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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Walter.Sobchak

  1. Walter.Sobchak

    Before and After Pics

    That is an amazing transformation. Keep it up.
  2. Walter.Sobchak

    Before and After Pics

    Looking good. Keep up the great work.
  3. Walter.Sobchak


    You have lost 13 pounds in 3 weeks, that is really good. That is 4 pounds per week. The average you should expect is 1.5 to 2 pounds per week. You are doing good. Patience my little friend.
  4. I have been taking meds for almost 20 years. I am sick of it. Sick of feeling like crap all the time. Oh well, such is life.
  5. I take it in addition to Luvox and sadly I do not feel that either one is a miracle for me. I am glad it is working for you however. Struggling with mental illness is the worst.
  6. Walter.Sobchak

    Gaining less than 2 months out!!!

    Your weight is going to fluctuate, mine still does. Do not weight yourself everyday or you will go insane. You are still very early into this process, your weight loss is certainly not over, that would be absurd. Just keep doing right and the weight will come off, it simply has to.
  7. Are you taking anything in addition to the Lamotrigen?
  8. Walter.Sobchak


    My dietician said to expect 1.5 to 2 pounds per week.
  9. Hello Peeps, Just wanted to post a status update. I am not real excited about what the camera shows. I still look and feel like a fat blob, a tub of goo if you will. Here are some pictures.
  10. Walter.Sobchak

    4 Months and Down 80 pounds

    Thank you. When I look at the new collage I posted, the starting weight to current is amazing. Even the change from the January 3rd picture to current is pretty noticeable.
  11. Walter.Sobchak

    One month to the next - Pics

    Yeah, doing good. Business as usual. Sent you a PM.
  12. Walter.Sobchak

    One month to the next - Pics

    I see a difference in your face and mid section. Keep it up.
  13. Walter.Sobchak

    4 Months and Down 80 pounds

    Here is an update. Nearly 6 months out and down 100 pounds. Top collage is starting weight to today. Other is January 3rd to today.
  14. Walter.Sobchak

    The best decision of my life.

    Pretty awesome and good outlook and attitude on self pay.
  15. Walter.Sobchak

    Just 5 hot wings & I’m stuffed! I love it!!

    The addict in me still wants to eat more, but the sleeve won’t let me.
  16. Walter.Sobchak


    Fantastic. I like both pictures. Keep up the good work.
  17. Walter.Sobchak

    Just 5 hot wings & I’m stuffed! I love it!!

    Same boat with the wings. 4 or 5 and I am stuffed. Used to be able to eat 24 wings and a large pizza.
  18. Walter.Sobchak

    Liver shrink and 3 day liquid diet

    I had to do a 3 week liver shrink diet. 3 days does seem a little short. Every surgeon seems to require different things. I would just follow what your surgeon has instructed you to do. Good Luck.
  19. Hello, I am sure some of you have heard this from friends at work, or church or some other place. When i hear it, it makes me realize I must have looked really bad before. I am still 335 pounds and roughly 100 pounds overweight, so when people tell me that I look great, and I still feel like I am really big it makes me think I must have looked awful before. Any of you feel the same way?
  20. Walter.Sobchak

    Depression and feelings of giving up

    You have to hang on and can’t give up. This is a very tough time in our lives, like others have said it is a lot to process mentally, physically and emotionally. So the scale didn’t move, no big deal as it will move eventually. One day at a time my little friend.
  21. Walter.Sobchak

    WOW, you look great!!!!

    Excellent point, I had not considered that perspective on it. Maybe they could tell I was miserable at my previous weight and always in pain. Now they can see that I am feeling better and as a result “I look great” I get it now. Thank you.
  22. Walter.Sobchak


    I threw up on like my first week post op. I was scared but nothing happened. I was so hungry and ate way too fast and I threw up. It wasnt too cool.
  23. Walter.Sobchak

    Need some reassurances

    More protein and less carbs perhaps? 3 pounds in 15 days does sound kind of low. Then again my dietician said to expect 1.5 to 2 pounds per week.
  24. I am going to treat myself with a mistress. Please don’t tell my wife. (Just joking of course).
  25. Walter.Sobchak

    One Year Update

    Good job. Amazing transformation.

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