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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Syntax_Attack

  1. A good reason for women to support the change as well (hence me asking for both to be locked down and not just the men's room)! I am sure it can be just as annoying for the gals as it is the guys. But yes there are posts where the women explicitly state that they know it is the men's forum but don't care.
  2. Awesome, hopefully another request will show this is an issue that more would like to see addressed and maybe even speed up the change if they intend to do so.
  3. Syntax_Attack

    Guys: What do you do to relieve stress

    I love working a heavy bag. That is a quick way to relieve stress year round. In the warmer months I will go down to the creek, go to an area where I can look around and see nothing but nature and do some fishing or swimming. I am itching to get back to it but I want my incisions to heal 100% for that and I still have some scabs on some of them. Video games are ok to but I am trying to do more active stuff.
  4. Syntax_Attack

    High blood sugar .. still

    I never had an issue with my blood sugar before surgery but if this is unusual (which I don't know if it is or not) I would take a look at what you are eating. Are you sticking with your diet plan? Are you making sure you are using sugar free foods and avoiding carbs? If you aren't already I would be checking the carb and sugar counts on everything you are eating. If you do find the issue is with your diet you can call up your nutritionist and discuss it with them, they can probably get you a meal plan/list that will work for you.
  5. Syntax_Attack

    Pills and sleep POST op

    I had to take my pills one at a time with at least 5 minutes in between each, but I took them whole. It could easily take me an hour to get the pills down for the first week or so. As far as night pain that only really became an issue when i changed position (with the exception of the first day in the hospital) and even then only for the first couple of weeks.
  6. Syntax_Attack

    Day 3 post op

    All of my gas pains were gone after 10 days. At 2 weeks out I actually felt better than I did before the surgery.
  7. Syntax_Attack

    I’m ready

    I chose the sleeve due to the fact that I wanted to keep things as "normal" as possible after I recovered. I wanted to be able to be able to get most of my nutrients in the long run from my food and be less reliant on supplements. Also for my particular problem with food (which was, to put it simply, eating A LOT at meals as opposed to lots of in between meal snacking or emotional eating) this was a good fit. As far as telling people I was very open with anybody who asked about it and really didn't run into anybody who was discouraging, but I am also very thick skinned so it wouldn't have bothered me anyway. But that is a personal choice that you will have to make, some people decide to only tell their spouse/family and that is what works best for them.
  8. Syntax_Attack

    I’m so ashamed

    I agree with Matt. The fact that you felt shame and moreover threw out the rest of your food is FANTASTIC. Mistakes will be made but your reaction is the reaction of someone who knows how important it is to succeed and has the self control to stop and correct when mistakes are made. GOOD JOB!
  9. Syntax_Attack

    Depression and Self-Doubt

    When you feel like this try a hobby or exercise. If you don't have a hobby try picking one up. I find getting out in nature is a great way to bring yourself some calm. When I am out in the woods or down at the creek it is so peaceful and beautiful it is like being in heaven on earth for me. I recommend finding a local nature trail or better yet a creek. Go somewhere that if you look around you see nothing but nature and spend time there. Doing something like fishing while you are out also makes it just that much better, it keeps you occupied while you are out surrounded by nature. I could spend a lifetime just at my local creek and it is the best cure for whatever my problems are. I highly recommend it.
  10. Syntax_Attack

    I really messed up on pre diet

    I am going to be blunt and say that the picture you paint here is someone without the self-control to be successful long term. If you get the surgery I have no doubt you will lose weight for the first few months, maybe even the first year. But after that I cannot see you staying successful. The types and amount of food you were eating were not just out of hunger, this was out of desire and habit. If you had given into hunger and eaten something even half-way healthy my assessment might be different. My aunt also had this surgery and has regained all of her weight and then some because of these behaviors. She lost a lot of weight in the first year and then chose to snack throughout the day on very unhealthy items. 3 years later she has paid the price for this and has had an ulcer due to the combination of the surgery and not following the doctors advice. This is a major problem and one you have to fix BEFORE surgery. After the surgery you will be able to in short order eat things you should not. I was sleeved less than 3 weeks ago and I have no doubt whatsoever that if I chose to I could eat some french fries and they would stay down just fine. Not only have I had the very strong craving for them but I have had people eat them right in front of me in the lunch room at work, and I know full well a 2 minute drive is all it would take for me to run down and get my own. My morning fast food meal would almost always include a McDonalds hash brown and I still crave them every single morning, especially when I have to drive past it every single day. Self-control and discipline is the only thing standing between success and failure all of us and it will be the same with you. You will be exposed to all of your favorite foods on a nearly daily basis and you will crave them, and you will be physically able to eat them much sooner than you think. I personally think you need to work on your self-control with a professional before you get this surgery, otherwise I fear that you will end up in worse shape in the long run. Good luck.
  11. Sugar free ice pops were a godsend for me.
  12. If possible I would try swimming for exercise for a while. This is a great low impact exercise and easy on the back and knees if done right.
  13. Syntax_Attack

    Mountain bread 2 weeks post op

    No bread!!! You should try to stay off of carbs as long as you can unless your doctor or nutritionist says otherwise.
  14. Syntax_Attack

    Belly Binder...needed or naw

    Never used it, never needed it.
  15. Syntax_Attack

    Sleep question for post op.

    You need the sleep to heal and you body doesn't have the energy it normally gets from food. Sleep if you need it, try to walk and stay active when you are awake.
  16. This is probably what is known as "referred pain". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Referred_pain Treat it as if your stomach was hurting, this is a signal to not eat those things or that you are over full.
  17. Syntax_Attack

    Don't pray for me

    How does someone wishing you well in their own way cause you to suffer? It seems you have quite the victim mentality going here. If you aren't a strong enough person to shrug off someone saying they will pray for you then you probably need to be told to toughen up. You don't get to dictate how others believe or even how they talk to you. You can cut out people from your life but you don't get to choose how everyone else interacts with you and if you can't handle that I honestly don't know how you expect to make it through life.
  18. Syntax_Attack

    Isopure: flavor recommendations

    None of the clear premixed drinks tasted great to me, I still have 4 of those expensive drinks sitting at home. I only use them if I am far behind on my protein because they go down quick and have a lot of protein. The Isopure powders however aren't awful but they are like the premier protein in texture and taste.
  19. Syntax_Attack

    Don't pray for me

    I am an atheist as well and I not only don't take offense I say "Thank You". Why would I get upset? The person is simply wishing me well in the most sincere and profound way that they know how. Moreover what is there even to get upset about? It is not an insult or them trying to upset me in any way shape or form. If you do get upset about this then I think that says more about your personal insecurities than anything else. Suck it up buttercup!
  20. Cream of chicken is a good one. I also enjoyed a V8 if I was able to get all my protein in for the day.
  21. Skip the baby food. Make sure you get your water in first and do protein shakes second. If you go with premier protein then you can get most if not all of your protein from 2 of those a day.
  22. Syntax_Attack

    Purée stage/gulping/long to eat

    I was sleeved on 5/21 and I already have to stop myself from gulping. It helps that I get a tiny bit of discomfort if I don't chew well so that helps slow me down just a tad. But I have to make an effort to slow down. I am constantly having to remind myself to take it easy because I already feel better than I did before the operation with the weight that has come off.
  23. Syntax_Attack

    Water at Bedtime

    A sip of water, just enough to wet your mouth should be just fine. I always have water by me, mostly because my CPAP dries out my mouth I wake up a few times a night to have a sip of water.
  24. I was sleeved 6 days ago and really the last bit of real discomfort I am feeling is a gassy stomach/sleeve. When I have to burp it is very uncomfortable at what I assume is the top of my sleeve. It doesn't take much gas and the burp is more like a tiny creaking sound for a few seconds as a series of small bubbles works its way out. Eating or drinking normally brings it on and often I will have to stand up to get the "burp" going. Does anybody know if/when the discomfort subsides or goes away and if gas x will help with that as it is probably due to me swallowing small amounts of air rather than my body generating the gas?
  25. Syntax_Attack

    Gassy stomach discomfort question

    And just like that this has pretty much stopped. I am super happy now I feel like I am 95% back to normal already and dropping weight like crazy. I am so surprised how quickly I have recovered from this surgery.

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