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Posts posted by larta

  1. Thank you for all your input. This is definitely a journey and a little different for each of us. I am just testing the waters and eating what I can. This AM. 1/2 egg and 1/4 piece of toast. Some would say.....NO BREAD!.....My surgeon said to eat anything in moderation unless it causes me trouble. Since I don't really desire food, it is important that when I eat, I eat something I can eat and somewhat enjoy. Thus 1/4 of piece of toast to dunk in my egg. I realize for some, bread would be a complete NO NO because it is a trigger food and also not good nutrition. I know I still need some Carbs and it doesn't trigger anything. I don't know about my taste buds. Yesterday, I had a bean tostada...I did not eat the shell and could only eat about 1/4 of the Beans and lettuce topping. Still was in my calorie range, yet a nice change from all the Protein Shakes. It is also something I enjoy. I had the shake for dinner.

  2. Applebee's has lots and lots of choices. What about their chicken salad, and your shrimp idea is a great idea. I go out to eat all the time. I travel a lot. I just eat in moderation and make as healthy choice as I can. Enjoy your meal, your friends, and whatever you do will be fine. If I could not eat out, I wouldn't be eating because I am 75% traveling. I was just sleeved 7/10/2017. I had the lap band for 6 years before that.

    Looked at your stats...You are doing wonderful. Keep up the great work!..I vote for the grilled shrimp!!! yum

  3. Wow..What an amazing transformation. The great news is you know what is going on in your head vs what you are doing. You have come such a long way and I know you will keep going. Your attitude is wonderful, and the fact that you can acknowledge and see your sabotaging ways is 95% of the battle. Lots of people just shut it out and just go forward blindlessley into hopeless despair because the reality is too much. All your feelings, thoughts, fears, gains, losses, challenges are real! keep acknowledging them, know that's just what they are, feelings, fears......They cannot take up residence within your heart and soul unless you invite them in to stay.

    Glad you vented, hope you're feeling better.

  4. I just was converted from the lapland to the sleeve on July 10th. I am doing well.

    I don't know anything about a mini sleeve. I can already tell this sleeve operation was a great decision. I am already 10 lbs away from my goal weight because I kept the lapland and did not gain back. This is another adjustment, but not more sticking of food, indigestion, throwing up....much much better.

    Now to get the Protein in and Water. It is a challenge right now.

    Best to you on your upcoming surgery

  5. Kitmouse...Yes, it is wonderful not being driven by food. I was thinking of food, eating food, absessing about what I did eat, what I didn't eat, when I was going to eat. blah, blah, blah....Yes, that is wonderful. I had a lapland for 7 years, so have not been feeling hungry or craving anyway. Since I have had the sleeve, not even a month yet, its even more so. I never thought I would say this, but I don't want to loose too much weight. lol All the problems with my band, created a lot of problems with eating. I converted to the sleeve to avoid those problems, which I am. I can't wait to get to regular food, where I can have a salad or some fruit (I could not with the band, I would get stuck ).....Leaving for a cruise on the 15th and that is when I also start regular food. I will be very careful and am taking some Protein Shakes with me.

    Like this AM. I am having a soft boiled egg. I have eaten 1/2 of it and have had enough. :)

  6. I was a pre-diabetic and had acid reflux (had a lapland). I had surgery 7/10/17 and am down 10 lbs.

    Okay....never in a million years did I think I would say this.....I am about 11 lbs from the lower end of a normal BMI.

    BUT,....Now I'm concerned my clothes will be too big and I will have to buy more. I have a lot of great things from my

    over 60 lb loss with the lapland. Doing wonderful, no issues. Kind of wonder if I got a good sleeve. Still can eat with no issues. I will look forward to checking my sugar again when I hit goal weight.

  7. Wow...I love reading the updates. We are all pretty much in the same boat. I see my surgeon on the 26th. I am going to ask him about the leak test, the hard part where my port was, also, he said he did not remove my scar tissue. Others on this forum had their scar tissue removed ???? my surgeon is extremely well known and has an excellent reputation so I'm sure all is well. Oh, I have not had any heartburn or reflux. He does have me on a pill that I was on before, but he said it was more precautionary for now, because he didn't want to take a chance on my stomach getting acid etc; right after surgery. He also had mentioned that my esophagus was a little dilated from the band issue. I was kind of out of it and my husband is the one that told me all this so now I will get more clarity at my appointment.

    Soft foods here I come!!!! (2 more days)

  8. Hi July sleeves. I am doing well also. See the surgeon on Wednesday, "Welcome soft and pureed foods"....It has been easier then I thought, but I still can't believe I did it. I am anxious to get into an exercise program, and to eat some regular food. I did have a bite of mashed potatoes. A bite, was all I could handle. My dr has been gone so my liquid diet is longer then most. I am now 9 lbs away from my goal weight. I can't weight to get the green light for some soft foods. YUM, I never thought I could look forward to something like Cream of Wheat, or cottage cheese.

    Glad everyone is doing so well.

  9. I like your UN "sleeved traveler"...I had my surgery on July 10th. Still on shakes etc; I see my surgeon on Wednesday. I had the lapland for 7 years. I was getting so uncomfortable. I was pleasantly surprised when I was approved for the sleeve even though I was only about 15 lbs from a normal BMI. I travel a lot and enjoy my meals. I plan on continuing to eat like I did with the lapland. (Except a lot of things, i couldn't tolerate, or would take 1 bite and get stuck etc). I am very social and that includes eating. I always maintained all that I lost with the lapland. I got restricted so did not overeat. I am hoping the sleeve works similar without all those problems. Naturally, I know portion sizes (from band) and plan on staying on course regardless. I am anxious to get into exercise, something I haven't done for a while. Presently, I really don't have any cravings etc; but am missing some food. lol I am now 9 lbs away from my goal. I am glad I had the surgery, but have to block out any thoughts about what it really entailed. When I'm reading and people relate, 80% of my stomach was taken, yes, I freak out. lol I can already tell the sleeve is wonderful compared to the band. I know there won't be restriction, but there will be satiety. I am use to eating very slow and never have overindulged in slider foods etc; even with the band. However, my husband and I travel a lot. We enjoy sharing meals and I don't limit myself to a rigid diet. Rigid Diets never worked for me, I was never successful, and so now I utilize guidelines and common sense. Yep, I will be enjoying a drink, and, or a french fry from time to time.

    congratulations on doing such a good job.

  10. Glad to hear you're turning it around. Unfortunately, some people get off the track and don't get back on. I have had a lapland, but had to have it removed. I am only 15 lbs aways from goal. Somehow, this sleeve does not really feel restricting at all. Of course, I am still on Protein Shakes and some soft purred food.

    Good luck and great for you that you are stopping sooner then later.

  11. I have a hard area where my port was. It doesn't hurt but sticks out a little. I hope it will go away. I go back to the surgeon on the 26th. Still on Protein Drinks etc; Also, am not eating, but feel a lot different then I did with the band. I feel like I could eat. YIKES.....I did have a couple bites of a soft egg, and several bits of refried Beans. I was satisfied soon, but could have eatten more. My dr would have had me on pureed food but he has been out of town. I keep reading about people have tests to see if they have a leak. My Dr didn't do any special test to check that out. I hope I don't have one, or get one. That is the one complication that pretty much ruins everything.

  12. Actually, I just take my time. If they ask why I don't eat much, I'll say or I ate a little while ago so I'm not as hungry.

    I push my food around on my plate so it looks like I have been eating it. When possible, I dish my own and spread it around so it looks like more food then it is. I do not tell people about my surgery. Too many questions, too many judgements.

    I think you should eat with the group and just play it off.

  13. PLEASE.....OMG ridiculous. I would suggest to them that it is a "closed topic". Let them know, your sorry you mentioned it. This is your life, your body, your decision, your struggle. This is why I didn't tell anyone.... I still haven't, except for my husband. If it were me, I would tell the, yeah, you thought about it and aren't doing it.

    Then go and do it.

    I know my mom would have had a hissy fit too. One of my sisters knew, and thought I should not do it, but said it was up to me. My husband knows and thats it.

    I would suggest you don't discuss it with your sister or mom anymore. You know where they stand. I hear this happens to a lot of people.

  14. I wanted to back out. I was nervous. I criticized myself for wanting to do something, that seemed so drastic. I bit the bullet and moved forward. I kept thinking once I wake up from surgery , its done. Well, July 10, I had it. I am recovering wonderfully and am so glad I did it.

    Best to you and hang in there. I think you will be very glad you did.

  15. When I saw my surgeon, he told me it wasn't if but when he would get my band. He said I would eventually have to get rid of it and he thought it was better to plan it then end up in the emergency room.

    Regarding giving up foods. I did well with the lapland and ate all things in moderation.

    I plan on doing the same thing with the sleeve. Of course, I will be checking my Protein. My surgeon didn't say I couldn't, but said if something is a problem for me and starts affecting my success that I would need to rethink that. I am retired and my husband I travel a lot. I enjoy the social aspect, but, always share meals and only eat part of it. I don't indulge like I did before the lapland. I plan on handling the sleeve the same way. Naturally, if I see, it is leading to trouble I will regroup and start a new plan. For me, NEVER and NO with food, send me down a path of no turning back. As long as I know I can if I want, somehow, I don't want as much and don't eat it.

    Beset of luck to you

  16. I always got that shoulder pain if I ate too much with my band. I did have shoulder pain 1st week after surgery, but now it has subsided. Sorry, to say this, but if your system is not running smoothly and you are not regular, that can also cause that pain.

    I hope you're able to get to the bottom of this.

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