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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by travelergirl

  1. I know someone who did a weight loss plan through her chiro but not weigh in for WLS. I second the suggestion of getting it in writing. I saw a PA for my check-ins. Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. travelergirl

    Pre Op Diet

    I'm on day 6 of 14. It is still tough but getting through it. Water...drink water when you find yourself having a headache. Warm items help me feel more satisfied. Soups and high protein hot chocolate are my favorites. Add ice in a blender with your shakes...it gives them a little bulk and there are small bits of ice you can chew! I add benefiber to one or two of my shakes each day to help keep things moving. I get up every 2 hours (sometimes less) to use the bathroom. I've lost about 7lbs since I started and I'm sure a lot of that is water! I'm trying a new recipe every day for shakes and soups. So while I'm having 2 chocolate premier protein shakes a day, the third one is usually something different. (My plan is 3 shakes and 3 protein liquid foods per day). I keep trying different yogurts but so far haven't found one I like. I keep telling myself better liver better surgery. I repeat that every time I see a food commercial or someone offers me something and I have to resist. Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. My instructions don't have a calorie number. I am to have 3 protein shakes and 3 servings from the liquid protein food list (soup, milk, yogurt pudding etc...) For a total of 6 small meals. I am also to have an additional 24 oz of water or other no cal no caf liquids. Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. My pre op was at the hospital. Did my admissions paperwork. Met with a nurse who showed me where to check in the morning of surgery. Met with a NP who reviewed my meds and told me what to take and not take before surgery. I also got the hibiclens to use in shower night before and morning of surgery. They also did an EKG. I had labs done in advance and based on those results the NP ordered one more draw. I didn't get a full tour. I met my surgeon three times. First for the consult. Second for a weigh in and to go over questions. Third time for a weigh in, final decision about which surgery, and then we signed papers and picked our date. I also had a psych consult, a nutrition consult, a gallbladder ultrasound, a contrast xray and a endoscopy. My surgeon also requires attendance at a info seminar and a support group. Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Congrats! And thanks for sharing. I'm on liquid pre op diet and today was emotional and depressing. I keep repeating to myself why I'm doing this. Better liver...better surgery. For my health. For climbing stairs without feeling like my lungs are going to come out of my chest. Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. travelergirl

    Pre op diet

    Lost 36 lbs from initial doctors appt to final weigh in. Started liquid pre op diet Friday and down another 7 lbs in 3 days. First day was miserable. Today not as bad. I'm adding benefiber to my shakes. Getting up to go 3 to 4 times at night. Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. travelergirl

    Pre Op Liquid Diet Starting Today

    Thank you all! Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. My dermatologist said coconut oil Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. travelergirl

    "Fat Clothes"

    Caddygirl- you look great! Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. Mekkie- thank you for the link to that study. Very interesting. Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. I asked my DR that question and she said that your body and metabolism is reset through this process. It sounded like we don't end up with a really slow metabolism but I didn't get the clearest answer so I am also curious what people are experiencing in real life. Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. travelergirl

    What to tell people?

    So far I've received a lot of support from basically everyone I told. My mother is the only one that disappointed me with some of her questions. And...because she's at an age when she forgets we had to go through it more than once. I told my bosses who were 100% supportive and told me to work from home as much as I needed to get back to full strength. I'm flying my sister in to be with me for the surgery and first several days post op. She's been very supportive and will be a great help. I haven't decided what to say to other people who ask so I appreciate reading the feedback here. The biggest reaction I'm expecting is from my football buddies. The last time they saw me in November was at my highest weight. I'm set for my sleeve in May and expect that I'll be down a very noticeable amount come labor day weekend (already down 30 lbs). Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. travelergirl

    Need to lose 50lbs to have surgery PLS HLP!!!

    How are you doing? Sent from my SM-G920V using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. travelergirl

    Plantar fasciitis post op

    My doctor and I traced my battle back to some blisters which turned out to be excema. The blisters altered how I was walking and that led to extra strain on the PF. That became about a year of drugs, stretching, night Splint, physical therapy, 2 cortisone injections, and shoe inserts. So I would look at how you are walking-your gait. Weight loss may have changed your balance or the way you move and that is causing the PF problems. Stretch as much as you can as often as you can. And I wish I did the first cortisone injection when the Dr first suggested. I wanted to try other methods first but that cortisone really made a difference.
  15. travelergirl

    Personal Trainer?

    I question the wisdom of waiting until goal to start weight training. Full disclosure: I really enjoy weight training. Having attended numerous classes, read books and articles, and worked with several trainers...my concern would be losing muscle while on your path to goal. For women building muscle is a lot harder to do than for men. It usually requires supplements and hormones etc...to become a body builder type. Moderate weight training will make what muscle you have more efficient and keep it in tact while you are going through the dramatic weight loss post surgery. I had one of those body scans done and at around 360 lbs I was 150 lbs of muscle. That tells me that I'm not aiming to be 120 lbs. And that I want to make sure I do the work to keep as much of that 150 as possible. I won't need all of it to haul around my 350plus weight anymore, but I want to lose fat. That means keeping my muscles working.
  16. travelergirl

    Feel like a failure

    First off...good for you reaching out to us. We are here for you! Second - while i am pre op, in the past I've lost weight to gain it back (and more)...and man did it break my heart. I wish I caught myself at 10 lbs. For me, I do best when I make my food and don't rely on eating out or fast food stops. Get back to some basics as others recommend. Track your food, measure your food, and celebrate your steps back to where you want to be.
  17. I had a nurse tell me to expect headaches during a liquid diet because fat stores a lot of toxins. As your body starts burning fat the toxins are released in your system. Drinking water as others stated was her recommendation. My headaches did come and lasted a couple of days. If they don't clear up then I would check with the NUT and then your doctor.
  18. I had success using the Lindora program in Southern California. They used the ketosis process to make adjustments. If you hit a plateau they would have you do a couple of days of protein only...meaning no veggies no fruit. (Only a squeeze of lemon in water allowed). You might also want to do some food journals and strict measuring as I know I can get a bit lazy and try to just eyeball it.
  19. travelergirl

    Need to lose 50lbs to have surgery PLS HLP!!!

    I would suggest looking at the post op diets. My doctor's plan is about 1200 to 1500 calories with protein first then non starchy veggies (fruit is only after veggies if you are still hungry). You want to make sure you are taking the vitamins. If you are working out at the gym then protein is necessary to make sure you keep your muscle. Eat protein within 30 minutes of finishing your workout. My trainer told me to either have a protein shake with amino acids or eat meat as it is already a complete protein with the amino acids after the workout. I started at 377 and my goal was 120 grams of protein a day. I find that i get 20 to 30 grams of protein per "meal" so that means i actually eat about four times per day. So that may give you a guide. The key for me is to make my own food and to avoid eating out.
  20. Oh...and I forgot the nutritionist...that was 2016 and was less than $10.
  21. travelergirl

    Annoyed With Payroll

    That's very helpful. My Labor Relations people told me I couldn't require use of the leave. They said when to invoke fmla and whether to use leave is at employee discretion. I'll follow up with them. My problem is usually the opposite. People use up their leave first (a day here and there) and then want the 12 weeks fmla off. Then they complain that they aren't getting paid and want some advanced leave.
  22. travelergirl


    My biggest hangup was the gastroenterologist. It took 6 weeks to get in to see her and then two months for endoscopy appointment. I got my may surgery date because I didn't want to cancel my April cruise. I met with surgeon in November to start this process. But for endoscopy I probably could have had surgery in February or early March. But in end I'm excited for my vacation and then I turn around and start liquid diet for surgery.
  23. travelergirl


    I will have EKG during my pre admission appointment about two weeks before surgery.
  24. I've been surprised by the costs of all the preop steps. Started at end of 2016 so deductible was covered. Psych consult $250 out of network got reimbursed $180. Surgeon was less than $10. Upper GI radiology test was $75. In 2017, had to meet deductible so $200 for another surgeon visit. $150 for gallbladder ultrasound. And now I'm getting bills for endoscopy...so far about $400. Just met deductible. Surgeon's office did say that I would be asked to pay my co insurance before surgery. So more costs to come. I will likely use up my HSA before this is over.
  25. travelergirl

    Annoyed With Payroll

    That doesn't sound right. FMLA if invoked is unpaid leave. You may be able to substitute paid leave at your discretion but as I understand the law you are not required to use paid leave. Hopefully you might find someone else to talk to about this.

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