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Posts posted by Oneyearout

  1. I do keep track of what I eat, exercise every day and drink 96 oz of Water. Lots of Protein, no bread, no potato, no Cereal, no sugar lots of veggies, yogurt is the only dairy except a little cheese once in awhile. It's worth it all to me. This for me was a start but I have to stay focused on my new lifestyle. Never was overweight until around 45 years of age. Now I have more energy, happier, can look good in my clothes again. Hang in there, do this for YOU. It gets easier I promise.

  2. Just keep remembering you have lots of folks who have already gone on this journey and are doing great. We know what you are going through and we are here to encourage and support you. Do give up and remember how healthy you are going to be!!!! Follow doctor's orders and start making good healthy habits. Drinking lots of Water, walking, healthy food choices! YOU can do this!

  3. Had the sleeve.... really had no trouble at all. First evening of surgery a little sore but that is all. Really didn't feel like eating much. Followed my doctors orders to a tea. Jogging 4 miles a day now, still drink 96 oz of Water, always have my Vitamins. Feeling great. Hardest thing now is everything I try on at a dress shop fits, that hasn't happened since I was in my 20s!! Energy out the roof. Small steps and don't give up. YOU can do this and you will be so happy you did.

  4. I am hooked on Dannon yogurt for breakfast in morning. Only 80 cal. Make sure you drink your Water, Protein walk and so on. I have NOT talked to anyone who wished they had not done the surgery. I year out lost 100 lbs feel better then I have in years. I know you may be nervous but I know down the road you will feel so much better you will be glad you had it done. Good Luck Newbies keep us posted and congrats on your new journey.

  5. YOU BET IT IS. Stop being so negative sweet girl. If someone says you look good smile and say thank you! Then believe it!!! You are doing great and deserve the compliments. I too am a size 8 but do have excess belly. Looks great with jeans but not so good naked but only my hubby and myself sees it. I feel better and at 62 is saying a lot. Feeling healthy has no age.

  6. Totally agree with all of you. One year out this month. 62 years old, passed my weight goal, lost 100 lbs. didn't want to tell anyone but hubby till after surgery. Feeling great. I too have trouble at night wanting to eat. I have to make a serious effort NOT to buy that stuff. Not anything Snacks unless it's celery, carrots fresh veggies. My only dessert is sugar free pop cycles 15 cal only. Best thing I ever did. I have started writing everything I put in my mouth down, that seems to help. I would love to hear how you all are doing since you have been on this journey longer then myself. Keep up the good work!

  7. Be sure and drink your Water. 96oz a day or more is what I do. I'm 62 and lost 100 lbs in a year. Had sleeve a year ago this month. I also when I need to use Miralax in my water it helps when needed. I didn't tell anyone about the surgery except hubby. I didn't want people to try and talk me out if it. Now only my children and a few friends know. It isn't anyone's business unless YOU want them to know. It's as if someone says what a beautiful smile you have are they capped? Or what beautiful eye lashes you have are they fake. Doesn't matter how you do it it's still work and you need to be proud of your journey. I am so glad I had the surgery and I promise it will get better.

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