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Posts posted by kinipela24

  1. Surgery was June 14th

    I got my surgery outside of Los Angeles which is where I live and therefore I cannot see my nutrionist in person. She suggested:

    1,000 calories/day

    35 grams of carbs max

    70 grams of Protein minimum

    15 gm of sugar max

    86 ounces of fluids

    I wanted to see how this compared to other people. Please tell me what you think. It just seems like the fat is awfully small for the carbs to be so low. I am only at stage 2 where I am having Protein Shakes and nonfat greek yogurt mostly until Wendesday when I can eat soft foods. Let me know. Thanks!

  2. Thank you all so much for replying. I totally get that the surgery is probably the least scary part in this. I am anxious about how I will feel after the surgery. I mean even a month or year after. I have done my research and I get cognitively what I have to do to be successful. I also know how to lose weight and im in therapy to deal with my food issues. What i dont know is what is going to be my ACTUAL individual experience and I wont until I live it and thst scares me and causes me anxiety especially when I see dome horror stories on here. I want to feel encouraged and to see the bodies. We will all respond to this differently

  3. My surgery is on June 14th! Ahhhh!! I can't believe how quickly it has gotten here and yet at the same time the days at work keep dragging on and on. I am going to TJ on the 13th and my best friend will be accompanying me. I have done my research and have not been anxious about it in awhile but it has finally hit me. I started my 2 week pre op all liquid diet today. It sucks but I am sticking with it. I am so scared of the unknown and especially about some of the things that I have been reading. I know that I am making the right decision but at the same time, in a way I don't know what I am getting myself into because I haven't experienced it yet! Please share with me your experiences and any words of reality and/or encouragement regarding this life changing procedure. Thanks!

  4. 8 minutes ago, blizair09 said:

    @kinipela24, go into your account settings. On the far right, you'll see "Notification Settings." If you click on that and scroll down, you can disable email notifications. That way, you won't get a notification when someone posts. Every time someone responds, your topic will show up as a recent post in the forum, and others will keep responding as long as they are seeing it.

    If you are walking away from BP in general, cutting off the email is the best way of separating yourself. You aren't allowed to delete your account; you aren't allowed to delete the post. At least if you don't get the emails, you can pretend as though BP doesn't exist.

    Best wishes!

    Thank you. I guess I am just too sensitive for this place. Im going to make mistakes and id like to be forgiven occasion. If I didnt anything to offend, hurt, or irritate anyone. I sincerely apologize. Best of luck to all of you and thanks to those who gave me another chance to support me. It meant the world!

  5. 2 minutes ago, JenH76 said:

    I didn't read this as being rude! It's hard to read someone's tone via the internet. She was trying to be honest and encouraging..geeez.

    Thank you for your input. I have already apologized. Im soryy im sorry im sorry. Bad girl kinipela24! Can we all move on and forgive me? Im sorry. Ive stopped posting on here because its not for me but I keep getting positive and negative replies. Again bad me! I can only move on frr here. Either we let it go and move on or i can keep getting replies. Im sure she appreciates your reply. Its always cpmforting when others do that for you! All the best again. I deeply apologize...my bad! Jeeze

  6. 40 minutes ago, Thucydides said:

    I felt similarly concerned about time to maximum weight loss before my surgery (November 2015). I was 518 lbs pre-op! What I didn't realize, because I was so worried about the end goal, was how much of an improvement I would feel at each stage after surgery. I felt enormously better 3 months after surgery and could do way more things. At 6 months, I couldn't believe how much better I felt than at 3 months. As the months unfolded, I cared less and less about any sort of end date because each day was better than the next. That was the toughest thing for me to recognize before I began the process. Now, at 17 months and 300 lbs down, a particular goal weight or timeline feels completely meaningless in a way that I did not expect at the start of this.

    All the best to you kinipela24!

    Agreed and very well stated. Thank you!

  7. 8 minutes ago, PatientEleventyBillion said:

    It more depends on their body type, genetics, dietary changes/intake, surgery effectiveness (how well the surgery was done), etc.

    I think all that one can expect is that you do your best to stay on the wagon and be healthy.

    In my case, I can gain and lose extremely easily. Metabolism is a wreck. That's why I already have planned out a post-op diet and will be sticking to that to keep the weight permanently down. My sister on the other hand is 5'3 95 pounds and can eat a house and not gain a pound.

    That makes a lot of sense. I tend to lose and gain very easily as well. Two months. I'm still excited. I know no matter what the amount, if I do my best I will still be much better than I was.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Walter.Sobchak said:

    You both are completely right as I said. I hesitated to put this thread out there, but I did. Life is a learning process and I have realized I need to change my mindset. I admire the fact that you two are positive and realistic. Thanks again for replying!

    I feel the same way.
    It took me 17 years to get this big (I was in good shape at 21, I am 38 now)
    So, if it takes 18 months or 24 months to get to an ideal weight I am OK with that.
    I know it is going to take time.
    I am just looking forward to having the sleeve as a tool to help me.

  9. 1 hour ago, Mandybb said:

    I'm a slower loser and it will indeed probably take 2 years for me to reach my goal weight. I'm ok with that, it's not all gloom and doom. It took me 38 years to put all that weight on, so to reach my goal in only 2 years is amazing. It's all about prospective. It's not about losing the fastest, it's about learning how to properly eat so you can maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life. All good things come with time. Trust the process and enjoy the journey. Never compare to others and their journey. Just concentrate on you, one day at a time! Good luck!

    I appreciate that and I did not mean to put out a negative vibe. I have to accept that this is a journey and not a race. You are completely right and I am a work in progress. I am going to think realistically and positive. I appreciate your thoughtful response.

  10. 1 hour ago, Berry78 said:

    Ok, I thought there was issue with men vs women weight loss. Sorry if I misconstrued.

    This topic reminds me of a conversation I had right before surgery. My MIL asked how much weight I could lose after surgery. My starting weight was 305lbs. I told her I could end up anywhere from 155 to 200lbs, or maybe a smidge more.

    She frowned and said... It wouldn't be worth it to her to only get to 200lbs. (she is currently 250... With ALL that extra weight in her belly... A 50lb loss would transform that woman!)

    Even 200lbs would be sooo much healthier than 300. My daughter is close to that weight, and she looks stunning next to me! Of course I would be happy with that amount of weight loss!

    If it takes 2 years, all the better because my skin will have more time to retract. But, it really does seem like most weight is lost the first year, particularly for those that have under 100 pounds to lose.

    I'm not a month out yet, so can't say what will happen.

    Thank you for your reply and congrats on getting the surgery. It takes real strength. All the best to you!

  11. 4 hours ago, joannrmn said:

    Hang in there.. with time it gets better. For those who think it's about making excuses.. you are entitle to your opinion.. but the struggle in the beginning of this process is VERY REAL.. It's individuals like you that make those contemplating vsg that are given this false sense of believing this is great.

    Yes it's a positive in being a tool to assist those struggling with morbid obesity but there is noting easy about the psychological.. emotional and mental changes you will under go specifically in the first few months of this process.

    For those like myself who have been struggling.. keep moving forward and find what foods will work for you when your able to have solids. Same routine does not fit all when it comes to vsg..

    I am pre op but I thought that this was such a beautiul thing to say. I honestly was thinking maybe this site wasn't for me anymore because a few of the people can be a little harsh. Not everyone responds the best to that. I originally thought this site was a God send and I still do but the harshness and negativity from some does get me down sometimes. I admire of your strength and frankly I am terrified. I hope that I can handle the pain and emotions and go along with this.

  12. 2 hours ago, Travelher said:

    Kind of you to take the time to do that. I have read all of those things before and the same exact site(s). I started the thread because I wanted to hear people's personal experiences because those resonate with me more than all of the articles I read. I get everyone is an individual and will have different results. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

  13. 3 hours ago, Berry78 said:

    Outside didn't HAVE "a tone"... What the heck! Men DO lose at about twice the rate as women. Period. With surgery, and without. Ever see the show Naked and Afraid? The men always lose a ton more than the women, given the same conditions. Fact of life, sister!

    Wow. I come on here for support. I was referring to the "you don't want to suck do you? and some of the other comments. I don't want to continue to quote one person or attack them. It was the framing what was being replied to me. I did not disagree with the CONTENT. I understand that men lose more. I just did not want to continue a conversation that was making me feel worse (whether that makes sense to anyone or not-Why do it? )not better. I don't want to bully or pinpoint one person. I didn't know what word to use. Maybe "tone" wasn't the best choice. If I was harsh, I apologize. I am sure she appreciates you defending her and I think that is very kind of you. Again, had nothing to do with the content. I am a sensitive person and the way one or two people on these forums "type" (my decision was not just based on this thread but replies on other ones as well-because what was said/typed wasn't THAT bad) is not something I'm used. So, I guess now I'm going to be getting replies about how I need to stop being so senstive or possibly worse. I'm doig the best I can here. I meant no harm, honestly. Again, Men lose more weight I agree and have known that for a long time. Peace, love, understanding, and compassion for all here from me! All the best things for you! Again men lose more weight! Have been aware of this for several years. I just wanted to let all of this go but I had to reply to this.

  14. 15 minutes ago, blizair09 said:

    I weighed 397 when I started my six-month pre-op diet program in March 2016. I lost 99 pounds during the pre-op program, weighing 298 on the day of surgery in late September 2016. This morning, I weighed 211. I had the sleeve. I have no reason to believe that I won't get to my goal (180) within 1 year of the surgery.

    It is all about grit, perseverance, dedication, and how hard you are willing to work. If you want to succeed bad enough, you will.

    I appreciate your honesty and encouragement. I know that it is just a tool. When I strictly adhere to something. I lose weight at a pretty good pace because I am still youngish but my mom's friend was in her late 60s and lost 112. I know I can do it. I just need to keep a positive attitude and I can't wait to share my successes on here a year from now! :)

  15. 1 minute ago, OutsideMatchInside said:

    No offense to @blizair09 (congrats on the loss), don't compare yourself to the losses men have, you will lose your mind. Some of the guys here lose like 150 lbs in 4 months, it is maddening.

    I didn't have a pre-op diet, I went from first visit to surgery in 8 weeks. I was 358 on surgery day and 230 at the 1 year mark.

    Ugh, I tried to be nice. Please don't reply to anymore of my posts. I don't come on here for this kind of tone.

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