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Posts posted by peanut2772

  1. I had a lapband in place for about 6 years had it removed 3/2017... I had vsg on 8/3/2017. I should have had vsg initially.. it is what it is. I stared at about 233 after lapband removal I’m currently weighing 174. The lowest I’ve been is 168. I was currently laid off from work and for obvious reasons I haven’t been as active or mobile as I was.. All in all, vsg was the best decision I ever made. I became pregnant with our third child with the Lapband. After giving birth it was intolerable to live with I couldn’t get to my green zone fill at all. Actually, I wasn’t even filled I couldn’t tolerate any fills. Surgeon recommended two stage surgery. He wanted stomach to heal after removal of band. Good luck to all my revisionistas and vsg’ers! May the force all be with you...

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  2. I had a lapband in place for 10 years had it removed 3/2017... I had vsg on 8/3/2017. I should have had vsg initially.. it is what it is. I stared at about 233 after lapband removal I’m currently weighing 174. The lowest I’ve been is 168. I was currently laid off from work and for obvious reasons I haven’t been as active or mobile as I was.. All in all, vsg was the best decision I ever made. I became pregnant with our third child with the Lapband. After giving birth it was intolerable to live with I couldn’t get to my green zone fill at all. Actually, I wasn’t even filled I couldn’t tolerate any fills. Surgeon recommended two stage surgery. He wanted stomach to heal after removal of band. Good luck to all my revisionistas and vsg’ers! May the force all be with you...

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  3. I find myself eating fast but I do not notice until I am finished... I only noticed this today I’ve had the worst heartburn with nauseous feeling and a sharp pain in lower left side of stomach.. and lunch was at noon. Has anyone else had this gross feeling? I’ve also noticed that I do not wait the complete 30 minutes to drink after eating... bad habits seem to linger. Since I’ve noticed these issues today I need to stop these habits!! I hope it’s not too late

    Lapband placed: 8/2011

    Lapband removed: 3/2017

    VSG: 8/2/2017

  4. I don't think I had enough h20 this weekend woke up with headache yesterday and sipped some Water yesterday this morning headache so bad started drinking water upon waking..sweaty clammy shaky threw up water and some foam not a regular vomit no bile involved hurt like hell to throw up still feeling clammy and sweaty I'm so scared I tore stomach internally will be 7 weeks op tomorrow

    Lapband placed: 8/2011

    Lapband removed: 3/2017

    VSG: 8/2/2017

  5. I don't think I had enough h20 this weekend woke up with headache yesterday and sipped some Water yesterday this morning headache so bad started drinking water upon waking..sweaty clammy shaky threw up water and some foam not a regular vomit no bile involved hurt like hell to throw up still feeling clammy and sweaty I'm so scared I tore stomach internally will be 7 weeks op tomorrow

    Lapband placed: 8/2011

    Lapband removed: 3/2017

    VSG: 8/2/2017

  6. I kinda crave but my body craves red meat. A few days before I start I seem to be hungry more and all day. Good thing is I still follow the eating plan. No drinking with food & vice versa. I don't overeat or try to stuff my pouch. Sweets, well I never craved sweets that much. Here are some things that helped me during this time of what seemed constant hunger and any craves:
    -Peanut Butter cheese crackers in my office I only eat maybe 2 at a time (during a 24 hr period), but I keep them handy
    -No sugar added fudge pops & sugar free freeze pops
    - Increase Fluid intake
    - When craving red meat - I cook a burger (like a slider size) even with this size I can only eat half! I make an open face burger. I add whatever veggie I want on it and can tolerate. NOTE: other than this I don't eat red meat just my preference.
    -Milkshake? I take my Premier banana flavor and put it in my Ninja with some ice to fluff it up and make myself "think" I'm having a banana shake.< br> As I stated a day or so before my cycle starts, I'm hungry all day as if I was an expecting mom so I listen to my body and I have healthy Snacks. Like I may have 5 grapes...2-3 hrs later a couple Peanut Butter cheese crackers...few hour later a piece of Protein etc etc...
    So eat! Smaller, healthy, frequent meals not exceeding your daily calorie intake and drink more fluids as well. Always check with your nutritionist for the best plan for YOU. You also don't want to get into grazing all day.
    Before surgery I use to gain at least 5lbs during cycle but when it's over I would drop that and maybe another pound or two. This was due to all the bloating etc, but now I didn't gain anything and actually continued to lose weight during my cycle. This is just my experience & not a how to book lol.
    You are not alone, I'm sure we all experience it. The thing is to continue to make healthy choices.

    You're exactly on point! I do not want to graze all day (bad habits seem to linger) I will have to try crushed ice in my premier drink.. thank you for the pointers [emoji4]The scale doesn't go down it stays at the stalled number during that time.. so frustrating along with the other bothersome things during that time.

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  7. Do any of you feel that "hunger pang" during or before your period? Like a craving or the need to eat? I want everything then when I have something I don't want it but I'm hungry like for bacon or something sweet or something healthy or anything. It's pretty ridiculous I know the hormones being out of control but this is just driving me crazy! What do you do/eat to eliminate that crazy drive?

    I feel like my 2 Premier Protein shakes a day in addition to a dinner/lunch/ or Breakfast are not satisfying me during my time of the month..

    Lapband placed: 8/2011

    Lapband removed: 3/2017

    VSG: 8/2/2017

  8. Oh and honestly vsg feels more natural! I remember washing dishes and my wedding band slipping around on my finger that's how I imagined the lapband inside of me slipping around.... :-/ and sure enough it was doing that too.. I went to bed every night hoping relief would come soon to remove that appliance from my insides and so glad I did!

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  9. Hi all,

    I have had my band since 2003 and on October 3 I will be getting the revision to sleeve. I have heard weight loss is slower in revision patients than someone that was getting weight-loss surgery for the first time. Does anyone have experience with this and has it been accurate for you? I'm very short and I have about 50 pounds to lose. I maintained over 100 pound weight loss for all of those years. But I have been having band complications for many years now as well . Now the pounds are creeping back on.

    Hey! I had a staged surgery Vsg on 8/2 after healing with lapband removal it's 9/12/2017 I've dropped 48 pounds so far period and all! Good luck to you keep us posted!

    I had baby number 3 with lapband and after delivery lapband didn't sit well at all with me I couldn't get a fill any longer because I was unable to swallow Water

    Lapband placed: 8/2011

    Lapband removed: 3/2017

    VSG: 8/2/2017

  10. I had surgery Thursday (9/7/17). Band removed, hiatal hernia repaired, sleeve in place - all at once. There was a lot of scar tissue around my band. Dr said they almost decided to stop at band removal and make me come back in 6 months. Luckily for me, he pushed thru and did it all at once. I was on the table almost 3 hours. Everybody else in my group (sleeve only) was in the OR for only abut an hour.

    Congratulations! How are you feeling?

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  11. I had 2 c sections and a natural birth and c section recovery has to be the worst.. your cut all the way through midsection making it difficult to get around. At week one post op dr cleared me to walk at week 5 post op check has cleared me to lift weights..I had a very good recovery. Took pain med 2 nights after hospital stay.. the hardest part with this sx was no being able to bend down and tie shoes etc.. the itchiness of tummy from healing was the worst of it..

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  12. I believe if memory serves me well (previous avid coffee drinker here) coffee is too acidic and will irritate the new stomach. It also may cause acid reflux.. I follow a few sleevers on insta( they're about a year out) and drink coffee from Starbucks Peet's etc mix coffee in their premiere Protein which I tried on the preop diet and bleh..

    chat with your dr see what they recommend! Good luck![emoji256]

    Lapband placed: 8/2011

    Lapband removed: 3/2017

    VSG: 8/2/2017

  13. Haha, Dr Ortiz at OCC is actually where I'm going [emoji4]

    I had my LapBand placed in San Diego. But I know Dr Ortiz via my sister as he placed her band. I was so impressed with him personally and his facility that I started getting my fills there. I knew when it was time for revision, that he would be my number one choice.

    No kidding?!

    That's awesome! Best of luck and fill us in on your journey!


    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  14. I had my band placed In 2009 and did very well until this year.

    I'm shooting for a single surgery for revision on Sep 9, 2017. One of the reasons I chose Mexico was because I thought they would be more likely to do it in one shot. The other reason for Mexico is I have a relatively low BMI (32) and no comorbidities.

    I never thought the single versus dial stage option was for a better weight loss outcome. It's my understanding that some doctors think the 2 procedures is a little safer. I think otherwise, I prefer the idea of getting cut open and anesthetized only once.

    I agree with you! Going under the knife and anesthesia is better in one shot, no doubt about that!
    I followed my surgeons recommendation to have a staged surgery because of my issues during lapband etc.. not to mention the scar tissue that needed to heal.

    I follow a few people on Instagram that had a successful VSG surgery with this surgeon... if you haven't found your surgeon yet

    Check this site out for Mexico VSG Surgery:

    Best of luck to you on your journey!

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  15. It's totally normal (it happens to almost all of us) to stall between weeks 3 and 5 post-op. I'm also seeing a trend of stalling again around month 5. Most of the March 2017 sleevers I know report stalling about 5 months out.

    It's true that revision patients lose slower -- I made a very conscious decision to throw everything I have at losing wait in the first six months. I started exercising (walking) 2 weeks post-op. At month 5, I'm doing cardio (elliptical) 4x a week, weight training 4x a week and doing yoga 2x a week. My calories are hovering between 800 and 1000 a day. As my weight loss has started to slow a bit, I've just started experimenting with Intermittent Fasting. I figure the harder I work during the "honeymoon" phase, the more likely it is that I'll have good habits to sustain me as I approach goal and maintenance.

    Kristen you are an inspiration!
    I was 3 weeks post op on Wednesday and the scale hasn't gone past the 201 mark.. it bummed me out and I read your post and I smiled! This is wonderful! I've been cleared to walk on the treadmill since my 1 week po check and this is all I've been doing. On my good days I get 40-60 minutes. On my low energy days I can get in 15-30 minutes, plus the chores around the house..I haven't scrubbed a tub yet because I'm scared to get that low. And you are so right about the honeymoon phase, get it in while you're newly sleeved.. I haven't been tracking my calories which I should actually start doing.. puréed foods have been bleh! Did you track your caloric intake from the start?
    Looking forward to hitting the 100's

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

  16. Try adding sucralose (Splenda) and cinnamon to taste. Delicious!
    Are you familiar with EZ-Sweetz? It's liquid sucralose and mixes wonderfully with yogurt and everything else. It may seem kind of pricey for a small amount but a little of that stuff goes a really long way. I love it.

    I've never heard of ez sweetz I'll have to look for it at Safeway or google it.
    Thank you!

  17. Eyeshadow ladies! I had this problem when I had the band surgery (it's out thank goodnesss) but you will lose hair inevitable... take your Vitamins Biotin wash your hair less times a week but use eyeshadow that matches your hair color and blend it on on your scalp this way when you're out in the sun it's not as noticeable.. it's only temporary.. Hair loss sucks but will regrow

    Lapband placed: 8/2011
    Lapband removed: 3/2017
    VSG: 8/2/2017

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
