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Posts posted by Vee..

  1. When u say spasms what does it feel like? I have a pain on my right side that hurts bad more so when I move than anything. I was hospitalized for 3 days they found nothing but I'm still concerned with the pain. And the nausea is at night and majority of the morning. It's a BIG transition. I'm barely able to get down my Protein Shake and I'm afraid of a deficiency. Anyone please help. Tia

  2. í hαd mч ѕurgєrч σn 2/8/17σnє wєєk αftєr mч вírthdαч αnd thє fírѕt dαч hσmє í wαѕ fínє mч ѕєcσnd dαч í cσuldn't gєt ríd σf thíѕ σvєrlч full fєєlíng αnd ít wαѕn't вєcαuѕє σf thє líquíd díєt вєcαuѕє í cσuld σnlч cσnѕumє вαrє mínímum вut thє dαч í gσt rєlєαѕєd frσm thє hσѕpítαl thєч tσσk αll thє líquíd fσrm σf pαín, rσutínє mєdѕ, αnd multívítαmín αwαч αnd gαvє mє rєgulαr píllѕ wíthσut tєllíng mє hσw tσ prσpєrlч cσnѕumє αnd í tσσk thєm mínutєѕ αpαrt ѕσ thєч ѕtαчєd ín mч pσuch αnd tσσk fσrєvєr tσ díѕѕσlvє. ѕσ íf чσu'rє σn mєdѕ αlrєαdч вє cαrєful αnd tαkє thєm αn hσur σr hσur αnd α hαlf αpαrt tσdαч í'm fínє cσnѕumíng mч вrσth αnd jєllσ αnd wαtєr αnd crчѕtαl líght. mч mσttσ íѕ σnє dαч αt α tímє í dídn't gєt thíѕ ѕízє σvєrníght αnd ít wσn't gσ αwαч σvєrníght вut í'm rєαdч tσ mαkє mє grєαt αgαín. hσpє thíѕ hєlpѕ ѕσmєσnє.

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