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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NeenBand

  1. NeenBand

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    I lover marshmallow and one of the 7 deadly sins should have been Moon Pies in the microwave for 15 seconds. Site for Peeps Marshmallow lovers.. http://www.hanttula.com/exhibits/bunnies/episode1.htm
  2. NeenBand

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    I lover marshmallow and one of the 7 deadly sins should have been Moon Pies in the microwave for 15 seconds. Site for Peeps Marshmallow lovers.. http://www.hanttula.com/exhibits/bunnies/episode1.htm
  3. NeenBand

    Newbie, recently de-banded

    Hi Jenny, I'm sorry to hear how sick you were. That is alarming. I did read on either this site or obesityhelp of someone else who thought she was allergic to the band. Her blood pressure and white blood count was going up, she was dizzy and was having respitory problems. My biggest fear, even more than erosion damaging my innards is exactly what your describing. Allergy to the band. Because like you, I'm sensitive and allergic. I'm glad your feeling better, please keep us updated and stick around. because someone might come along that needs to hear your story.
  4. Mary good luck and I hope you get your answers. I heard somewhere that the chance of slipping again after an intial slippage was greater.
  5. NeenBand

    Goals of all kinds

    My goal is to lose all the weight I need to, to feel incredible both physically, emotionally and mentally and get back into my acting. Take classes again in New York and start audition. My goal is to have a great role in TV or film within 5 years.
  6. Hi all, I am unfilled and 3 months out of surgery. I just ate 6 ounces of breaded seiten (fake chicken for vegetarians) I was starving and 3 ounces did not fill me up, so I had another. Is that normal???? I'm a bit worried about being able to take in so much food to fill me up.
  7. Thanks for the encouragement Alex. :-) I'm all for being in the "un-complications" club!
  8. I believe they do. :-( Stinks doesn't it. They make it harder for the surgery to be a success.
  9. Thanks all. Makes sense. I love this board. I'm unfilled because Medicare won't pay for a fill for 90 days after surgery. I stopped losing weight about a month ago.
  10. NeenBand

    *SCARED* I have a stretched pouch...

    Let's start doing that K@t, good luck to us both!
  11. NeenBand

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    Dear all, I have had a family of starlings nesting in my gutter for several weeks. Now the babies are large and moving about and one seems to have gotten stuck in the wall of my apartment. It's very hard to listen to. I have no way of getting it out and apartment management will not act, so please please send the little one prayer, that it finds it's way out. It's trying to right now.:think
  12. I got that too, about 2 weeks out. Same spot. It was pretty bad. It's gas believe it or not, but like you, it freaked me out. Like yours it was sharp, hurt when I moved and got worse as the day went on. It even hurt to sleep on it. Your not alone!
  13. NeenBand

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    Nope, that's our weekend project..lol Thank you all for having such kind and sensitive hearts and lending me support!
  14. NeenBand

    Whiskers On Kittens

    Right now it's the breeze bringing in the heady smell of the acacia trees blooming outside.
  15. NeenBand

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    A fledgling is a baby bird that is ready to go and try it's wings, start to learn life on their own. It was one of theirs. I wonder why they are chasing it away?? Thaks Telly. I'm a natural worrier and hard on myself, like so many of us are. I get it from my mom.
  16. NeenBand

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    Okay, another update. I think it might have been a fledgling, not the momma. I saw 3 "adults" come from the nest just now. The one I saved was there, I think it was a fledgling and was flying very well. They chased it out of the nest and it chirped at them on a pole and they chased it away. ??????? Poor thing. I hope it finds food on it's own, it must be starving.
  17. NeenBand

    Help Me Slow My Eating Down

    Thank you all for your helpful suggestions. I suppose because I have no fill and can eat anything it's easier, or I'd PB. I've lost 23 lbs, but I'm stuck there for a month due to eating fast, I'm thinking.
  18. NeenBand

    The Body After Erosion

    Interesting replies, thanks for your thoughts. Penni, I got what you were saying..heheh I know you had a hard day, I was reading it..lol
  19. NeenBand

    Help ... coughing up black gunk

    Oh my gosh...Sending prayer to you. Please keep us updated.
  20. NeenBand

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    We heard the bird this morning! It's still alive so we got up and punched a hole in the wall. It must have seen the light because it came right out of the hole. IT WAS THE MOM! No wonder it survived the night. It was older. We opened a window and out she went.. I promptly began crying my eyes out with relief but also sadness. You see, she was chirping and the babies were answering yesterday. I had thought it was the other way around. The babies are probably dead by now. :think I've been listening and watching the mother and babies since they built the nest, so this is really sad for me. ANd the thought that if I had the presence of mind to have done this yesterday afternoon instead of needing everyone's help, the babies would be alive. I went out on the porch and she flew to a pole and looked at me as if to say "what the fark just happened???!"
  21. NeenBand

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    I wrote a long post out but it was erased because the board closed down due to the constant bickering in here. *fumes* ANyway, to say again, thank you 3Loves and your hubby too. We cut a hole and put our camera in and took pictures. We didn't see anything in there. But the wall is divided by another board(stud). So it could be on the other side of it. I'm emotionally exausted though and will wait till morning and if I can hear it. If I do I'm going to be a wreck cutting and trying to get it myself. Someone told me it's probably dead. Angelu, I had 1/2 cup of ice cream and an eggroll. And I ate it really fast. No tiny bites, etc. I'm so afraid I'm going to lose my band or cause complications.
  22. NeenBand

    *SCARED* I have a stretched pouch...

    Hey all, I had a very emotional day and ate too much too quickly. I need help. I'm so afriad I'm going to lose my band or cause esophagus problems. I'm also scared because I can't control how fast I eat. I try to slow down, but sometimes I'm so hungry tha I can't. I don't have a fill yet, but I do have restriction. Help.
  23. NeenBand

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    This is a great site. Flame Warriors: http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/
  24. NeenBand

    Do Not Feed The TROLLS

    This is a great site. Flame Warriors: http://redwing.hutman.net/%7Emreed/
  25. NeenBand

    Bird Stuck in my Wall!

    We are cutting a larger hole in the wall to see if we can look around. Anyone have suggestions on how we can plug this thing up after so we don't get a huge fine from the landlord??

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