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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by LisaKay

  1. Do it for you. Your life is worth fighting for, once you move forward others see you success finally shut up and start cheering you on. This has been my experience. I’m so happy that I’m off all meds, and even the sleep apnea is better then it was before. I’ve lost 135 lbs in 10months. I’m loving life and the confidence I have. It’s is a lot of hard work and the surgery is not an easy fix but it is a tool to get on a healthy lifestyle. I wish you the best.

  2. I did it! I lost 135 lbs in 10months and climbed to Everest Base Camp this week. It took 10 days hiking up and 5 days down. This was my first hiking experience ever. I been dreaming to do this for the past 5 years and finally it is checked off my bucket list! I feel so good every day. Even on my bad days I feel better then when I weight 294lbs. That is success to me! IMG_3348.jpeg IMG_5005.JPG IMG_5009.JPG IMG_5012.JPG IMG_5007.JPG

  3. On 9/5/2017 at 5:57 PM, DropWt4Life said:

    I have not had the same experience, but was an ovo vegetarian for 3 years. I still eat a mostly vegetarian diet with fish/turkey incorporated (have to right now). Once I am farther away from surgery, I will probably move back or at the very least become a pescatarian. I just have to get better at getting my Protein without the addition of mock meats, whey Protein Shakes and CHEESE! I love egg whites, but just can't stand to eat them everyday. Veggie Protein is nasty to me, and very chalky as well. I will figure something out, because I just don't want to go back to animal foods being 60%+ of my diet long term. I feel better at 20% or less. I would be interested in hearing ideas about getting protein in without meat, mock meats, whey protein, cheese and milk, and/or an excess of tofu/soy products. The sheer amount of food I was able to take in in one sitting helped me reach my protein goals before (5-7 cups), but this will not be enough while I can only consume 1/2 cup of food.

    I have come across Bone Broth for a great way to have protein without the meat. there is a lot on google on how to make. it is so cheap to make as well. after i make it i freeze it in ice cube trays then place in zip lock bag in freezer. when i make Beans, veggie, lentils, eat i place a cube of it in food to melt and it adds great flavor to veggies and the protein i need. check it out.

  4. great question. i also wonder same thing. I haven't been at this weight since i was a teenager, and I'm 45 years old now. I am just loving the way i feel and look. I know i want to do skin remover surgery anyways so I'm on with what ever i drop off now. I think what is getting frustrating is how uncomfortable my weight is making people around me. They are so use to me being fat that now i am at normal size they say it to skinny for me. They just want me to look like i did. But i am on my journey and i will be what i am comfortable with. and that is taking this new life change one day at a time. best of luck.

  5. wow, this is awesome! i love hearing your experience. I'm on my journey and am looking for the next steps of skin removal. Who did your surgery and how much was it. also are you going to post any pictures? I'm so happy for you and wish you the best.

  6. that was wonderful how you had the same place for everything! also i haven't heard anything about dog ears, i need to look that up. your tips were great. i will sure use them as i am looking. i also agree about being realistic in what it will look like after. I already am so happy to be healthy and my close do hide a lot but i know having that skin taken off put a whole new feeling and level of achievement when its all said and done. i have the time off work to heal. thank you for posting and being a light for us who are learning.

    13 hours ago, sjfink said:

    Make sure you understand what is included in the price they quote. Does it include follow up visits? Will they correct dog ears or scar revisions if needed?

  7. i went with a company called www.beliteweight.com they were amazing in taking care of everything. for RNY it cost $8900 you fly into Texas and the hospital is 20 min drive away. beautiful room and no problem with people speaking english. i was pampered by them in every way. they pick u up at airport and drop you back off. everything was included in price except my flight.

    HOSPITAL: StarMedica Hospital, Juarez, Mexico
    SURGICAL TEAM: Dr. Jose Rodriguez-Villarreal & Dr. Elmo Aramburo

  8. wow, love the transformation. I am looking now for who will do my skin removal surgery. So much research and I'm just beginning. Any tips on where to start and what questions to ask. it will all be out of my pocket paying for it. Is there something you know now that you wish you knew before you got surgery?

  9. Hello, from the time i decided to get gastric Bypass to the surgery date was 1 month. I went to Mexico alone and had it done. Only a few really close friends knew about it and was not happy with me doing it. But my mind was made up and did it. Of course now they think this was awesome that i did it! Most all the people i know does not know i had RNY but last week i decided on my 6 month post op and i wanted to post before and after pic. but i knew people would start asking and wanting to know what i did. Do i say or not!. I decided to come out and share i did RNY. My hope in confessing was to inspire someone else like me who i know that might need to be encouraged. As it turned out, shortly after i posted on fb i was contacted and got to meet a wonderful woman who i encouraged and got her on this sight for more help. It is all worth it for the one person i can make a difference in there life. People have options and talk and sometime you just need to flush what they say when it is negative. I do feel much better that i came out. I do not focus on the surgery but on what i am doing now in what i eat and being active is mostly my conversation. Do what brings you peace. Do things in your own timing. For me Im only going to post one more time on fb when i reach my goal weight of before and after pic. Best wishes on your journey.

  10. 17 hours ago, Tarver11 said:

    You look fantastic, love to see success stories, trying to keep a positive mental state prior to surgery...the only difference between fear and faith is where we put our focus...I am choosing to focus on all the positive successes I see here....

    Hi Tarver, Yes i also did same thing before surgery! I am a christian and i know my faith help see me through every bit of it. The Dr even said my healing process was faster then most. i was so desperate for this life change. No matter what, i am all in! For me it was not about the weight loss as it was about being healthy. I survived cancer two year ago and am in high range for another cancer, along with being 150 lbs overweight increases my chances even more and the newest addition was type 2 diabetes. This was the best decision i ever made! I am now diabetics free, off all meds and all my reports came back and i am cancer free still. I feel good! I am going to make this next half of my life fun, active, and amazing! Im 45yrs old going on 30! Blessing to you on your journey!

  11. Hi,

    Great job for taking these first steps in doing the surgery. You are right in this surgery is only a tool and now all the work begins for a life style of healthy eating and exercise. I also am a stress/ emotional eater and have a very stressful job. I hit this battle like you are. I even hit a point where i would stuff food in my mouth and chow it and spit it out so i can indulge in that comfort. BUT i knew afterwords that was wrong and i was scared of what i did. I did talk to a friend who teaches about eating disorders and confessed to her. As it turns out i did it because i was stressed. I didn't even know i was stressed because it is a habit to turn to food. I can say i never have done that again!!!! I had to recognize the emotion and find other ways to cope. Yes exercise does help but i still needed something else. Life had to slow down and i had to learn how to pick and eat healthy food so i can be satisfied. Truly there is much frustration i endured but keep pressing through and it does get easer as time moves on. I started researching food, spending more time in preparing it and trying new things. Take it day to day knowing that this hard work now will pay off. One of the advices i have gotten is to find a hobby that is active. It will let you meet new people, keep you active in fitness beside the normal gym stuff and is something that brings joy and fun into your life. With high stress we NEED FUN even more then normal people! it is really helping me a lot. I am doing a trek to the base camp of Mount Everest in October. That goal helps my focus. Know that this is a Big year with a lot of change. Be kind to yourself and know this year you need to slow everything down to set good health goal. You are worth it. And on the bad day, it ok to have them too! they become fewer and fewer as life opens up with the new you! Blessing on your journey.

  12. sorry for all your troubles. You CAN do This! I went to Mexico and had mine done. No one could go with me so i did it alone. Even flying 2 days after surgery alone. The laparoscopic surgery really is quick healing. I was able to do everything slowly but i could. I did not have kids only myself to attend to. Have everything you need for eating after surgery pre made and ready before surgery. I was walking a mile by day 5 and off all pain med. You can do this. Have your cell phone and talk to people for encouragement! I wish you the best.

  13. hi Carol, exercise it away is not possible when i been overweight for 28 years. yes i have the loose skin but it does not bother me at all. It is temporary because i know i will have skin removal surgery in future. To feel this good and be eating healthy is the #1 goal i have. My weight and body is image is second thought. Because who i am as person is inside me. And cloths can hide everything anyways. Having a healthy life style is worth everything. I am a cancer surviver and i know now i have a even greater chance for a longer life.

  14. Hi, I am so hit a wall and to look or think about meat, Pasta, or fried food made me sick. All the things I use to eat now is yucky to me and so much wasted food as well. But there hope! I had to learn a new way. I had a good friend who is a health nut who I asked help me to eat differently. Teach me about seeds, Beans, lintels, Soups, salads. Vege smotties, Bone Broth is amazing for Protein. My stomach is happier when I don't eat any heavy foods and I can eat about 15 to 20 bits of light food as to 3 to 4 bits with heavy foods. Also went to YouTube for cooking recipes. It taken some time to learn but now I feel more in control from all the direct taste I am learning to like and adjusting some recipes to my liking. I always carry food with of Protein Powder in my purse just in case I end up in restaurant that I don't like menu and I do my Protein Drink instead. I make all my meals so I don't waste food because it does bother me too. I also learned to start freezing meals so in a much later time I can have again. Seems now with this new life style is all about slowing down and taking time to plan out meals and only eat nutrition foods. I still have a lot to learn but this is my year to learn and make health #1 in my daily life. We are worth it and the Internet make it so much easer. I'm 6 months out from RNY surgery lost 85 lbs. it's getting easer the more I practice and apply what I'm learning. Take it day to day and be easy on yourself, you did a huge step in doing this life changing surgery and now the rest of you needs to catch up. Wish you the best! Lisa

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