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Slim r

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Slim r

  1. 3 hours ago, NikNak01 said:

    So any of my April Sleevers experience the week 3 stall?

    I hit the stall at week 4. Never ate anything bad and always under 800 calories yet I would go up .5-.8lbs and down the same for about week before I lost 3 lbs in 3 days. From what I understand it's all normal because our body's are adjusting to the low calories.

  2. 1 hour ago, DS1 said:

    I'm not sure if my wife is upset or mad, but we did talk about it. I think it does affect her, though she doesn't admit to me. She's started to make small changes like, switching her soda to crystal light, eating less carbs and eating smaller meals. She thinks it will make me feel bad for not being able to eat if she eats in front of me because i have noticed her eating in the kitchen more. :) She's so sweet.

    I'm not sure you've checked out the ketogenic diet by lyle mcdonald. It's sort of what we are doing after WLS but with more fat in the diet. Your wife may find that this works for her weight loss. It's the same principles of the LCHF diets and I know it works if you keep with it. I couldn't keep with it unfortunately and turned cheat meals into cheat days and then cheat weeks. You know the story.

    After WLS, we are more or less in a constant state of ketosis so you wife may benefit from it.

    NOTE: I'm not a doctor or nutritionist. If i was i probably wouldn't have needed to be sleeved. Just friendly advice from one friend to another.

    Thank you, as I have often said, "we are all in this together ".

  3. My Dr said he does not recommend me returning to work for another 10 days because the pain is to great. He told me in some cases the internal stitches that prevent the remaining stomach from coming through the muscle wall causes severe pain until fully healed. That keeps me out for a whole month. I am a little relieved because I do not think I could sit in my office chair all day.

  4. I am 23 days post op. I too have had the same pain as described. The first two weeks it was excruciatingly painful. To the point it would make me cry. I still cannot bend at the waist,or lay on either side of my stomach without severe pain. It has got "slightly" better over the last 4 days but I am worried to return to work because it hurts to sit in a 90 degree position which I do all day at my job. I see my surgeon today to see what is going on.

  5. I just had my two week follow up. Not great news! Because I am still having bad pain at the incision where they removed the stomach I cannot get cleared to return to work. I really want to go back since I love what I do. I work for Harley Davidson and this is the busy season. Otherwise I am thrilled with the results. I have no doubt the best is yet to come. We are part of an elite group of very special courageous people. We will all have a bond that cannot be broke. I am proud to be part of it.

  6. 21 minutes ago, bs19gal said:

    Hey guys, Happy 2 weeks anniversary

    Hope everyone is doing well 2 weeks in. I still kind of have to pinch myself that just 2 weeks ago right about now I was just coming around from surgery in quite some pain, 2 weeks later the incisions are well on their way to heeling, the pain is all but gone (slight something if I bend down to the left probably the internal stitches) I can now eat a whole egg in one sitting (woohoo) and I am 15lbs down.

    My weight loss seems to be slower than most of you but I keep telling myself that's still nearly a lb a day which is way more than I could do. I am definitely loosing inches as none of my clothes fit anymore and I could actually fit into a regular XL at the shops down from 3X.

    Its definitely true everything gets easier each day. Taking in liquids is a breeze now I just drank 10 oz in 15 mins. food is still a struggle but is getting better. I can each one egg or a pouch of tuna slowly in one sitting but that really is completely at my limit but its up from 1/2 an egg so progress all the time.

    One thing I need to figure out is stamina I just have nothing in the tank when I try to exercise. I am full of energy but like this morning I got on my stationary training and thought I would do 30 mins whilst listening to conference call but there was nothing in my legs no power at all and I quit after 15 mins.

    How is everyone else doing 2 weeks out ?

    I'm going to my two week follow up today. I'm down 19lbs but suffering from tremendous pain at one of my incisions. Hurts to move much. Already had a Cat Scan to rule out hernia. I need to get back to work but not sure how I will be able to sit in my office. food wise going ok. Had egg salad yesterday that was good but stomach was not fully ready for it. Tuna fish was easier to process. But everyday is still the best day of my life. I feel like this is the start of a new life. We have all been reborn.

  7. 10 hours ago, Boudicca17 said:

    Hi everyone. Well, it's been one week. As of now I can drink Water freely. I am going to try some broth or a shake later.

    But, I started yesterday having watery diarrhea. No cramping, no fever, no gas, no smell..but 5 minutes after drinking Water, I am peeing and "pooping" it out. I have read a lot of things online, most say it's normal since there is nothing but water going in. I feel fine.

    On the positive side, I have lost 15 pounds since my pre op weigh in.

    Awesome job, I have been slowly adding more liquid. I am up to about 40oz of water plus the liquid foods like Jello, pudding etc... I have also lost about 13lbs since pre op. Yeehaw!

  8. 1 hour ago, Boudicca17 said:

    You can handle jell-o???? Wow, you are doing great. I tried a popcicle and the cold gave me major stomach cramps. I think I'm just going to heal a lot slower because I have lupus.

    blueberry, I'm happy you are doing better.

    Go at your pace. It will all be worth it soon.

  9. 2 hours ago, Boudicca17 said:

    Hi everyone. Well I am feeling better. Still really hurt where the big incision is. Only taking the Percocet at night though.

    I am still only on Water. Even crystal light is too much for me. Clear broth feels like a ton of bricks in me. I do have some survival tabs. I'm going to start sucking on one of those later and see how it goes.

    We have very similar stats. My incision kills me still as well. The liquid is getting easier for me though. I'm just having Water, Decaf tea, Jello, and some puréed Soups. Try sugar free popsicles, it will go down slow and give you some flavor. I got this advise a couple days ago from a friend that had the same surgery last year.

  10. Got released this afternoon. Have a lot of pain at the incision where they pulled out my stomach. Even with pain medication. Other than that I am having a tough time getting down more than one or two tablespoons of anything without feeling sick. From what I read that seems normal for the first few days.

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