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    RockDaisy got a reaction from Healthy_life2 in HOLIDAY CHALLENGE TIME!! LET'S DO THIS!   
    Well, I'm just under 5'8 so 🤷🏼‍♀️. I'm gonna get to 150 for sure and I guess I'll decide as I go... For my height 145 was good for me in college, but everyone always said I was too thin. I have a small frame.

  2. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to Mattymatt in Old habits creeping back   
    Start tracking what you're eating again. Tracking helps you remain accountable. In the past, when I had some success losing weight, the common denominator had always been because I tracked everything I ate very carefully. Tracking is a pain in the azz but it does work. I use loseit and before any food goes in my mouth, it gets tracked. This way I can see what it is that I am about to eat and can ask myself if this is what I really want to eat. Often seeing the bad numbers on the unhealthy food is enough to stop me.
  3. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to FluffyChix in Old habits creeping back   
    ((hugs)) food addictions are tough to manage. It is a life-long process and like alcoholism, there are backslides. It sounds like you need a new tune-up and maybe need to use this time to really focus on developing the strength of your good habits. If it were me, I'd get a therapist asap and then go back to basics: no eating or drinking with meals, dense Protein first, then veg, then fruit. I might even go to the RD for post-surg follow-up and for her to help formulate an eating plan since you are body building.
    I will tell you, I'm in PT three days a week, doing baby work with bands and stuff. I have come home for the past week (this is week 2) and am absolutely famished every afternoon. Like I was before starting my pre-surg diet. So I know (and I have always suspected this) that I am one of the people for whom strength building exercises increases my hunger.
    The time to address this is now. Hiding/sneaking food is bad. You know this. It's a symptom of the disease. So go kick it's ass dude! Maybe even look into OA or Greysheeters. Hang in there. It is not hopeless.
  4. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to three79 in Old habits creeping back   
    Good on you for realising it, I hope you can turn it around! I'm just beginning my journey so I don't have any advice for you - Other than to maybe consider digging up an old photo of yourself and stick it in your wallet so that the next time you're about to buy something you shouldn't it might help you to remember how it felt to be so big, and how far you've come since then.

  5. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to SuperKen in Old habits creeping back   
    I just had a revelation that I have fallen back to pre-surgery old/bad habits like: eating out in the car and throwing the evidence away so I don’t feel guilty. I have gained 40 lbs back from my lowest weight and tried to justify that by saying its all muscle weight since I weight train 4 days a week.
    Any advice or words of encouragement are welcome
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    RockDaisy reacted to dreamingsmall in HOLIDAY CHALLENGE TIME!! LET'S DO THIS!   
    thanks so much. I can't imagine being 180 but I didn't imagine being 190 either lol
  7. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to JeffN in Daily Podcast   
    How interested would the forum members be in a daily podcast to talk about the issues on this forum and to also share tips, tricks, exercises, and recipes?
    I would do it live and have a call in phone number so you can share. It will be fully produced from a radio station studio to weed out the knuckleheads. Would you be willing to participate and if you are a medical or nutritional expert can you also participate?
  8. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to xbadwlfbb in HOLIDAY CHALLENGE TIME!! LET'S DO THIS!   
    Goal Weight: 147
    Current Weight: 165
    Today’s Date: 11/09/2017

  9. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to hmills653 in 11 months out   
    Yes. I was told at my support group last night that lots of water helps to flush the fat out of our system as we lose weight.
  10. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to melunruh in 11 months out   
    I have noticed I tend to graze all day which leads to higher calorie intake and a stall. If I go back to purposeful eating - three meals and 2-3 Snacks I have been successful in getting back on track. Let my tool do what's it's designed to!

    Sleeved 9/26/2016

  11. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to ThickGirl5683 in What Post-Sleeve Rules Do You Break?   
    No comment... Lol....

    I'll wait until I'm at least a year out before admitting to some of these!!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to YeaMe in What Post-Sleeve Rules Do You Break?   
  13. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to Berry78 in Worst.Stall.Ever.   
    Once the scale stops for 2 months (and inches also stop coming off), then you know you have reached the end of the surgical- induced weight loss.
    If you want to lose more, it's back to old fashioned diet and exercise. Diet is still more important than exercise. Losses will be as hard to come by as they were before you had surgery. It takes commitment to the program.
    Figure out how many calories you now consume, cut out a couple hundred, and things should start moving again. Real food is better than fake food. Cut out sugar and white flour.

  14. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to Jen-2+1 in LET'S TACKLE FALL CHALLENGE   
    I bombed in the last challenge. I couldn't remember to weigh myself on vacation. I'm glad to see a new challenge starting this week. Thank you!
  15. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to KateBruin in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    Some people are so self-absorbed hey probably don't notice. Other people, like myself, would never comment on someone's weight ever. I have several friends who are recovering anorexics and my sister was. Even praising comments about weight loss can have negative consequences and I refuse to be part of someone becoming anorexic/bulimic.

  16. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to Caligirl T in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    I told only a few friends and family...and a few more as I am in months 4-5 now and people have noticed the weight loss, but what really scares me is the 52 lbs gone and some people are just looking at me with NO comment? Why are some people like you look great and others act like nothing has transpired...its a HUGE difference but like some people noted they are jealous or they are simply just not in a good place to make a nice motivational comment etc.. Some people don't care i guess, Ive always complimented and motivated others to better health which was my own personal intention to begin with not as much vanity....Lets face it not everyone is going to love your choice but its OUR choice and we made it...Good luck don't let those haters win...embrace your road to successful health choices!
  17. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to Intrinsic_1 in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    I'm debating about telling my mom.she has that diarrhea of mouth.ive only told my son an boyfriend.
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    RockDaisy reacted to TexasGirl1370 in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    Many people said the same thing to me, I gently explain that I am 100lbs overweight and an hourglass shape, so when I get fat, I get evenly fat all over. Everyone has been really supportive.

    Sent from my VS990 using BariatricPal mobile app

  19. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to apu in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    I decided to tell only my wife and children. I learned long ago that "friends" and coworkers have a natural tendency to adversely judge your actions irregardless if they are good or bad and there is no profit in their opinions, so why even bother. I don't need anyone else's validation for the informed choices I make.
  20. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to MaggieH2 in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    I am 5 weeks post op and doing well... 32 lbs down. I was what I guess is considered a lightweight, 232 being my highest. With that being said, I suffered from sleep apnea, used cpap, have osteoarthritis in both knees , GERD with Barrets Esophagus and my A1C was creeping up each time it was checked. I am 45 years old and a nurse, a nurse who has a weight requirement for her job and I couldn't make the weight anymore..... I have crash dieted, done everything from programs to HCG to cutting weight like an MMA fighter... 6 yrs ago I lost 60# and have gained back 70...I have always struggled.
    Nearly everyone who I shared my intention to have a gastric bypass had either some horror story ( I get it.. the only RNY pts I took care of had something that had gone terribly wrong) or people would tell me that I didn't need it, I didn't look "that big" you carry your weight so well! I was open with folks bc I am off work for over a month and will look a little more slender when I return....
    Since my surgery, I have heard no negative comments, and preop someone even shared with me that they were jealous... they wanted a more sure bet in the weight loss arena...
    My point is, I feel better, physically and emotionally and I no longer snore ( husband is very grateful for that.) This has not been the easiest, I have felt nauseous sometimes, sad sometimes and even a little remorse....but, I think back to how I felt everyday when I woke up and looked in the mirror, how my knees hurt, how I worried about my long term health, not to mention my job! I hated me. Now, I don't. I am hopeful, I am happier, I am more confident.
    Let the naysayers talk, smile and nod, make your decision because you know it is right for you and when it is all said an done, you'll find peace.
    -sorry if I ramble a bit!

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    RockDaisy reacted to BigDog Bryan in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    I have said this in another thread - and it still holds true. Tell people to Inform them, NOT to Affirm you. This is an individual choice and an individual journey. Courage should be embraced and admired - as many testimonials on this site can attest.
    The people who don't want you to be happier and healthier are people that you don't need in the long run anyway. If it wasn't your surgery, it would be something else that would have caused them to move on. Either way, You are the better for the decision You have made - BRAVO!!
  22. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to DropWt4Life in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    I'm willing to bet that they would have all been for it if you were having a boob job or Tummy Tuck instead....But since you are doing something to improve your health and quality of life, nobody wants you to do it. Well, screw them! This is your life, and your journey. A true friend would want you to be healthy and happy. Do what you need to do for yourself, and everybody that has an issue can just kick rocks!

  23. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to sassy683 in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    thank you .... I am content with my decision and NO ONE can change it... I even started a partime job to keep myself busy and away from certain people... my mom boyfriend and son are my biggest supporters ...
  24. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to TXgirl915 in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    I haven't told any of my friends for that exact reason. Its your journey to walk not theirs! Keep your head up and ignore the negativity.
  25. Like
    RockDaisy reacted to BigDog Bryan in why did i bother to tell my friends UGH   
    They may be afraid of the new you - not everyone is confident enough to welcome new competition! Feel Great for YOU- not bad for them

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