saggy. At that point I told her jealousy does not suite you and hung upB)

           Another friend has gained weight over the years since having her daughter. Her husband has never had an issue with her weight until lately. She is now about to weigh 300lbs. For their daughters B-day this month, they took her to Disneyland. My friend was unable to keep up with her Husband and daughter, she was even told that she could not get a ride because of her size. Her Husband sat her down and had a heart to heart and express that it was time for her to start getting healthy. He said her not being able to get on a ride with their child hurt him as much as it hurt her. Now her Husband is big on fitness and when they met, they were both in great shape. He has kept his shape but he also understands that carrying a human being is not easy, which is why he does not care if she ever gets her pre-baby body back. He just wants her healthy and able ride the rides with their child. I expressed that I agreed with him citing when we went to Six Flags and the strap barely fit last year and how I nervous that the guy was going to tell me to get off. She then got upset and told me every since I have been losing weight, I have been trying to dictate people's lives. I asked her for an example and she could not give me one. She however kicked me out of her house and told me that if I continued to lose weight and act this way that I was no longer invited to her home:53_cold_sweat:

    I had to call my boyfriend and ask him if I have changed? I called, all of my other friends and was like, hey have I changed? My boyfriend said that how I think about food has changed (he loves the whole kids meal thing). My other friends said, no I have not. They say that I am just way more health conscious and I view food differently but I do not make them feel uncomfortable when they eat junk in front of me. 

    I wanted to post this so that you guys knew what was going on in my personal life and how this surgery and weight loss is effecting my life in other ways. 

  3. 4/20 - So my little punk brother ate my meal prep and even took two containers to school. I woke up this morning to an empty fridge lol. Last night, I have three small containers of chicken and broccoli and two small containers of beans. His reasoning? He is doing it to make me cook tonight lol. I said what? He said, "It is Taco Casserole Thursdays and this is tradition and you have failed to make it for almost 2 months. I cannot allow these atrocities against my stomach to go unpunished." He told me that this is food warfare and hung up lol.

    I called my mom and told her and she started laughing. She said this is what I get for the whole Popeyes incident. She told me to just make the Casserole since I am off today and she wont be home until late. So I told her, I will make the Casserole. However, their is something that little punk does not like to eat and that is sour cream. I will make the Casserole and put sour cream in it. I will get the last laugh. 

    I ended up boiling two large eggs and just eating the egg whites with a little salt sprinkled on top. I am defrosting a turkey burger for lunch. I now have to go to Whole Foods and get the ingredients for the Casserole:

    Turkey Ground Beef

    Reduced Fat Cheese


    Brown Rice (rice substitute if I can find one)

    Bean paste

    Tortilla chips 

    Sour Cream (Lots and Lots of Sour Cream B))



  4. 4/19 - Had a protein shot which was 15 grams of protein for breakfast. Had 1/2 grill chicken broken up into 4 small meals, with two pieces of steamed broccoli each. Premier Protein shake for dinner. Total 65g protein, 2g sugar, 9g of carbs, 6g of fat. I also have not stepped on a scale since my 2 week post op. I am starting to worry that I am either stalling or have gained weight. I am sure that I am just overreacting, however I weigh in Friday when I see my NUT. I am hoping that I have lost weight. 

  5. 4/17 - I had a pretty good day. I just forgot to take my vitamins. Nothing out of the ordinary happened on my end. 

    4/18 - Was having a conversation and eating with a co-worker. I was not paying attention to how much I ate and ended up taking a bite too much. I have been sitting here for the last 45 minutes with this bubbling/foaming filling in my chest and throat. I am not sure if my sleeve is creating a lot of acid to digest it or if I need to dump. I do not have my normal symptoms so I think I am good there. I have tried walking around but that feeling will not go away. It fills like I drank soap and my stomach is making bubbles and my saliva is really thick and foamy. 


  6. 4/13 - Was not able to really eat anything. All I wanted was water. I was no hungry and had to force myself to drink some protein shakes. I was not stomaching my pureed chicken and beans. Eggs was not staying down neither. Overall, it was not a good day. My vitamins were making me sick, just chewing them. I would spit them out. I ended up only being able to drink 1 protein shake (30G) and drinking almost 70 oz of water. It was like all my body wanted was water. I started drinking it at 8am and did not stop until 11:30pm. 

    4/14 - It got better. Was not able to stomach soft or pureed foods. However, I was able to drink 3 protein shakes (90g). I got in 64 oz of water on the mark. 

    4/15 - Tried to eat some grilled chicken from Chipotle, just the chicken and black beans that I smashed up (It was my Granny's B-Day and she always wanted to go). I chewed just a little and ran to the bathroom and dumped. It was immediate. I was really confused because I thought grilled chicken was okay to eat. 

    4/16 - I had some some egg whites with low fat cheese, just tuna and a protein shake. I was able to get in 56 oz of protein. I was really nervous, trying to eat. I still feel the restriction and when I reach my limit, I start burping which is my sign to stop eating. I have not tried any other foods yet. I am waiting until my NUT Appt to see what foods I can add. 


  7. I'm not wasting my time answering anymore questions. 

  8. Surgery was approved! May 4th is my surgery date and I'm so excited to finally have an official date. It seems like forever away and I was a little bummed that surgery wasn't booked at the end of April, but nonetheless, very happy it was approved at the beginning of next month. :D

  9. Not feeling it today just sorta feel down today.

    12 days till I go scheduled surgery and my last deition appointment. 

    Have a good day guys :1007_hearts:

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