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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Deactivatedfatgal

  1. You guys, I’m back!!! Took a much needed break from the forums after leaving my abusive ex . I was battling severe depression around April-May & some stemmed from obsessing over my hypochondria . I’m glad to say that almost a year out from VSG(MARCH 13) it’s still the best DECISION I have ever MADE . I eat what I enjoy in smaller portions and I have maintained my weight loss and continue to lose. I have not reached my goal weight of 120 but I’m down nearly 70 pounds. I have had ZERO COMPLICATIONS. god bless you all :)

  2. Thank you guys, he did leave home and I'm moving soon into a new apartment, I kind of have been building myself up to do this. My back is hurting really bad but I have real big bruise on left arm, I took photos because he is threatening to take my child because I'm not "healthy". He's the reason for mental anguish! Years of enabling and never encouraging me to get healthy. We are done. I refuse to be another number.

    I will take take some time away from social sites, but thank you all for being kind throughout these past three months. We are strangers but I feel like I know you all,

    with love,


  3. I don't even know where to start. My body hurts so bad right now. I was grabbed by the back of my neck and thrown on bed & my arm is badly bruised. I'm filing for divorce after nearly 10 years together since age 17. He looked at me and told me "you don't look all that good anymore". I'm just done. Part of my mental issues have been this dying relationship, I needed to let I go.

  4. I get very tired easily and weak when I don't have enough protein! I had surgery march 13, this morning I was convinced I was going to er because I was lightheaded , no shaky and I realized I hadn't eaten or drank any Water, super scary! But it's important to get fluids and Protein in to sustain energy and prevent body from starvation mode & muscle loss.

  5. Let me say this, if you have exhausted all options & feel hopeless go for it! I'm 25 and though I go through bouts of "regret" when I see myself in the mirror and the progress, my confidence going up & feeling better. I know I'm glad that I didn't wait till 30-40 . I want to live the remainder of my 20s active and healthy. Much like you nothing worked for me. I would lose 40 , eat a burger and gain 3 pds. I couldn't yoyo anymore, this was my last chance. At 25 I could feel my body breaking down from all the weight it was carrying.

  6. Some people have no filter. Just let it roll off & keep pushing fwd. when a person is 250 pounds it's **** talking and when a person gets thin they must be gravely ill. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

  7. 1 minute ago, Joann454 said:

    When I first started being active on here there was a poster that put a story about a woman who had to have her entire stomach removed. I was so scared. I almost bailed. Luckily a kind man who is pre op reached out (thank you Walter!) and talked me down. What's done is done, you have it now. Read success stories, think of how much better life is going to get. We're in the sucky phase right now. It won't last. If you didn't have GERD before and you're on Prilosec or similar your chances are low. Start thinking about what can go right!

    Yes I read that also after my surgery. I know in my heart this was my last resort forsure. Carrying 235 pds around on frame under 5 ft was way more dangerous than wls impo. Thank you :)

  8. 33 minutes ago, OutsideMatchInside said:

    Well, you need to find a supportive shrink.

    GERD is 20% in the normal population and 10% in sleevers. Don't stress about it. Even if it is going to happen to you, worrying about it won't stop it, it will just make the situation worse.

    Focus on losing weight and being healthy.

    When people look at complication data, they forget that a lot of people were in terrible general health before they ever had surgery.

    So since we have started down this path...

    I'm looking at their blog http://suethsayings.blogspot.com/

    This is what they have to say about the sleeve...

    Really? because it is 5:30 PM and I have had 2 eggs, bacon, 32 ounces of coffee 32 ounces of iced tea, 32 ounce of Water, and 12 ounces of pork. My sleeve holds a lot. I'm about to suck down 100 grams (2 cups) of spinach. I still have 2 hours left to eat and I plan on doing some damage, LOL

    They are completely ignoring ghrelin, but from the entire tone of their blog, they don't even research actual studies or science about surgery, claiming there is zero research.

    @Deactivatedfatgal The person running that site and blog is bitter and deranged.

    I had a friend from college, that had RNY back in the early 2000s. She had complications and ended up on a feeding tube. That sounds like a tragic story right? The part left out is 2 days after she was home she was drinking Coke (not even diet) and eating KFC (just a pinch to see if I can tolerate it she said). Her complications were brought on by herself. Not to mention she was not heavy enough to qualify for surgery and wore ankle and arm weights under her clothes to make her BMI high enough, Lots of people are not good cadidates for surgery but they don't tell that part of the story.

    You can notice even around here when people say they regained, they NEVER tell exactly what they were eating and in what amounts. They keep it vague and say they were eating bad. If you were tracking their food and looking at their binges in print, they would be less likely to do that, but that isn't what happens.

    So when people tell their WLS tales of woe, remember that there is more to the story.

    Omg lol! Is she still on feeding tube? And you are right! Some of those bloggers are anti wls because they are miserable. One person was so adamant that it was a death sentence and someone mentioned partial gastrectomies & they go "do you think that person wanted half of their stomach cut out?" Definitely two sides to stories when talking about regain, that makes so much sense. I've found many successful people that are 7-10 years out, I have to remember that some of them have maintained their weight and are doing fine.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Berry78 said:

    I'm not sure what you mean by RNY reversal? Do you mean having to get a bypass if you develop GERD with your sleeve?

    I did the looking at possible complications first thing in my research. After I felt I had enough information, I have avoided those types of articles ever since. After surgery, no one should look at that stuff. After all, there is no point knowing about the stuff that isn't happening to you! If you feel sick, hopefully you know enough to go to the doc and find out what IS wrong, assuming anything ever happens.

    I've lived on this board since January, and am thinking of taking the summer off. The kids' last day of school is tommorrow, and so I need to be available to them for summer activities. Go out and make some Vitamin D! Get in more exercise, and utilize my sleeve to its fullest!

    I have an addictive personality...all or nothing. Be better to put away the computer for a bit.

    I'm choosing to reclaim my strength and get backup, I have no complications and even if I do, I will deal with life as it comes my way. Thank you for the advice ladies. You have NO idea how you have helps me!

  10. 6 minutes ago, OutsideMatchInside said:

    The grandmother of one of my good friends said "Don't borrow trouble". Stay off that website, it is totally dedicated to complications but all those people had surgery years ago before techniques improved. Also if you look for complications then that is all you are going to see. It is like buying a new Camry, you probably didn't notice all the Camrys on the road but now that you have one, you see them everywhere.

    Stressing yourself out will cause your body to react making you sick. You have to chill out.

    Didn't you have a sleeve not RNY? RNY has all kinds of complications the sleeve just does not have.

    When is your next Dr Appointment?

    You should get back in school to keep your mind occupied. Do you have a therapist?

    M appointment is tommorow, because the doctor refuse to see me after I was 5 minutes late. I have been trying to see dr since I began having emotional issues. and it's funny you use car analogy cause I have a Camry! My husband says same thing and too, stay away from negative stories as I'm going to kill myself from stress and depression. And when I said RNY I mean I'm scared I will need to switch vsg to RNY and I don want anymore surgeries. I had bad post partum with my daughter also but it this bad. And I dumped my shrink after she told me not to have surgery because "long term complications".

  11. Yes I am suffering from panic attacks & I am a hypochondriac (undiagnosed). I think for me, I wasn't ready for this. I know I wasn't. I wake up scared to death about everything. I dropped out of college & can barely work. I didn't feel this way until I found out horror stories and developed a fear of RNY reversal. I love that most are happy with their surgery, it definitely works. I hope my depression is from lack of Vitamin or something.

  12. 2 hours ago, Gee1 said:

    I was also wondering about this issue too. I have read in professional medical journals about the long term complications from gastric bypass surgery but read that gastric sleeve is a newer procedure than the bypass, so the jury is still out concerning the long term effects, we are talking like 3 to more years out.

    Yes but one thing that is obvious is the gerd! I believe th vsg is going on 11 years old. I just hope it doesn't turn out being like the lapband as far as complications down the road

  13. 9 minutes ago, Tammy Doreen said:

    Hi, for the first 51/2 years I could only eat one to 11/2 piece of pizza... A couple of days ago I ate six pieces with no discomfort...I am going to Mexico on June 12 for any...Just can't bare the thought if going back...

    You're getting a revision?

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