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Posts posted by DD

  1. Yep. The same thing happened to me when I was taking the antibiotics for h-pylori. I was told to make sure that I wait at least 30 mins before lying down after taking my nighttime dose because there is a high possibility for refluxing the medicine.

    Ah thank you!! I sure do just take it and off to sleep I go lol

  2. So my surgeon told me I have helicobacter pylor and I was put on HP irradiation therapy(antibiotics). I've been taking them since Monday and now I've been having this nasty taste like in my mouth when I'm sleep.. I wake in middle of night to brush my teeth and it's still there ugh!! Has this happen to anyone before?

  3. I've had my two week follow up and told him about the pain and he said it's to be expected because of the healing of big incision. I'm trying to see my GP next week will definitely let y'all know the outcome.

    Thank you guys!!

  4. Yep, same exact thing! We must remember our organ was removed from the main in incision location and then it was stitched up. It's always a sting or burning pain for me but as time goes on it will get better!

    I sure hope it does..thank you[emoji3]

  5. I had my surgery on 7 Mar 17. A week after surgery I was fine retuned to work and felt good. My 1st day back to work I went home early because I couldn't sit in chair to long so I starting taking half days. Anyway long story short I have not been sticking to those half days(staying all day) and everyday I've come home in so much pain it's unbearable. Now lately I've been having so much pain on left sides where big incision is.. all I can do now is lay down it hurts when I sit on toilet.

    Has anyone else had this problem before?

  6. Congratulations!!!
    I had my 1st weigh in today and happy to say I lost 25 pounds yayy me :)
    My doctors also said I could return to work if I felt ok. I started back this Monday and could not do it the whole day so I'm now doing half days until I have the energy to day full days.

    Congrats again and keep up the work!! [emoji6]

  7. I told no one but my husband and few close friend they all disapproved. I got my sleeve last week the 6th and really happy as it was the best thing for me. I told my mom and she wasn't happy so expected to get the same from sister and brother but no...they were SUPER happy for me. I just think it takes some getting use to with husband and friends. Keep your head up:)

  8. I am getting my sleeve on 9th January and am looking for some support - there is no one around me that I can actually talk things through with, hubby is great, but I would really love to talk to people who are going through or have gone through the same things and who understand what where I am coming from.

    Hi Kim,
    I'm not in Scotland but I'm England :)
    I had my sleeve done on the 6th of March

  9. I haven't had surgery yet but thinking back to when I had my c section I remember how painful it was to cough. Whenever you feel a cough coming on, get a pillow and hold it close to your belly and lean forward a little bit. That should relieve a little pressure

    Oh ok! I've been using the pillow but not leaning forward I shall do that.
    Thank you!

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