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Finding Erika

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Posts posted by Finding Erika

  1. Thanks DreamingSmall for replying :)
    I could go back to 4 Oz per meal- that’s probably all I’m eating anyway- I can never finish the 6oz meals- but I don’t want to ruin my metabolism any further than it is-
    I’ve read that after you stop the phentermine you regain it all- is this right?

  2. Hi everyone :)

    I’ve finally gotten to the point that I’ve accepted the fact that I am stuck at my set point and this isn’t going to “work for me” any longer. It’s more than frustrating and I’ve really lost my hope that I had in the first few months after surgery.

    I’m 10.5 months out from RNY and while I am very happy with my 55 pound loss, I (and my team) had expected much more. I was a “lightweight” before surgery at 240 pounds and I’m 5’4”. I’m now at 185 (give or take 3 pounds) and I e been here since a few months out. I lost 33 pounds the first month, 11 pounds the second month, 4 pounds the third month, 2 pounds the fourth month, went up 4 pounds for month five, 5 pounds in month six, 4 pounds for month seven. Since then I have lost nothing.

    I get 80-100 g of Protein daily, 64+ Oz of fluids daily, take all my supplements except my B12 because it was too high at 6 and 9 months. I’m actually following the rules- except I have SF cocoa in the am instead of coffee which has some caffeine in it. I’m now up to 6oz per meal which I usually can’t finish- I’m eating 2-3 of those and 2 Premiere Protein Shakes every day and although my team doesn’t want us counting calories (just portion size, protein and fluids) - MFP says I’m getting between 800-1000 calories a day.

    At my 9 month appointment last month my NUT says I need to eat more and even though I protested- I was terrified of gaining- she ended up convincing me that although I may gain a few pounds at first, it would go away within a couple of weeks- and probably end up losing more! So I tried it- big mistake! I ended up gaining from 185 to 189.6. At that point I was so scared of going back to the 190’s that I went back to eating the way I’ve been eating before her suggestion-

    When I talked to my surgeon he said that it isn’t what’s expected but he has seen it happen. When I asked why they do in these cases he said that sometimes they have to use meds to speed up the metabolism- that if my thyroid is low, he’d obviously use synthroid but my levels have always been fine - so he then said they would use phentermine if necessary- he said that my metabolism is just shot- (in a very gentle, kind way- as I type it that sound flippant but he really wasn’t)

    Well I haven’t ever used weight loss meds and it scares me- I really thought that the RNY was “last shot” - I just don’t know what my it hasn’t “worked” - I know it’s just a tool that I need to use in my overall weight loss plan- but I’m exercising3-4x a week with a trained 3 of those times- doing 30 minutes of cardio and then about 30-40 minutes of resistance work- I’m following my plan and nothing-

    The awful thing is that before surgery I told them all that I really didn’t think it was going to work- I had truly done everything I knew how to do before surgery and nothing worked- I just never believed it was possible to get below 185 as it was a set point for about 10 years before I gained to 240 after my second child-

    I guess my questions are why does this happen, how many of you have had this problem of only losing half the weight you need to, and what experiences have you all had with phentermine- specifically the one with topamax in it-

    Wow! I am just tearing up this ridiculously long post! I am so sorry it’s become so long- you all are so wonderful to listen to everyone’s problems and successes- and then reply with really thoughtful comments- I must read a bazillion posts a day on here looking for help and am so grateful for you all- so thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening-

    I am so happy for those of you who have found success with these surgeries- you are so inspiring - congratulations!

  3. Hey :) so I want to encourage you :) I lost a TON of hair (I know... this isn’t the encouragement part) and I was devastated-the woman who cuts my hair for years says it’s completely normal and it would grow back- I was really nervous-

    Fast forward to 10 months out now and last week when I got a hair cut she showed me about 3” (!) Of NEW HAIR coming in! So having long hair I had missed it completely- she brushed my hair up straight over my head and was able to show me how thin the ends were and how thick the roots were :) wow! I was thrilled!
    So I asked her to cut off the old, nasty, thin hair at the ends (since I had such long hair- it was about 8”) - so she did! Now I have this super cute shoulder length haircut that shows off my “new” cheekbones and jaw line that I can see again! I’m loving it! And because the old hair is mostly gone, its weight isn’t pulling down the new, thicker (normal) hair that’s regrowing :)
    I’m just saying that I’ve been where you are and was really scared- my long red hair has always been my “thing” that people complement me on- so I was really scared to lose it- (vain, I know, but all the years of being obese had me holding on to SOMEthing that gave me a little confidence) Anyway- I promise it will grow back- just take your Vitamins, get all of your Protein and keep your “new” chin up!

  4. Oh man! This actually does sound like what I went through just before I was admitted and they took out my gallbladder- the good news is that you're pretty aware of your symptoms and are good at describing them
    The yucky part is that you will probably have to go to the ED when it gets really bad next time- I wish I had gone earlier- I put up with a LOT of pain before going but when I called my surgeon he said to go right in-
    At least when you get to the ED (if it gets horrible again) they can give your pain meds and then you can breathe. Trust me- it's worth it. - when and if you got they'll do labs and other tests if need be.
    And if worse comes to worse and they have to take it out- it's an easy surgery- nothing like the RNY pain and ordeal -
    Anyway- I hope this helps- let me know if you need anything- feel.m better [emoji6]

  5. Wow guys! Thanks for all the positive reinforcement! I will definitely start with the higher calories tomorrow- I've been so crazy at work that I haven't been eating enough- I'm seeing that work may be what's causing me. It to eat enough/ regularly- so let's see how this goes...
    thank you to everyone who's responded- I am so lucky to have found you all :) mug!

  6. Hey Whit :)
    I'm the same - almost exactly- I was December 6th though. I started at 240 and now I'm only 185 so I've lost 55-
    When I saw my doc and but last week they both said I wasn't eating enough and was exercising too much- huh?! So they have me eating 3 meals each of 6 oz and 2 Protein Shakes (mid morning and mid afternoon-). I cut back my gym time to 1-2 days a week for resistance stuff with the trainer and 2-3x 30" for cardio a week

  7. Hey guys :)

    Mom2Tess- yes we could be twins here! I'll try to keep you posted and you with me if you don't mind so we can maybe learn from each other-

    So I saw the NP, Nut and surgeon yesterday- they think I'm not eating enough at 800-1000 calories and exercising too much at 4x30-40 minutes a week cardio and resistance with the patient 2-3x per week-
    So they said not to look at calories, just eat 2 shakes in between 3-6oz meals each day making good choices each time. Of course keep taking my Vitamins, fluids of 64oz+, and keep Protein between 80-100g daily.
    So I will try this- although not counting calories scares me- they said not to even log my food! That may be tough but I really have no other choice but to try what they say-
    They also suggested having my RMR calculated and having a DEXA scan to see what it all looks like so I know where to keep my calories etc. The NP said she had heard of a new scanning that they can do now (but the name escaped her- she's looking into it)- that gives even more info than the RMR and DEXA composition testing. Has anyone heard of anything like this? I would have asked the surgeon but I saw the NP last-
    so I'm going to look into that too-
    So at least I have a few things to try- I'll keep you all posted and of course if anyone thinks of anything send the suggestions my way please [emoji8]

  8. Thanks a ton! Sometimes it just takes reinforcement from someone so successful :) I'm doing all that stuff- but it's always good to go back and watch my steps closely to make sure- I
    I put EVERYthing into MFP, measure/weigh still, have 2 premiere Protein Shakes a day, all my darn Vitamins etc-
    And I totally get what you mean by making it a lifestyle instead of a diet- now it's just ingrained in me- it's not that hard to follow but man (!) is it frustrating - I've only lost 41 lbs since surgery 9 months ago! Most other people I had surgery with have lost their 75-100 lbs and are in maintenance (by choice)- I have my 9 month follow up today so I can only hope that they have some sort of ideas- I'd even go through surgery again if they thought it would help-
    Sorry for the vent- I'm just at the end of my rope- I've lost hope that I'll lose this weight- and that's what sucks the most-
    Anyway- again, thank you for the help- and congratulations on your enviable success!

  9. Whoa! You are my hero! You look amazing! Congrats on all of your successes- you've clearly won this battle [emoji16]- How much weight did you lose? Teach me your tricks? I am 9 months out and only have lost 55 lbs since my high weight- I've been stuck for 5 months- following everything to a T- exercise, Protein, Fluid, vitamins- I am just completely resigned to not going any further I guess- but I'm still 185 and need to be closer to 130 since I'm only 5'4"- Did you ever get stuck like this? How long did it take to lose your weight?

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