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Posts posted by WillWorkForShoes

  1. Such great comments in this thread. After some time to reflect, I honestly think a lot of it is my face, lol! I am now at surgeon's goal of 165lbs (I am 5'9") and want to continue to my goal of 140ish. I did have a consult with plastics, and was told that a small amount of filler in he mid-face would help a lot. I look a bit tired and older, and he said that filler would restore mid-face volume loss.

  2. I was sleeved on 11/22 with BMI of 32. Now down a bit over 40lbs, BMI 27, and about 15lbs to normal BMI. I recovered extremely easily, only difficult time for me was first two days (hard to get in all fluids). I have absolutely no regrets, was self-pay, and would do it again in a heartbeat. I had very minimal pain.

  3. I have a ton of energy. I was actually working out two hours daily prior to surgery trying to make the scale budge, but it never would. If I don't work out, I feel sluggish. A typical day's intake is a shake upon waking, and 2oz grilled chicken at every meal, IF I can hold that much. I am only about 9 weeks post-op, so I can't fit much in, even eating really slowly. Sometimes, I can fit in some veggies. It's almost like my body was hoarding those extra lbs for months, then BAM! It now wants to let loose of them all at once. I have no idea. I weighed every single thing I ate before surgery, but was only maintaining and couldn't lose the last 60 lbs.

  4. I don't think there's any way to tell you exactly what kind of questions they will ask because it's different for everyone. In general, they're looking to clear up the following:

    1) Do you have realistic expectations for surgery and the amount of work that will be required on your part both pre/post op.

    2) Are you truly ready to make healthy changes in your life and have you addressed the things that may have held you back before?

    3) What kind of support systems do you have in place in your life?

    My evaluation was just a relaxed conversation with the psychologist, followed by an online test that I took afterwards. In hindsight, it wasn't scary at all and I worried (excessively!) for nothing. Hope this helps and good luck on your journey

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    This is exactly what they assessed for in mine, with the addition of wanting to see if I had any prior eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

  5. My highest weight was 316lbs. I lost almost 100lbs on my own, maintained, but could not lose any more weight after several months of trying. Sleeved on 11/22 with surgery weight of 220lbs. Today, I weigh 178 and have 13 lbs to surgeon's goal of 165 at 5'9". My personal goal is 140 lbs. I just visited my NUT and got a bit of a lecture about losing too fast, but have been following their instructions to a T without deviation (84oz Fluid daily, always start with Protein, etc). They told me I have to add back in a Protein shake. I hate those shakes, they make me feel tired and overly full. :( They said my calories should be at least 600 daily, but I can't seem to fit in more than 400-500, even with adding back in the shake. The good news is that I no longer see food as a joy or craving, but as fuel and medicine for my body. I absolutely love the sleeve, and have zero regrets. I have a ton of energy, and exercise an hour daily.

  6. For me, a big part of success with this surgery is mental. I made myself and my health my own priority. This means no bringers of drama. You have enough to deal with in the week or two after surgery, and I had an extremely easy recovery comparatively. I told ONLY those who I knew would be supportive and would not undermine my positive changes. If your dad will tell someone who has made fun of you, that is not supportive. Living well is the best revenge of all. Get healthy for yourself. I would try to minimize contact with people like your stepmom. Negativity is toxic.

  7. If it is something I adore that is only a size or two too big, I had it altered. I've found that much past that doesn't alter well, as the proportions are all off. I, like Vinasu, give my too large clothing to Dress for Success if it is professional, and to a local thrift store for casual items. Dress for Success is especially great, because at least here, they said they rarely get nice plus-size donations, so I love the idea that somewhere, a woman can get a professional career without feeling uncomfortable in too-tight garments. I try not to hold onto anything much, as I want to move forward and not look back. I DID, however, keep one pair of pants and one sweater from my largest size worn. When I need motivation, I try them on and they look like tents, now.

  8. How do many of you deal with invasive comments such as "Aren't you getting too thin?" and "You don't plan to lose much more weight, do you?"

    I am still overweight! I am 5'9" and currently weigh 178, so still at least 13 more lbs until I am at the high end of normal BMI. I think people just have it in their head that I am "supposed" to look one way, and can't seem to wrap their heads around the change. This comment is happening (in some variation) on a nearly daily basis. The other possibility is that I have lost a lot of mid-face volume as I am middle-aged. I have really high cheekbones, so I think that this makes it seem that I am much thinner (just from looking at my face) than I actually am, and that I may appear a bit...gaunt, when I am actually still overweight. Did this resolve for others over time? I've just been saying that my goal is a healthy BMI that meets my doctor's goals, but the comments are getting old. I've made myself a promise to remove toxic people from my life, but those commenting seem genuinely concerned, not malicious or jealous.

  9. When I was considering this procedure, I was curious about low BMI results, and had been told to expect slow losses. I started out with a BMI of 32 the day of surgery. Surgery went extremely well with a very easy recovery. By two week follow-up visit, had lost 20lbs, and at nearly 6 weeks, a total of 31lbs lost. This was the best decision of my life! I had lost a bit over 100lbs with diet and exercise, then stalled for six months with no progress prior to surgery. Finally on the move again! I have 26lbs until a healthy BMI. Just wanted to encourage any who may be on the fence, and see what other relatively low BMI people have experienced. Most other threads I found were several years older.

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