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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by lnaj59

  1. Congrats on your surgery! I am day 7 post op, I had the sleeve done by Dr Ariel Ortiz @ the Obesity Control Center. First of all you want to pack light you really don't need much. You will need some comfy clothes for when you are back at the hotel. Your toiletries obviously. A lot of people have heating pad on their list but most surgeons in MX use glue instead if stitches and the heating pad will just melt the glue. The things that I know I was very grateful to have are...

    Gas x strips - absolute must
    sugar free werthers candies - another girl gave this to me in the hopital after surgery and it was like the nectar of the gods to me lol
    ramen noodle flavor packets - just in case
    Chap stick

    hope this helps ... good luck!!

    I was thinking the heating pad was for neck and back pain. Definitely would not put on incisions.

    Thanks for this list!!

  2. Thank you for posting your opinion. My husband fully supports whatever decision I make and that helps so much. I am going to check into Dr. Illan because I have read so many good things about him and his team. Have you chosen a Dr. yet?

    Yes, I have chose Dr. Illan. I can't wait to get out of this cycle of losing and re-gaining!
    It makes a big difference having that support system. I wish you the best [emoji846]

  3. I don't think you are crazy. I am in the same boat with the BMI, thankfully I don't have any health issues (yet). I could gain 15 pounds, qualify for the surgery here, spend 6 months jumping through insurance hoops, and still end up paying around $13,000. Our insurance is awful.

    So for me I don't see the point in gaining weight and possibly pushing myself into getting comorbitities when I'll still have to pay that much for surgery. Yes, there are some sketchy surgeons who are advertised very cheap and probably not the best to trust to do your surgery. But there are also wonderful ones. That's where you need to do your homework.

    I hate that people bring up the leaks and horror stories so often when you mention Mexico. I doubt any of them have ever really heard of stories they're just basing their thoughts off of the stigma that Mexico has here in the US. Complications are possible no matter where you have your surgery. Don't think that just because you have your surgery in the US that it is risk free.

  4. I worry about those too, but not just because of going to Mexico. Complications happen in the US too, and sometimes complications happen from patients not following proper post op care. If you Google or even look through the message boards here there are all kinds of stories of complications right here in the US because this surgery is not risk free. No surgery is. A young guy I went to college with just died from a routine outpatient gallbladder removal!

    I've been researching doctors for over a year now and for me it always comes back to Dr. Illan. Now that he partnered with BariatricPal and they've vetted him, that just sealed the deal for me that he is one of the best Bariatric surgeons in Tijuana. And I would bet he would rank highly among Bariatric surgeons world wide.

    I also feel more at ease having 4 days of monitored post op care. Here in the US you get discharged from the hospital after 24 hours and I feel like you're kind of on your own until your 1-2 week checkup.

  5. We might not need all of this, but some lists that I've seen include:

    Documents needed to cross the border (passport, drivers license, possibly birth certificate if you don't have a passport)
    Cashiers check or cash for payment
    Gas-X strips
    Chap stick
    Chargers for phone or any other electronics
    Extension cord
    Heating pad
    Books & magazines
    Cash for incidentals and shopping, be sure to include small bills
    Small pillow and blanket for flight. I remember for my laparoscopic gallbladder removal it helped a lot to hold a pillow against my stomach when trying to stand up or sit down.
    Water bottle
    Water flavoring
    Robe, PJ's, comfy clothes, bra with no underwire
    Flip flops for shower
    Dry mouth lozenges

  6. 2 hours ago, sherry24184 said:

    It still isn't acceptable for him to be deceiving Dr. Illan's patients. It makes him look shady. Why wasn't he honest about the changes and why couldn't he create his own separate group for his new business? That group is supposed to be a support group for past, present, and future patients of **Dr. Illan**. That's how it was presented to the majority of the people who have joined that group. The FB group is such a great community of people and one of the best support systems I've seen-- you included Sherry, you're wonderful! They all deserve to know the truth and that's not saying they don't have to support Omar anymore. I know a lot of them are friends with him. But there's also people that I know would want to make sure their referrals are going to the right surgeon.

  7. Well he still isn't totally sold on the idea, but I think he does feel better about it after watching the videos and hearing about all the new things Dr. Illan has to offer since teaming up with Bariatric Pal. It seems like an amazing program! I told him that I love him and I understand his worry, but I have to do this for me. I AM going to do this for me.

    I've decided to go on my own and hopefully I'll be able to be sleeved next month. I'm so ready to get my life back & enjoy this summer! We are going on a cruise at the end of this month and I think that alone has made me even more determined to do this. I want so badly to be out there enjoying our first cruise with my kids and I can't because of the insecurities my weight has given me. I'm done missing out. I'm done watching my life pass me by... watching everything from the sidelines. I'm done being uncomfortable in layers of spandex and hiding... ashamed, embarrassed, and afraid I'll see someone who used to know me back when I was thin. What could happen in Mexico that is any worse than this? Living life simply existing.

    I'm so ready!!!!

    Thank you for all of your responses!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Thought I would research a little before I decide on my date. The date that I want happens to be the week following our cruise in the Bahamas. Will the liquid diet be hard to follow?

    I've never been on a cruise so I'm not sure about their liquid options. I would assume there would be plenty of Soups to choose from but I may be wrong. And a plus would be there would be a lot to keep me busy with my kids that week.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. I am sooo glad I'm divorced. Egads some men just are missing the compassion gene. You must do what YOU think is right and if your husband gives you flack it might be time to re-evaluate your relationship and get some therapy so he'll be more understanding.
    I can tell you from my experience I had on par, if not better care than in the states. I had just had a hip replacement 6 months before the MGB so I know. Hospitals in the states do take care of you, but you don't get to stay long there and the nurses are overworked. In TJ they don't have that kind of workload and give you more attention. Plus, a doctor saw me every day. When I had my hip surgery the doc saw me 24 hours later and he gave me a sum total of 5 minutes of his time. Yippee.. These hospital and docs are catering to an American populace so they have to be just as good as in the States. Oh yea, I also went all by myself and had no problem at all. I drove into TJ and parked in the hotel.

    I know what you mean. I had my gallbladder removed here a few months ago. I saw my surgeon for less than 5 minutes before surgery and that was it. No other communication! Of course we saw nurses and office staff were available if I needed them but even at my pre-op consultation & post-op checkups I didn't get to see the surgeon. She wasn't trying to be rude, they just have such heavy case loads. It was like a factory in that OR triage lol

    I don't think I need to re-evaluate our relationship though. We've been together since we were 13 and he really is a great husband and father. He's just so worried about something bad happening to me and Mexico unfortunately has that stigma with people here in the US.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Long story short, I went to TJ with my husband for gastric sleeve surgery with Dr. Illan last May and ended up backing out. A lot of things happened that we weren't expecting. My room was not reserved at the hotel we had been told we were going to stay at that night, we felt like we had no idea what was going on and where we were being taken, they were blasting rap music with a lot of profanity (not at all something my husband would ever listen to, he's very conservative), and adding that to being out of the US for the first time it was just too much. I know our coordinator meant well and was just trying to relax us and act like being there was no big deal but I think it was maybe a little too relaxed for my husband to handle.

    I still would have gone through with it because it was not as much of a big deal to me but he would not let us stay there. He was terrified and so angry with me that day.

    I've regretted it ever since. He hasn't been any support like he said he would be if I didn't go through with it. He wants me to have it here in the states but that would more than double what I would pay to go to TJ and I'm really not sure I would experience any better of care. I've researched and researched my options for over a year now and I still feel like Dr. Illan is the best doctor for me to go to for this. I also know that some things have changed there and I'm positive we would have a better experience this time... I'd actually rather just go by myself! I cannot get him on board with this though. I NEED to do this for myself, for my children. I am so ready to get my life back! If I could go tomorrow, I would!

    Any advice?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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