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Posts posted by chpstick2u

  1. The balloon went in on a Wednesday and came out the next day. I was in so much pain when I woke up from having the balloon inserted and they sent me home at a nine pain scale. I could not drink or obviously eat. I was in an enormous amount of pain and could not stop vomiting. After paging my doctor three times in the middle of the night with no reply I was done and demanded to have it removed and it's just not for me. They said that I'm in this very small percentage of people who cannot tolerate the balloon. Disappointing but it was an unbearable 24 hours.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Wayward Traveler said:

    I think mine cost more than that (maybe $7000?) but I don't recall ... regardless, it was worth it and it was the right choice for me. May not be for everyone, but I'm glad that I did it. :-)

    Right on. Next Wednesday can't come soon enough!

  3. 1 hour ago, sammy246 said:

    I'm not doubting your choice, I've considered many different options. WLS is not a one size fits all situation! Honestly, I'm just shocked that they charge that much. I wish it was covered for you.

    So how much does it run in your area? I thought I found a bargain but this is a ton of money! :P

  4. Thanks for the feedback Junior. So my PCP said I should have something on standby and he wrote me some Lortab pills....he said I could smash them up if needed. I have no idea what I'm doing. I hope I won't need it and then I don't have to wonder what I'm doing.

    I will look for your posts! Thanks again!

  5. So happy I found this forum. I had no idea gastric balloons existed until a few weeks ago but it sounded perfect for me. Like many, my weight controls my life...I'm miserable feeling and looking like I do. But this procedure gives me hope that I can change my habits and use this as a tool for the next 6 months.

    I'm scared to death of how I will feel post-op. Is it painful? The vomiting has me nervous as well...how will I keep my medicine down? I know cramping and vomiting are to be expected but what about general pain? I've read that some docs provide pain meds in addition to the anti-cramping and anti-nausea meds but my doctor feels I won't need pain meds. I'm a big baby so I'm just fearing pain that I won't be able to control. I'm sure I'll be fine but curious what the "norm" is.

    From reading other forums it seems popsicles, Protein Shakes and broth are the staple items for the first week. Anything else?

    Looking forward to hearing about your experiences. One last question. What did everyone pay for the Orbera Balloon? I'm paying $5,500.

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