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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ChaosUnlimited

  1. ChaosUnlimited

    Day 8

    The type of surgery you have probably plays a part, but I had two weeks of liquid, then two weeks of puree, then two weeks of soft diet, then regular diet. However, grains aren't recommended initially because you'll get full before you are able to get any protein in.
  2. I love rotisserie chicken when I don't feel like cooking. Some stores also do other things like cooked pork tenderloin or rack of ribs. I also do cottage cheese with sugar free strawberry preserves and some sliced strawberries - tastes yummy and you can make just the amount you want to eat. Also, tuna, protein bars, lunch meat and cheese are some of my go-to foods.
  3. Walmart! (Was cheaper than amazon)
  4. ChaosUnlimited

    Help, Please.

    I agree with the person who said to make sure you are getting enough water. I have found that if I don't hydrate enough my body tries to retain fluid. I think when you have your nutritionist visit you will get some specific diet advice for your situation. Don't get discouraged, it was so hard to lose before surgery. Most of us have been there, and it's one of the reasons we probably decided to have surgery. It is a struggle in the beginning, but it will get easier, just hang in there.
  5. ChaosUnlimited


    There are several reasons according to my nutritionist and the classes I took pre-surgery. High fat foods tend to also be high in calories, less nutritious, and may in some cases cause fatty stools and diarrhea. Since intake amount is limited you want what you do eat to be as nutritious as possible. Most people get about a year to a year and a half of rapid weight loss, and you want to maximize that loss while still maintaining muscle mass. Eventually weight loss slows down, and the body adjusts to it's new configuration. It is possible to gain weight back after surgery so this time of rapid loss should be used to learn and make a habit of eating for nutrition and fuel rather than for pleasure. Now with that said, I told my nutritionist that life just wouldn't be worth it if I thought I could never have some of my favorite things like pizza and a big fat cheeseburger on a bun. And her reply is that it's not that those things are completely forbidden, as an occasional treat it's fine. However, some people, once they indulge, have a hard time keeping those things to an occasional treat, and they slide back into old habits. I can totally understand the idea of trigger foods that make you crave more and more. So, I'm doing the best I can to change my habits for the better while I have the benefit of less hunger, less craving, and limited food intake so that later this lifestyle will be the new norm. I made a deal with myself: I can give up anything (food related) for a year while I focus on my health. It will still be there in a year if I want it, but maybe I won't. Sorry that turned out so long! Hope I made sense there. Here are a couple links to articles: http://www.bariatric.us/duodenal-switch-diet.html https://www.dssurgery.com/fat-protein-post-duodenal-switch-diet/ http://www.cornellweightlosssurgery.org/pdf/diet_guid_duod_swit.pdf
  6. ChaosUnlimited

    Synthesis after DS

    No, I don't think my thyroid issues have affected me post surgery. I'm at almost 3 months since surgery and I've lost about 50 lbs in those three months. I have also noticed that having given up carbs and sugars, I don't retain as much water as I used to, and I don't feel horrible and bloated all the time. My skin is clear and has a healthy glow. I feel really good, and I am so happy I made this choice. Just stick to the diet and get your exercise when you are approved after surgery, you can't go wrong. Even if you lose a little slower, you will notice so many other benefits, it's so worth it.
  7. ChaosUnlimited

    Synthesis after DS

    I take Armour Thyroid, and so far my labs are great and my dose is the same. I didn't have to crush the pills, the doc said the size was fine.
  8. ChaosUnlimited

    Coolief radiofrequency ablation

    Hope it works well for you!
  9. ChaosUnlimited


    My nutritionist has me watching calories, carbs, protein and water intake. At 2.5 months out, I am aiming for about 800 calories, less than 50 g of carbs, and at least 80 g protein, more if possible. I'm also supposed to keep to low fat foods. It can be difficult to do if I use shakes or protein bars too much, so I try to get the majority of my protein through tuna, chicken, and other meats. I log everything that goes in my mouth on My Fitness Pal. I track my water there too, I try to get at minimum 64 oz.
  10. ChaosUnlimited


    A tale of caution: All the laxatives I took kicked in at 3:15 am. At first I felt relieved, but then the toilet wouldn't flush and so started the bathroom games that would last for what was remaining of the night. I was trying to fix it and flush before my husband had to get up for work, but it turns out I'm a pretty ineffective plunger user, so my husband had to do it when he got up. What a nice way to start the day, right? If you're going to do what I did, perfect your plunger skills first! Then it took me forever to get ready for work because I had to stop whatever I was doing every 10 min, including washing my hair in the shower, to go sit on the commode again. But when all was said and done I felt great and about 2 lbs lighter! I've been hydrating throughout the day and hoping I can find the combo I need to just be regular again.
  11. ChaosUnlimited


    I have been having the same problem. Miralax once a day was giving me diarrhea, but not taking it had me constipated. I was given the ok to switch to Dulcolax (Colace generic) and that worked at first, but now is not working. They told me I could try some Senna, and I took that today so no results yet. I also took miralax today because diarrhea is the lesser of the two evils in my book right now. My nutritionist advises low fat, low carb, which I've been doing pretty well with, but I'm wondering if a little higher fat would help. Edited to add that I have also increased my water intake as recommended from 64 oz/day to about 90 oz/day, and so far it hasn't helped much. I can't get as much protein in when I drink that much but I'll do it if I get relief!
  12. @Lexington1020 Hi there! I'm doing great, thanks! I didn't have any further issues with my blood sugar dropping, and it's staying pretty stable now. I have lost a total of about 60 lbs since January when I started this journey, and about half of that is just since my 5/31 surgery. How are you doing? It's almost a month since your surgery, right?
  13. I'm post-op day 4. Twice in the hospital they had to give me intravenous dextrose because my sugar was in the 60's. I didn't have symptoms, they found it on routine blood sugar checks. The doc thought it would even out once I got off the clear liquid diet and started having my protein shakes. Today I got dizzy and shaky, checked my sugar, and it was low again. I don't really have anything with sugar in the house, so I mixed protein powder and a teaspoon of sugar into some unsweet applesauce to get it back up. Now I'm just sipping protein shakes continuously because I'm on full liquids for 2 weeks post surgery. I'm going to call the office tomorrow to let them know it happened again, but I'm wondering if anyone else had that problem and what they did for it. I have Type 2 diabetes and have been off meds since before surgery, but have never had any issues with my blood sugar dropping, even when on my diabetes meds.
  14. I'm almost finished with my requirements for my surgery center, and I have an appointment Monday so I will also ask then, but the nutritionist said that after surgery you can only take dissolvable Vitamins, no pills at all for (I think) a couple months while you heal. But what about current meds like thyroid supplements and blood pressure pills? Do they make an exception for that, or do you have to get prescriptions for some type of liquid replacement? Thanks for sharing your experience!
  15. ChaosUnlimited


    I just started purée also. I cooked boneless chicken in the crock pot until it was really soft, then puréed it with some of the broth, a tiny bit of Neufchâtel cheese and sour cream, and fajita type seasoning. I put a sprinkle of cheddar on when heating and it's really good. I found some glass custard cups with lids at Walmart, they are 4 oz, but they are perfect for measuring my portions and reheating.
  16. ChaosUnlimited

    Not losing weight but losing my mind

    I definitely wouldn't want to induce diarrhea and the cramping that goes with it! OMG, I can't even imagine doing that on purpose! (Having recently had a couple days of it after surgery) Like Apple1's suggestion, maybe lowering your carbs or trying some different exercise. Changing up your exercise every so often can be good. When I was fit(ish) in the past, I used to love Zumba and lost a lot of weight at first. When I couldn't get past my stall, someone recommended some weight training to build more muscle because it burns calories faster. I joined some folks doing crossfit and started losing again.
  17. ChaosUnlimited

    EGD Scheduled week before surgery.

    Mine wasn't long at all, but it tied me up for the day just because of the anesthesia. I felt fine but they recommended not to drive that day after the procedure.
  18. ChaosUnlimited


    Five days is a little long to still have nausea and diarrhea. You should call your doctor.
  19. I talked to the PA today and one of the nurses. Apparently this is not uncommon after surgery, or at least they see it enough that they have a plan for it. I'm going to check my glucose a few times a day and if it's running too low the suggestion is to make a shake with milk and powdered mix (instead of the pre-made I've been using) because the milk should have enough carbs and sugars to bring it up without spiking too high. The hope is that this issue is temporary and once I transition to actual food I won't have to worry as much about it.
  20. James, your article prompted me to search other articles regarding blood sugar and weight loss surgery. I found this one from 2005, which is interesting. I'm going to look more tomorrow, but for now I need a good nights rest. Thanks Apple and James for your replies!
  21. Thanks for the info. I'm not sure I fit into that category because I was on clear liquids the first two times, and I have been following my liquid protein diet to a tee since coming home. It sounds like reactive hypoglycemia happens when someone eats the wrong thing and spikes their blood sugar, which then falls rapidly as well. It's definitely good information to have though, for when I'm further down the road I will keep it in mind when tempted!
  22. I used powder protein mix throughout my pre-op stages. Post surgery (4 days ago for me) there was a surgery mentor who came by while I was in the hospital who recommended getting some pre-made shakes for the beginning post surgical phase. It tends to take a while to drink your serving because you can barely fit an ounce at a time in the beginning, and the powder mix separates when sitting for too long. The pre-made stay smooth and creamy. At first I used vanilla Premier shakes, but quickly got sick of the flavor, so now I have a few others to use. That was so far the most helpful advice I received! Another thing that is helpful (to me anyway) is finding a medication reminder app to help keep your vitamins in order and remember to take them. I am currently trying out 2 - One is called Round health, the other is Medisafe. Both have features I like and dislike, but I am finding that I go back to Round more often. It's more cumbersome to put in the meds, but once it's done, you can set the reminders to tell you what med is due, which I haven't seen in medisafe. Also, the PRN medications (as needed) in Round, like pain medications, have a timer so you can see how long it's been since you last took it. Honestly, I wouldn't buy a whole lot of stuff right away on the basis you might need it until you get a feel for what you really need. For at least the first week or two, make sure you're stocked up on your staple prescribed diet items, water, and your meds. If you think you might need something else before returning to work or your regular daily activity, Amazon is a click away and usually 2 day delivery!
  23. ChaosUnlimited

    Extremely Sad

    I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  24. ChaosUnlimited

    Waiting for approval

    That is great @jenzds75! I know how frustrating the wait is, and the anticipation, but once you get your date the time seems to fly by! I just had my surgery on 5/31, I'm on post-op day 4 now!
  25. ChaosUnlimited

    Waiting for approval

    My paperwork has finally been sent to insurance for approval. I have worked so hard to make sure I got everything exactly how the insurance company and surgeons office requested. I'm so anxious waiting, I want an answer so I can get a date! I could use any good thoughts and positive vibes you can spare that I get approved and don't have to wait long to find out!

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