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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Katydid

  1. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Had every second staple out on Friday, get the rest out next Friday. The surgeon filled me in on lots of things about the operation. He likened me to a starving child in Africa with the big belly. What I'd thought was the hernia was not only the hernia but the distended belly from malnutrition. Apparently the body also goes orange, I hadn't done that. The lack of Protein and other things in my blood also prevented him fixing other things because he knew my body had nothing to heal itself with. Also it prevented him from putting the mesh in to prevent the hernia busting through again. It wouldn't have taken. If it does happen again, he will use the mesh because in a few months my body will have become stronger and healthier with good nutrition. I'm not so dirty on him now that I know the facts. I'm still very tired and very sore but it's still early days yet. Best wishes to everyone.
  2. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Took your advice and pulled out of collecting my Dad from hospital tomorrow. He had cateract surgery this afternoon. I didn't get to sleep until 6.30am again because of pain and although I picked my Granddaughter up from school today, I decided that I must rest tomorrow to get ready for the big drive to the surgeon in Waikiki on Friday morning. The hospital is arranging to send him home by taxi through Veterans Affairs and I'll be able to speak to his surgeon over the phone. I do feel somewhat guilty but I'll just have to get over it!! I agree with your comments about an appology being needed from my daughter and my mother but it will never happen, just doesn't work that way with those two. If I end up having to go into hospital again for the hernia, I'll try to sneakily get the surgeon to explain to them. That will be the only way. My mother has always been a very hard worker and especially since I've had these problems over the past five years all up, I can't keep up with her. Being that my folks live with me now, my daughters keep telling me "not to let Grandma do all the work". I do but she gets up at 4 - 5am, I get up at 7am normally. What there is to do she has done, so I give up! Gee, I won't need to go to my psych next week, I've spat it all out on here. Aaaaaah, I feel better now. Best wishes, Helene.
  3. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Elayne, My heart really feels for you. It is sooo good that your husband is at least prepared not to make the stress worse for you in the leadup to your operation. Once the pounds start falling off, you will be surprised at how different you will feel about yourself and other people will notice the changes too. You may feel strange about accepting the compliments at first but hey, the feeling will be marvelous. Don't make excuses, just say "Thank you" and know you deserve it. Best wishes, Helene
  4. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, I've been trying to post for three days and couldn't get past the message about being off for a few hours. Thank you all again for your lovely welcome back messages, I truely appreciate them. Guess what???? I've lost the extra weight and am back to my previous 74.5 kilos = 163.2 lbs. Yahoo!!! Yes, I agree, it must've been all the fluids they were pumping into me. I had my first day out today, driving my parents to their hydrotherapy sessions, paying bills and a little shopping. Pushed it too far and ended almost doubled over with stabbing pains in the midriff area. Drove straight home and rested but am still having pain. I'm so scared that I may have busted the hernia stitching. It's OK for doctors to say REST but when you are looking after others, it's very, very hard. I'll be resting all day tomorrow except when I have to pick up my Granddaughter from school. Then I'll rest again. Thursday I have to pick up my Dad from his cateract surgery and Friday have an hours drive to see the surgeon re- staples being removed and then home again. I'll be taking the drive slowly. Lucky my car is an automatic, there is no way I could make the two hour drive there and back if it wasn't. I have to admit that it is nice to be able to eat again but I haven't gone crazy and still drink plenty of water. The reflux, painful burping and toilet problems have all gone and what a pure relief that is. I hadn't been to the toilet properly since October '08 and I still can't believe my other surgeon kept on smiling at me and saying "But look at all the weight you've lost!!!" When the new surgeon came to take me into the operating room, I asked him if he could remove something else while he was there. I said "My temper please!" He said that he would have to remove his own first. Honestly, my temper and moods were terrible before the surgery. I've calmed down so much since then I can't believe it myself. Of course having the arguement with my mother and my youngest daughter the night before the op didn't help. They were at me because they didn't believe I could be tired and weak for so long and virtually just told me that I was just being lazy. I would fall asleep anywhere and sometimes really had to struggle to stay awake on long drives to check on my folks house which is an hour away. Thank goodness it sold just before I went into hospital. I was so very hurt by what they were saying to me and the fact of the operation being only a few hours away and not knowing what was going to happen that I ended up telling my daughter to get out and climbed into bed with my granddaughter (I was babysitting). When the results of my blood tests came back with so many things missing and not a skerrick of protein, they were very quiet. No appologies mind you but very quiet and nice. It was very hurtful though. Hello, I've written another book again. Back to bed I go with some painkillers. Welcome Dot, you will never find as nice a bunch of caring people anywhere, as you will on this thread. Take it from me, "their bloods worth bottling" (an Aussie saying for great people). Best wishes, Helene.
  5. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I'm baaaaaack!! Hi Everyone, Thankyou all so very much for your kind thoughts and prayers. As promised, I was thinking of you all and saying your names in my mind as I went under. Dr. Padovan found my liver and stomach covered in adhesions and had a hard time separating them. He took the band out but said it was not safe to put another in or do anything else so he stitched that area and repaired the hernia. I was a little disapointed that he didn't use the mesh after all. He said he found some strong muscle so used that. If it breaks through again, then he will use the mesh. DARN. I didn't want there to be a next time. I'm stapled up like a rolled roast. The odd thing is that I went in there weighing 75 kilos = 165lbs and came out weighing 81 kilos = 178.2lbs. I only had three normal meals, the rest were clear fluids. I was very upset about that. I'm so scared of putting it all back on again. The vomiting has stopped and only occassional burping. Nearly forgot, there was not a bit of Protein in my blood. He said my body was in a starving mode because nothing could get through. Have to lie down again now, still early days. Wow, Livin4Jesus, you went to a lot of trouble to try to find me. Thank you. I had asked my eldest daughter to post for me but she'd been caught up with the trial she's on and working 12 hour days without breaks. Best wishes to all and thank you all so very much again. You really did make a difference, especially where the pain levels were/are concerned. Helene.
  6. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Good Morning, Well it's morning over here. 5.40am to be exact. My daughter should be here any tick of the clock to take me to the hospital. I'd give anything for a cold drink of Water. Not a good day or night yesterday. Had an arguement with my mother and my youngest daughter and am still angry about it. Don't need it right now. STRESS!!!! Vomited 4 times through the night and only fell asleep at 2.30am. Don't care what happens anymore. What's that old saying? Kea Serra, serra or whatever. Thankyou all for your best wishes and prayers and most of all your friendship. My real name is HELENE.
  7. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi, Thankyou all so much for your good wishes. I promise I'll be thinking of you all as I go under. I'm to arrive at the hospital at 6.30am but don't know the op time, just that it's in the morning. Gone are the days when you'd get to sleep in the hospital the night before the op. Oregondaisy I'm so sorry for scaring you. As I've said before my situation is not a normal one. I guess I'm just unlucky but there is always the off one in a bunch that things don't work for. I also agree with what Janet said in regards to the surgeon. Unfortunately we can't find out specialists/surgeons records of success and failures over here (don't know if you can) and just have to take a name picked out of a medical book by the GP. When you ask a surgeon of his failures...........of course they've never had any!!!! At least this GP looked into it for me and found me a good surgeon who is going to do his best. I'm very grateful for that. Two of my cousins (sisters) in Melbourne, Victoria, have both had stapling done. The younger one had it done thirty years ago and lost heaps. She actually married afterwards to a guy 19 years her junior and had two more kids. She had it redone again 5 years ago and looks fantastic. Her older sister was stapled four weeks afterwards and looks fabulous too. Neither of them have had any problems and yet I've heard that stapling is worse than banding. Not for them it wasn't. Good luck for your operation and I hope to talk to you again soon. See ya.
  8. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, My talent I guess would have to be sewing, creative sewing like costumes etc. I've had a Fancy Dress Hire business that I've run from home for 14 years. I have a huge 8metre x 8metre shed at the back w/ windows and sliding glass doors. It's all set out exactly the same as a shop. All legal with the Shire and Tax dept. I love it when customers come back after their parties saying they've won 1st prizes. At the moment I'm creating an unusual Easter Bonnet for my 9yr old Granddaughter for her school parade. I've drawn it but have been too ill to make it. Hopefully I'll be able to do it after the op. It's going to be a skull cap shape with lots of jester type horns sticking out around it all in a green grassy looking material (don't know the name of it) that has rows of fine fringeing. In the centre at the top sits a white little bunny clasping a tiny cane basketfull of tiny easter eggs an surrounded by tiny yellow fluffy chickens. Hanging from the fringed branches (horns) will be colourful little chocolate easter eggs. I'll sew these on after I burn holes through the top with a hot needle. I'm going to miss the business. The sale fell through by the way but I'm not going to stress about it. Best wishes.
  9. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, I totally agree with you about the inheritance. I also agree with the puking in your sleep, not nice at all. I know how you feel about putting weight back on, that scares me too. I also understand about the port sticking out. With the soccer ball (hernia) protruding from my midriff and the port corner sticking out on the other side, I keep thinking I'd easily fit into the movie Alien where the belly opens up and this THING comes out. I've gotta weird sense of humour. My Best Wishes Are With You.
  10. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Peaches9, Don't sell yourself short, those quilts are gorgeous. Great photo of yourself too. Best wishes.
  11. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, Thank you so much. The new surgeon said that if it is safe and the stomach is ok, then he will put a new band in (glutton for punishment I am) but he doesn't think that will be the case and has warned me that I will put weight back on. Just have to get through Monday first. Best wishes.
  12. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Absolutely fabulous JoannMarie. Wow you sure must have a lot of patience. Fantastic. I used to sew for private people and for boutiques, never, never, again. When I called it quits, I didn't look at my machines again for 2 full years.
  13. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Well the countdown is now on. Had my bloods done at the hospital I'm having the op at on Monday, today and also went for the pre admission chat. Dr. Padovan has such a great reputation and is apparently very "pedantic" and a "perfectionist" who has a "100% record of no mistakes". He actually did cancel two other peoples operations to be able to take his time with mine. Even though he had told me this, it was very reassuring to actually hear it from the Pre Admin staff. I've now heard all the bits and pieces about the op that the staff had to tell me. Didn't really want to know all of it but it had to be heard. I've never been in this hospital before. It's a Specialist Hospital right in Perth (Mount Hospital) but it has the worst parking area of every hospital in the state. I've been trying to post before and after photos here before I go in but I just can't get the gist of it. I know that seeing the photos of people here helps me to feel more connected to you all and not so alone. I'm still vomiting 2 and sometimes 3 times a day and suffer bad chest wind and burping continually and the abominal hernia is sticking out like a ruddy soccer ball. I'm very happy with my size even though I didn't get to goal, all except this darn soccer ball that spoils the look. My Granddaughter can't get over how much my boobs (pardon the expression) have shrunk and has a giggle when she sees my new bras. From 40DD down to 16C and struggling to fill them. I said to her "If I lose anymore, I won't have to buy bras, just get a piece of string and put it around my neck to hold 'em up". (Not a pretty sight). Stephanie absolutely lost it and fell off the bed laughing. Best wishes to all.
  14. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Phyllser, Grrrrrrrrrr Found the ticker and slider I liked, typed in the weight etc and then couldn't get any further. It wouldn't let me cut and paste anything. This is as far as I've been able to get each time. Not Happy.
  15. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi, Isn't it strange how medication works differently for people. I used to take Zoloft years ago but had to wean off it because it made my moods and temper go all over the place. I wasn't told to take it with food though, just first thing in the morning. Pre band of course. My doctor changed me to Cipramel and no problems with these at all. I take the Cipramel and Nexium 40mg (for Reflux) with a cold glass of milk in the mornings. Best wishes.
  16. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Congratulations Mominliv13 and Oreo, Fantastic weight loss. Good on you both. Welcome Smitty, Do not let these problems carry on. Please see your doctor and don't let him/her just scoff at it and let it go. These things can be extremely dangerous as I've found out. Things can go unbelievably wrong,believe me. My operation is on the 9th March and I've been told to be prepared!! This site is really helpful and very supportive, so keep posting and Best Wishes.
  17. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Livin4Jesus, OK, I'm a complete novice at this stuff, so you'll really have to spell it out for me please? I couldn't even get the little chart thing to stay on the post. What and where is the signature box and does it show you what to do? Many thanks.
  18. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Livin4Jesus, Could you please explain to me how you put your before and after pictures on your posts please? Best wishes.
  19. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Long2bThin, I've been told that the band is causing my severe reflux and wind (burping) because it has slipped right to the bottom of the stomach. As for the hiatal hernia, the new surgeon said that it should've been picked up a long time ago and fixed but now it's too risky as the liver has to be lifted up to be able to get to it and there are too many adhesions. I didn't know I had the hiatal hernia either. I knew about the abdominal one but not the other. Best wishes.
  20. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Apples2, What surgery corrected the acid reflux? Best wishes.
  21. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, I saw my GP today to discuss what the new surgeon had said. He understood and agreed with everything. He told me that he knew it was going to be bad and that he'd tried to get me to see another surgeon earlier on. He had but I resisted. Now that I have, he was able to tell me that he already has a patient he'd referred to Dr Padovan and guess who her first surgeon was..........yep, same one. I'm finding out such a lot of bad things about the first surgeon, it's rather spooky. My GP said he was unable to tell me anything before. I wish I'd listened earlier when he suggested the changeover. I'm down to 73.5 kilos = 162lbs as of today, which is a total loss of 40.5 kilos = 89.4lbs. this is the first loss I've had since 19th Jan even though I'm still very ill. I really wanted to get to my goal, which is only 5.5 kilos = 12lbs away. I'm very glad that I've been able to lose all that ghastly fat anyway and even though I'm not well, I love the new me. Best wishes.
  22. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Oregondaisy, Thanks for your and everyone elses good wishes. I did ask Dr Padovan about the sleeve. He said NO because I've already had two bands the blood supply to the stomach will have been badly affected and he wouldn't risk doing it. He is a very down to earth talker and doesn't mince words. He lets you know the facts and all the risks, like it or not. He also said that if it is not safe to replace this band, he will not do it. Unfortunately I will put weight on again. I think I'm dreading that possibility more than the risky operation. Even though I'm not at goal, I'm close enough to it and I'm very happy with my size right now. Best wishes.
  23. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, What a disaster of a day, start to finish. Asked Mum to wake me at 7am.............woke me at 7.40am. Showered, dressed, threw makeup on, grabbed stuff, got Mum in the car a took off, late of course. Had to be in Waikiki for the new surgeons appt at 9am, 1 hours drive away in good traffic. Not in a good mood. Made it exactly on time but still in a foul mood and not thinking steadily at all. Would you believe I'd grabbed the wrong xrays and ct scans in my haste. I almost cried. The surgeon wanted me to come back another time because he couldn't make any decision without seeing them. I explained that I'd been stressing out about everything and not knowing what was happening etc,etc,etc. He told me to go home and bring the right ones back and he'd wait for me. It took just over two hours for me to get back to him with the right films but he did squeeze me in. The day just kept getting worse. He really did not want to take my problems on at all and told me straight out that everything is in a very bad mess. He was concerned that if I didn't make it through the operation, that it would look bad for him, when in reality he would only be trying to rectify another surgeons mistakes. This was a bit of a shock to say the least. He said the surgeon I'd been seeing should be made to fix his own mistakes but I told him that I no longer had any confidence in that surgeon. He explained all the things that are not good on the scans and xrays and pointed out numerous things and what he would have to do to fix them. Some, are too risky to attempt. Just getting the band out from where it has slipped to safely will take approx 4 hours. If it is possible to replace the band safely, where it should've been he will do it but if it's not safe, he will not do it. He is concerned that there may be tiny holes in the liver, stomach or intestines which could leak and cause serious infections. He's already pretty sure that the liver has stuck to the stomach again as it did after the first band slipped in 2003. Either way, the band has to come out as the longer it stays in blocking things the more chance there is of the stomach becoming necrotic (dying). So I've virtually been put on notice. I run the risk of dying either way. I have to see him again next Friday as he wants to get all the information that he can from everyone who has done the tests on me. He also wants to know about the 4 biopsy results from the endoscopy last Friday before he will commit to operating. He said that he really does want to help me but needs to know everything there is to know. It also didn't help having to tell him about the hospital bug I'd caught when I had the last hernia operation in November. When I was about to leave, he told me that I'm the 5th or 7th patient he's had to repair lately from my other surgeon. Oh My Gawd!!! I'd spoken to two ladies in the waiting room earlier and had a big shock. One has a stomach the size of a 50 cent piece due to her band slipping and going necrotic. Guess who her surgeon was.........Yep same as mine. The other lady had also had problems and.... same surgeon. We all were shocked. This surgeon was able to fix them both. I'm a little teary at the moment realising what a fool I've been for being so trusting AGAIN. Strange how life turns around. Years ago I actually tried to commit suicide, twice and still have the scars to remind me (traumatic, violent childhood and violent marriages). Those were very, very sad times but I've worked hard and though I still suffer from depression my life revolves around my daughters and my beautiful 9yr old Grandaughter and I don't want to leave them. I don't see one of my daughters and have never seen my little Grandson because she blames me for her having OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). I still love her through all the hurt. The earliest date the surgeon can give me is Thursday the 5th March and has warned me that it is going to be dangerous. I feel like I've been given two weeks notice so that I can fix my affairs. I said that I'd be praying and thinking positively. He said he would be too and that he was so sorry he'd had to tell me those things. I've been such a bitch to my mother lately, ripping in to her so much as if she's an idiot. I just can't handle their problems as well. I just don't want to know and I feel like a real scumbag. I'm sorry, I'm rambling. Best wishes to everyone.
  24. Katydid

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Everyone, Went to see my GP this morning. He hadn't even been sent a copy of the endoscopy report, luckily I'd taken my report with me. He said "Something has to be done about this!" I told him that the surgeons receptionist told me that "He's not going to do anything!" Well, you should've seen his face. It instantly went bright red and his jaw went rigid. He was so angry but did really well and was very professional when he finally spoke. He said "Leave it to me, I'll make some phonecalls and find a good experienced surgeon". He rang me about 1 hour ago to tell me I've an appt Friday morning with a surgeon from Canada who is an hours drive from here but I MUST GO!. I will be there. Hi Dixiedoo, You are very right. Never thought about it that way. If it were one of my daughters I'd have been banging on the surgeons door. Hi Lompocbander, You're so gorgeous. I guess I've not been thinking to straight lately and sometimes have either fallen in a heap or lost my temper at everyone, (of which I'm really ashamed of myself). My Dad has come off his bender now and I told him this morning that I will not have him drinking that rotgut plonk here ever again. If he wants to have a beer fine but not the other stuff because he can't stop and it's too much stress for me and I will not have my house stinking. I'm trying to sell their house for them and it was very hard getting the stink out of that place. I wish my late brother was here to pull him into line. Hi Socialdot, I do feel very disapointed and let down by my surgeon as I'd had a lot of trust and faith in him, but no more. Hi Livin4jesus, The band has been unfilled for several weeks now and although I do eat things on occasion they tend to come back up. I had Yoghurt yesterday and it too came back up. I drink icy milk, icy carrot and celery juice, probiotic drinks and frozen cokes. Hot or warm drinks don't agree at all. I really do appreciate everyones input, prayers and good wishes. They really do help.

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