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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Katydid

  1. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, Yep he sure is. Needless to say, I'm very disapointed. Nothing is working out over here at the moment. Looks like the sale of my business may be falling through as well. What next!!!! Best wishes.
  2. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, I'm home again but the news is not good unfortunately. Slipped gastric band, (anantomical distorion of the stomach due to a "slipped gastric band" which was enclicling the stomach towards the distal 1/3, rather than the proximal fundus. The proximal stomach was abnormal and diffusely inflamed, as was the gastric body and antrum. There was also a mild antral gastritis. Antrum biopsied to confirm/exclude HPylori related gastritis. The duodenal mucosa was inspected to the fourth part and very deeply into the proximal jejunum and was biopsied to exclude coeliac disease. There was a small sliding hiatal hernia handsome reflux of gastric contents into the distal oesophagus due to a lax lower oesophageal sphincter and a small hiatal hernia. The distal oesophageal mucosa was superficially eroded typical of chronic erosive reflux oesophagitis. (Wish they would speak in English) Slipped gastric band, Severe reflux oesophagitis, severe fundal and mild antral gastritis, await histology. Lge abdominal hernia. I rang the surgeon as soon as I was able and the doctor sent the report immediately. Didn't want to see me. Not going to do anything. I was stunned. Don't know if this means....until he gets back from up north or "not going to do anything, period???" I now have to wait till the 27th Feb to see him and I will be a mass of jelly by then. I've made an appt with my GP for Monday but the anesthesiest and the endoscopy doctor have told me not to jump to anything rash before I talk to the surgeon. This will be on 27th Feb '09 and most likely the operation will be on Monday 2nd Mar '09. In the meantime, Mum has been given the date for her second knee reconstruction.........16th March '09 and Dad has been given his eye operation date.........18th March. They will be at different hospitals. Thank the Lord I'm now seeing a therapist, although I think this is going to be a bit much for even her to sort out. Thanks for all your good wishes.
  3. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Great news. There has been a cancellation at the 2nd hospital. I have the endoscopy in the morning. My eldest daughter is driving me there before she starts work and my youngest daughter will pick me up afterwards as she can get off work early. What a relief! I'm going to try to get the hospital to send the results to the surgeon and my GP asap, mainly so that the surgeon can see them before he flies up north. Also, my GP will tell me what the results are before I see the surgeon and we can have a chat. Hi Lompocbander, I do understand what you're saying and agree with you. I'm a bit swamped here at the moment with my parents medical problems as well, to be able to think very clearly. Hopefully I'll be able to tomorrow or as soon as I know the results. Hi Oregondaisy, I hope you are feeling better very soon. It is scary and frightening too. Best wishes to all.
  4. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Today has been another day of uncertainties in more ways than one. I spent the morning at the hospital with my mother seeing her surgeon from her knee replacement in August last year. He has put her on the urgent list for the other knee to be replaced within six weeks. Oh My Lord!!!! My father is due for his eye operation within two weeks and he has been drunk for the past 4 days non stop. I have now been able to get into another hospital next Tuesday for the endoscopy, maybe even Friday if there is a cancellation. The problem is that it is a long, long way from here and they won't let me drive home afterwards and a taxi is unthinkable. I'll have to work that one out. I may be able to get the public transport service and just leave here very early and then one of my daughters could pick me up after work. My surgeon doesn't seem to be that bothered about the delay although he wants the results asap. I saw my GP this afternoon and he is not happy. He is the one who gave me the referal to the other hospital for the endoscopy. He is also urging me to get another surgeons opinion before the operation. I know I'm entitled to do this but this surgeon knows the mess my insides are in and the main thing I have to admit to, is that he doesn't charge me the gap fee, which is the fee they are allowed to charge above the medicare and private insurance standard fees. That can be a lot. So I feel that I am caught in a catch 22 situation. Headhunter, Why did you have your band removed? This is my second banding but the best results. The fires are still burning horrendously in Victoria and the death toll is expected to go as high as 300 as of tonight. We in WA have been warned to expect bad things tomorrow because the temperature is forcast at 40 C = 104 F. Where I am it is usually at least 3degrees C higher which would be about 109.? F. I am at the foothills of the Darling Ranges. We have been warned that fires could be lit and to be aware of people acting suspiciously. I have an appt with my physio right up in the hills tomorrow so I'll be watching EVERYONE because the hospital is right in the middle of the bush. Nah, think positive, all will be fine. JoannMarie, I'm happy to hear that your eye surgery went well. As far as doctors talking to each other....... from what I've gathered no-one tells a surgeon what to do! He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to do anything, yet he wants the results asap. Now I find that he will not even be here in Perth next week. He will be operating up north in Karratha, so I can't even see him until Friday the 27th Feb. Meanwhile I'm just slightly "Packing it!" Orea15, I absolutely love that quote. Livin4Jesus, The closest I can get to determining the time difference between us is a sad memory. My daughter woke me at 11pm to tell me to turn the TV on. It was the Twin Towers disaster. It was 9am in New York and I sat horrified watching in disbelief. Oregondaisy, Yes, I even reminded the surgeons receptionist to tell the surgeon that I am still pbing 2 - 3 times a day but he doesn't appear to be concerned. The only person who seems to be concerned is one of my GPs. I have two in the same medical centre. I am getting a little spooked because of what happened the first time. Best wishes to all.
  5. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Ljv52, I'm crossing my fingers that I hear good news from my surgeons receptionist tomorrow because I just can't be expected to go on like this. There have been 400 spot fires in Victoria. The death toll is now confirmed at 131 but the expected toll is thought to rise to 200. I'm really hoping the arsonists will be caught and they should let the people at them because the law won't be enough. The heat has been horrendous over there even without the fires. In Queensland, it's the total opposite with floods like they've never seen before. A crocodile took a 5 year old boy from what was a street in the town. He'd chased his dog into the water and was taken. More rains are expected. In South Australia, it's the first time in history that they have had heatwaves in the 46 degrees C = 114.8f I hope that we in Western Australia are spared this season. We've had two fires so far and one guy has been caught. The weather is certainly changing dramatically. Best wishes.
  6. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Thanks again for your good wishes. I rang the hospital for an appt for the endoscopy and would you believe they can't fit me in until 9th March!!!! I rang the surgeons room, told his receptionist and asked if there was anywhere else I could have it done. The surgeon is operating today so she will let him know tomorrow and ring me. I'm in top hospital private cover and still have to wait. That's awful. No I'm not near those horrid fires. They are in another state thank goodness but we have had some fires here, also lit by fire bugs. The law is far too lenient even when they are caught. The fires in Victoria have killed nearly 100 people so far and wiped out whole townships and in some cases whole families too. I also feel so sad about the poor animals and birdlife. Best wishes.
  7. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, Would you believe we packed Dads van to the hilt for the swapmart and were all ready to go at 4am...............and the van wouldn't go!!!!!! Didn't bother calling for road service because it takes sooo long, just fumed and went back to bed. As it turns out, it was just as well we didn't go because I've vomited 3 times already and it's been blowing a gale. My Daughter and Grandaughter still went to the Swapmart but only as buyers and said the wind was blowing all the clothes racks over, so that wouldn't have helped either. I'll be ringing the Hospital early in the morning to get the earliest possible booking for the endoscopy. Things just don't feel good. Best wishes.
  8. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, Oddly enough I'm not that hungry, not like the old days anyway and even when I get peckish at mealtimes I still only have the small portions and chew, chew, chew. I can tell when I've eaten too much or had too much fluid as the heavy blocked hard feeling starts up and I know that anytime soon it's going to come up. My freshly juiced carrot and celery mix with ice blocks is a real treat and stays down ok. That's once a day though. I don't understand how they (the two doctors) are so adamant that each one is right. I saw all the scans but of course I have no idea what they're seeing. It's all blobby stuff to my eyes. I have to admit that I don't like the extra waiting though as I keep remembering the first time things went wrong 4 yrs ago and that's scary. Anyway, my Mother, Daughter, Grandaughter and I are going to sell stuff at a Swapmart tomorrow. I do not look forward to getting up at 3am to get a descent spot but I hope I don't have to bring much home either. The regulars who go each week are there from 10pm tonight to get the best spots. That's not me, no way, I need my sleep in comfort. Best wishes.
  9. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi peachwood. Love your great sense of humour. Keep it up.:biggrin: Good luck for your banding next week. You'll see the difference in no time at all. Best wishes.
  10. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Long2bThin, Fantastic news, well done.:thumbup: You betcha, I'm not having two surgeries.:biggrin: Best wishes.
  11. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Saw my surgeon today and now I am totally confused. He says the band has not slipped! He says it is just hard to see because it is a non reflective one. I now have to go for an endoscopy to find out what's happening in the stomach. Of course that dept closed early today so I can't even ring for an appt till Monday. I'm feeling as if I'm going around the twist here, totally confused. I have it in writing that the band has slipped badly and yet I'm told no but it's very complicated and to have more things done. "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!" I told him about the hernia and he says "I didn't want to hear that." He checked and said "Yes, you're right." He won't even think about that one till he figures out what is going on with the main problem. He did tell me before that he doesn't want me to have any more surgery on my abdomen. That's fine with me, but what now???????????? Thanks again for all your prayers and good wishes. Livin4Jesus, I'm not sure what the time difference is. I remember having an American customer a few months ago saying that there are many different times depending what state you're in. Some are 12 hours difference. Right now over here it is 8.50pm. Best wishes.
  12. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Livn4jesus, You brought tears to my sad eyes today. Happy tears. I honestly feel that I'm going to have so many friends in the op theatre with me that there will be no chance of any problems at all. I'm very much a loner and have learnt to be that way for my own preservation through life, yet, the open, honest, outpouring of good wishes from everyone on this site has made a big dent in my armour. Best wishes.
  13. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Phyllser, Thankyou, I will follow these instructions tomorrow, my brain is too overwhelmed tonight but I would like to ask another question if you don't mind. How do you put before and after photos on to the posts please? I only have basic knowledge of computers I'm afraid. Best wishes.
  14. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Lompocbander, Thankyou, I will certainly be doing this and I've booked all my loved ones from the other side to be with me also. Best wishes.
  15. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Phyllser, I've tried this ticker link but it won't show up after I've filled it all in. What am I doing wrong?
  16. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, Thankyou I'll have a look and read up on it. I think I'll be cheeky and ask him to cut some fat out and some wrinkly skin while he's there too. LOL. Who knows, maybe he'll do it..............hope, hope, hope. Best wishes.
  17. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Thank you all very much for the kind thoughts and prayers. I'm just off to pick up the printed results and scans for the surgeon tomorrow. Best wishes.
  18. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Especially the newbies and the ones still contemplating having the lapband op. You'll no doubt have read of my problems with the lapband and it is true, problems like these can and do occur but they are very rare and most people go from success to success with theirs. I am still not sorry that I persevered with having the lapband twice because I knew it was the only way I was ever going to lose weight and I did lose weight = 37 kilos = 81.6 lbs of it. I only have another 10 kilos = 22lbs to go to reach goal. This has been since 9th June 2008 almost 8 months. Please don't be put off by my problems as my example is not a normal case. Why, I don't know. My mother tells anyone that will listen that it's a bad operation and I step in and say, "No it's not, unfortunately for me it's not been easy but it has worked and I feel 100% more confident than I have for years. Turning people off this op is a bad move as it may also be their last chance at living a healthy life!" It's good to be aware of the possible problems but look at all the other successful banders on this site and others who are doing so well. You can be one of them too. Betcha boots I'm going to fight to have the band replaced because I believe in it. Best wishes.
  19. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, Thankyou, me too. I tried to do everything right to make sure nothing went wrong this time around and yet it still did. Don't understand at all. On the plus side, I bought a pair of size 12 jeans and a new bra today to cheer myself up. Pants used to be size 18Au now 12au and the bra was size 20DD, now 16D = Fantastic. Best wishes.
  20. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi livn4jesus, Thankyou, I feel like this time round I'll need all the prayers I can get as I feel as if I've been gutted. There's not a chance of putting any weight on as nothing stays down. I've not lost anymore, just staying at 75kilos =165.4lbs. The doctor who did the test today said that he thinks the problem was there when the CT scan was done last October before the previous hernia operationbut that the surgeon would only have been looking for the hernia at the time. I would've thought he'd have had a check around while he was in there just to make sure. Obviously not. I am going to be scared stiff until I see him on Friday now that I know what the problem is as the first time it slipped it did a lot of damage and I was soooo very ill in intensive care for 16 days. You have done amazingly well with your weight loss. Good on you. Best wishes.
  21. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Had the Barium Swallow test this morning and it's not good news at all I'm afraid. It took the doctor ages just to find the band and when he finally found it, it had slipped right to the end of my stomach. He said that is why I've been vomiting so badly. The whole stomach has been getting filled and distended but not letting anything through to the intestines and therefore coming up again. This will have caused the 6th hernia as well. I rang the surgeons rooms and his receptionist just told me to keep my appt on Friday morning. This news has devastated me and I broke down and cried. This is the second time the band has slipped. It was a close call 4 years ago with another surgeon. This new one stitched the band to the stomach, so what on earth happened to make it come loose this time???!!! I'll have to be packed to go in on Monday, that's when he operates. My week has already been booked out with appts for my parents etc. I'm so very sad. Best wishes.
  22. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Went to my GP today and yes I do have my 6th abdominal hernia. Not happy. He thinks that it's time for the surgeon to use mesh in the repair or for me to get a second opinion. I'm concerned about getting a second opinion as this surgeon knows the mess my innards are in and I'd rather not get on his offside. Tomorrow is the Barium test. Don't know how I'm going to survive this heat without a cold glass of water through the night and in the morning. I think I'll fill the bath with cold water as soon as I get up and just lie in there until it's time to go. Phyllser, Are those cookie jars still available to purchase? I'd love to buy one for my mother. Best wishes.
  23. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Wednesday is the big day = Barium Swallow test. From Midnight Tuesday, I fast till 10.30am. I can go without the food ok but the fluid is going to be hard as the temperatures are in the heatwave degrees and haven't let up. For breakfast I've been having a large glass of ice cold milk with three spoons of milo. Morning tea I've started having a large glass of freshly juiced carrot and celery juice with ice blocks, = delicious. Trouble is, that whenever I drink or eat my midriff area immediately jutts out into a hard football and is sometimes painfull or just darn uncomfortable. It rarely eases without p'bing. I've made an appt to see my GP tomorrow afternoon to check for another hernia. I see the surgeon again on Friday but I want to know beforehand about the hernia so I don't get brushed off with "It's ok, no rush". If it is another hernia, I want it fixed NOW not later on but fix the darn thing properly this time as this will be the 6th time. Enough already, no more!!!! Best wishes.
  24. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Toyster, I'm so sorry you're still not well. The dehydration is not a good feeling. I collapsed twice and kept getting dizzy and sick. My daughter asked the sugeon if it was because no nuitrition was getting through. He said "Yes, (smiled and said) she has lost a lot of weight though". I didn't find it very helpful at the time though. I found it very interesting about the liquids backed up in your pouch as when I p'b, gallons of fluid comes up as well and I'm surprised where it all comes from. Best wishes.
  25. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Livn4Jesus, Thankyou, I certainly will. I have sent out such painful pleas for his help. My test is on Wednesday morning. I am hoping they find the answer but that it is nothing serious. Best wishes.

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