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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Katydid

  1. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi lynnt1215, That's exactly how I feel. After I'm sick I'm soo thirsty but one sip and I feel blocked again. It's hurting a lot now. Even my chemist told me he was concerned about me because he didn't like my colour and that I looked ill. Several people have told me about my colour lately. Aparently I look very gray/ashen. I'll ring my surgeons office on Monday morning to see if his receptionist is there as he is still overseas. Maybe she can suggest someone else for me to see. I hope you're feeling better now. I also haven't been receiving any notifications from this site and trying to find it from scratch is very hard and annoying. Best wishes.
  2. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, With all the wonderful success stories I've just been reading, I'm sorry to put a groan in amongst it all. I'm sure some of you will remember about my burping and vomiting problems, which unfortunately are ongoing. This morning I had an Apricot nectar milkshake (delicious) for breakfast (no lumps) and believe it or not I felt as if I was blocked badly. The pain was not fun at all. Took hours to go away. For lunch I had a very, very small combination chinese, ended up leaving most of it. The eyes are still very willing but the tummy isn't. I have since had two drinks over the afternoon (soooo very hot over here) = frozen coke and a cold milk milo with ice blocks and I feel blocked again. WHY?? My midriff also seems to be extending. Please don't mention the dreaded "H" word = Hernia. Five of those have been enough. I just don't understand why I should get blocked with only fluids. My surgeon is overseas till the end of the month. Best wishes.
  3. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Miranda, I know what you mean. I've lost 34 kilos = 75 lbs since June '08 and have found that I've now developed tiny wrinkles lengthwise down my neck and odd places like my underarms. I'm always joking that the fat filled them out before. The best part I like is that I don't have the puffed toad face and neck that I used to have. I'll settle for a few wrinkles anyday instead of that horrible bloated look. Gosh, it doesn't make you shallow at all. We all like to look our best and I for one couldn't have succeeded without the banding, even if I do have a problem with rotten gas/burping. I am not a fanatic with skin cleansing routines etc but I do moisturise every morning before putting makeup on. Not expensive stuff, just Sorbolene with Vitamin E. Best wishes.
  4. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, You are not alone and I can wholeheartedly relate to you and your daughter. I'm forever burping loud and clear like a bushpig and my daughter gets really disgusted. I've appologised and told her if I swallow the gas it makes me suffer with pain. They are never small polite burps, they're full on bushpig ones. I can't go out anywhere with friends because of this. My surgeon says it's the band but that doesn't help much. Please let me know if and when you find anything to stop it. Best wishes.
  5. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Charlietuna, Congratulations on your new grandaughters birth. They are so very special. What a wonderful feeling it is to return clothes that are "too big". I still find myself going to the larger fitting areas and then realizing "Hey, I'm in normal sizes now". Best wishes.
  6. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Phyllser, Your new photo is wonderful. I wish I had your energy. It is 38 degrees C = 100.4 F over here right now and even though I have the air con on I am still melting. I really miss my swimming pool. Had it pulled out when Mum and Dad were moving in so that Dad could have a big shed put there. Many times during heat waves I would just walk straight in fully clothed and be in seventh heaven. It's strange reading about all the snow etc while I'm melting. One good thing, I'm not hungry at all but thirsty? Oh yes! Another frozen coke coming up.:confused: Best wishes.
  7. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Happy11, No way are you too old to lose the weight or have a LapBand. I'm 62yrs and had mine 9th June '08 and have lost 34 kilos = 74lbs. I've been going up and down a pound or two over the last month but hope tosettle and lose more very soon. You will be fine. People can't believe how different I look now, it's great, I feel human again. I do tell people that I've been banded because I feel if I can help anyone else with losing weight and getting their self confidence back, I don't care who knows. Best wishes.
  8. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Apples2, It is going to be a very hard day today at the funeral, especially being New Years Eve. I really hope your sons friend beats the cruel monster (leukemia). On a , lighter note, reading about your friends (dec'd) husband, reminded me of the first time I found this site. Over here in Australia DH means something entirely different and I couldn't understand why everyones husbands were such rotters. When I finally realised it meant Dear Husband over there and not D**k Head, I had a good laugh. I guess we are real colonials over here but we do have a good sense of humour. Happy New Year To All.
  9. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Charlene, So sorry to hear of your loss. You are certainly in my prayers. This Christmas and New Year has been very sad. The night before Christmas Eve a close family friends son 15 yrs passed away from Leukemia. His mother had only recently been told nothing more could be done for him but they gave him 12 months at the most. She and his younger sister are devastated of course. The funeral is tomorrow, New Years Eve. Best wishes.
  10. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Mimi22, My heart goes out to you for your sad loss. What you are feeling is perfectly normal. I went through the same thing when my brother was killed. I found a lot of comfort by reading books by well known Psychics and books about NDE = Near Death Experiences. My cousin has just passed away due to liver cancer and my Aunt is finding a lot of comfort by reading these books right now. Sincere thoughts and wishes to you.
  11. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Lizalee and Merry Christmas, What a pleasure it was to read your wonderful post. So positive and uplifting. I really wish you all the best with your life change. Happy New Year.
  12. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Merry Christmas, Have had computer problems so I'm trying to catch up on all the posts. Had to laugh when I read yours as it is so true for me too. My head seems to think the same way. I've also found that I can't eat fruit salad anymore unless all the skin has been taken off the fruit, grapes, plums, peaches, everything. Can't even eat orange pieces as the segment linings don't go down and just block everything else. Not nice at all. Happy New Year.
  13. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Welcome Blklab70, Please tell me I'm wrong. Does de-barked mean that your puppy has had his voice box removed???? I'm feeling ill that anyone could do such a thing. Best wishes.
  14. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Apples2, I am so surprised that you don't have frozen cokes over there. I assumed that is where they originated being McDonalds. Yes, I know I have to slow down on them but they're only treats when it is really hot and I'm out and about in the car. Oddly enough I don't get as much burping with them as I do with any other cool drink. Sometimes I even have trouble getting water down would you believe!! See ya.
  15. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi JoannMarie, I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are our close family and give us unconditional love at all times. I really feel for you. Take care.
  16. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Dixiedoo Frozen cokes are made with crushed ice and coke. Absolutely divine. Full of sugar of course but I have such trouble getting anything to stay down or keep from blocking that the coldness is really wellcoming. Plus it is in the 35 degrees over here now. Sorry, forgot to answer your question. It is sold at McDaonalds in Regular or Large sized cups like shakes. Yummmmy. Best wishes.
  17. Hi Slimmy120, Wow, you have done so well. I thought I'd done well getting to a 16 top and a 14 pant since June 'o8 but now I'm jealous. Can't keep anything down though. What is your secret? I didn't know Dr. Kierath did plastic surgery. Is he a cosmetic surgeon as well? Have you had anything done? My tummy is looking very disfigured since the last hernia operation in November, so I wouldn't mind having that fixed when I've reached my goal and stayed there for awhile. Wouldn't mind my neck wrinkles gone as well. Oh where do you stop!!! Trouble is I didn't have these wrinkles when I was fat, so one problems cure is another problem started. Not fair!! Best wishes.
  18. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Went shopping this morning. Had a wonderful time. It's been so long since I've been able to buy clothes in average type sizes. I bought a clasical pant and Jacket set with an extra pair of pants in a co-ordingating colour, a blouse, and a tank top to wear underneath it. The tops were a size 16 Australian and the pants a size 14 Australian. I wore the red and white pant and jacket set to my Grandaughters end of year school concert tonight and I don't mind saying that I looked good and I felt good too. I still have 15 kilos = 33.1lbs to lose but I'll have to get walking to move it along. I've lost 33.1 kilos = 73lbs since June '08. It is getting really hot over here now and I'm very partial to McDonalds frozen cokes. Naughty, smack, smack, smack!!! Best wishes.
  19. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Orea15, Saw the surgeon yesterday. He took a little fluid out and said that I would stop losing weight now but should be able to sleep. I'd been under the impression that there was no fluid in the band at all since the hernia operation last month and that he wasn't going to refil until late next month. He told me a furfie (fib). Nothing has changed though, still vomited last night and was burping continuously. He's overseas for a month on holidays now so I'll just have to make the best of it. I'll get some extra walking in to try to compensate. By the way, that recipe sounds delicious. Best wishes.
  20. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Orea15, Is the book your mentor wrote still being sold? does it cover all complications? I'm still having bad times. Banded 2nd time in June '08 plus two hernia repairs. Another large hernia repair in November, caught an MRSO bug in the wound in hospital. Surgeon emptied the band before the operation and wants to wait another month before putting any in. Problem is, I am sooo ill. I still suffer from huge loud gas explosions (burping) continuously and vomit pretty much everything I eat. Sometimes I am not able to sleep for three nights straight because of the gas and reflux problem. Believe me, I am sooo tired and cranky. My surgeon is going overseas for Christmas holidays so I've made an appt to see him on Monday to find out what the heck is happening and who I'm to contact if anything goes wrong again. Even though there is no fluid in the band, I'm still losing weight. I guess because nothing stays down of course. I'd appreciate your thoughts on this problem. Best Wishes.
  21. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Apples2, I am absolutely amazed that you were sent home 2 hours after all that surgery. Everytime I've had a hernia repair, I've been opened up and kept in. The last two occasions were for two weeks each and then home care nurses for the drain for two weeks after that. Everything is so different over there. I'm wearing a light brace for support so that I'm able to work again. It gives me a feeling of security too. You have done so well, losing all that weight. You must feel great. Well done.:wink_smile:
  22. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi JoannMarie, Very pleased that you're online again. Hope everything went OK for you. Best wishes.
  23. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Joanne, I hope you're feeling OK. Make sure you get some quality rest. Best wishes.
  24. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Apples 2, Just got your message. My goodness, did you have the ten hernias fixed at the same time? Were you opened up? I really don't understand what's going on with me. I still have terrible gas and reflux too plus I've started vomiting again at night. If I drink anything but water, I'm instantly feeling blocked and start burping loudly. Not nice at all. Also the port site is really painful and hurts when I roll over at night. My surgeon is going away for Xmas as always so I made an appt today to see him before he goes as he doesn't have a back up surgeon to cover for him. I hope your hernias are all behaving themselves and you're feeling well now. Best wishes.
  25. Katydid

    I have a problem

    Hi Thinlizzy, I could not eat sausages after I had my first fill. Very cruel and would take ages to come up but sooner or later, always did and what a relief. I found fish was easier but always chewing slowly. I was banded for the 2nd time on June 9th this year and also had abdomianl hernias repaired at the same time. Unfortunately I had to go in again for another hernia repair in November and caught a bad bug in the wound while I was in there and had to be isolated. I was a very sick girl. Anyway, my surgeon emptied my band before he started to operate and won't refil it for two months to let my insides heal. I can eat sausages but still have to watch it. Last night I ate two and suffered badly, getting up many times through the night to race to the bathroom. I think I'll have to avoid them altogether for safety sake. I have lost 31 kilos since June and gone from size 22-24 top to a 16 and pants from an 18 to a 14. I have another 10 kilos to go to my goal. I never could've done it without the banding so it's still worth the discomfort. My daughter recently showed me a photo taken at my 60th birthday party that I had never seen. (Thank goodness.) I knew I was big but honestly, I NEVER thought that I looked THAT big. I looked like a huge whale with a huge overpuffed toads neck. I am pleased to say that is all gone now and I couldn't be happier. I have only put on half a kilo since the band was emptied which is a relief but I only have to remember that photo to keep me in line. UGH!!! Best wishes.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
