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Everything posted by clc9

  1. clc9

    What's Wonderland mean

    Years ago when I first saw Onederland I read it as "oh-needer-land" and thought what the heck is that?! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  2. clc9

    Can I lie - hernia op?

    Thanks, can you tell it's been a while since I had to deal with HR as a manager? Lucky me I had it drilled into me I couldn't ask, but forgot the rule...
  3. I'm so very sorry this has happened. I hope her doctor loses his license and has to pay her hospital bills and then a lot more! Thank you for sharing. It's helpful to remember it's major surgery and things can go wrong (even doctor errors). Also it's an excellent reminder that we know best when something isn't right with our own bodies and are our own best advocates. Bless you for advocating for your daughter when her doctor wouldn't! What a nightmare. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  4. clc9

    Can I lie - hernia op?

    Simply say you need time off to have some surgery. First off, your employer isn't allowed to ask "for what?" because of HIPPA. Second, if she does, say you're not comfortable talking about it now, but you'll be fine and back to work in x amount of time. It's the truth, which means you won't trip yourself up, but doesn't reveal more than you want. If it's killing her not to know the details, that's her problem and hers alone. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  5. clc9

    No Support

    I wish! He won't pull me off my feet, he just changes direction quickly sometimes. After 9 years of working with him and his stubborn demeanor I think he's as good as he's gonna get! He's very sweet, just willful and physically very strong. I have good neighbors who would happily walk him (or with us) for a few days, so thank you for the information! I don't have a date yet, but the doctor suggested it could be February.
  6. clc9

    How do I edit my profile

    @@Ken S. Hi, Ken! I messaged you with the url. Thanks!
  7. Fantastic work! Well done ???? Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  8. clc9

    No Support

    I live alone with an 82 pound, 9 year old golden retriever. After I'm home from surgery, how long should I plan for someone else to walk him? We currently take 2 walks a day, one a bit over a mile, the second a half mile. Both require bending over to pick up "deposits". Despite being an old man, he walks fast and pulls toward interesting sniffs. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  9. clc9

    Another loose skin thread

    If it's going to happen, it's going to happen whether you do everything on your list or not. The sad fact is it mostly comes down to genetics and the amount of time you've carried the extra weight. What you'll see a lot of is people genetically predisposed to having good skin elasticity giving all the credit to hydration and cocoa butter, when those things likely didn't make a difference. So if you choose not to do those things, don't be hard on yourself if you have loose skin. It couldn't be helped. But personally I'd rather be thinner and healthy with some saggy skin than have that skin filled to bursting with fat!
  10. clc9

    How do I edit my profile

    I have been getting a 502 Bad Gateway message any time I've tried to edit my profile. I emailed the site's "contact us" email. Their online comment form didn't work either. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  11. Try taking an Iron suppliment if you don't already Sent from my VS987 using the BariatricPal App Thank you, I think my iron level was alittle down how many mg should I take? BariatricMatters hi, happens to me when I am super full after I ate too fast BariatricMatters I would only take iron supplements at the direction of your doctor. It can cause nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, and constipation. Or it can build up in your system and result in fatigue, weakness, all the way up to organ damage if you take more than you need. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  12. clc9

    Yet Another Naysayer, Grrr!

    So far, all the people I've talked to about it are for it (one when I started to bring it up said, you aren't thinking of doing that are you? But was supportive from then on when I explained why I am considering it). But today I talk to my dad. That could go either way! Do people not understand there is no other way that even gives us a fighting chance of keeping it off? A 98% chance of regaining it if I lose it - AGAIN - through diet and exercise alone is no chance at all. I've done that 3 times already and sit here at 285. Again. That's harder on my body and health than any surgery would be. Tune them out. They may be expressing concern out of love for you, but they don't walk in your shoes. Good luck with your clearances!
  13. clc9

    Unsupportive sister[emoji35]

    Some people can only feel good about themselves by making others feel "less than". It's sad. And if you're on the receiving end it's hurtful. Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  14. I realize this is asking the choir if I should join the church, but I was hoping to see if there are people with similar experiences to me who have found success with VSG. I've lost over 100 pounds 3 times in my life on my own slowly through sensible eating and exercise. 120 pounds, 100 pounds, 170 pounds. No matter how thrilled I was with how I looked and felt and no matter how secure I felt in the notion that I'd "figured it out this time", I regained and then some. Weight loss is relatively easy. Keeping it off has proved impossible. So here I am, feeling like Sisyphus pushing the boulder up the hill only to have it roll back down again and I absolutely can't face another trip up the hill knowing I only have a 2-4% chance of keeping it off on my own. After being anti-surgery for years, I am now thinking it may give me the only chance I have to keep a substantial amount of what I lose off. Does the sleeve make maintenance any easier than it was without it? I don't expect "easy" but I hope for "easier" than impossible. I met with a surgeon yesterday and it sounds good, but I don't want to be a failure again. Give me a reality check if I need it! Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App
  15. When I've lost weight in the past despite all the positives and eating foods I enjoy, I feel like I am hanging from a cliff by my fingertips as I approach my goal weight. What I don't know is how much of the desire to eat too much is my body fighting back to my set point and how much is simply a return to bad habits. So it feels behavioral - ”why can't I stop eating?" but could that be influenced by the body's physical response to being well below its set point? Raymia, I hear you! It's not like my life is getting better by not doing the surgery.

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