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Everything posted by bekah7482

  1. bekah7482

    CA - Bay Area

    I'm in Livermore. Having surgery at fremont kaiser
  2. bekah7482

    Feeling kind of betrayed

    I think you already know what to do about the chocolates. Now to address the boyfriend. Without knowing all the detail (how long post op, how long have you been together, we're you together when you had surgery etc) I would suggest that you start showing him all the details that go along with you surgery. Do you go to a WLS support group? I took my boyfriend to mine and I think he was better able to understand because he saw that when I said I couldn't have something it wasn't because I didn't want it but because I actually can't have it. It's more of an eye opening experience to be talking to people who are years out. I think he gets a better understanding of not only my limitations but of my emotions and that this is normal for a WLS patient.
  3. I was born a 10lb baby and never looked back. I have had weight issues my whole life. Time to change that.
  4. I have a tattoo planned. Might also take a trip too. Once under 250 I plan on skydiving.
  5. bekah7482

    Losing Weight Pre-Op

    That's the plan. I thought about indulging when I got to the weight I needed and decided against it. I don't want to regain so I want to commit to the process.
  6. On Facebook there are buy/sell groups where you can buy clothing cheap from others
  7. bekah7482

    Losing Weight Pre-Op

    I had to lose 10% before I was approved for surgery. I cut back to 1200 cals and "ate like I had surgery." Meaning I ate protein first, chew a lot, started working out, cut back on carbs, completely cut out soda caffine junk food alcohol, etc. My cravings are gone and I am used to eating this way so I feel like transitioning after surgery will be so much easier. I have lost 40lbs and I'm still 2-3months out before I get surgery and still losing. Going to be well below the weight needed for surgery but I feel super prepared.
  8. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    I told my boyfriend no bad food around me for now so we Cook when he is here and he eats whatever he wants when he is not here
  9. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    I'm still losing. I had a hiccup last week because I was so frustrated with the program but my bf kicked my butt back into gear
  10. Wow how rude!! I'm sorry about that. I think you look beautiful! You look happy and healthy not stung out on drugs.
  11. bekah7482

    People don't get it!

    When I told my boyfriend about wanting surgery his first was response was "No way, I know a girl who had that surgery and gained all the weight back." I was like ummmm just cuz she gained doesn't mean I will. Told him to have an open mind and we will research it. Now he has made a complete 180 and is all for me getting the surgery.
  12. bekah7482

    People don't get it!

    And people wonder why I am not telling anyone.....well except my boyfriend. I dont care what others have to say
  13. Hey! How exciting!! I am hoping to get an April date too. My program is backed up and the soonest psych eval I could get was 3/24. After that they said 4-6 weeks until surgery. I am hoping someone cancels their appointment so I can get in sooner.
  14. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    No change for me =(
  15. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    I still have the same timing on my stuff but I keep calling them hoping for a cancellation so I can get in earlier
  16. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    Awww Congratulations!!!
  17. Hey guys! I'm 26, currently 365lbs, 5'8 and I don't have a surgery date but it's projected to be at the end of April.
  18. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    For me, they don't do psych eval over Skype =/
  19. bekah7482

    Any regrets?

    Not to mention, I am more likely to be sick or die from obesity then I am from weight loss surgery.
  20. bekah7482

    Any regrets?

    I am still pre-op but I have talked to so many people and have never met a single person face-to-face that regretted the surgery, even those who experienced complications still do not regret it. There are people out there that do regret it but I can guarantee that they are a small portion of the WLS population. You do run the risk that you may regret your decision to have surgery but a few years down the road will you regret not having the surgery? I know if I don't get the surgery I will 100% regret not taking the risk. As for complications, do your research. Know what the complications are and the signs of complications so that you are in tune with what your body is telling you after surgery. Research the risk of actually having a complication. I think it's 1/400 have complications and less than 1/4000 die. Complications are actually pretty rare and death, although is still a risk, is extremely rare. There are not people dying all over the place from weight loss surgery. It is important to realize though that there is always a risk and there is always a horror story but then again that can be said about anything in life. How many people have died in car accidents, how many have died from crossing the road, what about dying while getting lost hiking? Life is not guaranteed and even though there is risk surrounding us every second and every day, we also know that statistically speaking you are not very likely to experience those risks so we get behind the wheel, we cross the street and we go hiking. As for regain, it is ridiculous to be mad that there is a possibility of regain. They tell you over and over again this is a tool not a guarantee. No one promised you that you will get the surgery and then life will be perfect and you can eat whatever you, whenever you want and however much you want. Don't out eat the sleeve and you will be fine. Like all weight-loss, this requires a lifestyle change and is not a quick fix that you don't have to work for. Anyways long post that can be summed up with do your research. Look at the good, the bad and the ugly. Make sure you are 100% committed to the change. Look at the risks but also look at the statistics behind the risks and decide what you feel is right for you. Good luck!
  21. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    I'll PM you.
  22. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    That's crazy. There is no consideration to what the patients are going through and sacrificing to get this surgery. Taking the time off of work sucks. It's not only the loss of money (which is huge) and I have a salaried job so I still get paid even when I leave early for appointments. But I get comments from people on my team about how I am always needing to leave early or come in late and I feel like it's giving me a bad reputation. Especially since I am not telling them I am getting weight loss surgery(I did tell my boss that I had a medical thing I needed to take care of but that's it). I still put in my hours by coming in extra early or staying extra late on those days but still. People notice when you are not around. Or in your case, your clients and boss are probably not happy when you cancel on them. I feel like our programs are flexible with that. My office is short a psychologist so it's backing everything up. I'm frustrated because I didn't have a small weight loss goal either. I was required to lose 40lbs and was able to do it in just under 8 weeks. That's pretty awesome and tells you how seriously I am taking this. So in my mind, I can bust my ass for 8 weeks and lose 40lbs and then you are going to make me wait 12 weeks for surgery? Come on, I was more efficient then that. My weight loss won't stop and I will continue to bust my ass but it's still frustrating.
  23. bekah7482

    Irritated with jumping through hoops

    I haven't had that exact situation but I feel the same way about having to jump through hoops. I don't live by my bariatric doctors office so every weigh in, every time I need to drop one peice of paper off, every class and every appointment requires me to take time off of work to do that. I was given a weight loss goal I needed to reach and was told surgery would be within a month of hitting goal weight. I worked my ass off to get to goal. I have followed every direction to a T and now they are 6 weeks behind on psych evaluations and another 6 weeks behind on surgeries. Seriously? I now have to wait another 3 months to get surgery? I feel like I heald up my end of the deal by losing the weight and now they are not holding up their end by giving me the surgery. Not to mention that they don't offer any communication with you so now that I'm at goal and ready to go I get a 30 sec phone call saying we are behind, see you in 6 weeks, bye. I, in a weird way, feel kinda betrayed and abandoned.
  24. bekah7482

    Kaiser Fremont- Dr. Hahn

    I made sure to get on their cancellation list and am now just waiting to see if I can go in sooner. Fingers crossed!
  25. bekah7482

    Kaiser Fremont- Dr. Hahn

    Well I weighed in 1.3lbs under goal weight. YAY! but my psych eval is more than 5 weeks away....5 WEEKS?!? Ugh!

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