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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Katydid

  1. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi toyster, I wish i had an adjustable bed, that would be bliss. I wasn't given any diet instructions, limits or exercises to do after the operation. "Just eat sloppy food for a couple of weeks, then you should be able to work out for yourself what you can and can't eat". I'm still having the blocked feeling and pretty much p'b at least once a day. Oddly enough, I've found the pulp of watermelon blocks me easily. I have been very naughty though.....................I've been having 2 stubbies of beer each night. It's heatwave time over here and an icy beer does wonders. I hadn't been able to drink it since the op as it would just froth and come straight up again, so I'm enjoying it now. I haven't put on any weight at all either which is great. I have to Barium Swallow test on Wednesday. I am pretty sure I have another hernia though because the hard bulge is there just like the other 5 times before. Best wishes.
  2. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    G'donya Long2bThin, Fantastic news. Proud of you. Had to laugh about hubby going back to bed though. What a gorgeous guy to get up and celebrate with you. Best wishes.
  3. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Toyster, I am so sorry to hear that you are having difficulties. I know exactly how you're feeling and it's not nice. Prop yourself up as much as you can when going to sleep and try not to eat for at least 2 - 3hours before you go to bed. Sometimes it helps. Best wishes.
  4. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Long2beThin, What a fabulous husband you have. With support like his, I can see you BOTH dancing around the scales anytime now. Goodonya.
  5. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Long2bThin, That is Fantastic!!! Good on you girl!!! I can just see you dancing around the scales when that final pound comes off to mark the 100lbs. We are all celebrating with you. Congratulations. Best wishes.
  6. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Toyster, Tried at three chemists but none of them have ever heard of it. One looked on his computer as well with no luck. Is it a De-gasser? Is it on prescription only? Best wishes.
  7. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, I don't understand either and although I think highly of my surgeon, I'm getting very cranky with him for leaving me like this for so long. On Tuesday, I'm going to ring the radiology place in the hope that they just may be able to squeeze me in earlier. Monday is a Public Holiday for Australia Day. They HAVE to find something that is causing all this discomfort. I hope I have massive burping fits while they're doing it too because they might find the reason for that too. LOL. For dinner tonight, I had one small piece of broccoli,1 small baby potato and one small serve of sweet potato with gravy. Can't eat red meat anymore, so I don't try. Ate slowly and thoroughly and enjoyed it very much but 3 minutes after I'd finished..........up it came. I don't want to put on any weight but this is ridiculous. I'll certainly let you know the results as soon as I hear, in case it's helpful to someone else, although hopefully no-one has the same misfortune. Best wishes.
  8. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi toyster, I hope you're feeling better and are resting up. Thanks for the belching tip. I'm heading to the chemist right now to see if they stock them. Best wishes.
  9. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Apples2, Thank you for your kind thoughts. Unfortunately I am at the "Why Me" stage today as I'm "spitting the dummy" about having to be the odd one out with all the success around me. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy about everyone doing so well with their lapbands. I just wish I was one of them. No matter what I eat or drink the pain starts and does not relent until it comes up again. Hard to keep any goodness out of anything. Very tired, weak and bad tempered. Best wishes.
  10. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi livn4jesus, My gall bladder was removed 4 years ago. I am desperate for relief, so the sooner this Barium Swallow test is done the better. It just HAS to show what the problem is. It has too. Best wishes.
  11. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Long2bthin, Nope, the unfil hasn't done the trick unfortunately, still hurting, being sick and ruddywell burping all day and night. I'd like the Barium Swallow over and done with right now but I can't even get a cancellation for an earlier appt because they insist on fasting completely for at least 10 hours and they usually are not given much notice. Best wishes.
  12. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Thintobme, What great news. You'll both be wonderful supports for each other. I'm very pleased for you both. Best wishes.
  13. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi joannmarie, The radiology place couldn't fit me in any earlier. Apparently it needs a specially trained person to do the Barium Swallow. I have had it before and I know it is awful but as long as it shows up whatever is going wrong, I'll do it. I read on the referal letter that I still have "minimum fluid in the band". I don't understand why he told me before that it was empty and yet took more out this week and now I read that there is still a little in there. Would it be a sort of psychological test of sorts, maybe to see if I'm tricking??? Believe me, I am NOT tricking!! I am still blocking and still being sick. The burping is horrendous. My poor little Grandaughter says "Oh Pooh Grandma, that stinks". How embarrassing. Your psychologist friend sounds like a gem. I did try psych sessions many years ago during turbulent/violent times with my second ex husband and went through the childhood traumas and family dynamics etc,etc,etc but I really don't want to go down that road again. I do know that I am in need of support to get through these rough times I'm going through at the moment though. Maybe I could cope better if I felt more healthy. That is what this lapband was supposed to do, I was counting on it. You, on the other hand are doing so well. It really does pay to absorb all the information beforehand as you did. All the knowledge has really paid off for you. Well done. Best wishes.
  14. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi lynnt1215, I was recommended to this psychologist by one of the counselors at a Womens Health Centre. She also sees a friend of mine and I have spoken to her. She doesn't know anything about lapbanding apart from whatever has been in the papers from time to time but is keen to hear all about it. She is apparently very good with family problems though. The worst thing is saying things about family members and having the most awful guilty feelings after saying them. Don't think 45 minutes is going to be enough though, I'll probably be just getting started. Best wishes.
  15. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Saw my surgeon today. Would you believe he took more fluid out of the band?????? That thing was supposed to have been emptied last week!!!!! I'm booked in for a Barium Swallow under XRay on Feb 5th, then see him again on the 7th. He wants to check the band and the pouch. I took a list of questions in this time. He said there was no way of the band slipping because of all the surgeries I've had. At least that is a relief. I start seeing a psychologist next week to help me control my stress levels and teach me better coping skills. I feel "a bit long in the tooth" to start learning this stuff but if it helps, I'll try. Best wishes to all.
  16. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Once again thankyou for all the thoughtful suggestions and concern. It really does help to have people understand what it's like. My mother keeps telling everyone that "the operation is far too drastic and dangerous and it should'nt be allowed". I tell her off and try to get her to understand that my situation is obviously not normal (because of my online chats with my bandster friends) and to frighten others off the operation is not good because it may be their only chance to lose weight and be healthy. Why I'm having all this bother, I don't know and it makes me very sad. I'm down to 74 kilos - 163.2lbs now which makes a total loss of 38kilos = 83 lbs since June '08. The odd part about this is that I've lost 4kilos = 8.8lbs since the band was emptied. Of course nothing is staying down even now so I'm not really surprised. I have an appt with the surgeon on Wednesday and this time I'm going to eat something before I see him so that he can feel how hard my abdomen gets until it comes up again. I was pretty much useless at the garage sale yesterday because I felt so weak and tired. My 82yr old Mum and my 9yr old Grandaughter were doing the lifting, sorting, selling etc. I felt totally useless. My father has been "on the grog" solidly for the past week and we've had many fights over it (my childhood repeats itself). At the moment I just don't feel strong enough to handle Mum and Dads problems as well as my own. I thought having them here would be easier as I wouldn't have hours of driving each time there was a problem, mainly with their health. Enough of the moaning and groaning!! Forgot to mention last time re sleep aponea clinic sleepover last Friday night. The technition wiring me up had to get a smaller belt as the one she had was too big. I said "Bless You" to her. I thought that was wonderful. Also, my gold ring fell off in the bathroom the next morning. I heard something drop, had a quick look but didn't see anything, so went home. Once home I noticed my ring was not on my finger and started to panic. Left messages and had to wait till this morning..... they'd found it!! Yeah. I was thinking positive when all arround me were saying "you'll never get it back". So I'm thinking positive that my problems are going to be all fixed up with healthy solutions on Wednesday. Best wishes to all.
  17. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Thank you again for your kind wishes and concern. I'm seeing the surgeon again on Wednesday. I have been wondering if the band may have slipped and it's not a nice thought but it's been stitched in this time, so surely it wouldn't have slipped. It is sooo very hot here. I've been drinking plain milk with ice blocks to cool me down. We are having a garage sale here tomorrow. Hopefully we'll get rid of heaps of stuff. Dad still doesn't want to sell his place but it's all empty now and there is no way Mum will go back there. Looks like my business has sold. Sad but had to be. Best wishes,
  18. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi orea15, A technician made a warm milo for me in hospital last night. I had three sips and had to leave it as the discomfort was so bad. It was as if I'd pushed a three course meal down. Absolutely ridiculous I know but that's how it felt and I was burping continually afterwards. The heat being what it is here at the moment, a hot or warm drink is the last thing on my mind but I do understand what you mean, thank you. I appreciate any help with this problem as I'm beginning to think that maybe my surgeon doesn't even know. Best wishes.
  19. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi JoannMarie, Congratulations. You have done sooo well. Good on you:thumbup:. My band was emptied on Tuesday because of all the discomfort, pb'ing and wind (burping) and yet I am still having the same problems. I had a sleepover in hospital last night as my doctor thought it was time for a review of my sleep aponea due to my weight loss. All I had to eat through the day was a slice of watermelon, chewed totally and cold drinks (42 degrees C = 107.6 degrees F yesterday) to avoid pb'ing through the night. Didn't work. At 2.10 am up it came. Luckily I had a bag next to me just in case because I couldn't go anywhere attached to all the wires. I have no idea what's up with me. Who would think you could bring up well chewed seedless watermelon after 9 hours. I certainly did. Best wishes.
  20. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Bombero, What a fantastic result, all within one year too. Congratulations:thumbup:. Have you had any problems during that time? Best wishes.
  21. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Toyster, To cut a long story short, the first band slipped after eleven months = very seriously ill. Found another surgeon and tried again after 4yrs. This surgeon stitches the band to the stomach so there is no chance of it slipping. Also I never, ever had a fill with the first one. After the first band was out I put all the weight I'd lost back on plus a bit more and was steadily heading upwards on the scales. I pestered the new sugeon for ages because I knew this was the only way for me to lose weight and I had confidence in him. I've lost a total of 36 kilos = 80 lbs since June '08 and although I've had some problems with hernias etc, I now feel more confident, even just to go shopping. Best wishes.
  22. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi toyster, With my first banding 4yrs ago it was ice chips for 4days, then clear fluids for 2 weeks. With my 2nd banding June ,08 (different surgeon) I was straight onto sloppy pureed vegies and fluids. I had no problems taking any tablets at the time. Best wishes.
  23. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Flowers, Could you tell me what the pouch test is please and how to do it? My band was emptied yesterday because of constant vomiting and was still very painfull last night. I had a glass of cold milk this morning which still gave me a nasty blocked feeling for awhile. Maybe I drink too fast. My surgeon told me not to eat or drink after 6.30pm but I had to have a couple of glasses of water through the night as it's too hot here at the moment. Anyway, on reflection, it wasn't only night times that I was vomiting. I'm trying to be positive and keep visualising a good outcome but I'm so used to things going pear shaped that it's hard to stop the negative gremlins from creeping into my mind. Time to get busy and keep my mind on other things. Best wishes as always.
  24. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Thankyou for your concern and helpful suggestions with my problems. I rang my surgeons office yesterday as I said I would and found that he had just arrived back from overseas that morning. He'd gone straight from the airport to the hospital and was already operating. His secretary contacted him and he squeezed me in to see him during his lunch break today. He emptied the band completely and told me to go back to eating everything blended and sloppy. I'm not to eat or drink anything after 6.30pm as when you lay down everything that has not properly trickled through the band tends to come up again. The not eating is ok but the not drinking is going to be hard because it is heatwave weather here right now. He thinks that is what has been the problem. The bowel problem is not a blockage because I do pass water occasionally, so I guess that is through actual food not getting through. I should've written a list of questions etc to take with me as by the time I got to his appt in the city after dropping my folks off at their Hydro Therapy session up in the hills, I was just plain flustered and forgot so much of what I wanted to say. Silly me. Anyhow, I have to see him again in 2 1/2 weeks time. I had soup for tea tonight but it was still sore going down and still the wretched burping. Best wishes to all.
  25. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Charlene, I'm seriously thinking about having the band removed because I am in so much pain. The first band slipped and caused part of my stomach to go nectrotic 4yrs ago. 16 days in intensive care, not a well girl and no fun at all. I decided to have another go at banding with another surgeon who stiched the band to the stomach in June '08 but this is no jolly fun either and has been going on for ages with no relief. Even with all the pbing I'm not losing any weight and I haven't been to the toilet since the last hernia operation in November '08 (bowels that is, just water. Everything I eat, which is very little, just seems to stay in the pouch because it all comes up again sooner or later and with heaps of fluid. It's heatwave time here so I've been sipping lots of cold fluids. I even juiced fresh fruit in the hope of keeping that down ............nope, not a chance. My gallbladder was removed after I'd recovered enough from the 1st band removal. I'm finding it all so very distressing because this has been the only time I'd lost weight (34 kilos = 75 lbs) and had been so excited to be near normal again. To have it all go pear shaped again makes me very teary. I'm still tired because I can't sleep for all the reflux and pbing. I'm sorry for the whinging, moaning and groaning. I'm a bit depressed. Best wishes.

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