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Posts posted by JustaGirl45

  1. I am 8 weeks post surgery (March 1/17) and now on solid food -the first two weeks were a breeze but i developed a pain near my sternum followed by trouble breathing and extreme fatigue..it turned out to be an ulcer which landed me in the hospital for 5 days.. if you are concerned about pain and it doesnt go away after taking something stronger than tylonol, there could be any number of issues. Passing it off might make things worse--make sure you get your surgeon's opinion or go to emergency

  2. So I thought Id post an update-after 4 days in hospital, I am finally home. Lots of tests were done ct urine, lots of blood work, endoscopy, and two blood transfusions.. it turned out I have a bleeding ulcer. It was decided that my hemoglobin was stable and was discharged despite being low. Im not feeling 100%, but its nice to be home and in my own bed.

  3. So I am two weeks post op following gastric bypass and I started with pain around my sternum two days ago.. I passed it off as "doing too much" around the house. I also felt super tired and started having breathing issues. Of course my bf and mom passed it off as "doing too much". I was adamant about going to the hospital. Turns out my hemoglobin was 74 and then down to 68 and my little pain might be an ulcer. After the 7 hour wait in emerg I was finally admitted and a blood transfusion is currently being done and will have a scope tomorrow.

    I wanted to post this topic because it is important to keep on top of how YOU feel-keep an eye out for red flags. If you aren't feeling right have it looked at asap. It could be nothing.. but don't let those around you decide if you should see a doctor or go to the hospital. If I had done the "wait and see" thing I might be worse off than I am today.

    I hate hospitals and hate to put people out. (ie my poor bf who waited all night with me) BUT I should have come to the hospital two days ago. I guess I just wanted to say/don't put it off thinking its nothing or gas thinking it will just go away. Everyone has busy lives, but at this time your health is a priority.

  4. I would have sent emails a month before to various Protein Powder suppliers to get samples-i bought Premier Protein powder vanilla and chocolate and they made me gag. Also, I wouldn't have brought as much to the hospital--really all I needed for my hospital stay was slippers-pillow-bipap-chap stick-undies-socks-toothbrush-hand cream. All I wanted to do was sleep in my comfy bed. I wouldnt have watched to many "bad experience surgery" vids on you tube--they just made me more nervous.

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