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About Sleeve1stFitNext

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    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 06/17/1991

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    New York
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  1. I was soooo jealous of the people in my support group. I was really like why do I not look like them and why am I not losing like they are? Then I did a side by side comparison for support group and noticed it. I really could not believe the difference. Sometimes we truly have to look backwards to see how far we have come. I never liked comparing myself to others but I always felt a little way about people reaching their goals faster then me. However, after this picture, I will never feel that way again. I am proud of my success and how far I have come. Granted I am starting to notice lose skin, but I will take that over being unable to jog up the steps or run across the street. 

    After reaching the goal of 200 lbs (finally dang I thought I would never get there lol). I went to the Spa. I was soo proud of myself and how I looked. I even got myself a Male Masseuse. He even complimented me on how soft my skin was and how well hydrated it looked. I felt so pretty with my facial and nails done. I did not worry if the bed was going to hold my weight or if I was going to fit on it. I fit just fine. 

    Afterwards me and my mom went to Buffalo Wild Wings (Her favorite Spot). I was able to fit into the booth without having to suck my tummy in, lift it up or push it down. I looked at my mom and I said, "Mom I fit!! I really fit!!" She started laughing at me. The Waitress was really confused. My mom told her, "My annoying daughter lost over 60 lbs and now can fit in the booth..sooo...this is an important moment for her." 

    Went to visit my Dad and he was shocked to hug me. (Note: My Dad lost a lot of his eyesight to Diabetes and he now takes very good care of himself. He was one of the reasons why I wanted to change). He said, "Moocha!! I wrap my arms around you now!!" I said, "Daddy so can I lol !!". We spent hours talking about Game of Thrones and how much weight we have lost. My dad used to weigh almost 385 lbs. He now weighs 220 lbs (he did this by going vegan and working out). I am very proud of him. It has taken him 2 years but he never gave up. The man is amazing. 

    I have placed a picture I took at the restaurant lol. 




    1. Newme17


      I love it!! Thank you for sharing and I'm happy you notice. It's very easy to not see it with ourselves until the pics come out. My husband had to share one of me and I just gasped. Was I really that big!?!? Oh Lord! Lol. Happy for you hon and very happy your daddy went vegan and lost all that weight and has his body in control. That's probably the best gifts y'all could give each other, your health. Kudos hon!

    2. Meryline


      Girl, you look amazing. I believe we are in the same group. You are on your journey, and it is yours only. Take pride in it. Don't compare it to anyone else. You are doing such a good job.

    3. Apple1


      You look great!! Congrats and keep on going. You are doing awesome.

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