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    TracieSue reacted to krisrny in Dry skin!   
    Definitely fluids, I'm at the same point as you, had surgery 11-21 and no lotion works on mine either. But I got more Water in and saw improvements a few days later. Sorry you're having this issue. Best wishes.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Like
    TracieSue reacted to Djmohr in How Does It Work?   
    RNY leaves with a golf ball size pouch for a stomach. It also reroutes your intestines on purpose to promote malabsorbtion so you don't absorb all of the food you do eat.
    For me, it has been a wonderful experience and a great tool to help me control my eating. I am 28 months post op so I can eat more than right after surgery but maybe I can eat 1 cup to 1 1/2 cups of food depending on what it is. If it is dense meat, I can eat just two to 3 ounces and I am full and stay full longer.
    With RNY, the hunger does come back after the nerves regrow however it is not that gnawing hunger that I had before surgery. Also, just a few bites and I am full again.
    I love that I was able to have this surgery and lose all my weight and I love that so many others on this site have had the same success both with RNY and the sleeve.
    Best of luck to you!
  3. Like
    TracieSue reacted to mrsNilla in How Does It Work?   
    For me, soon 7 weeks out, I have a lot of things reducing my eating. Here are a few of my reasons:
    - I'm simply not hungry and forget to eat sometimes
    - the restriction of my pouch makes all my meals very small
    - I dump on all sweet foods in tiny amounts and even all fast/simple carbs if I don't have enough Proteins with them
    - I have to eat enough Proteins every day and I don't have room for bad choices
    - I drink all the time and have to plan my eating around it, so unplanned Snacks never happen
    - foods taste different, I don't even care for sweet foods like yogurt, I would rather have something salty
    I have to use an app to track my diet, otherwise I end up eating and drinking way too little. My fitness pal is a very good app for this, if you aren't using one yet.
    Good luck to you!
  4. Like
    TracieSue reacted to newlife9-27 in Next phase!   
    It is the best thing you will ever do for yourself. Good luck.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    TracieSue reacted to Ravensgrl in How Does It Work?   
    I had my surgery 8/16/16 and still haven't truly been "hungry". I eat small portions and had to learn to listen to my body's cues to know when my new stomach has had enough. One bite too many makes me very sick and I want to avoid that at all costs. It's been a great tool for me and I'm very happy with my decision. Best of luck with your surgery!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    TracieSue reacted to Harsha in How Does It Work?   
    I had my surgery 7/21/16. One thing I love is getting content faster. After a few bites I'm good. I have no cravings, even at holidays none of the food looks that Good to me. I had no interest in sweets, I actually lost six pounds over Christmas lol. I think one thing is to listen to your pouch, when you are done...don't take another bite! All I really ever want is salad now.
    Sent from my SM-G925V using the BariatricPal App
  7. Like
    TracieSue reacted to JaxLiving in Where's my ENERGY?   
    Low energy is very normal in the first couple of months! Your energy will increase as time passes.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Like
    TracieSue reacted to Victoria Bontempi in Where's my ENERGY?   
    I'm 22 days and still sleeping a ton. Its going to take us a while to have energy. Since most of us have to work it really sucks to be this way.
    Sent from my LG-H811 using the BariatricPal App
  9. Like
    TracieSue reacted to savyourdvine1 in Where's my ENERGY?   
    You had major surgery. Your body is using your energy to heal. Mostly rest, stay hydrated, take your Vitamin, meds, and drink your Protein if possible. It will all come together.
    Sent from my SM-J700P using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    TracieSue reacted to thunder32 in Where's my ENERGY?   
    At 6 days...walk don't excercise...and I had days like that too....I bet in the next couple of days you will have a ton of energy...over do it and be tired...then feel great and then....
  11. Like
    TracieSue reacted to Daisee68 in Where's my ENERGY?   
    You have just been through major surgery. Give yourself a break. Your body needs rest to heal not to mention you likely have such low calorie intake. Hang in there. It will get better....
    Sent from my HTC One M9 using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    TracieSue reacted to sill21 in Where's my ENERGY?   
    I felt drained for two weeks post op. I'm not 3 1/2 weeks post op and starting to get full energy back
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    TracieSue reacted to Faith16 in Where's my ENERGY?   
    I'm 6 days post op to! I feel like I'm getting stronger everyday. I think in a few more days or a week we will feel pretty dang good with energy.
    Sent from my SM-G930V using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    TracieSue reacted to WannabeH in Where's my ENERGY?   
    And to add ....set small goals. I started off my exercise by setting a small amount of steps per day. I think I started around 2000 steps and I slowly built up. 8 months after my surgery I did a nine mile walk/run.
  15. Like
    TracieSue reacted to WannabeH in Where's my ENERGY?   
    Hi I'm almost 1 year post-op. Give your body time to recover. It could could be a couple of months before you are at full speed. It is different for everyone.
  16. Like
    TracieSue got a reaction from GJimenez in Just got home from Surgery.   
    I'm finding it nearly impossible to get all of these ounces in every day!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    TracieSue got a reaction from Syaniya in Free at last!   
    I am too excited to contain myself any longer!! I am 47 years old, 5'-4", and my heaviest weight was pre-op at 191lbs. I am aware that most people would say that I didn't need weight loss surgery, but here is my story: I have struggled to be a healthy weight since my first of two children was born in 1995. I was on a yo-yo of dieting until now. 7 years ago I decided I would get in shape for my 40th Birthday. I dropped 50lbs and was doing P90x like a wild woman. I dropped a few more pounds and weighed 124lbs. On New Year's Day a friend of mine texted me a picture she took of me and my husband the night before, and I was a little shocked. My face was too thin and I looked ghostly! I decided I would look healthier if I put on a few pounds. Well I never put the brakes on and now 7 years later I have gained all my weight back and 15lbs. more since my hysterectomy in August 2016. I have tried on and off to get back on track, but have failed miserably. I was on Phentermine when I lost all the weight last time but it would never work the same for me. Plus I was making myself throw up when I overate. I just had to find a way to control my hunger without drugs or unhealthy plan "b"! After extensive research and a lot of heavy thinking I decided to have Gastric Bypass Surgery. My surgery was on January 3, 2017, just 6 days ago. I can already tell I'm on my way to my happy place!! For the first time ever I'm not starving all the time! I'm not going to bed with a hungry tummy to keep me awake! I can drink a few ounces and actually feel full! I'm not going to say it's been a totally positive experience so far either. I have had a Cesarean Birth, a VBAC Birth (natural), Tubal Ligation, and a Hysterectomy and this has been the most painful surgery ever!!! I was so uncomfortable until just a few days ago! My incisions bruised terribly and my tummy was extremely bloated from the cuts and gas. The bruising is finally fading and my gas is under control. I have very little pain and I can see a little muscle definition in my tummy again. I'm on the mend and ready for something besides Protein shakes and Propel Zero, but I know I'll have to check with my doc the day after tomorrow before I change from all liquids. I am feeling like I can finally take control of the "Hunger Monster" inside me and feel good about me again!! The relief I feel is almost indescribable. All I can say is that I feel like I'm finally free! Thank you for reading my story.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Like
    TracieSue reacted to Nicetomeetyou 82 in Feelin' sorry for myself   
    How about calling around to the local nursing college? I know a lot of nursing students look for side jobs to pick up some extra money, if you can swing something for 48 hours that might be a good place. They could come over after school study and stay with you to make sure you are ok.
  19. Like
    TracieSue reacted to southbound in Feelin' sorry for myself   
    The fact that he is soon to be ex is a good start. There are women support groups. Churches, Salvation Army, women's shelters... I'm tough as nails but I was glad I had someone to adjust pillows and get me stuff I needed when I just was exhausted. Don't lie to her, it could be dangerous. My church is always there for me and that is where my best true friends are. They cooked for my husband and son. And have for many other people who have had the need. If case need be, hire a sitter.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
    Jesus loves you!!!
  20. Like
    TracieSue reacted to LipstickLady in 1st actual meal 23 days POSt Op   
    I sincerely hope no one is judging her for her choice of profession, or her FB profile. Personally, I am all about making it work with what you've got! Clearly she has a strong sense of self confidence and I say MORE POWER to HER!

    I worry more about her food choices and what they could do to her Healthwise. That's the ONLY issue here.
  21. Like
    TracieSue got a reaction from RaptorWitch in Today is the first day of the rest of my life   
    ONE DAY AT A TIME!! You're going to go exactly where you want, you got this, you're in control
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    TracieSue got a reaction from Iscarelys in Weight Loss Evolution [emoji41]   
    Great results! You should be so-ooo proud of you
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    TracieSue got a reaction from Syaniya in Free at last!   
    I am too excited to contain myself any longer!! I am 47 years old, 5'-4", and my heaviest weight was pre-op at 191lbs. I am aware that most people would say that I didn't need weight loss surgery, but here is my story: I have struggled to be a healthy weight since my first of two children was born in 1995. I was on a yo-yo of dieting until now. 7 years ago I decided I would get in shape for my 40th Birthday. I dropped 50lbs and was doing P90x like a wild woman. I dropped a few more pounds and weighed 124lbs. On New Year's Day a friend of mine texted me a picture she took of me and my husband the night before, and I was a little shocked. My face was too thin and I looked ghostly! I decided I would look healthier if I put on a few pounds. Well I never put the brakes on and now 7 years later I have gained all my weight back and 15lbs. more since my hysterectomy in August 2016. I have tried on and off to get back on track, but have failed miserably. I was on Phentermine when I lost all the weight last time but it would never work the same for me. Plus I was making myself throw up when I overate. I just had to find a way to control my hunger without drugs or unhealthy plan "b"! After extensive research and a lot of heavy thinking I decided to have Gastric Bypass Surgery. My surgery was on January 3, 2017, just 6 days ago. I can already tell I'm on my way to my happy place!! For the first time ever I'm not starving all the time! I'm not going to bed with a hungry tummy to keep me awake! I can drink a few ounces and actually feel full! I'm not going to say it's been a totally positive experience so far either. I have had a Cesarean Birth, a VBAC Birth (natural), Tubal Ligation, and a Hysterectomy and this has been the most painful surgery ever!!! I was so uncomfortable until just a few days ago! My incisions bruised terribly and my tummy was extremely bloated from the cuts and gas. The bruising is finally fading and my gas is under control. I have very little pain and I can see a little muscle definition in my tummy again. I'm on the mend and ready for something besides Protein shakes and Propel Zero, but I know I'll have to check with my doc the day after tomorrow before I change from all liquids. I am feeling like I can finally take control of the "Hunger Monster" inside me and feel good about me again!! The relief I feel is almost indescribable. All I can say is that I feel like I'm finally free! Thank you for reading my story.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    TracieSue got a reaction from Syaniya in Free at last!   
    I am too excited to contain myself any longer!! I am 47 years old, 5'-4", and my heaviest weight was pre-op at 191lbs. I am aware that most people would say that I didn't need weight loss surgery, but here is my story: I have struggled to be a healthy weight since my first of two children was born in 1995. I was on a yo-yo of dieting until now. 7 years ago I decided I would get in shape for my 40th Birthday. I dropped 50lbs and was doing P90x like a wild woman. I dropped a few more pounds and weighed 124lbs. On New Year's Day a friend of mine texted me a picture she took of me and my husband the night before, and I was a little shocked. My face was too thin and I looked ghostly! I decided I would look healthier if I put on a few pounds. Well I never put the brakes on and now 7 years later I have gained all my weight back and 15lbs. more since my hysterectomy in August 2016. I have tried on and off to get back on track, but have failed miserably. I was on Phentermine when I lost all the weight last time but it would never work the same for me. Plus I was making myself throw up when I overate. I just had to find a way to control my hunger without drugs or unhealthy plan "b"! After extensive research and a lot of heavy thinking I decided to have Gastric Bypass Surgery. My surgery was on January 3, 2017, just 6 days ago. I can already tell I'm on my way to my happy place!! For the first time ever I'm not starving all the time! I'm not going to bed with a hungry tummy to keep me awake! I can drink a few ounces and actually feel full! I'm not going to say it's been a totally positive experience so far either. I have had a Cesarean Birth, a VBAC Birth (natural), Tubal Ligation, and a Hysterectomy and this has been the most painful surgery ever!!! I was so uncomfortable until just a few days ago! My incisions bruised terribly and my tummy was extremely bloated from the cuts and gas. The bruising is finally fading and my gas is under control. I have very little pain and I can see a little muscle definition in my tummy again. I'm on the mend and ready for something besides Protein shakes and Propel Zero, but I know I'll have to check with my doc the day after tomorrow before I change from all liquids. I am feeling like I can finally take control of the "Hunger Monster" inside me and feel good about me again!! The relief I feel is almost indescribable. All I can say is that I feel like I'm finally free! Thank you for reading my story.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    TracieSue got a reaction from Syaniya in Free at last!   
    I am too excited to contain myself any longer!! I am 47 years old, 5'-4", and my heaviest weight was pre-op at 191lbs. I am aware that most people would say that I didn't need weight loss surgery, but here is my story: I have struggled to be a healthy weight since my first of two children was born in 1995. I was on a yo-yo of dieting until now. 7 years ago I decided I would get in shape for my 40th Birthday. I dropped 50lbs and was doing P90x like a wild woman. I dropped a few more pounds and weighed 124lbs. On New Year's Day a friend of mine texted me a picture she took of me and my husband the night before, and I was a little shocked. My face was too thin and I looked ghostly! I decided I would look healthier if I put on a few pounds. Well I never put the brakes on and now 7 years later I have gained all my weight back and 15lbs. more since my hysterectomy in August 2016. I have tried on and off to get back on track, but have failed miserably. I was on Phentermine when I lost all the weight last time but it would never work the same for me. Plus I was making myself throw up when I overate. I just had to find a way to control my hunger without drugs or unhealthy plan "b"! After extensive research and a lot of heavy thinking I decided to have Gastric Bypass Surgery. My surgery was on January 3, 2017, just 6 days ago. I can already tell I'm on my way to my happy place!! For the first time ever I'm not starving all the time! I'm not going to bed with a hungry tummy to keep me awake! I can drink a few ounces and actually feel full! I'm not going to say it's been a totally positive experience so far either. I have had a Cesarean Birth, a VBAC Birth (natural), Tubal Ligation, and a Hysterectomy and this has been the most painful surgery ever!!! I was so uncomfortable until just a few days ago! My incisions bruised terribly and my tummy was extremely bloated from the cuts and gas. The bruising is finally fading and my gas is under control. I have very little pain and I can see a little muscle definition in my tummy again. I'm on the mend and ready for something besides Protein shakes and Propel Zero, but I know I'll have to check with my doc the day after tomorrow before I change from all liquids. I am feeling like I can finally take control of the "Hunger Monster" inside me and feel good about me again!! The relief I feel is almost indescribable. All I can say is that I feel like I'm finally free! Thank you for reading my story.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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