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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by TheRevisionedVagabond

  1. 1 minute ago, ShoppGirl said:

    She didn’t really say how long she wants me to try the phentermine but she does want to see me back in a month. She said there are a couple more meds to try so maybe she was speaking of those you mentioned if this one doesn’t work. I am just a little worried I will lose just enough to disqualify me weight wise for revision and not be able to lose anymore. BUT, I am on a few meds that are pretty important and she said because of that she would like to see me try everything before I decided on revision and that made sense to me. I’m just a little curious why they didn’t have me try all this before the first surgery to be honest other than they know it won’t work. Lol

    Trueeee, thats interesting!! I was gonna say that maybe things were different back then, but I see your surgery was 2 years ago so! Yeah, very curious why she didnt recommend this stuff before. 🤔 Really really sorry you're going through this. Hopefully you get some sort of resolution from it all, and the one you're hoping for. 🤗

  2. 2 minutes ago, ShoppGirl said:

    Congratulations on your loss and thanks for sharing your experience this far. I met with the NP yesterday and she said she would really like to see me try weight managements before I commit to revision so she prescribed me phentermine. I know I have tried it in the past but honestly can’t remember how I did on it (seems like it if was an amazing loss I would remember though). I have a feeling I will end up converting as you did. Although I really hope it’s not true about losing less cause I never lost all my weight with the sleeve.

    Yes, I'm the same as you!! I didn't lose all my weight with the sleeve as well and I'm hoping I end up losing just as much, if not more.

    I agree that if it was an amazing loss, you'd remember. Haha! But man, I hope it works out for you. If you are in the States, you could also try Ozempic, Wegovy, or Mounjaro or something? Idk. This is what I'm seeing going around the revision fb groups and people are having crazy success. However, I think most regain once they're off of it. Hmmm, yeah.. It does seem like converting might be the better option but I'm no doctor. Everything else just seems like a quick fix, you know? How long does she want you on it?

  3. Really sorry to hear you're having issues with regain. Hopefully the surgeon gave you some helpful information!

    I just had my revision on the 10th of February, so I can't quite say too much on whether or not its more successful the second time around, but I can tell you the expectations that I received from my surgeon! I was told that it is in fact slower the second time around, but this is okay because that means the weight loss should be steady and you're more likely to keep it off. Additionally, he told me that you'll lose about 10-15 percent less than what you lost the first time around. If you're smaller, the weight loss will be slower since you're closer to a healthier BMI than someone who is way over. Another thing that plays a part is the length of the limbs of the bypass (assuming thats what you revise to and not a re-sleeve). I believe that the longer the limbs, the more weight you lose.

    As for me, I had the sleeve then revised to the gastric bypass and its a little different, ngl. Instead of feeling full from tightness like I got with my sleeve, I get the hiccups which is funny but annoying as well since they hurt since im so early out. I'm not hungry at. all. Like, its a little concerning. Hahaha! But I did not get this sensation with my sleeve. I was hungry right out of surgery. Recovering was an absolute breeze. Within a few days, I was walking around like nothing happened. So far, the weight loss is moving at the same pace as it was with my sleeve, so I'm happy about that. Since surgery, I've lost 7kg. Surgery day, I started at 116kg (255lbs) and am now at 109 (240).

    Hope this info was at least a little helpful!

  4. On 1/13/2023 at 11:54 PM, JohnGraySmiley said:

    Hey! No problem. You’re more than welcome. Thanks for your well wishes. 🤗

    No question is bad, ask away. That’s why we’re here. Support. 🙏🏾

    I chose the DS because the sleeve & DS were once one procedure & in some cases, they still are. I figured there’s more “practice” with this one. 😀

    Also, my therapist had the full DS switch procedure done & she randomly shared while I was in therapy one night discussing some of my challenges with weight. She’s done well & hers was several years ago.

    Lastly, I trust my surgeon’s statistics. He performed my sleeve. He’s the head of the bariatric program at the healthcare system he works for. He also teaches there, so his advice helped after he shared what I should expect from bypass or switch. I still have a lot of restriction from my sleeve, so he won’t do anything to my stomach this time around.

    I’m not sure if this is what some may call a “mini bypass”. Don’t think I’ve heard that term before.

    I lost 90 lbs from 2016 - 2017 following my sleeve. He told me to expect to lose 50-60lbs with this surgery. In 2016 I asked him how the sleeve would effect my weight insecurities, & if weight would still be an issue. He was very honest and said, “you’ll always have a goal to lose 10 more lbs.”

    Oh this is very interesting, thank you so much for sharing!! I love what he said here:


    “you’ll always have a goal to lose 10 more lbs.”

    I find it's very true. Thanks again for sharing a piece of your story! 🖤

  5. 14 hours ago, JohnGraySmiley said:

    I totally understand. Just got my date for Duodenal Switch, after having sleeve surgery 7 years ago. There’s a different type of nervousness, however, you will be well. Praying for safe travels, a safe surgery, safe recovery🥰

    Oh my goodness... thank you so so much. Really. 🖤 I wish you nothing but the best and beyond for your DS!! If you don't mind me asking, why did you choose that instead of a full on bypass? Also, is a DS the same thing as a mini gastric bypass?

  6. 15 hours ago, catwoman7 said:

    the only question of yours that I can personally answer is the one about the mortality rates. Mortality rate on gastric bypass is 0.3% (sleeve is a bit lower than that, but I can't remember what it was since I didn't have sleeve). Suffice it to say, you have a 99.7% chance of not dying. Those are excellent odds - better than hip replacement surgeries, and they do those all the time. I read all kinds of crap like that before I had surgery and had to make myself stop. I guess it's good to know what COULD happen, but dying during/after surgery and having other major complications is REALLY rare. I wouldn't worry about it.

    Thank you so much for that. Haha!! It actually really helps me to see the percentage. 😅 Now I feel really silly for worrying, but I suppose I'd rather worry than not take it as seriously since it's still a major surgery. 🙈

  7. Haii!! I just found this site again after having left years ago once I completed my first two years of my sleeve. Now I'm back due to regain. YAY! 🙄

    I know its more common for patients due to reflux, but I've thankfully never had that issue before nor after my sleeve. But due to this fact, it's equally as hard to find threads on people who are getting a revision solely due or in addition to weight regain!

    So those of you who went from sleeve to bypass:

    1. What was the weight loss like the second time around? I'm hearing its slower and you don't lose as much. Would you say that's true in your experience?
    2. Anything you've done differently this time?
    3. Lessons learned?

    Sleeve: 162cm (5ft 3in), I was 134kgs (296lbs), and got down to 77kgs (170lbs)
    Currently: | 119kg (~260lbs, regained 40kg (90lbs)

  8. I'm flying to Turkey next month to have my revisional surgery from sleeve to Gastric Bypass. However, I'm actually terrified. Like, I'm just so scared. Funnily enough, my heart nor my gut is telling me anything out of the ordinary. It's almost like I want to be scared? With my sleeve, I was so ready to go. Not a fear in my bones. But this time, I'm afraid and reading things on mortality rates and everything. It's just so unlike me as I already know the risks involved.

    Perhaps this is happening because it's my first time having surgery abroad, but I think it's also because my labs. My blood work came back lower than they would have liked, and told me to wait until February to have my surgery. My surgeon assured me that if my Iron is still low, they will give me an iron injection prior to the surgery.

    Okay, cool! That was until I started googling and read that iron infusions are best 2-3 weeks before surgery and that having it right before surgery will do nothing! So that places me in a place of doubt.

    Before anyone asks, I'm having the surgery abroad because it's far too expensive to have it done here, and to have it covered by insurance will take a lifetime and even then, it's not guaranteed since my sleeve was so successful (the words of my surgeon here in my country).

    Those of you who had surgery abroad, specifically Turkey, can you lend some reassurance? What about those of you who had lower iron levels prior to surgery? I'm just looking for words of encouragement here.. Even typing this out, I feel kinda silly. Lol. 😅 Maybe that was all I needed; to just let it out.

  9. I pretty much have a Greek omlet every day. Stir up small amount each onion, spinach, Tomato, one egg, add sprinkle of get cheese. Pinch salt and pepper. I may switch up the cheese or vegetables.

    I also have GENEPRO with my morning cup of coffee first thing when I wake up.

    I feel if I start my day right I'll stay on plan.

    Snap!! I keep forgetting I can add veggies in my eggs ? I'm still stuck in the puréed stage mindset lol

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  10. Captain, check out www.bariatriceating.com, they have some incredible recipes (including pizza, meatloaf, general Tao chicken, pulled pork and so much more!). Also look at http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/. It is another great site with great recipes and ideas. Got are geared towards Bari patients so all low carb, low sugar and high Protein. Good luck, I look forward to hearing about your progress!

    Wow!! Thank you!! That's very valuable information!!! Thank you!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  11. Wow..yeah.. I am 40 days post op and can barely eat anything but soft cheese and liquids. Like any other time we falter... pick yourself up and learn from your mistake. You MAY want to talk to your Dr. concerning the ability to eat that much at this point.. I, personally, would think something was off with the stomach size?! That's just MHO and what I would do if I experienced what you have.

    Stay strong...move ahead. and smile

    Most definitely! That's my concern as well!! I'm picking myself up for sure today & have made a meal plan and high Protein Snacks for moments like that!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  12. I am glad you're in a better place. Leaks can happen as late as 9 months.
    To be honest, I am quite interested to know the size of your stomach. Do you know your bougie size? Your doctor may have given you a larger stomach.
    Which can be a mixed blessing!

    9 months?!? Wow!!! That's good to know! & I don't. :( I have no idea what that is tbh. Haha! But I'll ask when I go in for my appointment this week! I'm interested in knowing as well!! I really hope he didn't. [emoji20] Can the stomach stretch this early out?

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  13. At six weeks out ? I'm preop so have no idea what to expect . I have friends who have had surgery and they told me i prob won't ever be able to eat pizza or bread like things again as they are tough to get down . Don't beat yourself up ! Just follow 90 percent and indulge 10 percent . If that was the 10 percent then your fine

    Thank you!! It's a new day, so I'm headed to the store to get some nutrient dense foods. I think it was mainly because we have nothing to eat here (but Condiments lol) & that was my fault for not preparing for situations like that. Husband had the car & pizza could deliver. *sigh* & That's what I was expecting! But it's all gone down fine. I was really hoping I would never be able to eat those things again, but that's not the case.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  14. I am not sure how it's physically possible for you to eat a pizza slice let alone three! that immediately post op.
    Please take a step back. You maybe causing very serious life threatening damage to your stomach. You can cause a LEAK! Forget stretching!
    Do you want to kill yourself? Your stomach is still healing!
    I am in shock. You have a food addiction. You went cold turkey and your reaching back for a fix. But now your fix can literally kill you!. You need counselling asap and join overeaters anonymous to face this addiction.
    I an sorry for being harsh. But I am very concerned for you.

    Not being harsh at all!! That is such a wake up call!! I didn't realize I could cause a leak this far out from my surgery. I figured I was past that stage or something. I don't know. Basically, I thought it would take 4 weeks for my stomach to do most of it's healing. I'm also shocked I could eat pizza! Everyone has been saying how they can get only a bite or so in.

    I knew I had food addiction, just not this intense. I need to take several steps back. Today, I'm making my meal plan for the week, so hopefully this helps to steer me on track. The only thing I've seen my sleeve help with is a little restriction, and dumping on anything high fat or high sugar. (Usually high fat foods. I don't eat a lot of high sugar foods because I'm scared of enabling that sugar addiction I had)

    Also, you're certainly right about going cold turkey. I was told about my surgery date & starting the pre op diet, 2 days before I had to start it & I chose NOT to go with having a food funeral. I also didn't cheat the entire time I was on my pre op diet. I never realized that I did do it all cold turkey. Man.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  15. Where do you live? Don't beat yourself up. At six weeks, you need to consider your body's need to heal and your overall health.

    I'm in Colorado. That's what I keep telling myself Everyone is saying "your body is in shock. Give it time to catch up" but these scales can catch me outside!! Lol!

    In all seriousness, I keep telling myself to give it time & let it heal, but I am just so frustrated with the progress I've made & the slacking I've done. I feel like I'm healed because I can drink Water normally now (not plain Water obviously) & I can eat bigger portions.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  16. Captain, you know that was not a good decision, so don't dwell on it, instead let it be an opportunity to have you refocus on the process. Remember, surgery is not meant to be a miracle cure, but rather is a tool to help you change your lifestyle. All the preparing has brought you to this point, but the journey continues.

    Over the next year, you should be concentrated in maintaining and creating healthy eating habits. Find alternative healthy solutions and start with those.

    Have a discussion about this with your Nut and Psych as well as your doc. You may also see if there are any sleeve support groups in your area.

    You can do this!

    Thank you so so much! I'm trying so friggin hard to not dwell & brought it up to my husband to try and help get it off my chest but I'm just beyond upset about it! I can't shake it for some reason. I have an appointment next week with them, so I'll definitely be bringing it up then!! The support groups are only once a month and I've put it several requests to join other local groups with no success. [emoji20] I find that they do help, but they're so infrequent that it makes it easy for me to lose sight of things.

    Finding healthy alternative solutions sounds like a good idea. I'm trying to figure out a meal plan period but it's so hard to do high Protein, low carb, low fat. [emoji849] Ugh! Man! I don't know what happened after the surgery! I was so prepared and then once it was said & done, it was like I didn't know anything!

    I need to refocus. I totally do!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  17. 6 weeks post op this Monday & I'm losing control here. I am not eating how I'm supposed to be eating. I've had pizza and wings and tonight I've eaten almost 1000 in calories. (3 FULL slices of a medium pizza from Pizza Hut & 6 buffalo wings). Not all at once obviously. But that's what I had today.

    I'm so upset with myself. SO upset!! I know I'm going to regret telling my surgeon about the food because, I mean, c'mon. Who just has a surgery like this & does something so stupid?!? But I'm deathly scared that I've been stretching my sleeve with how bad I've been eating. It's been ongoing for about a week now.

    Is it too early to do the pouch reset? ! Somebody kick some common sense into my head PLEASE!!! I've seriously regretted this surgery since Day 1 & I'm just so.. ugh. I just wish I never had this done.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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