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Posts posted by Gnat

  1. Thanks for this! I might start using the powder myself because I was interested in taking the BCAAs as I’m strength training and get pretty sore after. I have a snack after but it doesn’t always help. Also just FYI the BCAA pills are enormous and way too big after my sleeve.

  2. I had one appointment with a dietician 3 months post-op and that’s it. They’re only available now if I start to gain or stall, I could call them but honestly they weren’t too helpful to begin with. They were kind of condescending and covered the basics as if I didn’t know how to eat...I always did, but emotionally depended on food.

    I have been journaling and more often than not I’m eating 1300-1400 calories so I should probably cut it back a bit.

  3. I’m just more than 5 months post-op (sleeve) and I’ve plateaued for a solid month now: I haven’t been gaining but my weight fluctuates within 3 lbs of 276-279. So far 65lbs down since surgery in later December and I’m not complaining! But I’m revisiting what I was taught beforehand.

    I know I’ve strayed a bit eating a sweet good here and there, but ALWAYS getting my Protein, Water, and Vitamins in. I’ve been having this irrational fear that my stomach is stretching too because I feel like my portions - although not as big as they used to be - are bigger than what I’m supposed to be taking in. For instance I just ate 2 stand n stuff taco shells with reduced shredded cheese and lean beef and veggies. And I’m uncomfortable, but not regurgitating any of it.

    It’s the end of the school year and work has been nuts so I know I haven’t been exercising as much as I should. Maybe if I revisit the strict guidelines and get back into an exercise routine I’ll get back on track with my weight loss? But I’m reaching out for insight! Am I making the right moves in revisiting guidelines? Has anyone else had a similar experience? Am I irrational in thinking my stomach has stretched??

  4. Anyone else’s stomach make fantastical new noises post operation? Just wondering if this is the new normal or if I should be concerned. I’m 4 weeks post-op and on advanced purées. Following all the rules carefully. On a side note my family is getting a real kick out of my stomach noises, which sound like a gurgling Chewbacca and/or predator. Not joking.

  5. So I had to call the doctor this morning because my incisions were itching like crazy. When I woke up this morning the area around each incision was hot swollen red and itching like crazy. With my luck it’s probably a reaction to the glue they used (I’m 1 week post-op). The nurse suggested Hydrocortisone crime around the incision so as not to loosen the glue.

    That has done nothing. I’ve applied it 4 times today and still can’t stop itching and the swelling won’t go down. Of course tomorrow is Saturday so I plan on calling the “on-call” doctor.

    However, just wondering if something similar had happened to anyone else? I honestly don’t think something is terribly wrong other my body reacting very poorly to the glue or something.

  6. You know what helped me with the Protein Shakes was 1%milk I'm not sure if you cam have it. I was allowed and I thinned out the Protein Shake with it and it was easier for me. I'm not sure what Protein shake you are doing I am doing Premier Protein shakes.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using BariatricPal mobile app

    I am doing the same ones! And I can have skim and 1% milk. I’m doing a little better one week out and can stomach almost 2 Protein Shakes.

  7. Thought I was doing ok but I ate my earplug in my sleep last night, so maybe I am pining!
    11 days out, I am at 7-8 glasses Water and 40-45 G Protein, slowly rising each day as I can eat a little more youghurt, mashed cottage cheese. Getting there... but not much energy. A walk around the block wipes me out!

    This is good to hear (good for me, sorry!) because I get that my body is in major healing mode but downing a Protein Shake this morning was super difficult and I began to worry. I’m glad to hear I don’t have to follow all the regulations at once. Also jealous that you get cottage cheese and yogurt!!! I can only have liquids. It’s rough on the holidays. I’m trying not to be a bitchy because of my emotional hanger but it’s like my default.

  8. I was sleeved on Thursday 12/21 and got home yesterday afternoon. Emotionally I am struggling with it being Christmas Eve and tomorrow Christmas but I’ve stayed off social media and my family is supportive so that helps. My biggest struggle right now is fluids, including Protein Shakes. I can’t really tell when I’m full because I’m still so sore from surgery: so I often don’t know when I’ve had too much until I’m nauseous. Thankfully, I have not thrown up yet. It took me over an hour to drink an 11oz Protein Shake this morning. Is that typical because my stomach is still healing and can’t hold as much? It honestly feels like work to get the 64oz of Fluid in and I’m doing it (because I don’t want to end up back in the hospital) but it takes forever. Considering I’m still sleeping quite a bit, that takes drinking time away as well.

    How do others deal with this? How do you feel when you’re full? Does the time consuming piece ever go away?

  9. Thank you all for your well wishes! Surgery went very well according to my surgeon although I apparently came out of anesthesia screaming! Oops!!

    The soreness was pretty intense and the IV dilaudid needed to be increased. I slept well though and am feeling a little better this am.

  10. Gosh I am so nervous!! I have surgery at 10:30 this morning and I am running through all the motions, packing what I need and getting ready. But my brain is in full on panic. I can reason and know this is the eighth decision but my brain is freaking out and I have sudden panicky thoughts of “Why can’t I just lose weight the regular way? I’ve lost 20 lbs! I can continue!” and “This is a HUGE life change, we can’t do this!” I know it’s all the emotional pieces and the 20+ years of overeating. I know this is the right decision because I’m 28 and about to take good control of my health in a major way. But gosh it’s getting to me.

  11. So glad you posted this question. I'm on day 8 of my Pre-op diet and I'm having a lot of mucsle cramps too, all over. I thought it was because I wasn't getting enough Protein since I have had my Protein Shakes in the past 2 days. You are getting enough Protein so now I wonder what the issue could be. Are you feeling better since Saturday?

    Yes much better! Surgery is tomorrow and I have had much less cramps these past few days. My guess is it’s your body adjusting to the sudden drop in caloric intake. Best of luck moving forward for you!

  12. Day 3 is the worst. I’m one week into the Pre-Op and I can’t tell you it does get better. As your body detoxes you begin to think more clearly. I still would love a pizza BUT I don’t go as crazy about it and can reason that this is all worth it. There is a light at the end of the tunnel! My doctors and nurses told me that if I do get hungry, really hungry, at any point to have a small something off the list of approved items. That has helped me at times.

  13. I’m one week into my pre op diet and doing great! I’m down a significant amount of weight already as I follow the instructions provided very carefully. I’m having 3-4 shakes per day, 2 servings of solid Protein and veggies each (off the provided list) and 64 oz of Water on top of that.

    So can someone provided any insight as to why, with all of the water and other instructions followed, that I am getting awful awful muscle cramps? My calves and hamstrings especially, but also in my abs and obliques when I bend over sometimes. I’m weathering them but they can be super disruptive at night.

  14. Gnat, you are not alone in this struggle. Most of us struggle everyday with our relationships with food. I am 14 days post op. I will say the preop diet was a big challenge mentally and physically. Post op is a bit better because the shakes actually fill you up. I start purée today and I have never been happy looking forward to a scrambled egg...lol. It might sound cliche but just hang in there one day at a time. You can do it!! Wish you well in your journey.

    Thanks! I appreciate the advice :)

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