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Posts posted by Mrsa

  1. This recipe sounds great, but my program does not allow tomatoes or Tomato sauce until 75% of excess weight loss (along with all starchy veggies and carbs). Tomato sauce may be the hardest thing to go without for me because it is so versatile.

    It's so interesting to read how different everyone's post op diet is. I'm in puréed stage and I eat a lot of tomato basil Soup. It's been a staple since starting this stage. I'm 15 days post op.

  2. Also, I had a few moments of sheer panic of "Why did I do this; what have I done to myself?!?" It always came after a nap. I'd wake up and for a split second forgotten I had surgery and then when I remembered, the panic would come. I could talk myself down but prepare for a few moments of "Whyyyyyy". It has subsided now. [emoji4]. For now. 🤞🏼

  3. I'm surprised how hungry I was weeks 2-3 of my full liquids post op. It's a battle between head hungry and real hungry. today is day two of soft food, and I'm not hungry. At all.

    100% agree with this!

    Also, I never thought about how hard it would be to maneuver in the bed. For the first two nights, it was very hard to find a comfortable position and even harder to try to change the position. I was too scared to sleep in my recliner because of the fear of blood clots. (I have a clotting disorder) I'm 5 days post-op and am finding it much easer to get comfortable now.

  4. I'm currently having a real problem with this. I feel like I'm hungry ALL THE TIME! I know that even if my brain wants to eat something, there's no physical place for my body to put it anymore. I'm currently at the 2 ounce phase, and I realize at some point I will be able to eat 4 ounces of Protein plus some applesauce or maybe even lettuce (God do I miss that, never thought I'd miss salad), but my brain still wants to eat a full plate of something.

    I'm losing weight (although I've hit my three week stall a bit early) and you'd think that'd be reward enough, but I'm frustrated. I know it's something I'm just going to have to adjust to, but I worry that I won't be able. But the surgery is non-reversible and so I'm stuck here for the rest of my life.

    Skinny people might point to obesity surgery as "the easy way out", but I am here to tell you, psychologically, it ain't so easy, at least for me.

    Thanks for listening.

    What scares me a bit is I hear people refer to this as the "honeymoon" stage. If this is the honeymoon, I want a divorce!! It's such a mental game, especially for those of us who have a food addiction. I see people eating and I just crave whatever they have. It's such a hard addiction because we HAVE to have it to survive and we HAVE to be around it, unlike drugs. It's like telling a person with a drug addiction: here have just a lick while we full-on participate. [emoji15] (Not to make light of drug addiction) oh well! We can do this! [emoji173]️

  5. I had my sleeve 6/19 I am starving ! I cannot eat anymore Soup ! I have melted small amount of cheese in microwave and eaten it in small bites . I am not taking in much over 500 calories daily and I don't feel like I'm losing . I'm terrified my metabolism will slow down so bad it will be impossible for me to ever eat normal without gaining weight .

    I never thought about our metabolism slowing due to lack of intake! Yikes! That's a very valid and worrisome thought.

  6. I had surgery 6/29 and have been doing very well. Can drink fine. Can finish a whole Protein Shake in a half hour. But, darn I'm hungry. I cannot stop thinking of things I'd like to eat. I imagine myself taking bites of the foods. Facebook and commercials are killing me. Is anyone else extremely hungry? I mean, I've even thought - for half a second- what would happen if I took a bite of that cheese in the fridge. . Now, of course I won't.....but I thought it!

  7. 52 minutes ago, VSG4Mag said:

    I had read and watched many videos on Mexico and was totally ready to go. Before persuing that, I figured why not give it a go with insurance? That way at least I can say I tried, and obviously it will be no money out of pocket

    I really thought Mexico was where I'd end up. I've heard a lot of good things.

    40 minutes ago, Candigal said:

    I have tricare south prime and was one month from consultation to surgery. I did not have to do a psych consult or a nutritionist (the docs office had one and so did the hospital). My BMI was 40 and it fluctuated.

    Hi, can I ask where you are located? I am in the Panhandle of Florida so I have tricare south as well.

  8. 1 minute ago, VSG4Mag said:

    Ok! I hope that works out.

    Keep in mind too, that some insurance requires 6 months of weigh ins. Maybe keep up with that through your primary doctor so that doesn't hold you up.

    If your insurance covers a nutritionist, see if you can get an appointment with one that will go over the pre and post bariatric diet requirements. That will knock on thing out that the bariatric group will likely need you to do. Plus it is very informative and educating. And maybe find a psych doctor/therapist ahead of time too so you can set it up more easily.

    My practice DID have everything in house, but many of them were not covered by insurance and I'd have to pay out of pocket a couple of hundred for each. Also, they were very backed up and appointments were tough to schedule for me.

    I'm excited for you. I was you just last week. 😀

    I'm so thankful for the hope you've given me. I also appreciate the advice. I am going to take it and be as proactive as possible. Thank you!

  9. 35 minutes ago, VSG4Mag said:

    I had read and watched many videos on Mexico and was totally ready to go. Before persuing that, I figured why not give it a go with insurance? That way at least I can say I tried, and obviously it will be no money out of pocket

    I really thought Mexico was where I'd end up. I've heard a lot of good things.

    23 minutes ago, Candigal said:

    I have tricare south prime and was one month from consultation to surgery. I did not have to do a psych consult or a nutritionist (the docs office had one and so did the hospital). My BMI was 40 and it fluctuated.

    Hi, can I ask where you are located? I am in the Panhandle of Florida so I have tricare south as well. I'm wondering if I should seek out another location for approval. There are only 2 tricare approved surgeons and they are in the same group. I am just perplexed as to why their office wouldn't even see me. The insurance rep/receptionist told me tricare wouldn't approve the surgery so there was no reason to be seen. She also stated that once seen (if I put on 20 lbs!) tricare still requires 4 months of nutrition classes. Wonder why you had a different experience. She told me, again, if I was seen, it would take a minimum of 6 months to complete process before submitting for surgery approval; so looking at year from now.

    Thank you endlessly for your help and navigation.

  10. 19 minutes ago, VSG4Mag said:

    Where are you located? Maybe there is a different bariatric group you could try?

    2 months is not normal. I think they were a little shocked when in just over 2 weeks I had done the endoscope, cardiologist, Pulmonologist, psych, nutritionist and sleep study. I had just had a full work up by my primary doctor and they accepted those blood tests. I literally left my first appointment and made most of the appointments right in the parking lot. I got lucky because I was able to get into those docs so quickly.

    The hardest one for me was psych bc there is a long list from my insurance company, but NOBODY seemed to do bariatric clearances. I literally called 20+. I finally called a local bariatric group (mine is an hour + away) and they were able to give me a name.

    I'm in the Panhandle of Florida. I checked and there are only 2 insurance approved doctors in my area and they are both in the same practice. Maybe I'll look into other areas that are just a few hours away. I did message my PCM about a sleep study. Thanks for the help. I am so hopeful.

  11. 7 hours ago, VSG4Mag said:

    My initial plan was Mexico. But I figured why not try and see what happens??

    I didn't need a referral, so I was able to go directly to the bariatric practice. I have low blood pressure, great blood work and a healthy heart. I was desperate and thought only severe sleep apnea would qualify me, but I only had a mild case.

    My insurance company said if the doctor (bariatric) wrote a letter stating it was medically necessary, it could be covered. I didn't see the letter, but I have knee and hip pain, some back pain too. Most of my complaints were orthopedic and maybe that with the mild sleep apnea did the trick?

    im thinking logically, a hip and knee replacement is more money and more recovery with PT. So it's likely in the best interest of insurance to cover this...plus it's preventative. My family has a history of high BP, heart problems and diabetes. Why wait until those develop.

    I would NOT gain weight! I was so miserable at my weight to begin with, that the thought of adding any more was terrible. Then maintain it?? Probably some skinny person who has never struggled with weight thinks that's great advice. Plus you usually lose 65% of your excess weight (I know the stats may be different, but that's what my doc told me).

    Tey foe the sleep study. Make sure they know if you have aches or pains. Or any rashes from the excess fat/skin.

    Good luck.

    Thank you so much! You've given me a glimpse of hope. I am going to pursue that. I really appreciate your help!

  12. Yes! Thank you! That's exactly it. I'm grasping at everything I can. Thank you for the advice. I'm so shocked to hear you got it all done in 2 months! When I talked to the receptionist at the bariatric center, she told me IF I gained the 20 lbs, the earliest appointment right now is in June. After that, I would have to see a nutritionist for 4 months before final approval. She said expect it to take a year. I felt so defeated! Y'all are giving me hope to not give up. I am going to try to schedule a sleep study as I know my snoring has gotten worse. Again, thank you for your advice and words of encouragement.

  13. Thank you so much for your reply and guidance. In order to get a sleep study, did you have to jump through hoops or just request one? I'm just surprised the bariatric center wouldn't even see me; I was hoping they could help me find a loophole or way to go ahead with a treatment. Tricare granted 4 visits so just can't believe they wouldn't even schedule a visit. I'm in a desperate place that I've not experienced before. Again, thank you for your help.

  14. Thank you so much for replying! Was it your primary care doctor that said it was medically nessessary or the bariatric surgeon? I do have insurance - Tricare Prime through the military. The military doctor submitted referral to the weight loss clinic but the clinic won't even see me because they said insurance won't cover it. The only suggestion the receptionist had was to gain 20 lbs so I'd qualify. I sure don't want to do that because not only do you have to gain it but she stated I'd have to maintain it for 4 months. I feel so poorly already; I can't imagine putting on more weight!

  15. I do not qualify for GS because I don't have a major co-morbidity but do have a BMI of 36. I am desperate for help so am looking at Mexico as an option. How long does it take to have surgery scheduled? Do they have as many hoops to jump through as in the states? Is it a faster process in Mexico? Thank you for any insight you can provide.

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