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Posts posted by w8onit

  1. I have asked my doctor the same question, im a redbull addict and going a day without it gives me endless Migraines. He said its an easy way to gain all your weight back, plus you might not be able to tolerate it early on.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    see i can live without it but i want to be able to drink it sometimes with alcohol and if i have a tummy ache, gingerale helps me :/

  2. I promise after your first sip when you wanna die you'll forget about your obsession lol. I knew it would hurt but had to touch the flame and try but then I was good. Eventually I could drink it in moderation but it's not a go to drink anymore.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    i never really drank soda but when i drink occassionally i like to chase alcohol with a shot lol not the end of the world if i cant have it though

  3. hi[emoji3] well first id like to wish you a lot of luck !! this is the first day of your new life!! i was sleeved a week ago, 2/10. im gonna be completely honest with my experience.. so here it goes. i got to the hospital at 545am.. did all my final paperwork and they put me in a room to wait for doc. they hooked me up to IVS and asked me questions.. blah blah blah.. i was feeling so nervous- i almost wanted to back out. but i told myself that ive wanted this for so long and come so far in this process so there was no turning back! i went in and doc told my family itd be a 1 to 2 hour surgery.. but it only took 40 min because everything went perfect! (so blessed) so i woke up in recovery all drugged up.. not knowing where i was lol. all that was on my mind was where was my family.. i was told i had to wait.. i felt tired and nothing really else.. fast forward to an hour and i was wheeled to my room with family right behind me. still drugged up and sleepy- i didnt know much of what was going on. i felt like i was in a fog. i started getting nauseous as heck.. so unbearingly nauseous. i demanded meds and after a few diff ones the nausea went away. i tried sleeping but they kept waking me up every 3 hours to walk. the first time i was thinking there was no way i could walk after surgery. but it wasnt bad! i took it slow and by the next time i got up i just wanted to get it done with to go back to bed lol. the first night wasnt too bad .. i had plenty of pain meds and slept mostly good. the next day i woke up and was told i needed to drink 10 medicine cups of fluids in order to go home.. piece a cake.. or so i thought. it took me 8 hours to drink 5 cups so needless to say i didnt go home. it was so hard for me to keep liquids down. it felt tight and it felt like the Fluid was the girl from charlie and the chocolate factory and my digestive system was the chocolate tube she got stuck in. lol only way i knew how to put it.. so the 2nd night for me was hellll.. i woke up every 10 minutes. the oxygen i had to wear was annoying.. i just wanted my own bed. the next morning i woke up determined to drink those ten cups! it took me 3 hours to drink 5 medicine cups so i was determined to drink those last 5.. and i did! i definitely made progress from the day before. so i go home.. ride home is a bit bumpy so bring a pillow to hold against your tummy.. for me that was a life saver.. so i get home and my bed was waiting for me :) for the past week ive been sleeping a lot lately. no stomach pains really my incisions are healing nicely. just a little sore. i was frustrated because everytime id drink liquids i would have to use the bathroom and then id be hungry. im still hungry often but its because im not consuming food. honestly the first few days i had about 4 breakdowns a day. i cried and cried and told my family i regretted getting sleeved.. it was SO hard to meet my fluids and Protein goal. but that feeling of regret it gone. im doing better everyday.. and it gets easier everyday. all i can do is try my best. and make sure i get my walking in. i was instructed to wall 10-15 min a day. on valentines day (four days post op) i checked in with doc.. 16 pounds down!! he says im on right track.. ive had some shoulder pain..thats normal. gas x strips helped a lot with that. i wish you the best during your journey. youre gonna do fabulous !! make sure you take your Vitamins. very important! dont stress - take it day by day and if you have any questions please feel free to message me. also im not too far ahead of you.. id love to hear about your experiences too :) sorry for the book lol happy sleeve day!

  4. okay so most people havent heard of this skin condition.. but i have it due to me being overweight. my doc said losing weight will help lessen or even make H.S. go away.. my question is, does anyone else have it and has it gotten any better with your weight loss? i sure freaking hope so lol cause im so insecure about it. thank you all :)

  5. I'm 2 weeks in and still can't get 2 Protein shakes in and a bottle of water! It's tough and not feeling hungry doesn't signal the plane! Take it one day at a time, it gets better I am told ....

    aww thank you so much. im so thankful for this community because no one outside it can relate. im doing much better than i was yesterday. but still got a ways to go. hang in there as well..we got this[emoji1320]

  6. I am 25 years old and I have battled with my weight since I was 10 years. Though I was athletic and played sports, I was still considered overweight (problems of hitting puberty early and looking like a grown woman young).
    A lot of my friends whom are over weight told would tell me that if I could not lose weight naturally then I was meant to be fat for the rest of my life. Needless to say, we barely talk now because they are not supportive. They do no understand that I do not want to live my life like this. I do not want to feel uncomfortable. I just want to be able to do really live life like I thought it would.

    i can relate to you 100 percent!! no one is meant to be fat, i too for awhile thought that i was meant to be too. did you have a surgery yet or thinking about it? i was just sleeved friday!

  7. aw Victoria thank you so so much! it makes me so happy that people can relate. ive been feeling very down in the dumps lately so thank you for making me feel better. I just got the phone call today that my insurance approved my surgery for next Friday, 2/10!! im so excited but also nervous :(

    Hi Angela, My name is Victoria living in NC and I can completely relate. I STILL struggle with the anxiety of being the biggest person in the room.

    I completely agree with Chrissy that this process of becoming healthier is an opportunity to work on YOU. Since I went to my first nutrition seminar on 12/28/16, I've been wholly focused on bettering me, for me. The residual positive effects of that have been great but my focus remains myself.

    If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, vent to or to congratulate you, I offer myself!

  8. wow Chrissy, thank you so much!! you definitely made me feel better. it sucks because the last 6 months I was SUPPOSED to work on me and prepare for surgery but every month that past I found myself giving another excuse. and then the last two months dealing with a tragic,unexpected death in my family didn't make it easier. My therapist through the WLS program asked me what happens if something like that happens after the sleeve. honestly.. idk. im hoping that once I get sleeved- reality will hit me. I AM mentally prepared I just have been so depressed lately.. more than ever. im scared for it. excited. all these different emotions. besides you and others here on this site- no one can relate. its just so hard not having anyone to talk to about how I feel. thank you for responding to my post. it means a lot to me. do you have an instagram lol not to be weird

    Hi Angela! I'm Chrissy, from NYC and just turned 25 less than a month ago :) I'm just 6 days post-op VSG

    I can relate to how you feel. I gained a ton of weight after a bad relationship, depression, and anxiety. Then after gaining that weight, I gained more, all because I was so upset with myself for getting so heavy to start with. Sometimes things felt like a downward spiral, honestly like I hated the world. I was annoyed by friends who could shop anywhere, jealous of these girls on TV and social media with "perfect bodies", angry that other people would channel their energy into other things while I sat and ate. To be straightforward - I hated myself and I was so, so angry.

    Now I'm nowhere near perfect, but over the 6 months of preparing myself for surgery I've been working on ME in every aspect. It's not easy, some days I have a horrible attitude and go back to self loathing. BUT it's a process, one that you deserve to give yourself time to go through. This is your journey, and it's not meant for anyone to understand. I don't even understand my own! But the point is that you're taking steps to becoming a happier and healthier you, and that's already something to be proud of!

    Hey, like Kanye says, "just let me be great!"

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    also good luck on your journey!! im here with you every step of the way <3

    Hi Angela! I'm Chrissy, from NYC and just turned 25 less than a month ago :) I'm just 6 days post-op VSG

    I can relate to how you feel. I gained a ton of weight after a bad relationship, depression, and anxiety. Then after gaining that weight, I gained more, all because I was so upset with myself for getting so heavy to start with. Sometimes things felt like a downward spiral, honestly like I hated the world. I was annoyed by friends who could shop anywhere, jealous of these girls on TV and social media with "perfect bodies", angry that other people would channel their energy into other things while I sat and ate. To be straightforward - I hated myself and I was so, so angry.

    Now I'm nowhere near perfect, but over the 6 months of preparing myself for surgery I've been working on ME in every aspect. It's not easy, some days I have a horrible attitude and go back to self loathing. BUT it's a process, one that you deserve to give yourself time to go through. This is your journey, and it's not meant for anyone to understand. I don't even understand my own! But the point is that you're taking steps to becoming a happier and healthier you, and that's already something to be proud of!

    Hey, like Kanye says, "just let me be great!"

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  9. hello all-

    new to this site... okay so im a 24 year old female from NY & ive been struggling with my weight for what feels like forever.. okay, since I was 11.. practically forever though. ive been on every diet you could imagine and even had the lap band put in back in 2011.. 5 years later and got it removed because all it was doing was making me sick. truth be told- I was 18 at the time of the procedure and my whole self wasn't in it. I wasn't mentally prepared and I didn't realize that I still had to put in work.. when you're young you don't really listen to what others say and that's obviously where I went wrong. now im getting the sleeve done in hopefully 2 weeks.. if not- gotta wait til march...

    my reason for writing this is because im tired. not only physically but emotionally too. im used to the stares. im used to the name calling. im used to being treated differently because of my weight. but you never really get used to feeling alone in a crowded room. no one understands!! I try to explain it to them but unless you're 300+ pounds youll never understand. one of my friends is overweight but not nearly as big as me. so she doesn't understand how it feels when im in a "bad" mood. I cant help but feel the way I do. I know that if I was at a normal weight I wouldn't be so angry all the time. im mostly angry at myself for allowing myself to get this way.angry at others for judging me and angry at my friends for not understanding. but how could they? I guess what im asking of you all is to just be there for me. to support me through the start of my journey.. or the next chapter of it. i need people who get it. im ready more than ever.. both physically and mentally. i would love a chance to get to know you all...

    im angela btw :)

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