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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kristylyn

  1. Well I am an selp payer and All those things that was listed NEVER HAPPEN TO ME..I am doing great, never got sick, all my holes are healed perfectly. I have the same fills just like insuance patients. My Dr treated me faily just like if my insrance paid for it. The only thing differently is that my Dr got his money that day from me and he didn't have to wait for the insurance company to send him the money. I don't know how told you that everything like that is suppose to happen or not, but I think it depends on the dr who is doing you. Nothing ever happen to me. The only thing I do get is one free year andyes I do have to pay after that is up for my fills but if I get sick, then I just go to my regular Dr where my insurance pays just like going to a regular Dr. I understand that everyone is different, but I am just letting you know that nothing like that has happen to me that you listed .

  2. You should listen to your BODY mainly and take those 1 to 2 weeks of your recovery. I had 1 1/2 weeks of recovery and I had pain where my port was so I couldn't bend down like I wanted so my mom had to be here with me during the day and when my hubby got home he was there. But don't pick up on your kids unless you have to cause your insides are still healing and you don't want to hurt yourself. So I guess to tel you to listen to your body and feel what's right for you. Yes everyone and body is different..Hope this helps

  3. I'm going to be self-pay, and am wondering what kind of "extras" to expect. I've been quoted $15k by True Results, which includes after-care of 10 fills or 2 years (whichever happens first). I know I have to pay fo rmy pre-op tests and stuff, but I'm concerned that there may be other expenses.

    Also, how likely is it that I will need more than 10 fills?



    Hey Marianne

    I am a self pay and here is what I had to do..First off mine was 14,000 and that covered the hopsital, Drs appts, Drs fee, and free fills for 1 year. I am not sure what will happen if you need more then 10 fills but if your band only holds 10 ccs like mine, then you should stop at 10 cc..But I don't think that it would go that far for you cause my Dr told me that once you get your restrictions and are full longer and losing the weight or at your "goal" you want to call it, then you don't need anymore fills. Plus over the years or down the line you will get "unfilled" if you need it..Now after my year is up then it's $100.00 per fill with-out the x-ray machine and $200.00 with the x-ray machine..So every place is different..Now as far as your blood work and things, Mine was all covered in that price. So you should find out if yours is covered in that 15k. I did and mine was. So I didn't have to pay for my labs. I hope this helps you and feel free to ask question to your Dr or nurse before you do anything. Make them tell you and tell them that you want to know cause you are paying out of pocket and you want to know where your money is going..I did and I got all my answers...Hope this helps and good luck!!


  4. I am in the same boat. I had mine done on 4-14 and I am awaiting my first fill. That is in about 3 weeks. I am hungry also but I did manage to lose 10 lbs after surgery while I am not filled. So Yeah talk to your Dr and he might get you in and fill you up. My dr told me that in 2 weeks if I am ready to be filled then I can go in and he will get me going. So good luck and hope everything works out for you..

  5. I was banded on April 14, 08 and I was on liquids 1 week after surgery. My first stage of eatting was on 21 and they told me I can start to have scrabled eggs..If I keep that down then I can start my tuna, and cottage cheese stage. I told my Dr that I was hundgery and that's when he put me on a week earlier. So I guess it depends on your Dr on what he likes you to do. Before I was eatting Suage Free snow cones all the time. That would be my lunch and dinner..hehehe..So just don't rush your body and if you are ready after a week on liquids ask your Dr if you can move on to the mushies. It won't hurt to try and ask..Hope this helps!! Take care!

  6. My doctor told me I could eat wheat crackers with Peanut Butter for Protein. I don't even miss the breads and haven't tried the crackers yet. Do you mix your tuna with anything? I use light mayo and a pinch of relish. It's very tasty, you should try it.

    yes I mix my tuna with boiled eggs and mayo and some relish..VERY GOOD! I never ate Peanut Butter yet, a little scared to cause I keep hearing that it can get stuck cause it's thick, but peanut butter is on my list. So I will try it with crakers. Thanks for answering my question for me.

  7. Hi there, I am too haveing to eat soft foods this week. YES refired Beans taste SOOOOO good..I had mine with some shredded cheese melted in them..I use to not like cheese to much but man oh man does it taste good..LOL...I ate some chicken salad with a few crakers. I don't know if I can eat crakers so I tried it and they stayed down. IT was better then bread. I have to stay on this kind of food for 1 1/2 weeks until my appt. and then they will change my diet again. I am glad that everyone is doing good with there food...

  8. Hi from Thibodaux. Dr. Eric Rau did my surgery. Banded 9/5/07 and only lost 19lbs, not really happy about that!! Anyone else has Dr. Eric Rau??

    Hi there

    I amf rom Houma, and I had Fredrick Rau do my surgery. I was banded on April 14 2008 so right now I am starting my solid foods..I will be at the meeting on wednesday, at least I hope..Before the surgery I lost 16 pounds, so I am really wondering how much I weigh now since my surgery..I was a self pay cause BCBS don't cover it..Hope to meet new people and get advices from them..Take care !


  9. Hi All!

    I am scheduled April 30th and am supposed to begin my pre op diet tomorrow.

    I swear, I am going to go back to school and become a dietitian. I had my pre op appointment last week and she told me to start the liquid diet "around the 22nd, a week b-4 surgery". She was not entirely clear about it and the whole day was alot of info to absorb. So I called today, b/c if I start on the 22nd, it would be 9 days, but a week is 7 days, and you know - PLEASE, DON'T MESS WITH A FAT GIRLS EATING!! If I did 9 days, and found out I had to do it for only 7, well that would be tragic!

    When I called today, she said I should be on it for 10 days & to start today! I still need to go to the grocery store!!

    So, I think I would like to go to school & become a dietitian, so I can get a job at a weight loss clinic to advise people like me! Because I get it!

    Any way, here is my pre op diet:

    4 Protein drinks daily

    Include 6 servings per day from the following:

    1 cup Tomato or v-8 juice

    1/2 cup hot cereal

    1 cup sugar free pudding

    6 ounces low-sugar yogurt

    1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce

    fat free raw vegtables

    Water or sugar free beverages as needed

    HMMMM... the hot cereal would include warming up some coco krispies?? I could handle that haha!!

    Oh, I hope I can do this! I am so glad that others feel the same!! and are being successful too! it is so encouraging! Everytime I have doubts I come to this web site ! I love it too!

    good luck to all! :rolleyes2:

    You have it easy with all that food to eat..All I could eat was 3 slim fast or advantage drinks a day, broth, SF Jello and SF popcilles..That's IT!!! For 12 days..I WENT NUTS!!! So I am glad that others have more of a food choice then I did...Good LUck everyone!!


  10. Thanks everyone for helping me. I was just getting worried that I was never going to eat eral food again..LOL...Today I start my second stage like cheese, eggs, yogurt, etc..My Dr gave me the ok for 1 1/2 weeks, then when I see him on the 30th he will advance my diet again. So IT feels so good to have some food in my mouth..Have any one ever eat spegetti again?? I figured the bread no cause it can get stuck but I love spegetti, but If I have to I can live without it..I love the angle hair ones..Thanks again for all the help and hope to talk to yall soon!


  11. Hi everyone!

    I just got banded on April 14 2008 and I am doing good so for..Heheh..I am getting to where I can start eatting scrabbled eggs, yogurt, cheese, etc...Well these few days was hard cause all I wanted was food..But I got threw it. Well anyway my question is, when You are passed your 2 to 4 weeks of soft food, what can you eat after everything is passed?? Like what is everyone eatting who has had it done awhile. Is it like meat loaf, ribs, chicken, veggies, etc....My Dr just told me to use common since and to Chew chew chew and take small bits..So He really didn't tell me nothing was forbidden. I can't wait to start eatting normal foods again...Hope someone can help or answer the question for me..Hope everyone is doing well and take care!!!


  12. cONGRATULATIONS TO EVERYONE WHO HAD THE BAND! The part that yall might start hurting on which is where I am hurting at is where the port is. It won't let you bend that much to sit. At least this is the only pain I am in right now. I was banded on Monday and today is my 2nd day home and I took my shower this morning, I felt ALOT better but the gas and sharp pain by my part is killing me..I hope Everyone does great on it..Take care!


  13. I just had surgery monday 14th 2008 and i can't bind over cause it shocks me. It's the worse pain ever. It's hard to get on the toliet and some chairs i can't it in cause it's to low. The keep telling me that it's my port but it's below the area that hurts. what doctors need to figure something out to get this to not hurt so badly..I guess it's a side affect, but a hurt side affect..

  14. Thanks everyone!! Well I took my stuff and this one was a lemon flavor and believe me, it was LEMON. I don't think I will ever eat a lemon again..LOL...I started it at 3:30 and ended up finshing it at 4:00. That's how bad I had it in my mind. So far so good, not running yet to the bath room except I been peeing alot since I took it..So I hope it works and I don't have no problems tomorrow.Take care everyone!!!


  15. Can anyone tell me the purpose of 2 weeks liquid. Started on the 9th day of april. 23 april is the surgery. This is tough.

    The reason for this liquid diet is to shrink the liver. They want it small to they can move around it, but some people can't get it small enough before surgery,that's why they put us on liquids and nothing else. At fist I just didn't understand why you have to go on a diet before you diet, but that's why. Hope this helps?? Take care!


  16. I'm supposed to be on a diet to lose 14 lbs before surgery and had be doing well before I went out to dinner with DH Wednesday night. When we got to the restaurant I looked at the menu and there wasn't anything that I should've really ate and asked to go some place else but DH really wanted to eat there. I did okay with my choice but didn't feel good about eating it because I knew it would throw me off. It's 100% on or else I have a hard time with getting back on once I deviate.

    For lunch on Friday and Saturday, I had Subway and would've been okay except I ordered the footlong subs because they were having a special. I told myself I would only eat half and save the rest for lunch the following day. Both days I did neither. Last night I was so hungry (mainly cause my sub sandwich was only veggies at lunch) and I started having major anxiety. I guess my blood sugar level got too low and I totally lost it and had a major pig out even eating the ice cream my family brought into the house after everyone went to bed. I don't know why I did this to myself. Right now I'm kicking myself because I just put myself that much further away from my surgery date until I get the 14 lbs off.

    Oh, and DH looked at me in the restaurant on Wednesday and it dawned on him that once I have the surgery that I will no longer be able to eat like I have been. Duh, why does he think I'm so fat? Because I have no control.


    Sorry to hear about that. I was the same way, but I didn'teat everything, i would nibble on different things. I have been on the liquid diet for 7 days and I went weight myself on that 7th day and I lost 16 pounds..I was so proud of myself. My surgery is tomorrow on the 14 and I am still on the liquid diet. Mine calls for 3 slim fast or advantage or edge a day, SF Jello, unlimited, SF Popcicles, unlimited, 64 oz of Water, and chicken broth unlimited..I stuck with that, and I lost. Now It also says on my paper that if I get dizzy or weak, that I can have a 3oz chicken breast, or side salad, or veggies..So The other day I started eatting me a salad for super and that would hold me off until the next day. I wasn't that hungery then and still today I am not that hungery. I think you can do it..Just put your mind to it like I did and you will come around. I had to put in my mind that once I have the band in, then I will be able to eat real food again but smaller. I was just like you and when I saw the food I wanted it and when I went eat out with hubby I just said " Oh well I will pick up tomorrow"..So I got the hang of eatting, well you can say "drinking" my stuff and I lost 16 lbs. So maybe you can try what I drink and see if that helps you out..Hope this helps! Take care!!


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