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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rosefromcali

  1. They did give me some but my surgeon only gave me 5. I have my first post op tomorrow and I'm hoping he'll prescribe more. Liquids have been so hard to keep down, I'm dreading being re admitted for an IV.
  2. You're ahead of me by a week but I've definitely had my buyers remorse days. Especially when I was told I had to stay an extra day in the hospital. As soon as I got home I was still vomiting and crying into my toilet. My husband has been very caring and telling me it'll be ok. I think for me it's the pain from gas, and the fact that water makes me nauseous. It's getting better day by day and hoping once I start on full liquids, my attitude improves.
  3. rosefromcali


    I'm with you there. I was sleeved 5/4 and I had to stay 3 days in the hospital for constant vomiting. When I got home on day 4 and I was still throwing up I must have cried my eyes out for 10 minutes straight on the toilet I was puking in. A lot of people have said regret seeps in during the first week and I found myself telling myself I wanted to go back in time to not do it. But gas is finally starting to exit my body. Chest pains are still very horrible but I'm down 13 pounds already and that tells me this is worth it. This procedure is definitely mentally challenging but you have a great support system here. Everyone is always so good at reminding us that this will pass. Keep your head up, you're doing great!
  4. Hi everyone. I'm 4 days post op of having my sleeve done and have noticed some really bad discomfort in my lower chest, upper abdomen area. This pain comes and goes but will normally happen when I try drinking water or liquids. If I had to describe the feeling, it would be as if I swallowed 3 pills and they feel stuck. Anyone experience this after surgery?
  5. Today is my pre-op appointment with my surgeon, immediately followed by pre-op testing. This is getting real! I'm so excited. My surgery is this Thursday! As everyone here is probably sure of, the best thing is hearing an approval from insurance, but once you're within that 5 day threshold, it becomes so real that so many emotions come up. For me, this is something I have waited to hear for a long time. I recovered from Sepsis Tachycardia in June and since then, my health has not been the best. I was told if I didn't change my eating habits, and the way I stay active, I won't make it to see my daughter grow up. After 2 months of recovery, I looked into surgery and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Investing time into seeing doctors and following my health has inspired me so much to change that after surgery is done, I am going back to school to finish nursing. The things on my mind as of now: the thought of being put under for a few hours, recovery and complications, and adjusting to my new stomach (obviously). I've heard from many on the forums that after surgery, some have experienced a complete removal of cravings because of the part of the stomach that is removed. I'm hoping to not have many complications after surgery. My entire life, I've always been a 2 percent person. Meaning, if something can go wrong, when the doctors say "there's only 2% of people who get this", I have ended up being that person 4/5 times. Knocking on wood and hoping for the best!!!! (Sorry for the excess rambling, I think I'm just nervous and excited all at once) Anyone else being sleeved May 4th?
  6. My sleeve is scheduled for Thursday, the 4th. Very excited about that. I do have a question for those who have undergone the procedure. Is anyone on here a long term sleever? Meaning, if you've been sleeved for more than a few years. I'd love to hear how life has been treating you, and also give an insightful eye to those of use coming through the procedure. Some stuff I'd love to hear about are: health issues since having surgery (short or long term complications) diet and lifestyle revision surgeries (if needed) fitness routines impact on behavior/mood Anything would be really appreciated. Even if something isn't listed but you would like to provide some information, I really hope anyone here wouldn't mind sharing. Thanks again and very happy to be joining the sleeve club!
  7. rosefromcali

    100 lbs lost as of today

    Congratulations!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!
  8. Surgery was approved! May 4th is my surgery date and I'm so excited to finally have an official date. It seems like forever away and I was a little bummed that surgery wasn't booked at the end of April, but nonetheless, very happy it was approved at the beginning of next month. :D

  9. rosefromcali

    Two months out Tomorrow, Results

    Great job!!!!! Keep up the great work. You're looking great!
  10. rosefromcali

    May Sleevers?

    I got my call from the insurance on Friday, and today I talked with my surgeons office. Scheduled surgery is May 4th. Only have a liquid diet for the night before but I'm choosing to do a few extra days. I'm so bummed I didn't get in towards the end of April but happy it was approved nonetheless. [emoji847]
  11. rosefromcali

    United Health Care Insurance

    I have UHC. The plan my employer has is very good but still requires a 6 month diet plan. My PCP just has me weigh in every month. As far as other requirements, I had blood work done, a psych evaluation. I had to have an EGD and a nutritional class as well. The center that I need to go to requires 3 "blocks". I'm currently completing block 2, so still more to come. If your employer has a benefits book, look over Bariatric Services. Everything will be noted there. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. So I officially completed my psych evaluation today, and am attending the nutrition class Saturday, plus doing my swallow test Feb 6th. I'm super excited but now I do have a few questions I hope someone can help with. I'd ask my doctor but his office is so busy they can take up to a week to get back to you. 1. I know I'm close to my surgery date. How long after your swallow test did you have your surgery? 2. I have a minor shoulder issue that needs to be corrected and have surgery on Feb 3rd. I'll be discharged within an hour but will have my arm in a sling for 6 weeks. Can this delay the sleeve surgery? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. rosefromcali

    Nut & Psych Eval

    Had my psych evaluation done today. Took about 15 minutes by phone, and 20 minutes filling out a survey Ike questionnaire online before. Nutrition class is this Saturday and is about an hour. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. So I received the letter from my surgeons office finally approving the blood work test to get the ball rolling. I did see one of the tests required were Vitamin deficiency. I know I currently have a Vitamin D deficiency that I'm working on with a prescription. Does anyone know if that may disqualify me, or is this just routine? I've attached a picture of the labs required. Thanks in advanced on any info you all can help with. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. rosefromcali

    Pre Op Bloodwork

    Thank you everyone for your responses! I appreciate it. So happy I'm so close to reaching the end date. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. rosefromcali

    Pre Op Bloodwork

    @@sill21 thank you so much. That's a huge relief. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Keeping a positive mind to finish this pre-op diet to get sleeved!

    1. highfunctioningfatman


      It isn't easy but it is worth it! Keep it up!

    2. suzzzzz


      Being positive will take you a long way!

    3. ShelterDog64
  18. Hello everyone! I'm new here and started my journey a few months ago after researching and meeting with a surgeon. I'm about 4/6 months of my mandatory diet/weigh in for my insurance. I've kept on track with everything and dumb of me I forgot my birth control this past week. My husband and I did sleep together and I'm now worried about pregnancy stopping my progress. Has anyone become pregnant before having VSG surgery? If so, is there a certain amount of time you have to wait afterwards to have the surgery? And lastly, did your insurance require you to re-do your 6 month pre-op supervised diet? Thank you for you help. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. rosefromcali

    Pregnancy before VSG Surgery

    @@Krystyneh thank you so much. I'm definitely considering a more permanent birth control option since pills to me are such a hassle. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App @@Krystyneh thank you so much. I'm definitely considering a more permanent birth control option since pills to me are such a hassle. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. I'm 207 and am currently undergoing my 6 month diet for insurance. This is my heaviest and have tried for years to lose it. I've been in medication for hypertension and high cholesterol and my primary care physician actually recommended it. I was happy I met with my surgeon. I need to lose 80+ lbs to be in my ideal weight range so the sleeve is a great idea. At first my husband wasn't on board but after taking him with me he's my biggest cheerleader now. Hoping for the best for you. I'm currently 4/6 months for weigh in so hoping to hear a surgery date for February Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. rosefromcali

    Pregnancy before VSG Surgery

    @@jnj701 thank you so much!!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. rosefromcali

    Pregnancy before VSG Surgery

    @@laceemouse absolutely understand. We already had talked about that but it just happened. I'm well aware of the year of waiting as well. I talked to the surgeon about that before anything. Was just wondering if anyone had had this happen. Thank you though. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App @@courtney.rose.a. Thank you. Much appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
