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Everything posted by clc9

  1. Pardon the pun, but that's a sh!tload of Benefiber! The recommended dose is 2 teaspoons up to 3 times a day (total 2 tablespoons).
  2. clc9

    Down Days

    My surgeon said I should have one protein shake a day until I can get it all from food, which might be a while. I was sleeved a 2 weeks after you.
  3. Some people take in a lot of air with straws, some don't. My surgeon said it was fine unless I started feeling a lot of gas from it.
  4. clc9

    Regrets anyone?

    Right now I'm 3 weeks out, so keep that in mind. I'm mourning normal portion sizes and missing healthy vegetables. It's nothing I didn't know about, but right now it makes me a little sad. With time, I'm sure it gets better.
  5. clc9

    Regrets anyone?

    Right now I'm 3 weeks out, so keep that in mind. I'm mourning normal portion sizes and missing healthy vegetables. It's nothing I didn't know about, but right now it makes me a little sad. With time, I'm sure it gets better.
  6. clc9

    I have no idea

    You have to hold up your end of the bargain. That means tracking your protein, drinking your water, taking your vitamins, and going to your doctor's appointments. That's just being an adult who takes care of their responsibilities resulting from choices they made (i.e. Having surgery). You don't have time to track protein? I don't believe you. It takes a minute. Your hair falling out is partly not in your control, but a small part could be lack of protein and vitamins - you can't know unless you are following the rules. As far as exercise is concerned, it doesn't really play a huge part in weight loss, but it is vital for overall health and wellbeing. Take a walk everyday. If you have a family, have them walk with you. It'll benefit everyone. My advice is suck it up and stop sabotaging your health.
  7. clc9

    Hiccups all day.

    Talk to your surgeon. He may not be concerned, but if he is, some anti-nausea meds can calm hiccups.
  8. Glad to hear! You're on your way now!
  9. I did about 2.5 weeks in. I wasn't lactose intolerant to begin with. I found that taking a Lactaid chewable tablet before drinking one made a big difference.
  10. I didn't get a date until I had approval. Hope it works out for you!
  11. clc9

    Am I tha only one?

    You are doing so well, I'm just so sorry you keep hitting all these roadblocks!
  12. Drinking and eating are not the same thing. Wait until you eat food to worry about how big your sleeve is. Liquids go right through.
  13. I was never lactose intolerant before, but those shakes did me in. I had to take a chewable Lactaid before each one I was so uncomfortable with the gas.
  14. I just wanted to say you don't have anything to be embarrassed about. It sounds like a good opportunity for your doctor who handles your meds to talk to your potential surgeon about. I doubt one knows much about the other's area of specialty, so a consultation would be in order.
  15. clc9

    Walking on treadmill

    Of course you can walk on the treadmill. Just keep it slow and flat for a while. You may not get very far so close to surgery because it's tiring, but walking is good. I have a big dog, so no walking break for me. Day 3 we were walking a mile outside. A few weeks in and it's a few miles. Listen to your body and you'll be fine.
  16. A) To your insurance company, you are not an individual. They cater to the least common denominator to make sure everyone has your nutrition knowledge - in their minds, it's better to over-educate you than under-educate someone else. Given some of the questions I've seen on here over the last several months, some people still aren't getting enough education. To your quote I left above - ever think that's the point? A six month wait is a giant staring contest. If you blink first and quit, they win because they don't have to pay. They hope people are overwhelmed by all the hoops and drop out. This was my surgeon's opinion too, by the way. Hang in there. You are so close to winning the staring contest a d getting what you want. Sometimes in life, we have to play games we don't want to...
  17. clc9

    Non crushed pills

    What does the doctor say? Mine said anything bigger than a baby aspirin had to be crushed or broken into pieces until the solid food stage.
  18. clc9

    Protein pill ?

    You need to start early and plan out your day so you don't find yourself short at the end. No pills.
  19. clc9

    Taking a bath

    If your incisions don't soak I think that would be okay. But it sounds chilly!
  20. I didn't have bad post-surgical gas pain. So that ended pretty quickly after surgery. I was feeling terrific until yesterday when what I am assuming is gas pain took over my abdominal cavity. It is a constant dull ache - up under my ribs on the sides, across the middle of my back, a feeling of needing to burp, but not being able to. My stomach looks puffed up. I'm so uncomfortable! I am still on Clear liquids and Protein shakes only. I have used two GasX strips, but I am not sure they are doing anything. I don't think it's constipation as I seem to go once a day and it's fairly normal, given I'm still on liquids. Breathing in deeply doesn't feel good nor does drinking my liquids and Protein Shakes. It feels like there is no room in me. Walking doesn't relieve it. My fear is, what if I'm suddenly lactose intolerant? I love dairy and never had a problem. My surgeon's instructions say use GasX if I experience gas when I start soft foods Monday, but I didn't expect this before then. Did anyone develop gas a few weeks on? What helps you with gas pain that isn't a result of the actual surgery?
  21. Biotene rinses and sprays can help with mouth moisture too. I also wake up with a really dry mouth a lot since surgery and I drink a lot of liquids.
  22. clc9

    Just had VSG

    I could sleep on my side with the binder on. Heaven. As far as the shortness of breath, did you bring home your incentive spirometer? That thing with the ball where you inhale and try to get it up to a certain level? It's important for your lungs and will get your capacity back. The deep breathing even though it hurts is great too.
  23. So nice of you! I was thinking a bonfire with all the stuff I never want to see again, but your idea is much more neighborly! [emoji38]
  24. clc9


    It all pretty much tastes awful I'm sorry to tell you! I tried and tossed many. The chicken stock ones in a box were probably the most tolerable. The low sodium ones are particularly icky.
  25. I'm surprised your doctor doesn't want to put you on an acid reducer. Mine does it for the first 90 days for everyone to help protect the new stomach from too much acid during the healing phase. I would think experiencing acid reflux would make a ppi a necessity and an easy decision...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
