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Posts posted by JessNewGoals25

  1. Hey I just found out I have low Vitamin D after my first nutritionist appointment last month. I'm on a rx pill for 8 weeks and I have united health care thru the state of WI & this is something that could affect my approval, according to my dietician. Not sure how it works for other insurances & states but I hope my levels increase after I'm done with the pill. I have 4 more weeks left on the pill. I hope everything works out for you as well but just double check maybe with your doctor and your surgery team about it.

  2. I completely understand where you are coming from. I am actually at the point you are at. I have 5 more dietician appointments & my psych appointment coming up and with all of me severe medical conditions I can't understand why the insurance makes us wait 6months. I feel like things have gotten worser with my conditions but YET I still am being forced to wait.

    The only reason I that's keeping me from not giving up and what I can hope will encourage you to not give up is to think about how far we've come already. It would be a complete waste to just throw all these appointments we have had already down the drown because at this point I'm being impatient.

    We are already to start our life changing journeys and it is damn frustrating having to wait approval from so many people that have to have an opinion about our happiness (weight loss) that we do want to quit but don't.

    I believe quitting now would be the biggest mistake any of us in this group can make. You did the right thing by seeing your shrink now just blow through the rest of these appointments and keep in mind you are almost there!!

  3. 1 hour ago, nicole517 said:

    My first weigh in I was 253.5

    Second weigh in I was 252

    Third weigh in is on Tuesday and I'm around 256-257 because it's my time of month

    Will insurance deny me because of this? I'm so nervous :(

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Hi not sure if you'd get denied, I guess it all depends on your insurance.

    My insurance just told me I have to gain weight by the 1st of march because my bmi is under 50 and my insurance will deny me.

    I have been eating high carbs since last week I'm just hoping I've gained, I really can't tell.

  4. Yes. I have united healthcare through the state of WI & I was nervous about a phone call I received yesterday because my insurance is hands down strict. So they called & told me that my diagnosis was accepted (sleep apnea), then, they told me the bmi requirement is you have to be above 40 (which I am) but I'm under 50 by 3 so that I have to reach a 50bmi by March 1st which is my 1st dietitian appointment. Then they told me I have to find every primary doctor I had since 2012 because you have to prove that you've been overweight 5yrs...that was a complete hassle since I was in different state. Then I was told that my current dr had to have charted for 2years me trying different diets and weight loss programs. My dr said she has all of that & not too worry. I'm just nervous what my drs from 2012-2015 charted and if that would make the insurance deny me?? I know I've been overweight since I was 9yrs old so I'm just praying that the medical records says so.

  5. Hey anyone else awaiting their sleep apnea results? Is anyone else nervous from reading about other people's posts on this topic?

    I don't know why I'm so nervous today?...maybe because I called the office to see if they received the referral for my 2nd part of test that I have to go back & do (the cpap part) & the representative said "no the only thing we have are you sleep apnea results from Friday" ?? that they will call me once they have the referral.

    I'm glad they are in and that my dr is reviewing them but I would've been better not knowing that they have them because now all my mind is focused on the phone call......

    I, however will still continue to pray & keep the faith. I'm always spreading encouragement to others & being positive; but this post is just me expressing my human/natural side of worry but I am still positive & hopeful; it's important for me to share my real emotions & thoughts to you all...but nevertheless we shall see?

    Prayers please & thank you? (God knows I need this)

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. 2 hours ago, malequ said:

    Did anyone else get major anxiety during their pre-op diet? i'm not even nervous for the surgery itself but i'm so anxious about what life will be like after. For some reason it's so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that i won't constantly be hungry and i have this irrational thought that i'll never be able to eat foods i love ever again - i know none of these things are true but i can't stop being so damn anxious about it all. i'm also SO scared that i will fail due to my bad relationship with food. did anyone else have thoughts like these and then after surgery they came to realise it wasn't as bad as you thought? please help, i'm so anxious!

    Hey I think the feeling is normal for most people especially as time comes closer for some. I had that same thought before I started going to my support groups & doing research; thinking I would no longer be able to eat. The other thought I have is although my body isn't hungry, what if my mind is wanting something, will I mess up or will I be strong enough to stick to my new lifestyle?

    I suggest if you haven't did your psych evaluation yet then to bring that concern up so they can better help you and even with your dietician. I have my psych evaluation in the beginning of April so in the meantime I'm going to try to find related books that can possibly help me and to just have around the house even after.

    I believe you'll do fine and not fail. Just make sure you're honest with what your feeling so you can get proper guidelines/tools to help you and know that you are not alone.

  7. 3 weeks isn't bad but still long. I'm hoping to find out something this Monday so that I can call Monday & set up the 2nd part. The 2 month wait that you went through was ridiculous, especially since you got diagnosed with the condition, you would think they'd want you to have the machine right away. I know my sleep study doctor told me to come back right away after she gets the results to get the machine because when she checked my throats during the consultation she said my airway was too small. Hopefully you get your machine soon. I'm just going to pray that it's not that long. I know after this part is over and my insurance approved it time will go by quickly.

  8. Hey. So even though you use the cpap you still have to do another study? Does your insurance require that for you to have the surgery? & that's what I'm hoping for, can't remember the last time I've had a good nights sleep and I'm so tired during the day like right now. & yeah I'm used to fasting for religious reasons so it'll be a little easier but still not easy cus you do get hungry regardless but you'll be fine too & thank you!

  9. I'm still in my sleep apnea study right now & I was just told that I have to come back for the cpap part because we ran out of time...I guess I was required to sleep 2 full hours before 2am in order to start the cpap portion but I have really bad insomnia so I don't fall asleep right away. The tech said my dr will have more than enough data now because I slept a little longer but that hopefully my insurance won't throw this data out & make me start over because some insurances want both parts of the test at once....a little worried now. Like I have insomnia that shouldn't be held against me.? I have united health care through the state btw. I don't want to have do this over.....

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Hey guys. So I'm actually had my sleep consultation today. The dr told me right to my face that I definitely had sleep apnea but wanted to send me in for the testing tonight because when she checked my throat she was concerned about how small my airway is. I didn't know wether to be excited because I know I need this to be approved for surgery or scared that my dr rushed the appointment out of fear?. So here I am just finished being hooked up & laying in the bed until the morning. How long does it take for your results to come back?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. Congrats on your surgery date best of wishes there ???? & im a sucker for always going to my dr for every little thing ? But because you have such a big date coming up; if it were me I'd schedule to see my dr asap or go to an urgent care because I know there's a lot of illness going around everywhere right now so I'd try to get whatever it is under control before it really starts. But if you don't want to go through all that trouble do your basic household remedies or over the counter medications, stay warm if your in a colder state & best wishes again with everything ?

  12. Right I understand. It's like the little things you see others do that might not be a big deal IS really a big deal for people like us. Like walking through the entire mall without having to take breaks is another. Stuff like that people would be like it's no big dean but for someone as young as myself (25) and can't enjoy a full day out with my friends/family without stopping....I seriously can't wait to enjoy life to the fullest after this

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