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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by wcherry5901

  1. Finally IMG_4384.JPG IMG_3180.JPG

    I’ve finally attached pictures around a year between. I’ve been taking a few small bites of stuff I shouldn’t have not much but enough to bother me. I am down to 251 almost 150 lbs since surgery in April. First of November I finally started having gall bladder issues and had to have it removed. Now the gas and bowel movements have been terrible. I went from trouble going to bathroom to going all the time. I measure every meal to around a cup 3 meals a day and no real snacking. Since gallbladder surgery I have started to drink 150 oz of Water a day. I also weigh every morning and night. I want to start exercising but I have not done that yet. How is every one else doing.

  2. Here is my opinion I was 398 the day of surgery April 6 today I’m around 270. I have loose skin especially my back. I have to re adjust when I lay down. But what I tell people. Would you rather be fat and die younger or have extra skin and live longer

  3. For the second time in 3 weeks I was awaken with pain on my left side under my ribs and radiating to my back. Only on my left side. I know gallbladder is on right side I feel like it is acid. It since I’ve never had acid I’m not sure. I’m only comfortable sitting up when this has happened. I’m 7 months post op and Down 125 so if anyone has any advice or have experience in this.

  4. I’m down 120 since surgery I’m down to what I was during college and high school. The weight loss is much slower now but it comes in spurts. I can wear a 2x shirt and a 44 pant. Today was the first day I stuffed myself and I’m hurting. We had sautéed mushrooms and I should not have. I’m still around a cup of food each meal dinner is usually a cup and a half I need to cut that back. But tonight may have been a wake up call.

  5. I know everyone says don't worry about scale. But I keep up with today I have been sleeved since April 6th and I'm down 41. I measure all food to a cup since I have felt no restrictions I can now have soft vegetables instead of mashed. Only issues is my back and shoulders are hurting which I attribute to atrophy of the muscles since I haven't worked out or lifted much in my upper body since surgery

  6. Wow you're on deli meat after three weeks of surgery? How are you able to keep it down my friend, seriously? As "aprilsdiamond" has said stay off of the scale for at least the first 30 to 45 days. Your body is still very much healing from the trauma it when through getting all re-routed and what not. So your still dealing with being sore and inflammation. Also I would honestly avoid eating deli meat too for now. The added salt in said meat is indeed going to make you retain Water. And guess what you're gonna have a hell of a challenge just getting in the daily amount of water you need per day anyway, with the little room you will have to store water and food in (hint hint 120oz minimum for males).
    I would think that at this stage you should be on super soft solids Proteins like soft scrambled eggs, canned chicken/tuna fish, and yogurt/cottage cheese. Stick with that stuff and avoid pork, beef, and anything that loaded in salt/preservatives at all cost for now. Maybe try some Beans and lentils and another good source of non-animal proteins, especially now with you only being 3 weeks post surgery. You gut is gonna take some serious time to heal, so do what you can to take care of yourself.

    When I say deli meat it's reduced sodium. And it's only been two pieces. Also i have no soreness since I got home. I actually had maybe 2 oz of tilapia grilled today. Water hasn't been a problem either. And never was nauseated.

  7. Just a quick question had surgery April 6

    Lost nearly 30lbs in a week and a half. Since Saturday I haven't lost anything actually gained 3lbs. I know that isn't much but I would love to start losing again. My Dr put me on soft foods so yesterday I had my Protein Shake, and deli meat for snack and flounder for dinner. Very small portions less 650 calories for whole day. I can't wrap my mind around weight not coming down with so few calories and exercise. On day of surgery I was 398 this morning 373.4. Up from 370 Monday. Has anyone else experienced this.

  8. I Still get tired from lack of energy. I have been walking a Mile trying to get more time in. My surgeon allows me to have eggs that are either boiled & grated, fried, and scrambled. Soft flaky fish that can be mashed , and thinly sliced and chopped deli meat and cheese. I am looking forward to day 14 after surgery so i can chew something, I hope this will help me with my Protein intake also. I am also interested in that feeling of fullness and how long it takes to get there. I am down nearly 30 lbs since the 6th of April. I hope everything is going well for everybody.

  9. I have a question about Protein. The Hospital were I had my surgery has a BariatricPal center to help you live your life. I am 5 days post op the Bariatric center told me Isopure is ok, but they recommend Unjury because muscle milk light and a few of these others are illegal protein meaning they claim they have more than they do. For example one product has 22 grams and claims 30. I do not really know where to go with this my Dr on the other hand states that premiere protein is fine and that they bariatric center just wants to sale you there products.

  10. I've got a date for April 6th i got approved last Friday while at lunch. I have been doing what my doctor told me i have lost around 40 lbs since the start of the process i probably could have lost more. The question i have is since approval that has been a relief, and I wanted to eat some pizza or eat a hamburger from an old college hangout. i know i wont be able to do this after surgery. My doctor told me that they really do a strict preop 1 week out just in case your liver is enlarged but since i have been on a 1000 to 1500 calorie diet for the past two months that shouldn't be a problem. i just wander if any one else had this issue when they got approved that they wanted to say on last good by to some of your favorite foods since you know there will be no more for a while.

  11. You guys are the ones that motivate me. I'm still waiting for insurance approval, I'm currently 6,3 400 lbs waiting on the sleeve. I have told my wife that I am putting a rule on myself that I have to exercise before I can go home that's my rule. I also had to explain that when this gets done I'm going to miss some things like little league practices, but if I miss them now I won't miss them later. Thanks for settling my mind about everything.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. I appreciate the help. I come from were I believe a lot of men come from for high school weighing 250 and working out every day to gaining some in college and going back to around 230. To finally taking a desk job and ballooning from there to where I am now at 420. I have a desire to workout, to play basketball to be active to be muscular strong again not just big guy strong. I worry about my mentality of being complacent if I reach a goal weight and letting go a little I ate a huge burrito today because I could not because I had to. I want to learn how to stop after one bite in future not keep filling myself. Maybe the worry is good for me it will keep me going. Like was said earlier I would rather struggle at 225

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. I am 6'3 420 I am looking into the sleeve. I was considering bypass because of the dumping as a negative reinforcement. When I met with surgeon he recommended vsg which threw me for a loop. Now I'm worried without the dumping I can't stick with the diet plan. I don't know if it's because my head can't fathom the idea of eating so little with the way I can currently eat if wanted to. Also does removing the hunger hormone help you mentally in regards to over eating. Also if I can here from men with the vsg would be a great help especially if you were my size when you had the surgery done.

    Thank you in advance

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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