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Posts posted by pastbandedsleever

  1. It never occurred to me not to eat my Easter dinner that I bought and prepared. Over the weekend I went out to dinner & had Easter dinner. I lost 3 pounds. I can only eat a max of 4 tblspns. Max. Even if I ate 4 tblspns of pure sugar I wouldn't gain a pound. I have no guilt. I did not do anything wrong and neither did you. Move forward.

  2. My BFFs are both MDs & they both told me that it takes the body time to adjust to operating at such a significant calorie deficit. Your body was used to operating on a significantly higher budget. It has to adjust... especially carrying such a significant amount of weight. This is my 3rd week post op and I can definitely that I am still in recovery and adjustment mode. It's getting a little better each day. One thing, it HAD to be more exhausting carrying around the additional pounds. I think it's in our heads "how much more energy we used to have" [emoji23]

  3. I am almost 6 weeks out. I have only lost 10 lbs, since week 2. I was having problems getting my Protein and Water in and I stayed costipated. I went to my support group on 811th. They told me what to do. I guess I am in a stall. It is depressing. I would love to lose faster. I am only on full liquids.

    How long are bypass patients on liquids. I am VSG and we switched to soft mushy foods the 2nd week post op

  4. The goal weight/April expectation was set by the Dr & Nutritionist.
    *nods* Im going to talk to the Dietitian about upping my calories..see if it helps. I haven't figured my calories for my goal weight but Illl look into that.
    I truly am happy with what I've done so far..just discouraged for the most part and confused when ive been doing what I was told to do.
    Thanks for the suggestions! [emoji4]

    Excellent advice. Read about ADF (Alternate Day Fasting) and Intermittent Fasting. There is tremendous research about EXTENDING LIFE EXPECTANCY as well as losing weight. It has nothing to do with fad diets. It's about living longer and healthier. A great start is a documentary called Eat Fast Live Longer

  5. Same thing happened to me I thought I was dying, I couldn't drink anything for the first week. Thank God my my obsessive stalking on BP before surgery and all the files I kept on the vets suggestions, I remembered I had read somewhere about another person w/the same issue....my problem was the cold drinks. I found out that I could take sips of very hot liquids with no issues. Popsicles, Jello n cold Water were a no and still are for me today. It will get better. I still don't know how I made it past 2 weeks post surgery.....take it easy you are still healing.

    Thank you for the advice. I am going to try warm only tomorrow.

  6. I was March 30th. After a few days of having god forsaken gas pains, I'm relieved and feeling MUCH. I can honestly say the pain from the gas was 100 times worse than the incision pain. My incisions don't both for the most part. Still tender and have to get up and sit down slowly, but doing pretty well.

    Hope all is well with you guys and gals!

    I was March 30th... the gas pains are still awful. They left for a while and now they are back with a vengeance

  7. I am only drinking very limited amounts because it's so painful to drink. When the liquid goes down it hurts so badly. I have been to the ER and the bloodwork shows no sign of bleeding internally. Everything looks good according to the numbers except for dehydration.

    Is this normal? It's so painful to drink I don't want to take another sip. By painful I don't mean painful to swallow. I mean painful once it gets down my throat and heads to the stomach, it feels like knives stabbing me.

  8. I had my band out in December and my sleeve was done last week. Like you, I also have PCOS. The band removal was a super simple surgery; the sleeve surgery was a bit harder. I did gain 5lbs between the band removal and sleeve procedures. But, after I had healed from the band removal, I did go a little crazy for a week or two. If you stick to a normal, healthy diet you won't gain anything.

    Are you also on a Facebook group? I had been looking for someone who, like me, had a Band removal in 12/2016 and VSG I. 03/2017 from a Facebook group I am in. However, I gave up Facebook for Lent.... I am hoping you are that same person. Lol

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