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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by JosShavaughn

  1. So my mom had lapband October 2006. I had lap band November 2009. She has lost like 65lbs total. Well she was down to a size 14, and became severely anemic and was told to either have a blood transfusion or gain weight. So she took all her fill out, gained 20lbs, and hasn't taken it back off. Back when she was a size 14 she was working out pretty much every day and eating a lot better. Well now she's going to see a revision specialist to talk about getting bypass. Even though she wouldn't let me get the bypass or the sleeve, told me she wouldn't support me, nor pay for it. Now she eats candy all day/every day, doesn't work out, nothing. She wouldn't even play wii Fit w/ me. A lady in her office had bypass and has lost like 95lbs, but she also lost some of her hair and has sagging skin.

    What can I say to convince my mom this is stupid and she's not giving her lapband a chance? Besides saying exactly that, because I tried that. She smirked and ignored me.

  2. Tomorrow 2/25 marks the 3 month mark since surgery. I've lost 19lbs. 5lbs between surgery and 2/3. 2/3 was my first fill. I go back 3/8 for my next fill.

    Things are going well w/ my band, but I'm trying to keep from getting fired from my new job.

    This past summer my mom and I were shopping one day and I wanted this denim miniskirt and she told me if I lost 20lbs she would buy it for me, well she bought me one yesterday, I had her buy a size 22, I don't know if I'm out of my 24's and in a 22 yet, but we'll see once the skirt gets here. My jeans are kind of falling off, so I'm hoping the 22 will fit.

  3. I'm 4 days post op and I've eaten 2 microwaveable twice baked potatos (those little single serving small ones) today, the whole thing, minus the skin. I was really hungry and my mom said to try it, so I did and it went down fine. Then like 4-5 hours later I had another. and had like a spoonfull of mac and cheese mashed up.

    I mean it filled me up, so obviously there's restriction there, but I mean, is this okay? Tomorrow I am supposed to start soft foods, and I will, but should I just take it slow and feel things out? Like I figured on wednesday if things are going well I would try solid foods.

  4. So I was banded 11/25 (Wednesday) well let me just get straight to it, Thursday I went to lay down and as I was trying to roll from my right to my left side I'm halfway over and I hear/feel this "thud" I'm like holy crap, did I just flip my port? I mean I wasn't straining all that much to roll over, I certainly didn't feel like I was straining so much I would flip my port. Then this morning I was slightly wiggling around in bed trying to get a little more comfortable and I don't know how to describe it but it was like a mini "thud" but w/o the noise.

    I ate some Jello and pureed broccoli Soup and things went fine, I wasn't able to eat much or very quickly, and there's no unusual or excessive pain. What I think is my port site is still sore, but not really internally, just the incision site itself, and it itches.

    My mom's flipped her port before, like 14 days after she had surgery (3 years ago) and she didn't know it.

    I'm just worried.

  5. OMG thank god, there's someone else. I'm almost 300lbs, I was banded 11/25 and I have hated fat people for some time now. I hate them because the majority are sloppy and ugly and make fat people look bad. I dress cute, do my hair and makeup every day, and it just makes me mad when fat people don't take care of themselves. Finally I just got to the point where I started hating those fat people I saw that looked like crap. I'm glad to finally be banded and start losing.

  6. I was also banded 11/25 and I hurt that day, but since then I've just felt a little sore. I was pretty active on 11/25 so I bled a little longer than I probably should have, but the next day I didn't really have a problem w/ any bleeding, like 3 little spots, but I think that was just from the steri-strip being wet and the blood transfered.

    Oh and the shoulder thing, my mom said that is because of the gas they use during surgery. My left shoulder hurt during the night wednesday night, but that was it.

  7. Hi. I'm Joshlyn. I'm 23, 24 in 21 days. I don't work, well I kind of do, I sell Scentsy Wickless Candles, similar to a Mary Kay style company. But I do go to school full time.

    I am having my surgery on the 23rd of this month. It's taken 10 months, it was only supposed to take 6. But instead I got denied the first time for my psychological clearance, then had trouble getting cardiac clearance.

    I almost gave up. I thought... I'm never going to get approved, I am just going to be fat forever. And I'm almost 300, I'm about 295.

    Don't give up. just try your damndest to get your surgery and just know, even if there's hurdles, they aren't a brick wall, they can be overcome.

  8. Well for me, being fat has been a life long struggle. From childhood to age 17 I was VERY active, on soccer teams, dance, tap, cheerleading, gymnastics, then when I was in 7th grade my school started a swim team. I always loved to swim and I thought I was pretty good, so I tried out, and I made it, from 7th grade until when I dropped out in 11th, I was a competitive swimmer. I worked out 6x a week 2-3 hours a day. And guess what? I was the second biggest girl on the team! I wasn't consuming huge amounts of food besides the night before a meet when we carb loaded.

    After I dropped out, that's when things went downhill. I started realizing that there was something wrong, like why couldn't I be a normal size when I was working out so much. Well then came college a few months later, and being such a shy person, I didn't ever want to go to the gym alone, so I rarely went. Then I left that school, got a job, had no means of working out really. Then I was back in school, but still didn't work out, and basically I haven't really worked out since I left high school.

    I did discover that the constant weight gain was due to PCOS, and that I was almost fighting a losing battle. Finding out about the PCOS was such a breakthrough it explained a lot, like dark black facial hair, yeah, how embarrassing.

    Late 2008 I finally decided to look into weight loss surgery. Now I'm STILL trying to get surgery, having difficulty due to stupid doctors who are big babies, or assholes. But I'm close.

  9. I had to go through the 6 month process before my insurance would approve me. I've never done a seminar since my mom has lapband, I know a lot about it, 3 of my friends have it and my boyfriend has it. I don't need to go sit in a class all day to learn stuff I already know. Needless to say, it's been 10 months, and I'm still not banded! It's just one thing after another!

  10. OMG, I did this for my insurance, and it was a waste of time, but I did it, it's over with... here's my experience.

    For 6 months in a row I went in once a month and said and heard the exact same thing!

    I had to fill out a calendar looking packet of all the food and drinks I consumed in the month between visits, I would bring it in, if I hadn't lost it. She'd glance over it. ask me about my diet and soda drinking, i would say something like "i'm trying to watch what I eat and cut back on sodas, oh I do x, y, z (which were minimal at best) for "exercise"" she would say, okay well, everything looks fine, just keep watching fried and greasy foods (for example) and cut back on sodas until it's down to zero.

    I would smile and say okay, and I would do it the next month. That was literally all I did!

    I changed absolutely nothing!

  11. I'm approved!!!

    I called my insurance friday, yes I was being impatient, but I knew my dr. had sent everything on monday, and I figured by friday they should have a decision and they did. One of the biggest hurdles is done with. I had to have an anethesia report sent to the dr. for cardiac clearance, but the dr. is out right now, and won't get to it until Wednesday, and then he has to decide if he'll take it.

    If he doesn't accept it I have to do a second stress test. I failed the first one because I had an early beat. Not because I couldn't do anything they asked, because I did.

  12. Okay, I talked to my mom, she said she could take me home, but she just won't be there for me that weekend, two days later.

    I'm going to push to have my surgery on a Thursday, so I can only take a friday away from class and go back Monday.

    But I just realized that I won't be able to eat anything at my birthday party. so I may just not order any food like I was going to! Sorry people attending! haha. If I can't eat I'm not about to order a 4 foot sub, cheese tray, and 28 cupcake cupcake cake! I don't want to have all this food to look at and smell but can't eat!

  13. Well my parents are going out of town for my dad to race his mustang, and I have no friends that can take me home. So I was considering two options, driving myself home, or sleeping at the hospital until I can drive home.

    I guess my question is, how long would I have to wait at the hospital before I could drive?

    I know people are going to like freak out. But I have no options. I'm just not willing to postpone my surgery because of this.

  14. I'm not banded yet, but I will be within a month, and I found a great website, I can't use it yet because they only go up to 2x, but I will be using it!

    Personally I love the pin up girl look and the retro look, and I found www.pinupgirlclothing.com it has EVERYTHING! So if you're into that check it out. They do have "club wear" which is the sexy stuff, but I don't know what sizes they come in, and some are pretty hoochie looking, but that's a matter of personal preference.

  15. I'm not banded yet, but my mom is and has been for 3 years this month. For a while there she was eating candy like EVERY DAY. Lately she's cut back, I'm very proud of her, but in my opinion, your sweet tooth will not be a major problem, just monitor how much sweets you're eating, limit yourself when you need to, and keep your activity level up so that you're not just taking in empty calories and doing nothing which will lead to weight gain.

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