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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Puddin499

  1. I cant help with the back pain - as I have a bad back for years.

    But I had port replacement about 4 months after it was installed. After the new port was installed, I ended up with a huge seroma, by the new port.

    It has been about 6 months and it is only just recently started to break up on its own.

    Good luck.

    Thanks silver, I appreciate the response. At least I know I am not the only one who has had a seroma from the port site, but mine happened only at the old port site, some months after it was removed. The new port site is fine for the time being, thank goodness. My seroma has not started to break down, and it's been nearly a year. I will have to see the doctor and ask him what to do, but in the meantime, it doesn't really bother me, except for some occassional soreness.

  2. Hi All, I was banded February of last year, and few months later in May, I had to have my port removed and replaced to a different location. The port was orignally located on the upper right abdominal area, and it was moved to the epigastric area (replaced with a new one with new tubing as well). Later last year, I noticed the area where the original port was located started to blow up and I felt there was a large mass there of some sort. My good doctor sent me for an MRI, which revealed something called a seroma. A seroma is a serous Fluid filled sac. Supposedly, there's nothing serious about it, but I was told that the body will reabsorb the fluid, and no problem. Well, it's been several months now and the sac is still there and not getting any smaller. I may have to go and get it either drained or removed. Has anyone ever had this complication before?

    Also, a few months ago, I started to get really bad back pains, towards the right shoulder blade. It feels like a sudden stabbing pain. It would last a few minutes, and then subside. I would only get it once a month, but was wondering if anyone has had this problem, because I'm starting to wonder if I might be having problems with the band. I also went from feeling really tight to little restriction now. Any insight would help a great deal. Thanks!

  3. I've been banded for almost a year, and now that after many months of trying to figure out this thing, I have been begun to lose more weight since my last fill. However, I noticed that I am having a problem eating freshly baked fish.

    I can eat chicken, turkey and ground beef with no problems, but for some reason, I cannot eat fish. It should be the easiest to eat, since it is a softer meat. It seems to get stuck, no matter how little of bites I take or how thoroughly I chew it. Anyone else have a problem eating fish? I really miss eating it, since it is my most favorite source of Protein.< /span>

  4. Hi, I'm jumping on the Valentine's Day Weight Loss Challenge bandwagon a little late, but I'm striving for 5 lbs. off by Valentine's Day! Everyone's doing great, and I wish you all good luck! We're DOING THIS! :thumbup:

    NAME------------------------START----------------CURRENT---------------GOAL--------------TO GO











































  5. I was banded two weeks ago. I felt like crap days 2-3. I was sick to my stomach and finally slept for almost 24 hours straight. Went to work one day too early, finally left and went back to bed. I woke up day six feeling like my old self again! But...Im hungry! The soft foods are going down fine, choosing only healthy ones!:thumbup: I have been eating 3-4 hours, waiting two, then drinking Water. I have had zero problems with the food and can easily eat a cup of food -- No pressure or pain. Is this normal? I see my Dr. tomorrow. i have lost 17 lbs so far - 11 lbs pre surgery. My weight has been at a stand still last couple of days. Just want it to fall off! I'm eating so healthy. Can't wait for the first fill! Looking forward to being slim and healthy this year!!!

    Congrats on your surgery and welcome to the lapbander's world of weight loss!

    It sounds like you're doing just fine. To be a little hungry is normal. Also, your weight loss will slow down a bit as your body adjusts to the loss. This is normal, but you must remember to be patient. 1 to 2 lbs. weight loss is normal and the safest, but you are not in the official weight loss phase until after you've had your first fill. The weight loss thus far is bonus weight. You're doing wonderful, and remember to keep following the band rules and to follow up with your surgeon regularly and as scheduled. Good luck to you! :scared:

  6. HI! I'm having issues with my lap band. I get hiccups with every meal. I PB after just a few bites of food. I initially lost 50#s but the scale hasn't moved in 2 months. (Just got my second fill.) I have gotten back into eating sugary things but know I need to stop that as it's not helping! I am almost afraid to eat anymore because of the pain of getting something "stuck"! bread is absolutely out - it's an ouchy! Has anyone else out there had this experience? I've gained 5 lbs. I know it will come back off once I straighten this all out. There was so much I wasn't told about before getting the band. I'm seeing a counselor because of the depression. Anybody else out there had THIS experience? Help!:scared:

    It definitely sounds as if you're too tight, and you're running the risk of band slippage with the constant PB's. :cool2:

    Signs that your band is too tight include:

    1. Unable to advance to a regular diet (after a fill)

    2. Episodes of vomiting, regurgitation or coughing up food (PB)

    3. Feelings of pressure or pain in your chest after eating

    4. Sensation that the food is "stuck" in your chest

    5. Symptoms of Acid Reflux/ heart burn

    If at any point your pain or vomiting persist, you should return to a liquid diet and call your doctor's office immediately.

    Those who allow vomiting/regurgitation to persist longer than one day run the risk of band slippage, which could require re-operation or even band removal. Even without excessive vomiting, you may have other symptoms of a too tight band. If you wait too long to get readjusted, your stomach can become irritated and swollen. This may necessitate total Fluid removal from the band and have to start all over again.

    Best advice is to call and see your doctor asap. I hope this helps and good luck. :thumbup:

  7. Hi all. Im just not losing weight and I don't know what to do. I was banded on november 12th,08. Thats about two and a half months ago. I have not even lost 10 pounds. And i lost most of that when I was on my liquid diet. I have had three fills , each time putting more in. I know have in 3.2 in a band that will hold 4.0. Does this not work for some people. I just don't know what to do? Helppppppppppppppppp. Has this happened to anyone else?:crying:

    Hi. I apologize this is so long, but I know you are unhappy and in need of help. I can understand how you feel, and I know what you are going through. I been there before, and for a long time, too.

    I had lost about 18 lbs initially after I got the band done last year in February '08. I had actually stopped losing weight for many months after May. No lbs. lost from May to almost December. I was really sad about it, but I knew my day would come, if only I kept trying.

    Each time I went to the doctor, I'd complain that I just didn't feel I had enough restriction, so he'd give me another fill. I have a 14 cc capacity band, with 8.5 cc's in it so far. The last fill I got end of November did the trick as far as very good restriction. I'm now losing weight again, thankfully. I've lost about 8 lbs in the last month, which is perfect, because I have a goal to lose 8 lbs every month.

    Well, we all know that the lap band is just a tool to help us lose weight, but we need to work with it of course. But, the trick is to KNOW HOW to work with it.

    It sounds to me that you are eating just enough calories to maintain your weight, but not lose any.

    My doctor has given me one of the most invaluable tools to help me get back on track and start losing weight again (actually, he told me from the very beginning to use it, but I never did). After so many months of not losing any weight, he reminded me again to use a free site called Fitday.com, and then to follow a 1,200 calorie diet. It wasn't until I really paid attention and used this site that I really got to see how just how helpful it is.

    It's a calorie counter and a lot more. It will tell you how many calories you'll burn just by sitting and doing nothing, based on your BMI. It will also calculate how many calories a day you'll need to eat every day in order to reach your goal weight. It helps you keep track of your weight loss goals, calculates your daily caloric intake, and offers a fitness and personal journal as well. You can really see your progress as you go along, with graphic charts and pie charts, and this can help you stay motivated. You will need to consult with your doctor first about how many calories are safe for YOU to eat every day, and to mention the web site.

    You must log in every single thing you put into your mouth every day in order to keep track of your calories. Write them down, and then edit them into your daily food log. You'd be surprised to see how much you really eat and how fast those calories can add up. If you follow and use this site as recommended, and use it to the fullest, you should begin to lose more weight.

    First and foremost, you must remember the band rules to eat right and eat Protein first at every meal. Wait 30 minutes to an hour after drinking before eating, and do not drink for at least one hour after eating. If you feel hungry between meals, eat a green lettuce salad with fat free dressing. You are doing well to get in your daily exercise routine.

    It's also very important to follow up with your doctor every month or so to monitor your weight loss and get fills when you need them. Only you know your body and only you will know when you have the right amount of restriction for weight loss. I hope this helps, because it really helped me to stay on track and to get started losing again. Good luck! :tt2:

  8. I've got a friend IRL who did and its working perfectly for her now. She had a terrible time with under/over fills, just could NOT get the right restriction, and had a new band put in about eight or nine weeks ago, which is working ENTIRELY differently (and properly, yay!).

    Good luck with yours!

    Glad to hear your friend is doing well with her new band. She did the right thing.

    I'm really glad my doctor put the largest Lap Band on the market on me. I have a 14 cc capacity band, and I'm currently at 8.5 cc's, my sweet spot after months of not losing any more weight. I was beginning to lose hope, honestly, but I had to keep on fighting!

    I kept getting a fill every month to 6 weeks, which takes time in between, because you cannot get fills too aggressively. With this size band, I will have more room for more fills down the road when I will need it. Right now, I'm okay and starting to lose more weight.

  9. The comment your doctor made about people with the same or less of a fill losing more than you is irrelevant. I am surprised a doctor would say that. Some of us never need a fill and some of us need quite a bit. Our anatomy is different and it makes no sense to compare fill levels across different people.

    It sounds like you need more of a fill in that you know what it feels like to be at the appropriate restriction level and did not experience the need for more food and was not hungry in between meals. I know from personal experience that the right fill level makes all the difference in the world. I would insist on getting another fill as quickly as possible.

    Your doctor can also be correct in that eating six meals may be too much. It all depends on how many calories you are ingesting. There are things you can do to make this work better for you if you are still hungry. If you have to have a snack, perhaps you can stick to vegetables or something with almost no calories to tide you over until your next meal. It can also really help you to track your calories and Protein daily in something like fitday.

    No matter if you have a band or not, for the most part calories consumed should be less than calories burned to keep losing. Unfortunately, if your band is not restricted enough you will have to work harder on personally restricting what you are eating in order to continue losing.

    One last thing concerns what you are eating. In my case, it was very important for me to avoid certain things or I was constantly hungry. Pasta, breads, snack cakes, Cookies or crackers or anything along this line with processed carbs/sugars would make me instantly hungry again in an hour or less. My blood sugar will spike and then drop when I eat these things, and it does not matter what my restriction level is, I immediately crave these things after I have them. I am not sure if this is an issue at all for you, but for me I never lose a single pound regardless of restriction unless I avoid these things.


    Thanks! I think you hit the nail right on the head! What you said really struck home with me about me knowing what the proper restriction FOR ME is. I remember when I had very good restriction after the 2nd fill, and that is where I want to be. It is true that I have to work harder to watch what I eat in the meantime. I could've still lost more weight had I had more control and stuck to a 1,200 calorie diet. We all know how hard that is, especially without the band. I have to make more of an effort in this case.

    Also, you are right about the high carbohydrate meals spiking your blood sugar, which can cause more insulin release to lower the blood sugar. That's where the hunger comes in, due to low blood sugar, and you have to eat again to bring it back up. It's like a vicious cycle. I also learned that without insulin, it is impossible for fat production. The higher your insulin levels, the more chance you have for fat storage. This is why those on very low carbohydrate diets lose weight. Not enough excess insulin, no fat storage, and you lose weight as a result.

    I did get the fill two days ago, and I was on liquids, so I couldn't tell how much restriction I have until it was time to eat soft foods yesterday. Well, I got very full after eating some Eggbeaters, and later for dinner I had a small amount of ravioli, and I was literally stuffed for hours! I was full enough to go on for more than 5 hours without feeling the need to eat or snack! I just started drinking more fluids, also. For the moment, I think I am back at the proper restriction. I just hope it will last this time! I have to see my doctor in one month, and I've set a goal to lose at least another 5 lbs by then. Would be nice to see him smile! :)

    Thanks, everyone for your support!

  10. what? i'm sorry but if we could 'exercise some control', we wouldnt really need the band in the first place.

    everyone is different and has different needs. my suggestion, be firm with the doctor and tell him you need another fill. if he flat out refuses, maybe find another fill doc or someone else to do your fills (there are companies out there).

    good luck.

    Hi Losing,

    Thanks so much for your response! I really need a lot of encouragement right now, and I really appreciate it very much. You are really nice, and congratulations on your future baby to come! The ultrasound pic is lovely. :)

    I know my doctor has my best interests at heart. While I didn't like how he was comparing me with other patients, I know he means well and wants me to succeed. He will never deny me a fill, and he even told me so yesterday when I was getting one. He is a good doctor. I just think that doctors are human and they cannot possibly know or understand everything that their patients are experiencing. A skinny doctor doesn't know what it's like to be obese or be hungry all the time, so they have to learn to be more empathetic. That is why we need others for support.

    When I had my 2nd fill, about 2 weeks after my port revision surgery, I felt I had the perfect restriction. I would eat a small meal, be full and satisfied and not be hungry for at least 5 to 6 hours later. I had to remind myself it was time to eat again, and I absolutely loved it. I thought I was finally free of hunger. Well, that lasted about 5 days and I was back to struggling with hunger again. I have not been able to get that level of restriction back ever since, despite several fills afterwards.

    I can still eat anything and everything. Only bread gets stuck occasionally if I eat it too fast. I still struggle with a constant hunger and a need to eat 3 hours after a meal. I thought this was supposed to stop with the band. After seeing the doctor and hearing his explanation of my failure to lose, I am now confused about what I should be expecting from my band.

  11. I was banded February 18th this year, but could not have a fill until I had my port revision surgery May 5th. Since that date, I've had 5 fills. I have a 14 cc band with 7 cc's so far. I had my last fill of 1 cc yesterday at the doctor's office, and now taking in liquids. My stomach has been growling so much!

    I've been explaining to my doctor that I find myself hungry between meals, eating more than I believe I should be eating (more than 1 cup). Perhaps I am eating 5 or 6 times a day. I am definitely not full only eating one cup of food. I need more, so I eat more till I am full. He wants me to only have 3 meals a day, with absolutely no snacking in between. I am finding this nearly next to impossible to stick to. So ... I keep running back to get a fill, explaining I am hungry all the time, 2 to 3 hours later, I want to eat! So, I eat! And I snack! I feel guilty.

    This is really distressing to me, because I want to follow and do what he says, but he tells me I need to exercise more control, that I am an adult, and I rely on the band too much. He also tells me that other patients have had less fills than I have and are losing weight steadily. So, my problem, I am gathering, is that I lack self-control, and that is why I am always hungry, eating more than I should, and not losing. I eat healthy foods, and have not gained any weight back, despite feeling hungry and eating.

    Someone, please tell me ... what is the purpose of the band? If I had really good self-control, then why would I even need the band to begin with? Why do I still struggle with hunger and a constant need to eat? I thought the band was supposed to help me. My doctor says that the band will not work for me if I continue to eat like this. I am completely lost now, and wondering if I should have ever gotten the band in the first place.

  12. I had a 14cc band put in on 23 April and am up to 6cc's on my fills, with little to no restriction. My doctor is conservative and will only do 1cc a visit every two weeks till you get to where you need to be. So hopefully soon I will feel the restriction everyone talks about. I go for my 4th fill on the 29th.

    My doctor is very conservative, too, and will only put in 1 cc at a time. I also have a 14 cc band and so far have 6 cc's total.

    I'm finding that I am hungry after only 3 to 4 hours after eating a small meal. My doc only wants me to eat 3 meals a day, and he considers a small snack (even one potato chip) a meal, so no between meal Snacks are allowed. Yes, I have been "disobedient" but I cannot help the hunger in between meals. I am stuck at a 25 lb. (well, now back down to 22 lbs.) weight loss and haven't lost anything more in over a month. I just got a fill July 3rd, and my next appointment is not until August 14th. Does anyone agree that I should see my doctor sooner to get another fill?

    I feel a little discouraged now, especially since I had to go through 2 surgeries with this band.

  13. Hey baby girl!

    YES, the 'delayed restriction' is VERY common and there is an article somewhere here about it. It's a crazy cycle: you get a fill...wait for it to kick in....eat everything in sight...get another fill...wait for it to kick in....eat everything in sight...THEN, all of a sudden, out of the blue, about 4-6 weeks (sometimes longer) after your last fill, you finally get tight. I think this means we are FINALLY getting close to finding our sweet spots.

    Hope you are having a great day..and hope to see you in chat later.

    Lots of love from ATL!!


    Hey Zengirl,

    Thanks for responding to my post (and everyone else, too). Now I feel better knowing that this delayed restriction is a fairly common thing. That delayed restriction, unfortunately, only lasted a couple of days. Very disappointing. I am almost back to where I started ... hungry 3 or less hours later. My doc doesn't want me to snack at all, so I believe I need to be filled tight enough so that I cannot feel hungry for 5 to 6 hours straight. I want to be like snapdragon, not feeling hungry when it really is time to eat! That's the kind of restriction I am after! It will ask for another fill when I see my doc next month.


  14. Hi,

    I had my fourth fill last Thursday, July 3rd. I now have 6 cc's total in a 14 cc band. I had complained to my doctor that I didn't feel enough restriction, and my hunger was still not under control. My doc gave me another 1 cc fill, and I went home on full liquids (he requires 12 to 24 hours of liquids after a fill).

    The next day, I went on soft foods and I could eat a lot, in my opinion, more than one cup at a time. After about 2 or 3 hours later, I was looking for more to eat. The following day, I went to my favorite Mexican Grille and I managed to eat nearly one whole vegetarian burrito bowl! I thought to myself, "Wow, this is a lot of food to be eating in one sitting." I was beginning to worry again.

    My hunger has been really crazy since the fill, but last night while I was eating some baked fish, the food seemed to get stuck as I got closer to finishing it, and it was the only food I was eating. I really thought I was going to PB for the first time, so I just stopped eating, took a tiny sip of Water and let it go down. Thankfully, it did. Perhaps I was eating a little too fast. Now today, my restriction is much better, better than before. I ate a normal Breakfast this morning and felt satisfied. It is now about 3 hours later and I am NOT looking for something to eat. Great, I feel good! I think I am experiencing a "delayed restriction." Is this even possible? Has anyone ever experienced a delayed restriction after getting a fill?


  15. I am trying this 5 day pouch test to see if it works for me. I also thought that this is only for gastric bypass patients. I don't have a carbohydrate problem, and I have been sticking to my band rules for the most part.

    One person I talked to in the chat room tried this test and lost 5 lbs. in three days. Also, someone at my doctor's support group meeting mentioned this test and lost some weight, so it peaked my interest to find out what this is all about. I was encouraged by the 5 lb. weight loss, so I am trying this out for myself. I figured, this surely won't hurt me to do so!

    This is day one of the pouch test for me, liquids. I am planning to have 3 or 4 shakes today, and I am drinking Clear Liquids in between. Tomorrow I will have the sugar free Jello and sugar free pudding. If I find any significant results from this test, I will let you all know. Why not give it a try, too? :)

    Well, I tried this 5-day pouch test, and by day 3 I had lost 4 lbs. I found that I had trouble sticking to the all Protein requirements for days 4 and 5. While I was happy with the weight loss, unfortunately, when I stopped the test, I had gained back the 4 lbs. lost plus an additional 4 pounds! Needless to say I was not at all happy about that, as you can already imagine.

    I didn't notice a reduction in hunger or notice my pouch "tightening." I am now back to following the regular band rules, and I've dropped 4 of those 8 lbs. Now I'm back to where I started. I know I wanted to try this out to see what would happen, but this didn't work for me.

    You can follow the 5 day pouch test at your own discretion, but I do believe it's for the gastric bypass patients, not us bandsters.

  16. I guess I didn't call my grandmother Puddin' for nothing, but I honestly don't remember why, since I was only about 3 or 4 years old then. She won a little money in a lottery from the number I used to call out, "499", hence the name "Puddin499." I adored her all my life when she was here.

    Fluffy is a rather weird term to give to someone who is overweight or obese. I never cared for "pleasantly plump" either. It never felt pleasant to be plump. People are just trying too hard not to be offensive. Fluffy is a term you'd give to your little furry animal or maybe some scrambled eggs .... something light like cotton? We're neither little and furry or light. Fluffy just doesn't cut it!

  17. I am trying this 5 day pouch test to see if it works for me. I also thought that this is only for gastric bypass patients. I don't have a carbohydrate problem, and I have been sticking to my band rules for the most part.

    One person I talked to in the chat room tried this test and lost 5 lbs. in three days. Also, someone at my doctor's support group meeting mentioned this test and lost some weight, so it peaked my interest to find out what this is all about. I was encouraged by the 5 lb. weight loss, so I am trying this out for myself. I figured, this surely won't hurt me to do so!

    This is day one of the pouch test for me, liquids. I am planning to have 3 or 4 shakes today, and I am drinking Clear Liquids in between. Tomorrow I will have the sugar free Jello and sugar free pudding. If I find any significant results from this test, I will let you all know. Why not give it a try, too? :lol:

  18. Hi Sue,

    Congrats on your decision to get the lap band!

    I had my first fill of 2 cc's during my port adjustment/revision surgery, which was about a little more than 2 months after I had the original lapband surgery. My doctor gave me another 2 cc's in his office two weeks later, then 1 more cc about a week ago. I have a 14 cc capacity band, with 5 cc's in it so far. I feel that I could use another fill, but I am just going to wait it out and see what the weight loss results are when I go for a followup appointment in 3 weeks.

  19. Like the others before me, I'd seriously advise you to see your doctor as soon as possible. The fact that you haven't been losing weight after all this time should be the BIGGEST reason you should see him. Your doctor wants you to succeed, afterall, you went through with the surgery.

    Your doctor cannot be blamed if he should be upset. Yes, he may scold you, because it just shows that he cares. Just listen attentively and understand that he has your best interests at heart, and do what he says.

    Pain is not a good sign. Pain is your body's way of telling you that something isn't right. You should not be having pain or vomiting after eating. It is imperative that you follow up with your doctor right away, so that he can check your band and give you the advice that you need. With the band, it is very important to follow up with your doctor on a consistent and regular basis.

    Do not cheat yourself of the success you deserve. We fellow bandsters would like you to succeed in your weight loss, so please follow up and call your doctor today, ASAP!

  20. Congrats on your surgery and the start of a new life and journey ahead!

    I had learned that the higher chances of becoming pregnant is due to the large amount of weight loss, and this is because your body has to regulate itself, as it will go through some hormonal changes as you continually to lose weight. You become more fertile, as a result, perhaps the most fertile during this time. This has nothing to do with the surgery itself. This is why we are strongly advised to use good birth control during this weight loss phase. I hope this helps answer your question. Good luck!

  21. I'm really sorry to hear that you suffered a slippage, but now are back on track with a new band. Hopefully, this new band will be a success for you. You are reborn!

    How big was your first band, and what caused the slippage to happen?

    If you're gaining weight and have no restriction, it really sounds like you may need another fill. I would highly suggest you to discuss this with your doctor, since he is the one to advise you in this matter. Good luck!

  22. Welcome to the site,

    From my ticker you will see that from my beginning weight I also hade more than 200 to lose. I am a long way off my goal but I am off to a good start. As you go read on you will find other bandsters who have achieved this amount of weight loss... so just believe in yourself. It's not always going to be easy but it will be for your benifit.

    Welcome to the journey. This site has been the best support for many of us.

    Kindest regards and the best of wishes


    Hi Lynn,

    I see that you've been banded back in February. So was I, on the 18th. I am just curious as to why you have not yet had your fill? I had a port revision surgery this May 5th, and I've had two fills since then, one during the revision surgery, and one this past Thursday.

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