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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Monkeyfulbrighter

  1. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Fluid Intake During Work Hours

    Since last posting 10 days ago, I continue to not be allowed to return to my job Has anyone had any issue with work? After my job got my doctor's note and then talked to my doctor on the phone, the military site I work at didn't want to risk liability because my doctor expressed that I need to drink every half hour (which sometimes I don't drink that often here at home). I need a new letter stating when my doctor estimates I'll be able to go at least 2 hours in the lab and the military wanted to know when I'd be 100%. They keep saying my job isn't at risk and they opened up a leave donation bank so I finally started getting paid again but knowing my doctor- she always is very conservation with healing and I guess she'd say at least a month until she'd want to lift the restriction. I'll be 5 weeks post-op tomorrow. Honestly now that I have help with expenses I don't mind the extra time off because I have some lingering issues from getting an infection after my operation and I'm weak but I just hate how blown out of proportion everything seems.
  2. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Before and After Pics

    Surgery June 27th, one month post op
  3. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Baltimore Sleevers

    I'm Gaithersburg/Rockville border myself. Sleeved June 27th
  4. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Maryland sleevers?!

    I'm in Gaithersburg, work in Silver Silver. Was sleeved 6/27 although this thread isn't too active (to be fair this section in general isn't though)
  5. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Just been Sleeved

    I was sleeved 6/27 and stomach and diguesting is still pretty loud. I hear it's like that during most the healing process and gets better after week 5. I just started real soft foods last tuesday, but l want allowed yogurt during liquid phase. Living off of scrambled eggs and string cheese at the moment but I still get faint a lot. Eating is annoying because I'm hungry but get burnt out on stuff so quickly.
  6. Hopefully you mean carbs and protein since you need 30 carbs for energy according to my NUT. I've honestly not paid attention to calories but myfitnesspal always says I have only like 400 everyday. I am amazed looking at how much regular people can eat now, like my boyfriend drinking 32 oz Gatorade in a sitting blows my mind.
  7. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Sex help!

    There's always classic ky or lube, keep it in bedroom nightstand and see how that works.
  8. Monkeyfulbrighter

    slow weight loss

    I've only lost so much by catching a horrible infection and feeling in constant hell for weeks, so it's nothing to envy, trust me!!
  9. Monkeyfulbrighter

    I'm drinking water but not urinating??

    Yikes, I had chronic UTIs as a teenager and college student- I'm surprised to wasn't painful as mine used to fell like a fire poker going through my body but I would call it a blessing in disguise you didn't have to feel that. Just proves how we really need to track our bodies (Not just weight) and listen to it post surgery than ever before. I'm glad you noticed and have doctors addressing the issues.
  10. My work won't allow me back because my doctor asked for accommodation to make sure I stay hydrated and my work is asking exactly how often I need to drink and for how long. Anyone run into trouble trying to go back to work?
  11. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Fluid Intake During Work Hours

    Since that doctor put in the work release to allow me to drink, my HR won't let me go back to work "I think we’re going to need a little more information from your doctor like how often you need to break to drink water (whether you’re capable of being in the lab an hour, two, etc) and this will likely be life-long." But the note also clearly stated not to hesitate to contact her with questions, so I am an annoyed HR wants to use me as a middle man. I'm worrying because although where I work one side of each hallway is split offices with mini fridges and no food/liquid restriction and the other side of the hallway has offices attached to labs where I currently sit, it feels like that are making it seem like I have an unreasonable request and can't do my job.
  12. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Fluid Intake During Work Hours

    Usually maybe 2-3 times a day stopping in the hall to catch a drink, before I was out I often I wouldn't get a chance for lunch until 3pm or after (I usually start work at 7-8am)
  13. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Estimated post-op weight loss chart

    This is spot on for me as well. Had surgery June 27 and I've lost just over 31 pounds but I had some bad complications as well which helped speed up the loss and first month seems usually to be the greatest loss
  14. I had surgery 6/27/17 as well and just emailed work HR about returning Monday and just have to get in my doctor's note of approval, so maybe next week I will start back. I only started feeling human and getting enough protein and carbs this past weekend so I really needed the time. Most people don't have as many issues as me though
  15. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Do I Smell Different?

    I have genepro as well. I like 30g protein in such a small scoop but the powder makes things taste sweeter to me. But everything tastes sweet to me now....
  16. Monkeyfulbrighter

    96 pounds down in three months

    I'm 21 days out (sleeve June 27th) and already lost 30 pounds from 242.6 to 212.4 and I'm a female. People are all different. I haven't lost weight in years so I am surprised it's coming off so fast when I wasn't the biggest to start but I caught an infection which I think 'helped' me lose so fast. No reason to be angry either way, the purpose of this forum is solidarity
  17. I'm only 3 weeks out but I have that same random sharp pain in my left side near the only incision I have on that side. I bring it up everytime I see my suregon but she says it's normal and I have an incision there so it's going to hurt but it's the same for me- I can press on it, usually is ok but then sometimes when I bend to shave my leg or twist the wrong way it is super painful.
  18. Monkeyfulbrighter


    That sucks but I understand completely. If I didn't try to hide unflavored protein powder (Genepro, little scope is 30 g protein) then I wouldn't reach even my meager amount. I'm instructed for 60-70g a day. And not getting the protein stunts weightloss but when i try to drink something with protwin my throat gets tight and i get nausea and acid reflux. It's been rough and hoping to all hell i get bettter by 7 weeks. It is keeping me from working or leaving the house. Just sucks
  19. Monkeyfulbrighter


    Also to note, seen suregon every week with new bloodwork each time and call prob every few days, went to bariatric post-op support group last night, called and emailed nutritionist today- I am keeping my surgical team up to date and looking for help, not just struggling in private and complaining here. Tried many different ways to trick myself to drink. Seems like an important factor to point out.
  20. Monkeyfulbrighter


    I've been in a similar situation. Surgery June 27th, left hospital 29th, in ER with bacterial colitis I got from hospital on July 1st where I was pumped full of fluids, had to go to hydration center July 10th, struggling to intake fluids and have only been averaging 20-40 g protein if I'm lucky, scraping by 36-40 oz liquid, like 15 carbs. Unsure how I'm even moving and living by this point
  21. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Yogurt question

    Every time I see this it seems crazy. My doc has her patients do 2 weeks pre-op all liquid and a slow system for Post op - Day 0-21 days post op all liquid diet -Day 21 to 42 after surgery soft and mashable foods are added (scrambled eggs, tofu, flaky fish, soft low fat cheese, soft veggies), THEN 42 to day 63 post-op adding chicken, pork, raw veggies Finally day 63+ is adding red meat.
  22. Ditto to Introversion, the added weight is due to the constant intravenous fluids. If you have any issues drinking the first few days you will be very glad that you pumped full of liquid, it'll save you from dehydration. At the hospital they warn us post-op not to worry about added weight due to the fluid retention. I thankfully didn't have a scale to obsess over until today
  23. Monkeyfulbrighter

    Bowel Movement

    Ditto, probably 4 or 5 days
  24. Yes, the first week it seemed like I felt liquid going through every part of my digestive tract. It thankfully gets easier and I'm only 11 days out myself. I was still in the hospital 2 days out, it felt like I'd never be able to swallow pills and I had so many to take, it was bad. My surgeon gave me 3x daily meds to help with the spasms that give the bubbling feeling. Later I also got medication for nausea as that didn't hit me until about 5 days after. I felt constantly bloated/ gassy but not nauseous for the first few days. Walking the hospital hallways did honestly help the most for the gas and I had my boyfriend trying to burp me like an infant. I'm only just starting to turn the corner - I feel your pain. It gets better, I promise
  25. I think they quoted you and just highlighted in the red to point out your original phasing. I just got the sleeve 6/27 and have too felt horrible, my god so horrible. I had surgery on my spinal cord 6/1 (yes only 3 weeks before) but my company is a government contractor and I had the looming possibility of changing health insurance 6/30, so I had to push through since I was approved by insurance already and had met all my out of pocket maximum for the year so my surgery was 'free' if i did it before any potential converge changes. So my body was already weakened before I ever had this surgery, compounding issues for my recovery by a lot. I was comforted by the knowledge that I have a great suregon which makes every patient be 100% informed, tested, and healthy. Besides reg mental eval, we had to go through pre-op support groups, PT trainings on exercise, prove we were doing the liquid diet seriously, and start a 4 day pre-op in and out cleaning with hybiclens outside and nystatin inside to ward off complications. While she didn't want to do surgery so quick after the spinal, my neurosurgeon convinced her I was safe and healthy enough for the sleeve. My hospital is also one of the centers of bariatric excellence in Maryland with 6 out of only 20 specialized bariatric nurses in the state (which sadly i didn't have one of them otherwise I'm sure post-op would be going much smoother). With all that, I've still had a very hard time. But the severe regret I felt at the beginning post op is slowly fading as my body learns to work my new digestive system. Like others have said, I have an awesome day and then 2 bad ones or even an awesome day and then nausea and diarrhea in the PM (I know not normal but explain next). I was doing great the first 2 days after I was home from hospital (stayed 2 days in hospital but felt like eternity because my 7am-7pm nurse did not treat me well, my surgeon and her PA was pissed). Swallowing hurt and taking medicine was hard but i was tolerating drinks well and getting 50oz fluids a day, 70g protein, 30g carbs. But then I went right back into the ER Sunday due to a spiked 102.6 fever and severe dehydration due to constant overnight diarrhea (I'd say tmi but with this surgery I think nothing is tmi honestly). CT discovered that I had an intestinal infection- Colitis most likely picked up in the hospital. Ever since I can't tolerate any of my protein shakes or bariatric food I've been living off of essentially since my spinal surgery (had to go through front of throat so liquid diet basically started early). I'm not getting enough fluid, protein or carbs and my sleep schedule is completely flipped. By time i get up the DC area heat is too oppressive to risk walking while so weak, it sucks. My suregon is keeping an incredibly close eye, I've already had a CBC and ER recheck Wednesday and will have more blood testing and another recheck next Wednesday which in sure she'll notice bathe dehydration now and lean into me to step it up for my own safety. Anyway, this long reply just to say that I totally understand the fear and pain and regret. It'll get better but it's damn hard to see the sun from the clouds. This is where forums and supports groups come to try and shed hope even if sometimes discouraging when you hear about the lucky ones who had it smooth. I'm down 18 pounds already. This weekend I'm resolved to join a gym. As everyone says, this is not an easy way out, but we will be amazed looking back at how far we came

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